• Published 8th Mar 2017
  • 5,396 Views, 27 Comments

Dragon Ball Z Kai: Equestrian Adventures - ChristtonMash

After the Cell Games, Son Goku is sent to Equestria to be its new protector. Now granted a pass to the new world, the Saiyan is continuing his journey to become the strongest martial artist in the universe.

  • ...

The Ticket Master! Goku the Mentor!?

Twilight Sparkle and Applejack were at Sweet Apple Acres, carrying baskets full of ripe apples on their backs. Spike sat on Twilight's back, throwing out the bad apples in the bunch.

"Thank you kindly, Twilight, for helping me out. I bet Big McIntosh I could get all these Golden Delicious in the barn by lunchtime. If I win, he's gonna walk down Stirrup Street in one of Granny's girdles." Applejack chuckled, knowing that with her friends hep, she would win the bet for sure.

Twilight nodded "No problem at all, Applejack. I'm glad the goal is lunchtime. All this hard work is making me hungry."

"I know, right?" Spike sighed, accidentally throwing a rotten apple on Twilight's head.

"Ooh-wee, Spike. You've been lounging on my back all morning while we worked." Twilight retorted.

"Exactly. You two are taking so long, I missed snack-time." the baby dragon complained once more.

Just then, Twilight Sparkle's stomach grumbled. "Eh, I guess we better get some food."

"Nope. Worm. A-ha!" Spike pulled out the biggest, shiniest, ripest apple out of the bunch and held it out towards Twilight.

She took notice at the kind gesture and smiled. "Oh Spike, that looks delicious."

Before she could take a bite, Spike shoved the food in his mouth, leaving Twilight still hungry.

"Spike." the unicorn scolded. Her assistant put on a nervous smile before burping out a green fire. The flames quickly became a rolled up letter.

"It's a letter from Princess Celestia." said Twilight.

Spike cleared his throat. and unrolled the letter. "Hear ye, hear ye. Her Grand Royal Highness, Princess Celestia of Equestria, is pleased to announce the Grand Galloping Gala to be held in the magnificent capital city of Canterlot, on the 21st day of, eh, yadda yadda yadda, cordially extends an invitation to Twilight Sparkle plus one guest."

Applejack and Twilight Sparkle gasped in amazement. "The Grand Galloping Gala!"

Ever since Nightmare Moon transformed back into Princess Luna, Goku now lived in a capsule house similar to the one he trained in, thanks to a little help from Celestia and Luna. It even had gravity settings for training!

Inside, the saiyan was currently doing some basic push ups, crunches, and punches. He wanted to make sure he was nice and loose before starting. He didn't want to pull a muscle during training.

"695, 696, 697, 698, 699, 700!" Goku sprung up from his push ups and cracked his knuckles. "Alright. Let's go!" He was about to become a Super Saiyan when he heard a knock on his door. He opened it to find Scootaloo giving the saiyan a toothy smile. "Hey, Scootaloo! What's going on?"

"I was wondering, you know- if it's completely 100% okay with you- that I could possibly, maybe, train me to do those totally awesome fighting moves?"


The young filly "Oh, please, I won't get in your wa- wait, you said yes?"

Goku nodded. "Yeah. I don't see why not. Alright. I'll train you!"

Scootaloo beamed as she trotted inside the spaceship before sitting down in the center of the room.

"Alright, first, I need to see where you're at. Now, put you're hooves in front of you." Scootaloo did as directed while Goku watched. "Now focus, but at the same time, relax. That's gonna sound a bit redundant, but trust me." Goku continued.

The young filly's front hooves twitched as she struggled to find balance. Sweat trickled down the side of her face as her small muscles struggled with the stress.

The saiyan walked up and knelt next to her. "Hey. Don't go stressing yourself out with this. Not everyone can get it on their first-" Scootaloo suddenly stopped struggling before taking a deep breath. She then resumed her concentration. The air space between Scootaloo's hooves started radiating a golden glow as a small orb of light started forming.

Goku was stunned. He didn't think anyone could catch on to Ki control this fast. Scootaloo was filled to the brim with raw potential, and he was going to help bring it out. "Wow! I you're a natural at this!"

