• Published 23rd Mar 2017
  • 2,150 Views, 79 Comments

Compass Rose - enigmaMystere

A PWNY-Verse like story involving Daring Do and RWBY.

  • ...

Chapter 15

They turn and see a familiar black and gray clothed man leaning against the seats, holding a water bottle.

"Hey Uncle Qrow!" Yang waves to him. "What do you mean?"

He turns his head enough to see her, an eyebrow raised. "You've never played truth or dare?"

"I mean, we dare each other, but it's never really been a game, it's just been a thing." She shrugs.

"Then make it a game." He whistles, waving the other teacher over. "Hey, teach them how to play truth or dare."

She comes over, giving him a look. "At least they're not older, when this game becomes trouble."

"What, like what happened between you and Night?" He chuckles, taking another swig.

"Shush." She holds up a finger to him as she goes over to the children. "So, this game is actually pretty simple. One person ask another 'truth or dare'. If they answer truth, you ask them a question that they answer honestly. If they say dare, you dare them to do something. Once that's done, the person who was asked, asks the next person."

The filly blinks, surprised. "...that sounds... surprisingly simple."

She nods. "The rules are supposed to be like that. Some people add other ones like punishments if you don't want to do a dare, but that's up to you. Just don't do anything bad, okay?"

Ruby raises her hand. "Can the punishment be to drink from Qrow's water bottle?"

"Nope." He holds it protectively. "Not gonna happen."

"Try not to involve people who aren't playing's things." River chides lightly, holding up a finger.

"...but he was the one who suggested it," she replies, confused. "And it's just water, right?"

Qrow noticeably avoids eye contact.

She quickly shakes her head. "Don't worry about it. You kids just have fun, okay? Qrow and I can't play because we need to keep an eye on the other students, too."

They nod, though Daring turns and points at Yang. "Truth or dare?"

"Dare." She smiles confidently at her.

"I dare you to find that lion girl and hug her!" She grins at her older sister.

Yang instantly groans. "Of course..." She peeks out from behind the bleachers, looking for her.

She finds her with her friends, scowling up at the empty spot where the light was.

Yang narrows her eyes before looking over at her uncle. "Hey, can you come with me so she doesn't just punch me? Cause then, I'd have to punch her back and then we fight and Dad would be mad."

"Yeah, sure." He shrugs, then pushes his bottle into River's hands. "Don't drink it."

"I won't." She answers as Yang leads Qrow over to the group of girls. When she gets close, Yang pretends to trip, hanging onto the lion girl in a sort of hug to keep falling.


A hand grips her by the collar, lifting her up off the ground as a growl rumbles in the taller girl's throat. "You did that on purpose."

Yang kicks her feet a bit as she smiles. "Hey, all I did was catch myself on you. I didn't make you fall."

She snarls and pulls her arm back to fling her, only to be stopped by Qrow. "Yeah, no, I can't let you do that, Miss Blaze." He carefully extracts his niece from her grip and sets her back on the ground.

"Yeah...so... sorry!" With a wave, Yang darts back to behind the bleachers and announces to the others. "Did it!"

"With some help from Uncle Qrow," Ruby points out.

"Hey, if we want to keep the game going, I had to do something. That girl would never let me actually hug her." The blonde snorts. "Now... Ruby, truth or dare?"

"Truth." She frowns a bit. "I don't feel like hugging that girl."

"Yeah... but here's one: if you couldn't wear red at all, what color would you wear?" She watches, curious.

She blinks, rubbing her head thoughtfully. "Uh... black or white, I guess? Yellow's your thing, and those are still colors for roses, I think."

"How come not pink?" Argent asks.

She blushes, rubbing her arm awkwardly. "...because I kinda forgot about it."

Yang giggles as she rubs Ruby's head. "Yeah, I dunno, a lot of those seem too bright for you. Who do you wanna ask?"

She thinks for a bit before leaning back and calling out to the gym. "Hey, Jade! Truth or dare?"

The girl soon shows up, a light sheen of sweat on her body. "Truth."

She stares, baffled. "...what were you.. wait, no, question!" She taps her head with her hands before she continues. "Have you ever wanted to do what Argent is doing?"

She glances at the wolf boy before shrugging. "Eh, a little during math, but just to see if she was as soft as she looked. I don't think he'll be giving her up anytime soon, though."

She glances at the two of them, then shrugs. "I guess not."

"Daring? Truth or dare?" Jade asks, sitting down and wiping sweat off her forehead.

"...umm..." She looks up at Argent, as if expecting him to have the answer, then shrugs and sighs. "Dare, I guess?"

"I dare you to..." She stops and thinks. "Fluff out your wings and make a bird noise."

She blinks, then shrugs, spreading her wings and grinning at her. "Jade wanna cracker!"

