• Published 2nd Mar 2017
  • 1,834 Views, 11 Comments

Spiders and Destiny: Rise of Wolf-Spider - Funnel Web

This is basically a what if Equestria had it's own Spider-Man. If you're a fan of both, then follow Midnight Wolf on this adventure as you head into the like of the Deadly Wolf-Spider. He'll face lots of enemies so be prepared for some excitement.

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Chapter 18 The Final Battle Part II.

Several Changelings were guarding the bomb. Several had spears. Some complained about guarding the bomb. A few got annoyed by other’s complaints. Some just wanna leave. Changelings can survive that bomb but some got bored to death.

“Can any of you why are we doing this, again?” A changeling said, feeling annoyed.

“”Because...our queen ordered us to?” one changeling replied.

“No, I mean..why are we doing this? We never get to do anything fun. This is boring. All we are doing is guarding a stupid bomb. I mean, yeah we can survive it but I’m bored just by guarding it”.

“Hey, if the queen wants us to guard this bomb, she wants us to guard it. Normally, I don’t care if I’m bored or not, I just do what I am tol-....wait a sec. What is that music?”.

The Changeling question that too. They have no idea where that mysterious music is coming from. Then out of nowhere, Wolf-Spider pops out of nowhere with a giant jeep playing this music. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__AXXISlF_Y) The jeep hit most of the Changelings with a sound of a strike (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OP8F0VCEW38) and whacked the last changeling with his hoof.

“Yeeeeee-haaaaaa! Now that’s what I call a strike! Blammo, haha!. I hope I don’t get a copyright strike for this” Wolf-Spider said.

Turning off the music and exiting the jeep, Wolf-Spider heads to the last bomb to defuse it. But just when he got closer to it, Queen Chrysalis pops outta nowhere and attacks Wolf-Spider. Wolf-Spider gets up and gets annoyed that Chrysalis is guarding the bomb. Some things just never get any easier.

“You shall not pass, mortal!” Chrysalis shouted.

“Oh come on! You’ve totally stole that from Lord of the Rings! I mean, sure I’ve never seen it but everypony knows that line!” Wolf-Spider shouted back.

“Enough! I’ve heard enough of your prattle! Now I’ll show you how a true queen smites her enemies!”.

Just when she said that, she blasted Wolf-Spider across the room. That was a really deadly hit. That really damaged his mask. He can’t wear it, anymore. So the stallion rips the mask off and is ready to fight.

“Listen, I don’t know what Twilight did to you back at the Canterlot Wedding or what you’ve been through as a child, but you don’t have to do this!” Midnight said, dodging as many attacks as he could.

“Stop talking and fight me!” Chrysalis shouted.

“Alright, fine. You’ve asked for it”.

Midnight removes one of his gloves and touches Queen Chrysalis. He backs off and Chrysalis stops moving. She gets confused. She can’t move. She fell right into Midnight’s trap. He knew what happened. It was one of his moves.

“What?! W….why can’t I move?!” Chrysalis shouted.

“Paralyzing touch. Works every time” Midnight replied.

“You brute! You’ve cheated! This is madness!”.

“Madness? This. Is. Equestria!”.

Midnight kicks Chrysalis off the edge. Screaming, she thought she was about to meet her doom. But what she didn’t realize that Midnight saved her by a thread of webbing. She is shocked. Her enemy not only saved her, but he tricked her. Twice!

“Naa, I’m just kidding. I just wanted to say that” Midnight said, pulling Chrysalis up.

“W-why?” Chrysalis asked in shock.

“Simple, I never kill. Not even you. You or any other criminal are not worth it”.

When Midnight pulled Chrysalis up, he just realized….he still needs to defuse the bomb! Midnight rushes over to the bomb and it says ten seconds. He tries to hack the bomb but there was one problem…..there was a red and blue wire. With five seconds left, Midnight didn’t know which one to cut. So, closing his eyes………...he cuts the red wire. With one second to spare….the bomb is defused. Midnight wipes the sweat off of his face and falls to the ground, exhausted and unconscious. When Midnight wakes up……......he finds himself in his bed back at the tree house.

To Be Concluded...............