• Published 12th Mar 2017
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Finding Shining - Foal Star

Shining Armor and Cadence came back from vacation only for Shining to be turned into a foal. As Twilight and Cadence try to find the culprit, Shining suddenly dissapears! And Sunburst and Flurry Heart goes out to search for him

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Chapter 2: Shining Armor vs the Big potty

Twilight carried Shining on her back, who was trying to realize what had happened to him, “This...this a dream, I just went to bed and now I’m a foal.” As he kicked his tiny chubby legs, groaned and looked down at Twilight's giant purple mane. He could only whimper and suckle his paciifer until he looked down, “Well, even if I'm a foal. that doesn’t mean I have to act like a foal.” He thought. He spat out his pacifier and babbled, “Twilie, I not a foal. Just put me down so I can go back ta wowk.”

Twilight turned and asked, “Shiny, where did your paci go?”

Shining babled, “I not a foal, Twilie. I dun need a paci.” But all Twilight heard was garbles. She saw the paci on the floor, lifted it up with her magic, and cooed,”You don’t like it, huh? Well, we can put that away for now.”

She was nearing Flurry Heart’s nursery, and Shining started squirming and shouting, “Nuh, I dun wan Cady ta see me wike tis!” He jumped off her back and tried to crawl away as Twilight shouted, “Hey, get back here!”

Twilight chased her now younger brother down the hall and caught him into her embrace as he started to wail again. She hushed him and patted him on the back as he slowly quieted down. She then lightly cooed as she said to him, “Now Shiny, I know you don’t like being a foal. But you are a foal, and we have to care for you until I find the cure.” But Shining only got angry, crossed his hooves, and turned his head in a pout. Twilight booped him on the nose, making him giggle. Seeing that it delight him, she booped him on the nose again as he giggled louder. She then put him down onto the ground and blew a raspberry, he squealed and kicked his legs in the air. Twilight kissed him and cooed, “Now let’s go get you to cady.” Twilight then placed him on her back and skipped right into the nursery.

Shining was still nervous and hugged Twilight’s mane as he tried to hide in it. Cadence herself was finishing taping up Flurry Heart’s new diaper, and had just placed her on the ground as she turned to see Twilight, “Hey Twilight, good to see-” That was when she turned, saw the foal quivering underneath Twilight’s mane, and asked, “Who’s the foal?”

Twilight gulped and she lifted the white coated foal with her magic. He started to kick about as Cadence gave him a look over and whispered, “Don’t tell me that’s...that’s…” Twilight only gave a slight nod, as Cadence paused for a few seconds with her eyes wide open! Then she squealed and rushed Shining, pulling him into her embrace, swirling him around, and shouting, “Oh my Celestia! Shining, you’re so adorable!”

Cadence snuggled Shining and smothered him in kisses. All he could do was groan and endure it, “You should be glad I love you, Cady.” He thought.

Starlight’s eyes went wide as she commented, “Wait...hold on…” She took a deep breath and asked, “Shining Armor got turned into a foal?”

Twilight only gave another nervous nod, still completely astonished at Cadence’s reaction.

Cadence looked her now foalified husband over, looked down at his rump, and asked, “Where’s your diaper, Sweetie?”

At that Shining started to squirm and babble, “No, Cady, I not gettin in a diapee!” He jumped to the ground and tried to crawl away as fast possible. Cadence only cooed, “Oh no you don’t, you're getting padded, mister!” She chased him down the hall and caught him in her magical embrace. She then placed him on the changing table as Sunburst and Flurry Heart watching him, giggling to each other. Cadence got out a poofy white diaper, and zapped it with her horn. Shining Armor just watched as a little plastic shield that looked similar to his old cutie mark, of sorts, was taped on the top of the diaper, with even smaller shields serving as wetness indicators that decorated the diaper. The foalfied prince gulped and curled up his back hooves as he whined, “Cady, I dun need diapees tough.” But in a few seconds she had Shining all padded up, taping tabs over the plastic shield over his crotch. She kissed him on the forehead and brushed his wispy mane from his face as she cooed, “There, all protected from accidents, my little Shiny,” She gave him a big kiss on the cheek one more time and placed him right next to Sunburst and Flurry Heart as she then asked, “So, Twilight, did you turn him into a foal? I know you had plans to do so, you wrote to me asking for my compliance, and I told you no. I hope you didn’t decide to do it anyway.”

Twilight’s eyes lit up in shock as she shook her head, “No, I had nothing to do with this! I just found him regressing in age, and took him to my room, where he turned into a foal!”