"Alright!" Scootaloo cheered, keeping her concentration in perfect sync with her state of relaxation. She jumped up on her back hooves and started chanting what she heard Goku say a week before. "Ka-Me-Ha-Me-HA!!!" Instead of blasting out a powerful Ki wave, it simply took the form of a weak orb and dropped to the ground, making a sad popping sound.

"Darn it!" she fumed, dropping back down to four hooves. Deep down, she knew that she couldn't yet preform the big stuff yet, but it was worth a shot. Her attention suddenly shifted to the claps of Goku.

"That was awesome, Scootaloo! You're a really fast learner. At this rate, you'll be doing some amazing stuff things in no time!"


"Of course! You've got potential! I've never seen anyone get Ki control right on the money before on their first try." Goku continued. "But you're power wavers once you draw out your Ki. You become too confidant and stop focusing once you see the Ki."

"Oh. Really?" Scootaloo sighed.

"But hey. Since you managed to get this far already, I'll go ahead and show you what I can do under proper Ki control." the saiyan told the young filly.

He then took a few steps back and clenched his fists before a low growl escaped his voice. He knew that the way he was going to transform was wasteful of Ki, but he wanted to get the point across of what training can accomplish.

Goku's voice started growing louder and louder until he was screaming at the top of his lungs. His veins and muscles bulged out slightly as smoke radiated from his body.

"Goku! What's going on?!" Scootaloo was now terrified by the events currently unfolding. One minute Goku was perfectly fine, and now he looked and sounded as though he was being strangled.

The saiyan's palm tree hair started to rise up as if the very winds of Equestria were circling around him. Finally, his eyes flashed a brilliant cyan color as Goku bellowed out once more. His hair now shined with a golden glow as a transparent aura of the same color burst forth, bathing the entire room in light.

It took a few seconds for the light to die down as Goku now remained in his Super Saiyan form. Although now his features lightened up. There was no sign of the stress that was seen before.

"So, what do you think?" He asked. Goku noticed Scootaloo's expression. She looked as though she had witnessed a volcano erupt within five feat of her, and in a way, she did. "Oops. Did I over do it? I didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted to make it a little bit dramatic for you."

He put his right thumb and index finger out and squeezed them together, leaving a little bit of air space to emphasize his point.

Before a response could be heard, Twilight and Spike burst through the door; sweat dripping down the sides of their faces.

"Goku! Thank goodness for your shouting. You scared those ponies away in no time." Spike started.

Scootaloo and Goku looked outside to find no one in sight. "Um, mind running this by us again?"

"Um, you see..." Twilight sighed. "We got two tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala and now everyone wants my extra ticket! They won't leave me alone and even my friends have lost it!"

Goku closed his eyes and put a hand to his chin. "Well that's a shame. Hmm... Maybe we can get you two a disguise?"

Scootaloo turned to Goku and asked, "Hey, can't you just do the thing where you vanish and get these two home without anypony seeing?"

Something in the saiyan's mind clicked. "You're right, Scootaloo! I'll just use Instant Transmission and get us back to the library. But I have to lock onto someone's Ki signature to do it, and we need to do this discretely."

Twilight then thought of something. "This might be risky, but I have a spell that might just work." She lit her horn, emitting a bright magenta glow. "I need you all to hold on to me." They did as told, putting a claw and hand on her side respectively.

"Hey, Scootaloo! You coming?" Goku asked.

The young filly shook her head. "No thanks. I gotta head home. I'll see later!" Scootaloo left the capsule house as Twilight teleported everyone else back into her house. However, what they did not expect were for all of Twilight's friends to be waiting for her at Twilight's bed.

Intermediately, Twilight broke down in front of her friends. "Yaaaargh! I can't decide, I just can't decide. It's important to all of you and I just can't stand to disappoint any of you, and giving me gifts and doing me favors won't make any difference, because you're all my friends and I wanna make you all happy and I can't, I just can't!"

As Twilight continued her freakout, Applejack trotted up to her and spoke. "Twilight, sugar, I didn't mean to put so much pressure on you, and if it helps, I don't want the ticket anymore. You can give it to somepony else. I won't feel bad, I promise." And just like that, the others followed with a similar response.

