• Published 21st Apr 2017
  • 3,000 Views, 36 Comments

Why Me? - Pen Dragon

A young man named Ethan purchased Summer Wars from a movie stand and ended up in a world full of magical ponies as Love-Machine. But hey it could be worse right? Wrong!!! XD

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What's her deal?

What’s her Deal?

Today was not a good day… A young mare named Ditzy Doo had returned to her home from delivering mail, but things did not go so well for the poor girl for she still remembered what her boss had said to her earlier. “Derpy! You Dolt! This letter was supposed to be delivered to Princess Celestia! If you cause anymore accidents or anything that’ll cause us trouble than you’re fired!”

All she could do was rest her head against the kitchen table wondering what went wrong? Due to her eyesight and how ponies saw her it was difficult fitting in and finding a suitable job so she could at least pay the mortgage on her small apartment in Ponyville. She was running out of options and with her daughters Dinky and Amethyst Star she needed to make money. Where, she didn’t know and one more screw up with her current job as mailmare would mean no bits and with no bits she wouldn’t be able to provide for her family.

“There has to be something I can do? I can’t afford to mess anything up… For Amethyst and Dinky… Oh, I wish there father was here… He’d know what to do…” She said to herself as she laid there, trying to think of a way to keep her job or better yet find a new job that was more suitable for her with better pay.


“I could ask Carrot Top to lend me some bits, but I still owe her for the food she’s been giving us…” As she was about to head up to upstairs to her room, the front doors opened up revealing a grey filly entering her house with a joyous grin.

“Mom! I’m home!” She shouted, her horn glowing brightly as she set her bags beside the door and rushing up the stairs to hug her mother.

“How was school Dinky?” Ditzy asked, placing all previous thoughts to the back of her mind as she hugged her little filly back.

“It was great! Miss Cheerilee thought us multiplication and division today and Diamond Tiara had detention for accidently falling asleep in class today!” Dinky snickered while Ditzy rolled her eyes at her daughter giddiness. Before she could respond another pony entered their house, letting out a loud yawn. A pink unicorn mare with violet mane and tail with a floral lavender streak smiled at the pair before letting out another yawn.

“Hey, mom… I thought you’d still be at work?” She said lazily before Dinky hugged her leg.

“Hey sis!”

“How was your day at the Rarity’s boutique Amethyst?” She asked as her daughter began to stretch her limbs before looking back at her with a gentle smile.

“It was fine… Rarity had a lot of orders to fill and it has taken a lot out of me. But I should be receiving a paycheck at the end of the week.” Amethyst said, laying down on the couch as Ditzy began to make her way back downstairs.

“How about I make dinner tonight girls?” She asked sheepishly, but the two unicorns shivered in response while trying their best to smile. They’ll never say it to their mother’s face, but she was a terrible cook and hoped that she’ll make mac & cheese instead. Seeing that it was the only thing she could make without issues.

‘Please make Mac & Cheese? Please make Mac & Cheese? Please make Mac & Cheese?’ Sparkler thought as she looked back a Dinky who was thinking the same thing.

Whitetail Woods

It is a beautiful night for a walk, the stars shined brightly, and the moon was up high in the sky. I couldn’t remember the last time I was able to see a clear night sky, but I didn’t dwell on that thought for long. For those who don’t know me, the names Ethan Parker, and well… I’m a Displaced, but not quite what you’d expect though. To keep things short I’ll spin you a tale of how I wound up here in the first place. I was on my way home from work, when I noticed a little girl sitting alone, trying to sell movies to random strangers.