Just then the foals all began to wail. Cadence took them all into a big hug and hushed them as she placed them in her under belly. She made some funny faces and soon the three were all giggling and reaching for her. She nuzzled each of them and kissed each of them on the forehead as she asked, “Starlight, can you take care of the foals for abit? Twilight and I will just be outside. There are some things we need to discuss.”

Starlight, still a bit shocked, nodded and replied, “Sure, no problem.” The two princesses left Starlight with the foals.

Flurry Heart and Sunburst now turned attention to the foalified Shining Armor, as there was little else to do. Flurry Heart already pounced on him shouting, “Daddy, ya a foal! Daddy ya a foal!” Sunburst laughed as the two rolled around for abit, jumping up and down too.

Shining got out of the foals grasps and was scooting away (not surprised he could understand them, since it seemed none of the grown-ups could understand a word he was saying) as he babbled, “Wook I don know whas goin on. Bu ya two betta not make me do foaw stuff.”

Sunburst replied, “Bu ya a foaw now, Shiny.”

“I not a foaw!” Shining whined. “Jus becawse I got tuwned into a foaw’s body doesn mean I an actuaw foaw! I stiw a bi cowt!”

Flurry giggled and asked, “Then why ya weawin a diapee? Bi cowts don weaw diapees.”

Shining grumbled as he tried to tug at the plastic shield with his teeth, “Cady dwessed me up, Fwuwwy! Bu I can stiw use ta big potty.”

Sunburst patted his own diaper and said to Shining, “I tought so too, but as a foaw ya goin ta use ya diapees awot.”

Flurry nodded, “Yeah! I use my diapee um...a miwwon times a day!”

Shining shook his head and said firmly, “Nu uh, I gonna pwove ta ya two I stiw Pwince Shiny, a bi cowt!” He turned to the door of the nursery, knowing that there was a bathroom not too far down the hall. He asked the foals, “Um, how do we get to ta potty though?”

Flurry gasped, “Wait, awe ya sayin Daddy is twyin to escapwe the nusewy?! Isn tat against ta wuwes?!”

Shining replied, “They onwy agains ta wues fow ya two, I...um allowd to escapwe, becawse I hewped make ta wules.” Sunburst and Flurry shrugged as Sunburst then replied, “Otay ten, if ya wna ta go use ta bi potty, ya goin to need owa hewp. Bu ya pwobabwy goin to get caught and ya might even get a spankie.”

Shining gulped and shook his head, he didn't want to imagine being spanked by Cadence or Twilight. He shuddered as he said firmly. “Tey betta not ow..um...I’w tew Cewestia, and tey wiw get in big twoubwe.” He blushed at how foalish that sounded.

Flurry asked. “Wait, ya mean Auntie Tia? Is she wike ya mommy?”

Shining shook his head and explained, “No, my mommy is ya gwandma, Twiwight Vewvet. Tia is ta pwincess of aw of Equestwia!”

Sunburst nodded and said firmly. “Oh otay, wew we stiw might get a spankie, ya betta wite a wetta to hew jus in casw.”

Shining (still grumbling about his diaper) waddled to the middle of the room. He took up a blue crayon and some paper and wrote on it as he babbled. “Deaw Cewestia, I Shiny, I is a foaw and ya gots ta hewp. Cady has gone cwazy and put me in diapees. I twyin ta pwove I can use ta potty, bu Cady might spank me fow bein naughty. P.S. Can ya fin a cuwe, pwease?” Shiny took the paper in his mouth and said to the foals. “Otay, I made ta wetta jus in casw. Now wets go!”

Flurry looked up and commented. “Wew, fiwst we gots to distwact Stawwight and get hew away fowm ta doow. Ten Sunbuwst, can have Cady and Twilie chase him, givin ya a stwaight path to ta potty.”

Shining sighed and agreed. “Otay, wets do it ten!”

Sunburst and Flurry both whispered to each other and turned their heads. Flurry then warned Shining, “Wew ya goin to owe us, becawse we goin to get spankies fow suwe if we hewp ya out.”

Shining sighed and asked. “Wha do ya two wan?”

Sunburst replied firmly and demanded. “When ya aduwt again, ya gots to wet us go see ta Cwstaw Heawt.”

Shining shook his head as he replied. “I can't do tat, not aftew what Fwurry Heawt did to it wast time!”

Sunburst then retorted. “Tat’s ouw pwice fow hewping ya, so deaw ow no deaw, Shiny? And ya betta huwwy, ya pwobaby gots ta go potty soon.”

Shining did sense his bladder was feeling a bit full. He figured he could hold it for now, but the urge to go came a lot faster and more unexpected than it had at any point when he was an adult. Reluctantly, he grumbled as he reluctantly agreed to the terms. “Fine. I’w twy, bu I not makin any pwomices.”

