• Published 9th Aug 2017
  • 2,726 Views, 11 Comments

The Nightmare Worgan - Darkinfinity666

a Human now Worgan Displaced in Equestria... what can go wrong? apparently... Everything

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Chapter 3 - apparently i'm a displaced

(Everfree forest - Present - Sal’Ador’s P.O.V.)

I am wondering towards a waterfall I heard about after defeating those wooden wolfs. At that moment, seeing it reminded me that I needed a drink. Although, I am a death knight after all, a warrior that died and came back to life due to some kind of necromancer magic, so I’m basically a undead warrior, so do I really need water? Time to test that out.

I reach the waterfall that leads to a large lake, and I saw that the water was crystal clear, which is surprising, so i crouch down and cup some water with my hands, and drink it. However the moment I tasted it, I spit it out almost instantly. I noticed that it started turning to some sort of Ice, except it not even taste like ice. it had turned blue after it infused with magic. So afterwards I tossed it back into the water, which it then started to turn freeze upon contact.

I get up and start to walk away, but before I could get far, I heard the sounds of a wolf growling behind me, making me turn around to see more of those wooden monstrosities. I quickly send out of pulse of ice freezing at them, thus slowing them down in the progress. With a mighty swing, I sent my weapon gliding with the wolve’s limb, causing the creature to yelp out in pain.

I then leaped high into the with my axe held above me. With overswing, an aura of red energy follow my weapon as I came down upon my foe, cleaving the wooden wolf’s head in two. Seems my kills have attracted more wooden wolfs start to appear around me, I then swing my axe sideways at the closest wolf, causing ice from my weapon with my axe to forms a scythe called Frostscythe. My attack rips off a good chunk of the wooden wolf’s face. I finish it off with a punch to it’s muzzle and shattered it’s face.

The other wolfs then lunge at me at the same time in an attempt overpower me, I use my axe to send one of the wolfs flying into another of its kind. I dodge the other wolves but one wolf catches me off guard and attacks my side, causing it bleed a little, but it quickly heals up. Summoning an ice covered dragon skull over my head, it exhales a mighty breath of ice, causing all of the wolves to be encased in a frozen prison. The dragon’s head faded away after it was done with its job. With a fierce punch to wolf of them, I turned them into shards of ice.

With my hand extended out, I sent out pillars of ice coming out of the ground in a straight line, impaling some of the wolfs. I was suddenly attacked from behind, as a wolf tried to kill me by biting down on my neck. I reached back with my claws and pulled him off, I sliced its head off before tossing the wooden corpse away. Despite the injuries, my wounds easily heal.

The entire pack had be slain by my hands, except for one. The tree parted as a much larger wolf came though, its eyes glaring a fierce green, its gaze filled with the desire to kill me for their fallen brothers and sisters.

“So you must be the timber wolf alpha?” I asked it. It howled in response and in challenge. “I’m gonna take that as a yes” I say.

Suddenly, the sound of a high pitched scream had drawn my attention. “Sorry to cut this short but I need to see what that is” I said before leaping back into the trees, the Alpha tried to follow me but had no choice but to stop when I raced past the edge of the Everfree Forest.If I continue then there is a chance of me being spotted by the princesses and most likely end up being turned to stone again, but if I do check it out, there is a possibility of me saving this pony, or I can just ignore it and kill this alpha and become the alpha of these wooden wolfs I think to myself.

Once I arrived on sight, I noticed something I did not expect. There sitting in front of Fluttershy with its head tilted in confusion at the shy pony, was a wolf, but not any kind of wolf, this one had strangely colored fur. ‘I don’t recall wolves having red furr that fades to green and grey..’ I said mentally to myself.

At first, the yellow pegasus was backing away in fear despite the wolf not presenting itself as a threat. I turn my head to my left and notice something on the ground that appeared to be a howling wolf stone from the Twilight Princess game I used to play, but how or why is it here? “Who are you?” I ask the wolf, sorta ignoring Fluttershy

Its ear flicked, making me notice it was wearing blue earrings, only proving how much more stranger this furry was. It turns its head toward me, only for its body to suddenly turn into that of a spectra, it growls threatening at me. I noticed another thing off about it, its forehead had a white symbol of Din.

I growl back holdin my axe, if it was a threat I would eliminate it, but if it does not, I will not attack it despite not at my full strength yet.or I can just kill itI think, not really focusing much

Fluttershy galloped away away from us. Before I could do anything, the wolf suddenly leap high into the air and straight toward my head, causing my vision to be blinded by light.

When my vision cleared, I found myself laying on what appeared to be... “Wait, What?” I said in confusion. Slowly, I got up and once again saw the same wolf sitting in front of me a small distances away. I noticed I was in a whole different place, I saw the sky and I was somehow standing on clouds high above Equestria. “Okay this does not sit well with me” I say, not really liking being so high

With a echo howl, the wolf became a man cloaked in red, its face hidden within its cloak. I did notice something familiar to him and it was mostly the lower part of him that caught my eye, the hint of green clothing hidden in his cloak. He watched in, as if expecting a reaction. “ quick question, are you link or someone trying to be him?” I ask

The man reached down and lowered his hood, revealing his face to be like Links, except it looked like a mixture of other Links in one. The three things I noticed that was different about him, was that he has a yellow goatee and mustache, I also saw that his right ear was damaged by a timberwolf’s claw along and that the left side of his cheek had a scar. “I’m not trying to be him, I was forced to become him.” Link said.

“That makes sense” I say sarcastically “like how my earliest memories of myself was about me trying to destroy equestria”

“Basically in a nutshell, you have became something called a Displaced, you bought something from a merchant and now you’re here as a literal realife presentation of your costume. Does that sum it up?” Link guessed, surprising me with how accurate he said it. If I knew what he meant.

