• Published 15th Apr 2017
  • 239 Views, 1 Comments

Pony Quill Feather - Pony Quill Feather

Watch as Pony Quill Feather goes through a boring, lonly life untill one day he moved to Pony Ville, then my life changed for ever.

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The first letter


I grew up in the big city of Canterlot. The thing about Canterlot that unsettled me was the main population, were ever you look the only ponies you are likely to see are unicorns. My family is one of few who looks outside race for “expanding the family” as it were. Yeah we got some Earth ponies, some Pegasus, and a few unicorns are in there. Both my parents are unicorns. But only one of the three of their children are unicorns them self’s. Me and my little brother are Pegasus. Not that’s it’s a bad thing it’s half the family that’s Pegasus, on both sides even, it’s a family honor. That is if you can fly.

Yeah I haven’t lift my hooves of the ground since I was born. A Pegasus who cant fly is something to be ashamed of in every ponies head. Even if they wont say it out loud or to my face. The problem isn’t that they are to short witch can be a common problem that is capable of being solved with training. My family even keeps telling me my wing size is so good I could be better then any wonder bolt. No my problem is just the opposite, I have not one bit of mussel on these wings. I’m too week to fly, witch my family keep telling me its not hard to fix. I just haven’t been able to take time to start with school being my focus.

Now schooling was a complication for me and my little brother. Me and my brother are the only young Pegasus. And the only school in Canterlot is the school for gifted unicorns. And as the name suggested it takes only unicorns of gifted talents. And that’s every unicorn that either wants or are forced to go. All the others, being their no law saying you must go too school, get taut what they need for their financial currier, witch is every time I’ve herd of, or they get no education. But recently the school started to take non unicorn teachers for non-magic activities like how my Pegasus uncle Doctor whooves know a history teacher at the school. He was able to, in no time at all, get us in. But we still had to take magic studies class.

My brother is very much a “potential genius”. He can As every thing with the littlies effort, if only he put the right amount of effort. But I’m quit the opposite I need to put in five times the effort, and do, all because of me being socially scared. No I don’t mean socially awkward, put me in a conversation and I can hold it for as long as I have interesting knowledge. it’s the fear of getting socially awkward that keeps me away from talking with others. But with lots of ignoring that I can at least talk to my teacher to a needed extent. Also if some pony else starts a conversation with me I’ll have no problem. But when starting one my self the first few moments before it are brutal on my stress. And the idea that I don’t feel scared if some one talks to me would help me have friends if any pony would want to talk to me.

All I want is a friend but I cant talk to others and others don’t want to talk to me. One day I saw this one Unicorn Philly who wasn’t stuck up but didn’t seem to care for talking. All see did was study, others would try to talk to her but she either replied with a jester of a nod, hum, or nothing. Some pony who didn’t care about face to face interaction. Then I came up with a brilliant idea. I thought what if, what if I don’t talk to here face to face.
I don’t need a friend really, I really only need to convey my thoughts with someone who will reply. And the best way I could do that is with someone that drama cant start with without us meeting.

That day I went straight to the store after school to pick up what I needed. I got fifteen quills and a one hundred paper pack. As I walked into my room I said to my self if I cant talk Ill write. I have decided I wont have a friend but I’ll try to have a pen pal. But then I realized I’ve never wrote a thing in my life. Even though they let teachers that aren’t Unicorns in, the doc is the only one who is. And so as my writing teacher is a unicorn she cant teach me muzzle writing so instead I type on a type writer, and so I only learned proper grammar. We don’t own a type writer but I know what the alphabet look like, how hard can it be. Apparently really hard.

I learned something today, reading and writing aren’t similar skills. I’m having difficulty focusing on grammar and writing at the same time. Writing takes way to long to the point I cant focus on anything else. Ah, I ran out of quills, but I don’t really want to go back to the stables store. … I could use one of my feathers, It wont really hurt that much. I don’t even need my feathers any way, I mean I cant fly. So lets do it. (Prick). Ouch, that hurt a lot. Well time to start writing. (suddenly the words started to flow right out of him). Wow that took not as long, I thing I’m getting better at this.

“Dear Ms Sparkle

I do not wish for you to misunderstand my intention with this letter. I do not even plan on facing you in real life. I don’t have friends or any one to talk to other than my cat. I’m under the belief that its eating away at my insanity. I would try to talk to you face to face but as Iv seen again and again that’s an Ideal failure. So Iv concluded that you have no interest in making any friends. But from the fact that instead you spend your time studying always, you have a interest in knowledge. So I hope you may be interested in a experience such as this. I’m proposing that instead of having friends you take this chance to have a pen pal.

But in the chance you accept I guess introductions are in order. My name is Pony Quill Feather, but oddly ponies call me Quill instead of Pony or even Feather. I don’t really understand it. I was under the belief that ponies used first names when personal. Then when professional they use last names. And there is absolutely no reason for them to use the last name.

I like to read like you, but as you appear to read text books, I read legends, profits, fairytales, and history books. But this is the first time Iv ever wrote. But most of the time I just wake up, go to school, go home, do homework, and read the day away. I know “boring” right, but I actually enjoy it. I really enjoy writing this, it felt really good to communicate with anything other then my cat. I hope you try it to and reply.

,Pony .Q Feather”

Iv done it, I actually made a letter. The muzzle writing is neat no grammar flaws as far as I can see, and depicts all I’m trying to say. I think I’m happy with this one. Now to send it, how will it be done. Ill get my uncle Doctor to let me in early then he will find her home room class. We will place the letter at her seat and from then on we will just have to hope everything goes right during and after the plan.