Flurry flew into the air, ”Otay, wets go hewp ya use ta big potty!” She then flew into Starlight who was lying down. She bopped her on the nose, making the mare smile “Hello Flurry Heart, it's nice to see you happy and active.” Starlight commented.

Flurry Heart giggled, and her horn glowed. She teleported across the room, making Starlight turn and smirk. “Oh you, get back here!”

As Starlight chased Flurry Heart around the room. Sunburst waddled to the door with Shining Armor. Shining Armor grumbled, hearing his diaper crinkle and make noises, it only made him blush and feel embarrassed. Shining mumbled “Ya know, I didn weawise how smawt Fwuwwy is.”

Sunburst chirped with a smile, “Yeah, she supa smawt! She comes up with aw ta pwans to expwoe. We caw tem Adventuas.”

Shining mumbled with his eyes widening as he asked, “Tat what she caws it when she dwiving me and Cady cwazy?”

Sunburst giggled and babbled. “Wew she does take awot afta ya if ya ask me.”

Sunburst peeked through a crack in the door and looked down the hall at Twilight talking to Cadence. Sunburst babbled to Shining. “I going to have tem chase me. Ya betta go to ta potty as fast as possible though, once I caught they suwe to go wook fow you!” He crawled across the room as fast as possible, and soon Twilight and Cadence were running after him.

With all the grown-ups currently occupied, Shining crawled down the hall to the bathroom with his diaper still making crinkling noises. He managed to open the door to the bathroom, but then he saw the toilet. it was huge! Far bigger than he remembered, and it looked like it could easily swallow him up if it wanted to! He whimpered a bit, scared at the size. One mistake could cause him to end up who knows where!

He waddled over to the toilet, somehow managing to climb up to the seat of the bowl, and he looked down at the water below. Shining tried to take off his diaper, the urge to go becoming stronger by the minute! His clumsy hooves made the task difficult, so he tried to tug at the diaper shield with his teeth! Suddenly, he slipped and fell into the water with a splash! Popping his head up as he struggled to stay afloat, he squealed in terror, cried, and shouted, “Cady! Hewp me! I can’t swim!”

Upon hearing Shining’s cries, Cadence came in and rushed to the toilet, picking him up with her magic and hugging the wet foal! She cooed as she dried him off with a towel., “Oh honey, did you try to use the big potty without permission?” Shining whimpered and subconsciously curled up over her shoulder, whimpering softly. Cadence carried the soggy Shining to the nursery with Flurry Heart and Sunburst looking up as she said to them. “Now, I know Shiny may have told you that he can use the big potty. But you two should've known better than to help him do it. You’re lucky I was there to fish him out. Now, I think after I dry up little Shiny here, it's straight to bed for all three of you.”

Both foals looked down in shame, Sunburst especially as he knew given his circumstances, he should’ve tried to be more responsible.

Twilight, meanwhile, was examining the letter on the ground that was barely legible. But she managed to more or less get what it was saying, and dawwed. “Did you make this letter, Shiny?” She asked him. She picked it up with her magic, as Cadence came over to the paper, read it, and couldn’t help but smirk. “Crazy, huh? Well we better let Celestia know what happened, and I'm sure she's just going to love knowing that I'm not going to spank you, even though what you did was dangerous. I know we talked about potty training Flurry Heart, but I don’t think she’s going to be ready for that anytime soon.” She said to Shining, as she nuzzled him, and blew raspberries in his tummy making him squirm and squeal again.

Cadence then gave the letter to Twilight who giggled. “I'll give it to Spike with my own letter. Princess Celestia should hopefully know what caused Shiny to regress. Even though he looks cute in his precious little diapers.”

Shining blushed, feeling really embarrassed. Even his own mother never babied him to this embarrassing extent (though his father sure seemed to delight in doing so). Cadence then set Shining on the changing table and started untaping his soaked diaper full of toilet water. She quickly put foal cream over his rump and powdered him until his rump was white. She taped him up in a diaper(this time thankfully without the plastic shield), and patted it a few times, making audible crinkles. She then placed him in a crib right next to Flurry Heart and Sunburst. Shining whined and cried kicking about shouting in foal babble, “Nuh, I dun wan ta weaw a diapee! I dun wana be a foaw! I can stiww use ta potty, I just need hewp!”

Cadence hushed Shining and placed a foal bottle in his mouth. At first he tried to spit it out, but he began to like the taste of the formula, and started to suck on it even more. Sunburst and Flurry Heart were all given bottles filled with formula and they suckled them happily. As the foals finished up their bottles, Cadence pulled them out. She then drifted he foals under their blankets, placing them up to their necks as she kissed each of them on the forehead. She came up to Shining and nuzzled him as she whispered, “Twilight and I got everything figured out, Shiny. We're going to get you back to normal soon. In the meantime, just enjoy being a foal again, you deserve some time off.”

