• Published 16th Mar 2017
  • 483 Views, 21 Comments

Ivy's Bullies (Fan continuation) - Blackdust

Ivy has bullies. Bullies have to deal with Ivy's only friend. Ivy's only friend hates bullies.

  • ...

Chapter 2: He did what?!?

Author's Note:

Remember, down vote for good, up vote for bad, and comment why! Assuming you even read these stupid things...

Flamehoof's mother couldn't be more furious if she tried. His father on the other hoof, couldn't be prouder. Ivy's parents were worried, but her dad was happy that somepony stood up for her while her mom was scared that in escalating the situation, he may have simply thrown her to the timberwolves. The parents of other two colts were more worried about how much they could get out of both Ivy's and his parents to keep from filing a lawsuit, and if said sue would get them more money in the long haul.

"Infernal little... They are horrible if they are more concerned with the well being of their wallets, than the well being of their children..." Flamehoof thought to himself.

"Flamehoof! I thought I told you before it's not nice to read others minds! No matter how much it will help in the long run..." His mother chided him. It was only then that he realized he said it out loud.

His response to this was to merely shrug and continue counting the number of ways to possibly make someone insane with his aura manipulation level of magic. It wasn't until he had gotten to trick number 207 that he noticed everyone in the room staring at him. All but Ivy were filled with confusion and fear, Ivy had a mix of fear, gratitude, and confusion. But mostly gratitude from what he could see.

"Flamehoof, did you really almost kill that fool?" His father asked, both surprised and scared about the answer.

The colt's father looked at Flamehoof's dad and sputtered, saying, "I beg your pardon?! Your brat-" *SMACK!* The sound filled the now silent office as everyone but Flamehoof looked to both his mother and Ivy's as they were both standing on front of the stunned father as he slowly reached up and felt both of his cheeks from the blows of both furious mothers.

That silence was broken by a barking laughter as Flamehoof tried and failed to contain his amusement that both mothers were angry at one target. This of course did not go down too well with the rest of the adults in the room, as everyone that wasn't preoccupied by either giving a death stare to the father, or the father himself, snapped to him with looks of fury that made even a blind colt like him squirm. It continued like that for a few more hours until it was finally decided that he and Ivy would be placed in a special class for the new ponies that are starting to show... abnormalities. Mutants is how we would know them as, but they call them the New Wave. They all have something unusual about them, but the changes are often times useful and beneficial for their survival. Only problem is how much fear they have for the New Wave.

This, coupled with the fact that Flamehoof just tried to kill a regular colt for something he said, didn't really help him trying to stay in the same class, let alone same school.

Comments ( 19 )

Yay! You did it! Woo!

First it was Flamehoof, then suddenly Flameheart? Intentionally? :trollestia:

I have mixed feelings about all this though. First of all, thank you, sir, kindly for continuing the story and giving those 2 brats what they deserved - that's what I like :twilightsmile: But the whole X-men twist didn't settle with me well...

Thee knoweth, thou has't entertained us and as we feeling especially generous the present day, we'll grant thee a deserved "thumb down" as declared in thy twised rating system *someone please add Luna's emoticon on the site*

8027344 :facehoof: Please point out where it changed please... I messed that up... I had no real idea if it was Anon x Fluttershy or not so I tried doing the X-Men thing poorly... And thanks!
8026673 Understandable.

In the middle of Chapter 2. This string it starts with:

""Flameheart, did you really almost kill that fool?" His father asked, both surprised and scared about the answer."

8027857 Fixed... Anything else I missed? Also, use [ quote][/ quote] to quote stories.

Like this.

I'll reread it once more :pinkiecrazy:

8038723 *follows without you noticing*


Well, after another read I can say that Flamehoofs speech and inner voice are the only things I stumble upon - as it was said already, hardly believable that a school colt could talk like that. Can you make it simplier?

*mutually* :trollestia:

P.S.: BTW, can you possibly tell me what I'm doing wrong when uploading a cover image? It always returns Invalid width error. I tried PNG and JPG, 600x400, both under 300Kb.

8026673 You should read this too.
8039902 He's supposed to be far more mature for his age as lying to him is not a possibility. As such, he has a better grasp of what is possible, and what isn't.

Hmm... Fair point I admit. He must be a real pain in the... back to communicate to :rainbowwild:

8041065 You have no idea...

You shod put a This story is a sequel to Ivy's Bullies

8118582 I did. Read the description of the story and click on Ivy's Bullies.

8118717 *looks back* oh sorry :applecry:

I meant like: This story is a sequel to
like you have with Crescendo of the Undead (Fan continuation)

8118739 Well, considering the fact that that wouldn't work... trust me, I tried.

8119554 *look at the link* OH! it's one chapter in the story

Make the rating system thumbs up for good, thumbs down for bad. It seems because you know this is wip so it's kinda bad u want likes ;L. It also skews the results because if someone really doesn't like it they will dislike, not like!

Good points on both ends, but I do that to see if someone is actually reading the story and not disliking just because I wrote it, or it has a tag that they don't like. Sorry for taking so long to get back to this. And... I was a little bit more... Control freak back then. Might do a reboot at some point.

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