The next morning I got up early as planed and left once ready. When getting there I just rang the door bell, the intercom turned on and the voice of the Doctor asked “Who is it”. I then said “Its me, Quill”. A clink of the door witch I believed was the door unlocking signified I was to come in. I went to the main office were he must be to open the door. ”hello Quill, you here to deliver the letter to Ms Sparkle“ said Doc. “Indeed” I replied.

The Doc looked at me again with squinty eyes confirm what he thought he saw “Oh congrats” he said. “For what?” I asked. “You haven’t even noticed, you got your cutie mark“ The Doc claimed. I looked down at my flank and surly enough there it was. A pink Quill, must be writing that’s my skill, even though I failed so many times. Can you even develop a special talent. “Hmm, I didn’t even notice it“ I said. “well you don’t look as happy as the most ponies I see get there cutie mark” The Doc commented. I replied “I’m not like most ponies”.

The Doc then logged in to a computer and researched something. Id assume he’d do this earlier to save time but I guess not, maybe he was busy. The Doctor then said “Well that’s unexpected”. “What’s unexpected?” I asked. The Doc replied with “well you know that private student of Celestia”. I replied with a nod. “Well this Twilight Sparkle is her”. Instantly I felt that this has already failed. I just wanted to go home now, give up, and not even go to school.

The Doc then said “well then lets go”. “go?” I said questioningly. “Yeah, lets go to Celestia” he replied. “Princess Celestia?” I said in a less then amused tone. “Yeah, don’t worry I know her personally” he explained. He didn’t leave me convinced, but I followed any way to see how this would turn out. While on the way we passed small talk, I was waiting for a good moment to ask why/how he knew the Princess. “So, how do you…” I was cut off. We suddenly had spears blocking the way we were going. I knew it he doesn’t know her.

Then the guard to the left said “Doctor who is this kid? A student of yours? Well he cant come through he’s unpredictable”. “No, no he’s a student here but he’s not mine, he my nephew Quill” Doc explained. “Oh, he can pass she’s been expecting a Quill, didn’t know she meant a pony named that, this explains why she was telling me this”. The spears were lifted and we were allowed entry. He dose know her! Why are the guards way down here if her door is down there. I guess no pony likes being heard every second, even Celestia her self.

We arrive at her door and the doc knocks on it. I cant believe I’m about to meet her majesty I up close, in her bed chambers no less. Actually now I think of it what is she like on a every day bases. The door opens to show the Princess wearing a towel around her hair holding a cup of coffee and her eyes only half open. Her mane is no longer flowing and showing slight color of pure white suggesting she uses hair dye. She likely went grey haired a thousand years ago. Most historic art work dose portray her with pink hair so it makes sense. I wonder why it hasn’t fallen out, must be a alicorn thing.

"Oh hello doctor, and this must be little Quill” she spoken. He then said “yes it is, can we talk, I wish to turn in a favor if you please”. The princes when hearing these words she became extremely excited her eyes widen, her hair began to flow and the rainbow color came back to her. She jumped up and in the process her towel fell. She pushed the door all the way open and said “yes, yes come in”. for what ever reason would the princess owe him.

The Doctor and the princess were sitting together at the table as Quill was over looking at the many books of her collection. Quill then said in his excitement “Can I read some princess”. The Princess of cores said “Yes dear, read to your hearts content”. Her majesty then turn to the doctor “You told me that little Quill had no cutie mark”. The Doctor then said “He didn’t this was news to me this morning. You’ve seen many cutie marks in your years, do you know what this one means.”

The princess took a long good look at the cutie mark, then she said “Iv never seen one like it, but I can assume that it means he’s good at all skills with a quill”. The Doc then confirm “So writing, artwork, and stuff”. The Princess then said “well, yes. So why are you two here, no way the favor was to predict his talent. The Doc then remembered why we were here. He said “well, yes thanks for reminding me, its about your student twilight”. The Princess then looked shocked out of belief and said “Oh did she do something wrong, it wouldn’t seem like her”.

The doctor then realized the possible misunderstanding and quickly fixed it “Oh no, not at all its just little Quill here wanted to become pen pals with ms. Sparkle”. The princess looked not just relieved but glad to hear that. The Doctor then continue to say “we brought a letter for her if you can please deliver it”. The princess then walked up to Quill and asked “May I read your letter little Quill”. She read the letter and looked up “I’ll give the letter to my student, but I have a proposal for you, I need some pony to help me with schedules and paper work, will you be my steward”. After she gave the request the Doctor was shaking his head up and down suggesting to accept the position. But as neither of them expected Quill respond with what he said “No, thanks”.

I never regretted that answer until I moved too that little town.

Comments ( 1 )

Listen, I don't want to be rude, since I know I can't personally offer you much help. It's great to see a new user here, but you're making the same mistakes that we've seen thousands of newbies make before. Before you continue writing this story, I suggest you go visit these groups:

School for New Writers
Looking for Editors
Writer's Group

I personally can't offer you much help, I'm sorry. But I don't like seeing potential talent go to waste. Visit these groups and look for users there who can help you, trust me, they are extremely kind, and they are WAYYYYY better than me at this (seriously, if you PM me, all you're gonna get is a "i dunno" or generic advice, when there are others who have more skill to help you)

Good luck.

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