Shining whimpered as he garbled, “Cady I ..gotta use ta potty. Can ya hewp me, pwease?” But only foal spit came out, as Cadence kissed him on the forehead and turned on the mobile above the trio of foals heads. Shining watched it and cried a bit as he felt his diaper filling up with pee. He began to cry, but Flurry Heart quickly came over and alongside Sunburst hugged him. Shining still babbled, “I made a wettie.”

Flurry Heart kissed Shining and cooed, “Ya a foaw, is otay.” Sunburst added, “Yeah, Shiny, ya a foaw. And we aww make wetties and poopies in owa diapees.”

Shining reluctantly asked, “Sunnybuwst, tew me, is bein a foaw fun?”

“Ya, of cowse, Shiny, I wove bein a fowl!” Sunburst babbled, he lifted his foal blanket. Shining looked down and smirked seeing Sunburst’s diaper was yellow as his. Sunburst then replied, “Ya see, I made wetties, and I not gonna cwy.”

Shining rolled his eyes and sighed as he fell on his pillow. Flurry came up to Shining and asked, “Daddy, you don wike bein a foaw, huh?”

Shining looked at his doe eyed daughter and reluctantly said to her. “It’s otay, Fwuwwy Heawt, I kind of wike bein a foaw. Just a widdwe.”

Flurry Heart waddled up to Shining and hugged him, and he hugged her back. Sunburst laid down, delighted to see that Shining was finally happy. As the foals drifted off to sleep, Shining just curled up under the sheets and whimpered. Being a foal was going to be quite the adjustment.

Cadence and Twilight were now standing outside Flurry’s nursery. As Twilight gave Spike Shining’s letter and telling him what to write to Celestia, Cadence cooed, “I know this must be torture for him, but I can’t help but adore my husband like this.”

Twilight blushed and confessed, “I have to admit I actually did have something similar planned, but I would’ve at least waited until he was done with court for the day before trying to do it,” She then turned to Spike, who had written down everything on Shining’s note, and had included Twilight’s instructions. “Okay, I'll send this out immediately.” He said to Twilight.

Twilight ruffled Spike’s spines “Thanks and please be sure to tell her that Shining is okay, and that Cadence and I have everything under control.”

Spike rolled his eyes “I got it…” He then ran off before twilight could get him to care for three foals (Spike did NOT want to be stuck with diaper duty)..

Meanwhile, Cadence, curious about Twilight’s statements, asked, “Really, you were going to turn Shining into a foal? What was your plan?”

“Well I wanted to ask Shining if he wanted to be a foal for a few days. But I wouldn’t have turned him into a foal without his permission.” Twilight explained.

Cadence whispered, “That’s so sweet, but how would you have done that?”

Twilight replied, “I told you earlier about how Sunburst was turned into a foal by the powder his parents made. I had a sample and copied it, and was going to use it on Shining. I had it in my room, but it was taken along with the cure. ‘Why?’ I don’t know!”

Cadence nodded and asked Twilight, “Do you think we should lock down the palace and get the entire staff to integrate everypony that was in the palace today?”

Twilight nodded and sighed, “We may have no other choice, but do we really want the entire empire to know that Shining Armor is a foal?”

Cadence pondered this for a few moments, “Why don’t we put out a gag order? Anypony we speak to has to be under strict orders not to talk about it.”

Twilight sighed, “Even if we do, it’s going to get out, maybe we should investigate on our own?”

Cadence shrugged and replied, “Well...maybe..we can...but..”

Twilight eyed Cadence, “But what?” She asked.

Cadence sighed, “Shining is okay, it’s not like he’s in danger. We can take our time and find the culprit, as well as learn why they did it. If it was a prank we can probably forgive it, and if it’s more serious then we can be sure to handle it.”

“Right, but still,.not a lot of ponies knew about the powder. And I don’t want to tip off whoever did it that we’re onto them.” Twilight explained.

Cadence nodded and said to Twilight, “Well, I guess for now we’ll just wait for Celestia’s reply and tell the guards about the power, but order them to keep quiet. For right now though, I do have a kingdom to run. Can you keep an eye on the foals?”

Twilight nodded, “Sure, i’ll make sure they're cared for.”

Cadence smiled at Twilight and whispered, “Alright, and, uh...try to get Shining to enjoy it. I think he should make the most out of being a baby again.” Cadence then went down the hall as Twilight went back to look after the foals.