• Published 2nd Dec 2011
  • 8,241 Views, 49 Comments

Friendship is Ultimate - Bronyzilla

3 ponies are stuck in another world, now they must team up with its champion, it's hero time!

  • ...

Chapter 2: Aliens, ponies, and dragons oh my!

After a little while they decided to go to Ben's house seeing as how cold it was in that old warehouse.

"Ok," said Kevin as he walked through Ben's front door, "I've ran their descriptions through the Plumber data banks, not a single alien species in the galaxy matches, this is wierd, even by our standards!"

Rainbow Dash started to get upset,"For the last time, we aren't aliens!"

"Aren't we all aliens? I mean when you think about it really hard, but not to hard or else your brain might explode!", exclaimed Pinkie Pie.

"Riiiight...", stated Ben, "Look, it dosen't matter if you guys are or not, right now, I think we're entitled to an explanation to what you guys are."

Before anyone could say anything, Fluttershy walked in the room with Spike on her back. She then stated, "Oh... I don't think that was a very pleasent carridge ride... sorry if I sound judgy..."

Gwen walked in shortly after and explained, "She got car sick, I don't these guys are used to traveling in cars."

"Eh, she'll suck it up, and as for you!", pointed Rainbow Dash towards Ben, "Before we spill our beans, you should spill yours!"

Pinkie interupted, "Don't do that! You'll make a huge mess!"

Ben ignored Pinkie's remark and answered, "Wait, you've never heard of me? Ben Tennyson? You know, Ben 10, greatest hero in the galaxy?"

"I've never heard of you."


"Uh... sorry..."

"Pretty sure I would've remembered of someone like you."

Kevin tried his best to try to hold back his laughter, thinking it funny that there was someone out there that never heard of Ben.

"Oh come on! You must have! I'm the wielder of the Ultimatrix! You know, the device that lets anyone turn into any alien in the galaxy!"

Rainbow chuckled, "Oh yeah, "aliens", I'm sooo sure..."

"Oh, and this is coming from the talking pony with wings and a rainbow colored mane?", mocked Ben.

"Are you saying I'm a bigger freak then those things you turn into? I could mope the floor with you in ten seconds flat!", Dash proclaimed.

"Not very many can stand up to Humungousaur like you did, I'll give you that, but I've got at least ten other guys picked out in this watch who'd love to have a chat with you!"

"Bring it on, I'll take down every single one of 'em!"

"Ok, ready for round two? It's hero time!"

Ben turned on his ultimatrix, cycling through many different aliens until he found the one he was looking for, he slammed his hand down onto the watch and turned into, "CHAMALIEN! Man, this watch seems to really hate XLR8."

Bens form now resembled a two legged purple chameleon, it was about the same height as an average human being, with a needle at the end of its long tail. It also had three pupilless eyes, one green, one red, and one blue.

"Ben!", Ben turned to see his cousin Gwen giving him a deep scowl, "Really? You're going to fight in your own house? Are you nuts?"

Ben turned back to Rainbow Dash, who seemed to be ready to tear him a new one, he looked over at Gwen who had a similar look on her face. He looked down at Fluttershy who was now hiding behind his couch. Pinkie seemed to be off in her own little world while Spike was trying to help Fluttershy come out of her hiding spot. Kevin was still laughing over the fact that Dash and the others didn't know who he was.

"She has a point," Ben thought to himself, "if I damage the house in any way, Mom and Dad will kill me!"

Ben changed back into his human form and pointed right at Dashs face, "You got lucky this time!"

Rainbow simply just held out her tounge in a mocking manner.

"Anyways," Gwen said, "What Ben said before was kinda right, me, Ben, and Kevin are all decendents of aliens. I'm an Anodyte, which are pretty much energy beings, we get our powers from something called mana, the force that flows through all liveing beings."

"Groovy!", Pinkie interupted.

Gwen then continued, "Kevin is an Osmosian, thier species can absorb almost anything and use it as a weapon."

"How tough is he?", asked Rainbow Dash.

Kevin stepped in and answered for Gwen, "Lets just say if your Pink friend over there kept annoying me, it wouldn't have been pretty."

Pinkie, realizing she was being noticed, sat there and smiled at everyone.

"Alright, now it's your turn to spill.", Kevin then pointed over towards Rainbow Dash, "You go first."

