• Published 23rd Mar 2017
  • 531 Views, 12 Comments

Metamorphosis - Fabella

Sentenced to rule alone, Celestia is desperate to regain harmony and bring back the only pony that understands her most. She'll do what it takes, even if that means losing everything to do so.

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Satrswirl and Clover braced themselves as their faces were bent back by the gusts of wind and sheer amount of turbulence that came speeding at them with aggressive force. Starswirl's hat nearly blew off while Clover's cape nearly tore at it's ragged seams as the vicious gale tore through their fur and against their skin with violent force.

Starswirl, moved his hoof that covered his eyes and face away from his vision and saw his most prized and precious student, daughter of the late king, standing in the midst of a magical field of intense energy. Straining under its force and pressure that was exerting from the both her own magic and the elements of harmony.

But it was the image he laid eyes upon that made his blood run cold.

He was pale at the sight.

Looking pass that of the princess and through the glass of the large windows that Celestia faced, the once silver moon was bathed in the color of crimson blood.

Of all omens this was one he didn't wanted to see.

"Starswirl! What is going on? What is happening!" Clover yelled. Barely audible over the sounds of the trembling ground and the wicked groans of the princess.

"Like the devil I know!"

Before he could react a, magical sparks burst forth and aimed straight for the crowd.

Clover, seeing this, quickly erected a barrier of green magic and let it remained around her, the group and the teacher as magic fell out of place all around them.

Starswirl let loose a small growl and turned the the group. He canceled out Clover's magic and erected his own barrier as he served to push the group out. He could have sworn there was more ponies than now that was present but assumed that the violent tempest and the sight of the princess more than likely, scared some of them off.

"Statrswirl, what are you doing?!"

"It is not safe here! I don't want anyone to cross the boundaries of this room! Clover, you will stay outside and keep watch over the panicked lot! Ensure everyone in the castle of what is going on currently and calm their scared flanks!"


Before she could finish, ebony doors of the fallen moon princess, slammed in her face.

She frowned but did not attempt to open the doors back up knowing it was probably for the best. She turned her attention to the group who looked at her with lost and frightened eyes like a confused puppy. Pitying them she sighed.

"I guess I have no other choice. Guards, go and evacuate the castle. Maids and servants, go with them to help in escorting them safely out through the corridors. If any are hurt, unicorns, use your magic to help them out. There should be a total of two parties, one for escorting and evacuating and another for any that may need help. Gather any nurses and other ponies as well. Now go and do what Starswirl said!"

The group immediately fell out and running in all types of directions in talkative murmur, set forth to do what the graduated magical apprentice said.

Clover closed her eyes as she place a hoof to her chest in prayer.

Starswirl...Celestia...please be safe

Starswirl stood not far from the doors as he braved the violent turbulence, encased in a barrier to stop the gusts of hellish wind and the sparks of magic that erradically flew in all types of directions.

She could no longer keep them balanced and under control.

Celestia could feel her horn splitting.

"Celestia! Celestia!" He was barely heard by the princess as she thrashed about in an attempt to forcibly wield magic that she no longer could.

"Do you have any idea what you are doing!? You are putting the entire fate of Equestria in jeapordy! Why are you doing this!? Have you gone mad?! Has King Sombra infected you with his magic?!"

Celestia snapped her head at him. Bones cracking as they contorted in ways unusual to its anatomy.

Starswirl flinched as completely white orbs stared back at him with clear blood shot veins. Her horn was beginning to crack and fray off as glowing white light took its place. She was falling apart like a statue that had been neglected for centuries. Parts of her body begun to crack and break, a sight that the centuries old unicorn had never witnessed before.

It shouldn't be like this. Everything was wrong. It wasn't suppose to be like this.

"Ye of all ponies shall not speak!"

Her voice echoed with a mixture of the booming voice of royalty and a near demonic sound as her speaking went back to one of old.

"War after war after war. The violence the bloodshed the constant threat that Equestria faces. How can harmony be spread henceforth through the world if there is none to begin with? We were harmony, me and my sister. The elements gave us peace, gaveus sanity and now with her gone, there is none left. We are alone, we are no more but if I bring her back surely harmony will be restored and with it peace."

"You are insane Celestia! The elements of harmony is no more for you to control! Your sister is gone! She chose her fate! She decided to rebel and engulf the world in enternal night!"

"The elements of harmony failed us! That was not of our sisters doing! She was possessed! Under the control of something! She will never do something of the like to us or our subjects!"

"Snap out of your denial Celestia!"

"The elements should have purged her but instead they've done nothing but remove her from us! They have put thy world under complete disarray and chaos! I shall bring her back to us...to me."

"There is nothing you can do Celestia! She is gone! This is not the way to restore harmony! You are a princess! A humbled queen! You must now be the sole focus of the country!"

"Thee was not there while we suffered in sadness. I remember thy cold gaze as ye spoke to us in coldness. Telling us to simply move on because it was 'thou duty'. But today we shall have none of it. We shall restore harmony, we shall fix our mistake and we shall make one whole again."

Starswirl watched as the princess begun to fade. Multiple pieces of her body begun to crack and shatter like stone and glass. Revealing only light in its place. Splattering small amounts of blood all over the entirety of the rooms furniture and walls as it did so.

She now seemed...numbed to the pain.

No longer screaming.

It seemed as though she was under possession of something unknown as her voice echoed as two.

She turned her back to Starswirl and blankly, like a zombie, stared outside the large windows.

Starswirl could feel himself straining under the pressure of keeping the barrier up as it begun to fade. Taking to much impact from the whirlwind sworms of powerful magical energy and swarms.

"Think about your future! Equestria's future! One day your sister may return! You must be patient! Perhaps the elements of harmony will be restored by then! Celestia! Think about your subjects! Think about those possibilities!"

Celestia did not move, flinched or so much paid mind.

"Equestria...may not survive til then..."

Starswirl aimed his magic towards a magical beam that flew his way and then to another. The barrier had failed to stay up any longer and now Starswirl played a deadly game of catch.

He didn't have time left between snapping Celestia out of her trance and that of erecting a barrier to protect himself. His focus remained on his beloved student.

"Your subjects Celestia! The ones you care and love!"

His voice was but a distant memory. A noise in the background of turned over thoughts. Celestia's blanketed mind flashed images of her past. The birth of her sister, reading stories to her in bed, playing pranks, getting on each other nerves, Luna singing lullabies to the moon, meeting Starswirl for the first time, witnessing the alicorn war together, finding the tree of harmony together, defeating discord together, raising their celestial bodies together, ruling equestria together, fighting King Sombra together.

"Celestia!" Starswirl screamed.

His saying echoed in her head.

Think about your subjects!

His words had finally reached her.

"....with this we do."

It was too late.

The moon turned black as a dim halo encircled it.

The stars vanished from sight

Celestia reared on her hind legs as her body begun to crack all over. Breaking, shifting, churning her blood and body in excruciating pain as it shot through whatever nerves she had left. The ground shook more violently then ever, the furniture toppled over.

Her body broke apart as she let out one last final scream as her horn shattered.

The sun princess was no more.

Author's Note:

Yeah this ain't the last one either. One very short chapter after this. Cause you know. Cliffhangers are fun. Really, there should be an uplifting tag.