“To be honest, I really don’t know what you mean, I really only know of appearing in this place, I only remember a few recollection of memories of earth, and that’s it” I say

“Ah, memory loss.” Link said with a nod and a sigh. “Do you have any questions I could answer for you that doesn't involve your past life?” he asked.

“Yeah, do you know what those wooden wolves are called?” I ask

“Timberwolves.” He answered, causing the mist in the area to swirl and soon reveal what appears one of those creatures, except it was in a static stiff pose, like some sort of taxidermy trophy.

“Oh, well that makes sense, I think the alpha challenged me to a fight, but I had to leave to see what the scream was, which turned out to be that yellow pony” I say

“Accidental summon to be honest, she hummed the tone of my token and I was brought to your world.” Link explained as he crossed his arms.

“Whats a token?” I ask.

“This.” Link said as he reached up to hold up a smaller version of the howling stone, except it was oval shaped. “It's what allows another Displaced to summon another to their world..” He said.

“That makes sense, so how do you make a token?” I ask.

The frozen image vanished in the same way it appeared. “There are variable ways of doing it, you can make it from scratch through your own void energy, or you can take an existing item and fuse it with the same type. Just give it a message and send it into the void if you wish to meet and be brought by other Displaced. Just a small warning, not all of them are as nice as I am, so I suggest you make some kind of safety precaution incase that Displaced isn’t along your alignment. Such as a hero being forced to serve evil..” Link explained.

“Okay, that makes sense, I can’t expect everyone to be good” I say

“Any other questions?” Link asked.

“Um no, not really” I say, tilting my head to the side

“From how you’re acting, you haven’t been in this world for long.” Link asked.

“Yeah, I haven’t been active for a long time, but I have been stoned for 1,000 years” I explained.

“For someone who once tried to destroy Equestria, you’re quite tame despite your Death Knight appearance.” Link said.

“Yeah, I know, also is it possible to turn my axe into a sword?” I ask, pulling out my axe

“Not in here. This is just a temporary mindscape via a mind link, I wanted to make sure you weren’t evil or hell-bend on anything worse than that. Otherwise my token would crumble to pieces to prevent it’s misuse.” Link explained.

“Yeah, I know about good and bad, and all this karma thing that depends on if you are good or bad, i’m actually planning on once i’m the alpha of the timber wolves, because i’m planning on going to the north” I say

“With the timberwolves? I don’t think they can handle a colder climate” Link pointed out.

“I can use my Death knight powers to help them adapt, it would be interesting to have ice Timberwolves” I say

Link looked like he was about to say something, but instead nodded to my words. A moment of silence passed before he did speak. “Just remember how Karma works. The ponies of equestria will retaliate if you present as a threat to them, so I suggest you learn to control your powers before you end up being stoned for another thousand years, either that or the mane six attempts to reform you.” Link said.

“I’m just curious about the north, like what lies there, and if there are any hidden kingdoms there” I say

“It's not exactly hidden though. Actually, I don’t know the current timeline of this world, so I can’t tell you if it's there or not, other than that, it's mostly just a mountain of frozen tundra.” Link explained.

“Well there were some weird bug like creatures that had holes in their arms and legs when I was released” I say, thinking.

“Changelings. They’re pony-like bugs that can change their shape while feeding on love.” Link explained before he looked off to the distance. “...I suggest we return to Equestria before the mane six come back. Thus, my judgemental has be concluded.” Link said as the area glowed brightly. Soon, I was returned where I was before, except now the hylian was there with me.

I cross my arms I need to take down that alpha than become the alpha, then I will lead the Timberwolves to the frozen north and help them adapt and possibly raise an undead army I think to myself looking up.

Link frowns at my words. “Remember karma. You do something bad and it will return just as worse.” he said.

“Yeah I know” I say “I think I should fight that alpha now” I then cross my arms turning to the direction the alpha was, and start to walk in that direction.

“Hold up, you’re getting a little sidetracked. Didn’t you want a sword?” Link asked with a raised eyebrow.

That made me freeze “Oh right I kinda forgot” I say looking at link.

The hylian took out some sort of bag. “Now, I can change this axe into a sword of the same size and weight, I just want to know what you want it to look like.” Link said.

“Something Like this” I say, holding up my left hand to show a image of the sword.

“Alright, place your axe on the ground.” Link suggest as he kneeled down with the mysterious bag in hand.

I set down my Axe on the ground.

Link reached into his bag before beginning to spread it over my axe, it begins to sparkle and gleam before shaking and jittering, suddenly it goes through a strange metamorphosis as it changes shape into the blade I so desired. “Magic Powder allows me to change an item into another, it's drains my own in order to make it into a sword. The weapon is still made of the same material, although I couldn’t replicate the ice properties.” Link explained.

“That makes sense, I can just enchant it so that it has it’s Ice properties again” I say as I pick up the sword in my right hand and give it a few swings.

“Chances are it's not as strong as the original, you’ll need to find a proper blacksmith to sharpen it up.” Link explained as he placed his bag of magic powder back into his satchel.

“Makes sense, now i have a alpha to take down” I say going towards where the alpha timberwolf was, hoping that it is still there.

“If you no longer need my help, I suggest you speak the words ‘You contract is complete ’“ Link suggested.

“Okay, Your contract is complete” I say. With those words, Link started to raise above ground before a familiar blue crystal appeared around him, he vanished the same way he does it in Ocarina Of Time after a boss had been defeated. There is a soft thud behind me, making me turn to see Link’s howling stone token on the ground in its smaller form as a necklace that was perfect for my size.

I then pick it up and put it around my neck.

“Time to take down that alpha” I mutter

Author's Note:

this is a crossover with DisplacedWriter