• Published 7th May 2017
  • 703 Views, 20 Comments

Songs of the Siren - Silver Inkwell

This is about Romance between a land pony and a seapony. This is their story.

  • ...

The Deal

Chapter Eleven: The Deal

Lily swam through the water almost completely unaware of what was happening elsewhere due to her focus on the land.

She had to pay attention to how it changed so she could know where to go. She was very afraid to go there, but her father had left her no other choice.

She swam for what seemed like days until she found it... the cave of the Sirens.

A chill ran down her spine as she drew closer, it was a very creepy place. 'Okay,' Lily thought to herself. 'I can do this, I mean, there's nothing here to really worry about, right? Yeah, of course not... other than all the sunken ships and the bones of all the sailors who died here, but they can't harm me. Nothing here can because they all feared the Sirens."

Nopony knew what gave them their power, how, or why they used it and when. All knew was that it could rival the king’s power, the only problem was in reaching and/or figuring a way out to overthrow him. Both were smart, wise, and very powerful, it was like they were equals. Well, that was debatable since the king didn’t kill them which could mean he was being merciful, they were just too powerful, or that he didn’t really care about them. But all those who knew him well knew how great his concern was.

The details of their battles had long been withheld from the general population, even Triton’s daughters didn't quite know what happened when he decided to banish them instead of killing them.

He never talked of it on his own free will, and when pressed for the answer he would remain as silent as a rock until the pony who had asked moved on to a different topic.

But now, now Lily could finally learn the truth of what happened that day, so many years ago.

But for now, she had to focus on the deal she would soon make until they noticed that she lingered outside the opening to the cave.

“Come in, darling. After all, don’t you know that it’s rude to lurk outside of somepony else’s doorway?”

Lily, though untrusting, did as she was told and entered the cave. "It's very dark in here," she commented.

"Yes, we like to keep it dark because it adds to the mystery. The fear, of course, is only a natural reaction for ponies like you, even if you are a princess.”

“Yeah, which kind of makes it kind of weird you're here,” Said another voice.

“Indeed," The first voice continued, "We did find your particular predicament strange, but nothing out of range for our powers, of course.”

“Yes, we can help you to get you exactly what you want,” A third voice said.

“But, we will require something from you first because as you know…”

“Magic always has a price,” all three said at once.

“Well, what is it you want from me?” She asked, letting her nervousness show slightly.

The first voice laughed, “Oh, my child, you will soon see. But first, allow us to sing. After all, you’re our guest and it would be rude not to entertain you.”

“Yes, and when we do sing we’ll explain what we do.”

“And finally show ourselves in the light of day,” the third choice said.

Suddenly, there was light in the cave and she could see a cauldron with three red lights behind it.

The red lights were necklaces on the sirens, but the sirens themselves were orange, blue, and the last one was purple.

“No, I don’t want you to sing, you really don’t have to,” she hurriedly protested.

“Nonsense, darling, of course we will sing.”

As they were singing, they slowly started swirling around her like sharks before they devoured food. (Just like the movie stereotypes want you to think about these creatures, but that's unimportant to the story).

“Yes, my child, you’re lost but we can help you find the way. Yes, ponies always come to us to ask for out help, and do we grant it? Yes, we will do exactly just that. We help out all those poor unfortunate souls, but sadly enough we cannot do it without first asking a heavy price because magic isn’t free my dear. Everything has its own unique price, and it’s sad to say because it’s happened once or twice when a should just couldn’t pay the price, but on the whole we’ve been very good with every customer so far, each is satisfied in our own way, and while they weren’t kidding when they called us… well.. witches, we’re not that way anymore. We’ve mended our ways, we’ve seen the light and now we just want the chance to show you just how much we care, you want the love of a prince, and he wants you, but there’s no way to be together, well my dear, we can help you out.”

They then went to the walls and pulled out many various objects that looked like potions, though not all of them were.

