• Published 20th Feb 2017
  • 652 Views, 6 Comments

Diary Of A Demon - Pastel Candy Candies

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Day 9 - Day 15

January Ninth, Day Nine: Guess what! We reached the light thinggie today. Our boat came out of water at a dock. It was weird. Anyway I saw these big white and gold gates in front of us. When I walked up to it there were two big unicorn st-all-ions standing guard in gold and white armor. One looked at me with a mix of fear and hate but the other looked me over then looked at you. He asked if he could read what I talk to you about and I said yes. I didn't really mind it much. After he was done he called me a "little lady" and asked for me to wait while him and his friend talked a bit. After a few minutes of talking, him and his friend opened the gates for us. He told me to go to the big golden building. So I did. Inside there was this unicorn mare with sparkling golden wings took us to a room. She told me that a nice doctor was coming to give me a check-up. Once the doctor came he did the normal thing doctors do. He also had golden wings but his didn't sparkle like the nurse's did. Then he used his magic on me. I felt something growing out of my back, and when I looked around I saw a big red bat wing and another big super sparkly glowing blue wing. The doctor smiled nervously at me, but I just beamed back. I was special, just like sissy said. After that they got me a room to sleep in for a bit. So Night Night Dream. I love you!~ Love, Starry Night:heart:
P.S. We did sooo much today! I hope you had fun too!

January Tenth, Day Ten: Hi there Nighty. That's your nickname, Nighty. I like it. You know where we are now? The other ponies say we're in Heaven. They say we died... I don't believe them. You don't either right? Wouldn't we know if we died? Anyway I met a pony a angle today. She said she'll watch after me, cause I'm so young. I wonder how old you are Nighty? Oh well. Whenever I'm near one of the angles my tummy makes a sound and hurts me. I don't know why though. It's like I can eat one of the angels. Besides that would be weird. What kind of creature eats it's own kind? A weird creepy one that's who. I have to go eat now. My new mommy says she got me something special! I'll tell you about it before I go to bed tonight ok? Love you Nighty!~ Love, Starry Night:heart:

January Tenth, Day Ten, Later: I got a gummy for a surprise! It was shaped like a hoof, which was weird. When I took a bite out of it the red stuff came out. I asked my new mommy what it was and she gave me a nervous smile and told me it was a juice filled gummy. It was really yummy! And guess what! My tummy stopped hurting after I ate it! I'm so happy I can't sleep! But I have too, my new mommy said so and I told her ok. Night Night!~ Love, Starry Night:heart:

January Eleventh, Day Eleven: My new mommy gave me another gummy this morning, it was super tasty. And my tummy hasn't hurt at all either! You know, it seems a little hard to remember that we we're on that boat for a while. I can't remember much, but your always here to remind me! I'm glad for that your here to do that for me. Sometimes I wonder if you listen to me. I know you look like a book to me. I know most angels here don't think your alive. But I know you are. I've had one of these books before, it has five cutie marks on it. That means it's meant for messaging other ponies. One cutie mark is a blue crystal heart, the other a sun, one the moon, a starry cloud, and the last is six purple stars. I know the last one, my big sissy Pinkie told me about it. It's the cutie mark of one of her friends. I have to go now Nighty. I love you!~ Love, Starry Night:heart:
P.S. One of the Angles told me that Starry Night is the name of a painting! How cool is that!? Also that starry cloud cutie mark is mine.

January Twelfth, Day Twelve: Sometimes I wish you'd talk back to me. Not in the mean way, your not a meanie. I mean as in have a talk with me. Big sissy would call them 'chats' or some other big word. Do you know what tomorrow is Night Dream? Tomorrow is my birthday! My new mommy promised to throw me a big party for it. She said that her friends and their foals will come too. It'll be fun. Bye bye Night Dream!~ Love, Starry Night:heart:
P.S. My tummy pain came back it's hurting me a lot

January Thirteenth, Day Thirteen: When I woke up today I was covered in red stuff. My tummy didn't hurt but my neck hurt a lot. I went to go tell my new mommy but she just stared at me with wide scared eyes. She told me to go sit downstairs and wait. While new mommy was doing something I brushed my red tail. I can't brush my wavy blue mane cause it's never staying still long enough. When new mommy came down she gave you to me and told me to wait a bit. After a while some guard-looking angles came by and told me and new mommy where our new home was. There was the same guards that had been at the gates before. The one who had called me "Little Lady" before smiled at me sadly and his friend gave me the same look from the gates. I don't think he likes me. It's really late now and I have to take a bath and go to bed. I love you Nighty!~ Love, Starry Night:heart:

January Fourteenth, Day Fourteen: New mommy won't let me look in mirrors anymore. I don't know why. I think it has something to do with my neck. It still hurts. Today some of the foals here showed me how to cloud jump, it's really fun. They feel nice and fluffy. One of the foals asked why I had weird angel wings. I said it's cause I'm special. I wish you'd answer me. I'd like to talk to you Nighty, your my best friend.~ Love, Starry:heart:

January Fifteenth, Day Fifteen: I know why new mommy didn't want me to look in the mirror... I have a huge cut that goes deep my neck. I know why it hurts now. I don't like it, I don't know how I even got it! I yelled at new mommy to tell me where it came from and why I have it. It hurts a lot Night Dream. A hole bunch. When I looked in the mirror I also saw my teeth, now their big and sharp. I asked new mommy about that too. She wouldn't answer me... Night Dream... Am I a monster?~ Love, Starry Night:heart:

January Fifteenth, Day Fifteen: Dear Starry Night, No you are not a monster. I couldn't imagin such a sweet little filly to ever be one. I like the name you gave me, even if I already have my own. I might change it to Night Dream. My real name, my sweet little Starry, is Princess Luna Queen Of The Stars And Moon, Sister of Princess Celestia Queen Of The Sun. I'm called Princess of the Night but Night Dream is a much lovelier name. I love you too my sweet little Starry.~ Love, Night Dream.

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