"Well...", she answered, "I'm Rainbow Dash, the fastest pegasus pony in all of ponyville, and cloudsdale, marbe even all of Equestria! I can fly to speeds up to around mach 7, sometimes even mach 10 when I'm doing the sonic rainbow. I'm also working on joining the Wonderbolts, I don't mean to brag but-"

She was cut off by Kevin who told her, "Stop! I get enough of that ego stuff when I'm around Ben." He then recieved angry glances from both Ben and Dash before continuing on to Pinkie Pie and said, "Your turn."

"Ok! So I-"

"Wait, I've learned by now not to let you ever talk." Kevin then pointed towards Fluttershy, "You, go."

"Oh, me?", answered the yellow pegasus, "Well, my name is Fluttershy... and... I like animals..."

A dead silence fell over the room, everyone was expecting her to say more, before Spike walked up to Kevin and whispered, "She's a little shy..."

"Really? I haven't noticed, ok little purple dude, you seem to be the only normal one (at least by comparison), that means you get to explain everything."

Spike nodded and took in a deep breath of air before explaining, "Ok, we're from a place called Equestria, it's ruled by two alicorn princess's named Celestia and Luna, they control the sun and the moon. We live in a town called Ponyville. Lots of ponies and other creatures live there, like us, Applejack, Rarity (She's the prettiest), and Twilight Sparkle. Twilight is a unicorn pony and the student of Princess Celestia. I'm her assistant. We were helping her arrange some books people had checked out if her library, when your jumpgate thingy brought us here." Spike let out a large sigh and fell on the ground out of exaustion.

"Wow!", exclaimed Pinkie, "You just talked as fast as I normally do! That was pretty Good!"

"Really?", asked Ben, "You'll believe in that but not in aliens? That sounded like the plot to a little girls show!"

"And did you say they controlled the sun and the moon?", asked a doughtfull Kevin, "I dought that, the moon? Maybe. But the sun? That's impossible, the sun is a star, they hardly move at all and would be impossible for anyone else to. Looks like you guys are worshipping false gods, we see it all the time, rulers will lie to their subjects that they have god-like powers so that no one will try to over throw them."

Rainbow Dash then laughed at Kevin, "What kind of idiot thinks that the sun is a star? It's to big for that!"

Gwen then said, "Even so, it still sounds wierd, I've never heard of anything he's described. I don't think they're from our galaxy, or our universe even!"

"It could be possible," suggested Kevin, "the nullvoid is an alternate dimension, and we go there all the time."

"Lets test that," stated Ben. He then pressed a few buttons on the Ultimatrix and a yellow light emerged and it appeared to scan the ponies and Spike.

"What're you doing to me?!"

"Oooo, it's tickling my D.N.A.!"

"Oh, oh my..."

"Well this is weird."

"Warning," stated the Ultimatix's computerized voice, "dimensional disturbence detected, creatures do not seem to be apart of our plain of excistence."

"Does that answer anything?", asked Ben.

Before anyone could say anything Bens ultimatrix started beeping, he pressed a button on it and an image of a familiar face appeared on his watch.

"Grandpa Max!", Ben exclaimed, "Good thing you called, we-"

"Sorry Ben, no time to chat, we've got trouble, the Forever Knights are transporting some hightech alien weapons just outside of Bellwood, reports also say that the bounty hunter Sevenseven is with them too. I need you to look into it. I've got plumber buisness to take care of so I can't help. I know you can do it, I believe in you, Max out."

Ben hadn't noticed Rainbow Dash floating over his shoulder so he jumped a little when she spoke up, "Your Grandpa would rather unclog toilets then help you fight bad guys?"

"Hey!", yelled Pinkie, "Don't talk bad about plumbers! I don't know what I'd do if somepony wasn't there to help fix my drain!"

"They're not that kind of plumber," explained Ben, "they're an intergalactic police force that... you guys aren't believing a word I'm saying, are you?"

They all nodded their heads no.

"Figures, ok! Let's go!"

"Uh, Ben?", asked Gwen before he could run out the door, "Aren't you forgetting something?"

Ben looked over at the ponies and said, "Oh, well I guess we better take them with us until we can get back in touch with Grandpa, or Professor Paradox."

Ben then bolted right back out the door leaving everyone else behind.

"Man, this guys ego is almost as big as Trixies!", said Spike.

"Not for long it won't...", proclaimed Rainbow Dash with a look of determination.

Fluttershy walked up to Kevin and asked, "Uh, we won't be taking those car things again, will we? If you don't mind me asking..."

"Don't worry, I've got something else in mind.", answered Kevin with a smirk on his face.

Next time: 20% more ultimate.