“Yes, we have spells and potions of all kinds and sorts here, want love we can get if for you, become skinny or fat, change your gender, it doesn’t really matter. We have the cure for all, any spell you need just ask and it will be yours once you can pay the price of course, yes, we can get you just exactly what you want but only if you can pay the price first. Oh yes my dear, because everything has its own unique price, nothing in life is free, and any pony else who says something different is just lying to you my dear, yes, you need to pay the price!”

They then started throwing some of the objects into the cauldron, which created a strange array of colors as they threw more into it. Lily was very curious as to what was going on, but she figured it would be better if she just stayed silent while they performed their work.

“Yes, come on my dear, have a little faith in us, trust us, don't doubt what you see, don’t be afraid. Just sign the deed and pay the price and then you’ll finally be free to get the chance of love with your prince, yes just pay the price and sign the deed!”

They sang as a piece of glowing yellow paper appeared in front of her.

“Just sign on the dotted line,” Adagio (the orange one) said smiling.

Lily levitated the pen with her horn but hesitated, “What exactly is the price for doing this?”

Adagio smiled again, "Don't worry about that because-"

“It better not be my voice,” Lily interrupted.

Adagio laughed, “No, we don’t want your voice. We just want a promise that you’ll do whatever we ask of you when the time comes.”

“So all you want is just a promise?” Lily asked, raising an eyebrow in surprise.

"Yes, all you have to do is one little thing and then the deal will be closed. But until you do, you'll stay part of the deal, and if you don't keep your ed... well, I think you've heard enough tales to know what happens. So, do we have a deal?" Adagio asked, clearly trying to rush things.

But Lily still hesitated to sign, "If I sign this then I won't ever be able to see my family again, will I?"

"Well, that depends. We could make it so you could turn back into this form on certain days or times, but that would require a higher price. Whatever you want to do, my dear." Adagio answered.

"So what are the specific terms of this deal?" Lily asked.

Adagio growled, why couldn't this annoying sea pony just sign away her soul already?

“You'll always remain a land pony without the need to ever replenish your magic by water. You’ll also never need to worry about holding in a disguise because this time it will be real, and it would also allow for children, if that’s what you wanted,” Adagio said still trying to smile at her the very best that she could.

“And why should I sign?" Lily asked. "I will still be living close enough to the water.”

"Ah, but what will the land ponies think about their queen sneaking to the water's edge at night, all alone and unprotected? What will they do when they find out who you are? They will attack you and your family and every other seapony who lives, and not even your lover will be able to protect you from them. He cannot change who you are, only we can do that."

Yet Lily still hesitated with the pen.

"Come on, what are you waiting for?"

“Because I’m afraid,” Lily said.

“Don’t be, because if you sign then you’ll soon be with Forrest on the land, and surely he can protect you from us, right?”

“Yes, I suppose so…” Said Lily.

“Look, darling. We’re only giving you the chance for what you really want. It’s up to you if you want to ignore your heart. Don’t listen to your head, listen with your heart for what you really want. And this deal, well, it won’t be on the table forever, you know.”

Lily apparently made up her mind right then as she quickly signed the paper. Suddenly, the scroll turned into golden light which was caught by Adagio who put it into the red gem on her neck.

"Good, now we can do our spell for you," She said.

The Sirens all suddenly raised their hooves at the same time and a rainbow of colors exploded from the cauldron. Lily started to feel something weird deep within her. Her floppers, they were becoming hooves. her tail was more like one of the land than the sea. But she suddenly realized she couldn't breathe anymore.

"Oops, I guess we forgot to mention that you won't be able to breathe underwater anymore... see you later, Lily!" Adagio laughed as Lily swam up to the surface of the cave for air.

Once at the top of the cave, Lily started to wonder if what she had done was truly a good idea. But, it was too late now, she would just have to live with her choice no matter how foolish it was.

Slowly she made her way to the sandy beach and just lied there, too tired to get up and go to the castle. The sun shone down on her as she passed out from exhaustion with a slight smile on her face.

Author's Note:

"Come on, what are you waiting for?"

“Because I’m afraid,” Lily said.

“Don’t be, because if you sign then you’ll soon be with Forrest on the land, and surely he can protect you from us, right?”

The sirens sure are manipulative bitches, right?