Now my I know what you’re thinking, why would there be a little girl selling videos? That’s the same question I was going to ask her, but than a movie caught my eye. It was one I’ve never seen before called: Summer Wars and it had a lot of hype and figured why not buy it. In the end I bought it and took it home. Everything was fine until I went to bed after watching it, before I knew it I was sent here in Equestria as one of the most hated villains of all time……

....Lovemachine… God I hate that name, They couldn't have come up with a better name? Like, Destroyer, Killer Machine, Chet? Seriously there are so many different names that are cooler than anything, but I guess it couldn’t be helped. Now most of you are wondering? What can this cool super villain whose name sucks by the way, do? Well prepare to have your mind blown away because I can’t do jack sh*t! I’m strong, but can’t control my own strength, can’t summon any weapons like in the movie and I can’t fly. Also I have a giant key in my hands. So yep… Welcome to my world.

I didn’t know what to do, but walk through the forest and look up too the night sky. I’ve always admired how beautiful it was especially with the stars. Sometimes I wish I could be up in the sky with them. Anyways just as I was about to reach an opening, I noticed a small town, not too far from where I was at. I was honestly surprised to see it since I thought I was going to lost in the forest forever, not only that, but I felt like my stomach was going to eat itself if I didn’t get any food soon.

“Finally, there’s someplace where I can get some help… maybe some food too.” I said to myself as I began to make my way there, but what I didn’t know was that everything was going to change for me the moment I walked into that town, because I found out I wasn’t alone here.


“Alright girls… I’m heading out to run a few errands… Amethyst I expect Dinky to be in bed by nine and everything nice and neat when I get back okay?”

“Don’t worry mom, we’ll be fine, just go and take care of your errands okay?” She said, grinning as her mother exited the house trying to keep a happy face, but deep inside, she wasn’t okay one bit. On the verge of losing her job, she needed to find a way to keep her job or find another job immediately.

‘What am I going to do? One more screw up and I’m out… If I can’t keep my job then I’ll need to find another line of work, but what?’ She thought to herself, as she began to make her way to the market place. Seeing that only a few stands were opened at this hour, she needed to pick up the pace and at the very least purchase a few things from there.

“Hey Ditzy!” A voice called out to her, Derpy looked around to see a greyish blue pegasus standing on a cloud above her. It was her old friend from childhood, Flitter. “Are you okay? You seem a little… down.”

Ditzy couldn’t help chuckle lightly before frowning slightly. “I’ve been better… Just had a rough day at work and I’m just here to get a few groceries from the market.”

“Mind if I join you? I have to get a few things as well.” She asked only for the grey pegasus to nod, grinning at her old friend.

“Sure… let’s go!” Ditzy said sheepishly, she didn’t mind at all, she could some company after the day she has been having lately, “Alright… First I need to get strawberries, some lettuce, and bread.”

“Is that all?” Flitter asked, raising a brow at her fellow pegasus. “That’s a really short list, don’t you need more things? You do have mouths to feed after all.”

“I know… I’m just not making enough bits and right now… I don’t know, I think I’m going to try and find another job.” She answered, earning a sorrowful look from her friend. Flitter could only place a wing over her as a few tears escaped from eyes. “When did all of this go wrong?”

“Ditzy… you don’t have to worry I’m sure you’ll-” But before Flitter could finish her sentence, a loud explosion went off in the distance. Fire blazing up high as ponies began to run as fast as their hooves could carry them away from whatever caused the fire

‘What’s going on over there?!’

Out in the distance three strange creatures had were firing energy beams from the palms of their hands. From what most ponies say, they resembled werewolves from myths, but they possessed powers that nopony could have imagined.

“Alright brothers, it’s time to show these ponies who’s in charge here!!” The Blue wolf shouted as his brothers rallied to his side. “This town belongs to the Trio de Dangers!”

Author's Note:

Okay so this is my newest story..........Took me a while to come up with something and I have to say that I don't think I did too bad, but that's for you guys to decide and honestly this story is meant to be funny and yes I know it's soon for an enemy to already be here, but the next chapter will be longer and better. So for now just bare with this one okay?

Anyways I hope you all like it and you'll check out more stories that I've done and I'll see you in the next chapter.... Bye, Bye :D