• Published 25th Mar 2017
  • 433 Views, 11 Comments

Sands of Time - Amaranthine Thought

To the past! And try not to step on anything! Kidding, kidding, but seriously, don't touch too much.

  • ...

Chapter 15

Again, I find myself high in the peaks, but this time, snow blankets the ground, and the wind howls as freezing flakes whiten the very air. But I do not feel it. Atop me, Clover keeps me warm with her magic, and despite the cold all around me, I feel warm. I can feel Mirage holding my mane tight; my own tension is nothing to her nerves. Smart is behind her, tense, but calmer than Mirage is. All three wear furred armor, Smart and Mirage’s crafted specifically for them.

They look nice, but their purpose is all too clear.

Just behind me are almost three hundred unicorns in similar armor, shivering and stomping to try and keep warm. In front is Princess, wearing beautiful silver armor that is currently hidden underneath a heavy furred coat.

She is beautiful in either. More so, seeing her determination and unflinching gaze.

Just next to her is her captain, Emerald, and they both stare off towards the pegasi stronghold. It doesn’t look like much; the snow likely hides what they have built, and the flurry makes it difficult to see.

But we can all see the pegasi. Watching us as we watch them, flying in place and shifting back and forth, making it difficult to count their number. Sometimes they pass through the grey clouds not so far above us, but I can see that they too, shiver.

We have already announced ourselves. We only await the Commander. At this point, the show of giving one’s foe a final chance to back down is just that; a show. Commander Hurricane is not going to acquiesce to Princess’ final demand, and conflict is inevitable.

Commander keeps us waiting for ten minutes before we spot him and three more leaving the stronghold, and flying our way. I suppose the flag whipping behind one of them is the pegasi flag; his flag.

He lands about thirty feet before Princess, before he alone steps forward, as Princess does. They both stop once they are near one another.

“Commander Hurricane.” Princess says.

“Princess Platinum.” he greets in turn, his gaze flickering to me before he refocuses on Princess, glaring. “Again, unicorns trespass on our peak, but this time, it seems you play at soldiers.”

“I play at nothing, Commander.” Princess states, her voice firm, standing a little taller.

“The beast was yours all along, wasn't it?” he asks her. “Tougher than I thought it was, if it survived my bolt and the fall.”

“He is his own.” Princess tells Commander, her voice gaining a sharp edge. “I now give you your final offer, as it is prescribed: give us the fillies, and we shall leave in peace, and never face another again.”

Commander glares, anger passing over his expression. “If you call the storm, you get the storm.” He says, his voice dark. “I too, give you your last warning: give us your brainwashed pegasus, and leave our lands never to be seen again.”

“Then we have agreed.” Princess says. Commander nods.

“You’ve agreed nothing!” is shouted, and Princess and Commander both startle a little, turning to see.

Chancellor comes up to the pair of them, still wearing her outfit, and we can all see a gathering of earth ponies behind her. More than I saw in Sparkly Cupcake.

“Not without me.” Chancellor says darkly as she reaches them, her gaze hard.

“You want in on this, Puddinghead?” Commander asks, snorting. “Go back to your valleys.”

“You’ve nothing to do with this, Chancellor.” Princess adds.

“I’ve plenty to do.” Chancellor says. “Enough with all of this. Enough I say! Pegasi and unicorns have brought nothing but strife and hunger to the earth ponies, and we shall stand for it no more! Here, and now, I declare this land, all this land, to be ours and ours alone!”

A biting wind blows, and the air seems to grow colder, the snow thicker, the other two staring at Chancellor in minor shock. Then they both glare.

“Think you can take it, Puddinghead?” Commander yells as the winds howl. “Fine then! You ask for the storm, you get the storm. We fight for this land.”

“You are not going to leave us out of this!” Princess objects, stomping. “If that is what this has come to, then so be it! Are we agreed?”

“I accept the terms.” Commander says, glaring at Chancellor and Princes in turn.

