• Published 7th Mar 2017
  • 831 Views, 60 Comments

Ponestuck - ArtieStroke

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==> Enter Name: Spike the Dragon

Wow, got it on the first go! That's certainly a first. Well, not to you. You've known your name your whole life, why wouldn't you get it right? You shake off the thought of getting your name wrong. That's just silly.

You stand in your room- or rather, pace around it. Today's the day- but you've already said that. Why can't the mailmare get here faster? You've had the date marked on the calendar for months now- Twilight would be proud, actually making an effort to be organized about something.

While you wait for your game, how about we learn a little bit more about you?

Your name is SPIKE, but again, you've already said that. You are the personal assistant/adoptive sibling (depending on who you ask) of PRINCESS TWILIGHT SPARKLE. The position isn't as glamorous as a lot of people would think- attaining immortal godhood did little to change the bookish pony, who just now has a lot more space to put books in as far as she's concerned. That, and more space to host her FRIENDS. They're your friends, too- but they're not the friends you're playing this game with today.

And boy do you love GAMES- almost as much as you love COMICS! Especially SUPER HERO COMICS! Those were basically your gateway into more adventure-y games, though you would say you get plenty of adventure IN REAL LIFE as well, what with having to fight a villain every week it feels like. Still, the life of GARBUNKLE THE WIZARD is not one to be sneezed at- he's fought more pen-and-paper skeletons than you could shake a D20 at. Except you can, and actually every time DO, shake a D20 at said skeletons. Those are kind of the rules of the game.

Enough exposition- maybe you just missed the mailmare's delivery during one of the split-second moments you weren't looking outside the window while you paced. Yeah, that's definitely gotta be it. No other reason for the mail being this late. You rush out of your room, crystal door clinking as it slams against the wall. You're about 80% sure you heard a distant shout at the sudden noise, but that doesn't matter! Game time draws near!

You hit a large, spiraling staircase that leads to the main hall of the treehouse/crystal castle you now live in. There's a couple options on how to proceed- what do you do?

==> Spike: Do a flying pirouette off the freakin banister.

This has to be the best possible use of your bipedalism in a world built for quadrupeds. With a small hop, you jump onto the railing-

And then you fall off the railing, back onto the stairs.

And then down the stairs.

Each bump and trip brings misery and misfortune. How could this happen? Why did nobody warn you about stairs? This all could have been so easily avoided if you only had read some kind of PSA warning you about the danger of stairs, preferably in the form of a badly drawn comic. Sadly, such a thing does not exist here in the magical land of Equestria. Only totally unsupervised and un-warned-about stairs.

With an oof, your self-reflection ends as you painfully reach the bottom. Thankfully, you're a dragon- made of sterner stuff than most other ponies. But right now, you need a nap. Sweet, sweet unconsciousness takes you.

Well, Spike is asleep. Perhaps it's time...