• Published 15th Mar 2017
  • 2,975 Views, 17 Comments

Displaced Assassin - Bio Hazard

I've been sent to magic pony land as Deathstroke. This is going to be fun

  • ...

Chapter 1

Author's Note:

I'd like to thank Trithtale and Spyderwillster-TLP for helping me edit this

It’s been three years since I was sent to this place after buying the eye patch for Slade from that Merchant. Sure I didn’t need it, but it looked cool to add to my costume seeing as I dyed my hair white to go with it. Honestly, I’m surprised that I was able to adapt to this world in two months to the extent that I have. However, I still have trouble understanding these ponies. Like how can they be so damn positive at times? Like right now I’m looking through the scope of my sniper rifle, watching a block party in Manehattan. To bad it won't be happy for much longer, seeing as my client’s son just arrived.

I should probably explain. You see, I found that some of these ponies are just as petty and greedy as humans, and about a year after I was able to pull myself together I decided to take up the real Deathstroke's profession and become a mercenary. So after making a name for myself by completing any contracts I was given, I later became friends with a business pony named Enterprize, his parents were imaginative, and he had become one of my top clients, paying me to do anything from training his guards to protecting his family. That's when I met a young stallion named Sky Scraper (two guesses what his job is) who was soon to be married to a nice young mare named Planter who was an employee at a local garden. After a few contracts they had invited me to dinner, mainly because they insisted I’m a family friend. I’ll gladly accept that, seeing how much they’ve helped me out. Their biggest support was giving me a base of operations and more equipment supply contacts.

During one of my contracts I had met a griffon by the name of Eric , who I decided to train as an apprentice of sorts. He showed promise and was always looking for ways to improve his skills, so he’s always training. He’s a good kid, skilled, and a damn good fighter, that's for sure. One day in the future I might take him on one of my jobs but first I need to make sure that he's ready before but at the reat he's progressing that won't be long. I can He is also willing to help Sky improve his own skills. They are both good students who are learning from a teacher who learned from memories that aren't his, and who also picked a fight with any animal that tried to start something. That is of the reasons I had a trophy room full of kills. One of my personal favorites was a Hydra I had managed to kill by myself (nearly dying in the process).

Enough about that, let’s go back to what's happening now right. My objective is to protect Sky Scraper. He had made a few enemies with some bad ponies who wanted him dead. He’s mingling with other ponies and having fun, but my attention is on the three ponies heading right for Sky. They’re hiding daggers (poorly, I feel the need to add). I check to make sure my sniper had magic stun rounds with vaporising casings loaded, click off the safety, and line up my first target. All that was left was to give him a heads up, and then it would be time to earn my pay check. I turn on one of our earpieces and contact him.

“Sky you’ve got three potential hostiles heading your way one Unicorn and two

Pegasi. All are armed.” I inform him over the coms.

“Thanks for the heads up,” he looks around the area, probably noting the one clearing in the crowd “I see a clearing in the guests. Want me to move there so nopony is in the way of your shot?”

“That would be a good idea” I reply, seeing him already moving. The hostiles are still on his tail, and once they're in the clearing, I take the shot. The chaos is instantaneous as the unicorn goes down, twitching like crazy. The crowd panics and the two other ponies lunge at Sky, who drops into a defensive stance just like I taught him. I suddenly hear movement behind me, and I spin around, drawing one of my pistols and firing at two griffins who had tried to get the drop on me. I score headshots on both of them, and in an instant I’m up, holstering my sniper, and drawing my sword with my right hand while my pistol is in my left. As I do this I make my way to the door.

As I make my way down the hall, I notice just how quiet it is. It is almost unnerving, which puts me on edge. There was no way in hell it would be this simple, it never was. Just as I round a corner I’m blasted by three unicorns, who had apparently fired literally a fraction of a second before I rounded the corner, and was knocking through a wall.

“Had enough you one eyed loser,” as I heard this I decided he would die first so I fired two shots that were blocked by a shield. After this I decided to rush them and as I did I stabbed the first one with my sword then pulled my blade out and swung it at the second one, a light green and pink unicorn, decapitating him. I then just shot the last one and sprinted to an open window and jumped landing on a dumpster then on to the ground sprinting towards the road that lead to Sky’s last location. When I finally made it to the last place I saw him I was honestly impressed because of the fact he had taken out both ponies and another that was hiding.

When he noteicd me he I heard him say “so should we head back or what?”
I nodded at this and said, “looks like I’m not getting paid double”