“Winner takes all.” Chancellor adds, her eyes flicking between Princess and Commander.

“This land for one.” Princess says, and all three stomp together.

“Ten minutes.” Commander says as he takes flight, his guards going with him.

“Ten minutes.” Princess says before he goes too far.

“Ten minutes.” Chancellor adds, to then head towards me, to Princess’ surprise.

“Where are you going?” she asks, frowning.

Chancellor doesn’t respond, looking up not at me, but at Smart.

“Smart Cookie.” She says, stopping nearby. “I have something to tell you.”

Smart doesn’t say anything, leaning down to watch Chancellor, her face troubled, Chancellor’s own kept perfectly neutral.

“I’m sorry.” Chancellor says, and Smart startles. “You were right the whole time. I should never have thought I could control Big Guy, and I should never have tried to force you to do so for me.”

“Ch, Chancellor…”

Chancellor sighs, and gives her a small, sad smile. “I was so worried when Big Guy took you that rainy night. But it looks like he took you in; he made a good choice. You’re the best pony he could ask for to have by his side. You be sure to… to…”

Chancellor stops, her face wobbling, before she lowers her gaze for a moment. Then she looks up again, simply looking at Smart. “…You make sure you be his best pony, just like you were mine.” she says. She gains a small smile as she adds, “But if you ever do feel like dropping by, you’re always going to be welcome in Sparkly Cupcake.”

Chancellor then leaves, though not before I spot the glint of tears in her eyes, hurrying back to her own group. Princess watches her go with a frown before she then turns to see the rest of us.

“The terms have changed!” she announces, her voice carried clear via magic to the gathered unicorns, spells shimmering amongst the whole as some seek shelter from the growing storm. “We fight now not just for what is right, but now for our very home here! If we do not overcome this day, then we shall be pushed to the edges and forced away!”

“But we shall not falter! We shall not bend our knee to the pegasi nor the earth ponies! Remember all those that wait for us, waiting for us to find them a new home! Waiting for us to bring them back hope! And they seek to take this home from us! But they shall not!”

“Stand tall! Stand proud! We shall show them our birthright, and we shall teach them the meaning of magic! We are who command the skies in their paths, it is us who master the world around us! It is us who are their betters!”

“We shall make them compromise, or it shall be they who shall be forced away! For what is right! For our King! For our families! For our future! We fight!”

The gathered unicorns all call out in answer to her, and begin to move. I see the earth ponies moving as well, and the pegasi swarm out of their stronghold in their turn.

I take to the air as the battle begins, and fly high, heading towards the stronghold. There, I should find Commander Hurricane, and it is there that I’ll face him; on the ground, where I’ll have a bit more control. In theory, at least.

Chancellor has turned this battle from a simple skirmish to a pitched fight for the homes they built in this land. None of them can back down anymore. There is no question of mercy, or ceasefire:

They fight for their futures.

None of the pegasi in the sky near me. As Princess had anticipated, they do not wish to face me, and will leave it to Commander Hurricane to do so. The battle below is smothered in white, making it difficult to see what is going on, but the sparks of spells are common, and soon enough, the yells and screams of ponies.

The storm seems to scream around me with them. I’d swear that I keep seeing something, some ethereal shape running through the clouds and snow, but I never get a good look. Yet, if I listen, I could swear that I can hear faint hoofbeats, and a ghostly sort of neigh.

I ignore it, for there is a far more important thing to think about as I near the stronghold. As it comes more into view, I spot the Commander, waiting for me. But even as I move to land, he seems to vanish in a gust of snow, leaving me to land in an empty fort. A walled town on a high peak, covered in snow and made of stone. The peak rises a little higher there, and I see a cave within it; some sort of small sanctuary in the stone.

I step towards it, and somehow manage to spot and dodge the blue blur that’s shoots past me, aiming for my head. The Commander stops nearby, fluttering, his eyes glaring hard.