"Me too. I feel just awful that I made you feel so awful."

"And me too. It's no fun upsetting your friends."

"Twilight, it was unfair of me to try to force you as I did."

"Yes! That means the ticket is mine. Ha ha," All except for Rainbow Dash. She burst out into a celebratory song and dance. "I got the ticket, I got the ticket--" She stopped, looking at her friend's annoyed expressions and nervously scratched the back of her head. "You know, I haven't perfected my signature moves for the Wonderbolts anyway. I don't need that ticket either."

Applejack put a hoof on Twilight's shoulder. "We all got so gun-ho about going to the gala that we couldn't see how un-gun-ho we were making you."

"We're sorry, Twilight." Twilight and Goku knew that this would suffice as a good enough apology.

"Spike, take down a note. Dear Princess Celestia,
I've learned that one of the joys of friendship is sharing your blessings, but when there's not enough blessings to go around, having more than your friends can make you feel pretty awful. So, though I appreciate the invitation, I will be returning both tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala."

Applejack and the others looked at Twilight in utter shock. "What?!"

"If my friends can't all go, I don't wanna go either."

"Well said, Twilight." Goku chimed. "What's the point if you can't be by the peop-er- ponies you care about?"

"Twilight, you don't have to do that." Applejack stated.

Twilight Sparkle shook her head. "Nope. I've made up my mind. Spike, you can send the letter now."

The young drake took in a deep breath before blowing green fire at the letter, sending it to Canterlot.

"Now you won't get to go to the gala either." Fluttershy said.

"It's okay, girls. I couldn't possibly enjoy myself without my best friends there with me, so I would rather not go at all." Twilight and her pony friends embraced in a group hug while Goku watched Spike start gagging.

"Hgh... hgh... urk... urk..."

Applejack shook her head in disapproval. "Well wallop my withers, Spike. Isn't that just like a boy? Can't handle the least bit of sentiment. You don't see Goku over there doing this."

Spike finaly spit out a letter from Celestia and grabbed it before it hit the ground.

Twilight tilted her head. "A letter from the princess? That was fast."

Spike cleared his throat. "My faithful student Twilight, Why didn't you just say so in the first place? Seven tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala."

The ponies gasped in surprise as the golden tickets popped out of the letter.

"Now we can all go." As the ponies in the room cheered, Twilight's stomach growled.

Rarity noticed and smiled. "Allow us to treat you to dinner."

"What a great way to apologize." Rainbow gained approval from the others.

"And to celebrate. Come on everyone, the cupcakes are on me." Pinkie Pie chimed.

"Oh, come on! How come I don't get a ticket to the gala? Even Goku got one. Hurk!" Spike then burped out one last letter."And one for you, Spike." He grabbed the ticket out of the letter and started laughing light a little school girl. He stopped, seeing the smug look on Applejack's face.

"Um, you okay, Spike? I think you've lost it a little." Goku stated.

"I mean, gross, I have to go too?" Spike then continued giggling and ran off to catch up with he others. Applejack and Goku merely chuckled at the display.

Author's Note:

This took way longer than it should have. With Jr. High coming to an end in a few weeks, I should be doing this better with this. Also, this was a little rushed due to the fact that I lost interest in this episode. Next up, Boast Busters!

Comments ( 12 )

Dude great job!

Comment posted by Lightning-Striker deleted Jan 22nd, 2018
Comment posted by Belated1truth deleted May 25th, 2017
Comment posted by Belated1truth deleted Jun 3rd, 2017

I'm gonna drop a like for several reasons, the biggest right now being that little Dragon Soul reference in your story summary. Nice touch. :moustache: But, one thing I will say is take your time with your writing, but be sure that you're happy with the final product, and, if you feel you should, ask for an outside opinion. I did and it made worlds of difference with my stories. Keep up the good work, mate! :pinkiehappy:

Can you please upload the next chapter it’s been a year now where are you, are you dead or something

Still here! School has been real crap.

CANCELLED?! Why it is really awesome

Will goku turn super Saiyan 2 and 3?

Damn. It's a shamed this was cancelled. Would've liked to have seen what ya did with Discord when it got to that. Oh well. Nice attempt my dude.

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