“I bested you once before, beast.” he growls, moving to get between me and the cave. “I don’t know how you survived, but I won’t allow you to take the fillies.”

“They are mine to care for.” I growl at him, glaring as well, my claws scratching the stone under me.

“Even with allies, I am still your better.” He says, his glare hardening. “This land is our land, and we shall not forfeit it! Bring it!”

He crackles suddenly, shockingly, only for the bolt to scatter off a shield, the Commander crashing through a second after. I snap, only for him to dodge me close enough to brush past my fur, Mirage managing to kick him away from my back, throwing him up.

I am barely able to turn to see before Smart stops his near instant return with a solid buck of her own, stopping him from ramming Clover. Clover then attempts to shock him herself, her horn crackling, but he again slips away, zipping along the ground to hover in front of me, watching me; keeping my head between him and Clover.

He must be unwilling to dare her magic. His lightning needed him to hold still, didn’t it? Clover could get him if he did so, which leaves him one option then:

His speed against my claws and teeth.

Despite his remaining to my front, I still find him difficult to hit, and can only give him glancing blows, nicking his armor or thumping him harmlessly away from me. I need to restrict him more! His sheer agility makes it impossible to truly know where he is going!

I have an idea, and as we keep fighting, I start pressing him, moving forward. He fights harder for it, his blows increasing in power, but eventually, he has to avoid a rock wall, and I manage to snag his armor, swing him, and throw him into a nearby building, where he impacts, hard.

He gets up again, shaking his head, but that hit was a good one. Two or three more, I think, and this will be over.

Unless he learns to not let that happen again, as he swiftly does. As soon as I start pushing him away, he zips past me again, and I hear Mirage yelp.

I don’t feel her on me.

I whirl, to see Smart wrestling with him in the snow, holding one of his wings, Mirage fallen nearby. I move, and just as he breaks her hold, he flaps once to get up before I snag his armor again, and whirl him to slam into one of the stone buildings nearby.

But that time, I keep my hold, and I do not let go as I swing him again, repeating the action. I heard something snap, and then I hurl him into the cavern he tried to prevent me from getting to. There is a loud crack and I hear a set of gasps that I know, and I grin. Smart and Mirage hurry back atop me, and I head that way as Commander fails to reemerge.

The cavern is spacious, oddly circular, and seems natural. The Commander is struggling to get to his hooves near a cracked dent in the wall, his helmet badly dented.

The pegasus that I saw with Sweetie from before is there, with her wings spread out as though to protect or hide them. She looks at me with obvious fear, but she doesn’t move as she looks to the trembling Commander, who glares at me, obviously pained and weak now.

“Commander…” she says in the softest voice I’ve heard.

“Stay back, Private.” Commander says, managing to get to his hooves again, though I can tell he is no threat now. “I’m not going down without a fight, beast!” he yells at me. “Come on! Finish it!”

“You seem finished already, Commander.”

He hesitates, and Princess walks past me. “Now, surrender, and I might be merciful.” she tells him, Clover hesitating before she hops from my back, and stands with her.

Commander stands tall again, his wings flicking, moving so he stands in front of the trembling Private. “To give you this win?” he asks, snorting. “Never.”

“Right, because she is not the winner here!”

Chancellor enters, to all our surprise, taking a position so she can see both Commander and Princess. “I am!” she announces, and I feel Smart leave as well, hesitantly coming to Chancellor’s side as well.

You?” Princess asks, aghast, and I feel Clover forget to keep me warm, cold sinking into me as they begin to fight amongst each other.

“As if earth ponies amount to anything.” Commander says, glaring at her.

“You two are going to end us with your bickering and oppression!” Chancellor says, glaring.

“We never oppressed you.” Princess objects, anger flickering across her face as well.

“You oppressed everypony.” Commander near spits.

Something is happening as they continue to yell at one another. Ice seems to be creeping down the walls, slowly growing inwards. I can’t do anything about it; a chill unlike any I’ve felt saps my strength, and I feel Mirage grab hold of me to try and resist the same. I feel like I am freezing solid.

“You really are just a peacock!” Chancellor yells, the ice reaching her back hoof.

I, of all ponies, a peacock?!” Princess yells, the ice reaching her back hoof as well. “You prance in that ridiculous outfit and call me a peacock?!”

“You’re insane!” Commander yells at Chancellor, to then yell, “And you’re no better!” at Princess, as the ice reaches him as well.

None of them even appear to notice as the ice starts climbing up them, slowly consuming them, but the others do. Clover, Smart, Private, and the girls all retreat from the nearing ice, even as their leaders all seem unable to notice as they slowly freeze over.

I can only watch helplessly as they keep screaming at one another while the others are slowly driven closer and closer together, the girls closer still, all six with worried expressions.

The ice takes all three leaders in turn, their yells suddenly ceasing, their faces locked in angry expressions. As I watch that, ice creeps over my own vision, blurring it. It makes a sort of shell around me.

I see the three mares all bump into one another, and then I think turn to look at one another, the girls huddled close in the center. I can just barely make out the ice grabbing them as well.

I hear something said, and I think they all reach out to hold one another.

Then something flashes white, and fires up. The ice on me shatters as warmth fills the room, allowing me to see Clover’s eyes shining white, warm air gusting from the beam coming from her horn, Smart and Private holding onto her and each other, their eyes closed in odd peace.

The beam shifts, and suddenly, two ghostly horses are shot out of the air, crashing down near me. Clover is sending out waves of heat, melting the ice, but the ghostly horses seem to fight against it. They struggle to get to their hooves, and they seem to emit waves of cold to combat Clover’s warmth.

I’ve not seen nor heard of anything like them. They look like real horses. They are cold, and fight against the warmth. They are trying to freeze everypony with that cold. I know what I must do.

I reach forward, and snap my jaws on each in turn.

They puff like mist once I do so, but they are so cold that biting them actually hurt. But the moment they are gone, the warmth pulses even stronger, and I hear the melting ice and snow hissing.

Clover’s eyes cease glowing, and the beam fades, but the air continues to warm. She slumps slightly before they all turn to their respective leaders, the ice on them melting to reveal wet, dazed, and oddly weak ponies.

The fillies look around before they all rush to me.

“Kitty!” they all cry, leaping at me to cling to me.

They then babble over one another, all trying to tell me… something. I think they are telling me that they really loved being here, which confuses me.

We all almost froze to death. What’s good about that?

I get back on my paws, and they clamber atop me, still babbling. I leave the cave with them, not waiting for anypony else to recover.

I have no place in what is happening between the six of them right now.

I feel Mirage hold the girls tight as I slowly walk out of the cave, and hesitate as the sun starts shining through the grey clouds above, the snow melting around my feet already. I flap a few times and then take flight as a new, warm wind blows over the shining peaks.

I see ponies struggling in the melting snow below me as I go. They all assist those in need of aid, regardless of species. I see nothing but wonder and confusion on their faces as they look up at the sunlight breaking through the clouds, and stand amongst the swiftly melting snow.

I see snow falling from the rocks, water flowing down slopes. The sun’s light shines bright and warm across the land, the clouds fleeing from its rays, the snow glittering many colors as it swiftly melts away. A warm breeze gusts me along, and my heart soars at the sight of it all.

The cold is gone, the snow is melting, hope breathes new life as the sun’s rays grace a land that had gone without for too long!

As the sun breaks the last of the clouds, I roar to greet it, to cry out that this is over, finally over! I see the ponies below me looking up at me as I soar ever higher in the warm sunlight, roaring an end to this age! Below me, I hear a few of the ponies cry with me, soon joined by others. I look to see them all united, cheering even as my roar fades, and I smile.

Then I start to fly back home, feeling the girls and Mirage atop me.

We won.

We all won.