There's a assorted giggles around as the girl laughs. "So you really are a bird horse, then?"

A hat smacks into her face and rebounds into Daring's hoof, her expression even, betraying no thoughts. "Could a bird do that?"

The girl grumbles, rubbing her face a bit. "Just take your turn, Feathers."

"Sure." She looks up at Argent, smiling warmly. "Truth or dare?"

"Hmm... dare." He answers with his own grin.

She hums thoughtfully, her eyes moving to Jade for a moment. "...I dare you to mess up her hair."

He flinches a little. "That's, not what I expected..."

Jade raises an eyebrow at him, as if challenging him. "You're lucky we have showers here, so I can fix it after."

Daring smiles, gesturing the girl closer. "I'm not getting up."

"You never know, he might put you down." She says, only moving one step closer.

Argent shakes his head. "Not unless I have to." With that said, he reaffirms his grasp on the filly as he stands up.

She grabs his arm, not wanting to be dropped.

As the girl stares straight at him, Argent gingerly reaches up and rubs her hair back and forth quickly to mess it up. She grits her teeth, letting it happen but frowning at him. "You're lucky this is a dare."

A golden wing comes up and messes it up even more. "There. That fits Jade pretty well, right?"

"Maybe?" He offers while the girl tries to straighten her hair a bit.

She speaks up as she does so. "I was thinking of getting it cut shorter."

Daring blows a raspberry, patting her on the head. "You look good as you are. Why change it?"

She blows a raspberry while Argent looks thoughtful. "Ruby, truth or dare?"

"Wait, what?" She whimpers softly. "I just went. Can't you ask, I dunno..." She glances through the bleachers, then points at a certain horse girl. "Her, Sky!"

As the girl comes over, Argent sighs. "I guess I can change it."

Sky slows to a stop as she rounds the bleachers, frowning a bit. "...should I be concerned?"

"Truth or dare." Argent asks her simply.

She blinks twice. "...dare?" She scratches her head in confusion, muttering to herself. "What's a dare?"

"I dare you to... try and take Ruby's belt so she doesn't have her 'skirt' anymore!" He points at the girl who deflected his question.

The girl in question squeaks, suddenly dashing off to avoid this fate. At some point during this, she suddenly veers to the right, grunting when this makes her hit a metal x in the bleachers. "...who put that there?"

Sky walks over, removes the belt, and then moves back to put it on Argent's head. "There you go."

"Okay, your turn." As the boy shakes it off, Yang goes over to Ruby to make sure shes okay.

Sky shrugs, then turns to the girl beside her. "Truth or dare, Jade?"

After seeing everything else, her answer is quick. "Dare."

She nods towards the other side of the bleachers. "Do something to humiliate Delta Blaze."

"...who, and do they deserve it?" She asks with a straight face.

She frowns, reaches over to grip her chin, then carefully turns her head so she sees the lion girl they'd met at least twice, as a group.

As she sees the girl, Jade says simply. "Have you ever heard the phrase: don't poke the dragon?"

"She's not a dragon, she's a lion." She crosses her arms at her. "Come on, aren't dares supposed to be binding, or something?"

Daring, baffled, looks up at Argent for confirmation.

He shrugs as Jade cracks her neck. "I'm gonna do it, I'm just saying she's gonna be mad." She narrows her eye as she looks around for something to use.

"Please, take your time." Sky smirks playfully. "Just do it before class ends."

She snorts. "Do I still get to ask someone?"

"Of course you do." She pats her on the shoulder.

Smiling, she looks over at the others, looking thoughtful. "Ruby Truth or dare?"

She blinks, still a little frazzled from colliding with steel bars. "...what?"

"Nevermind, want to go again, Daring?" She quickly changes targets.

The filly blinks, looking from the girl to the boy holding her and back. "...the opposite of what I did last time? I can't remember."

"Truth then." She smiles, eyes darting to the boy. "What exactly are you liking about that boy holding you?"

"He's nice. And a cute puppy." She giggles, turning so she can pet his head with a wing.

"Anything else?" Jade asks as the boy's ears wiggle.

"Umm..." She taps her chin thoughtfully. "He's comfortable? I don't think I can think of much else before we learn more about each other."

"Think you'll be even harder to get away from him then?" Her grin gets wider.

"Yeah, I guess?" She tilts her head to one side. "Why?"

"Just wondering." She laughs softly. "Your turn."

She considers everyone there, then looks at Argent, smiling softly. "Truth or dare?"

"Umm... whatever you want." He smiles sheepishly.

Yang tilts her head. "Is he allowed to say that?"

Sky can only shrug, unsure what to say in the face of that.

Daring, however, has no qualms. "I dare you to tickle one of the other girls until they beg you to stop. Like dad does with Yang."


All the other girls tense up as he processes this. "Hmm..." His eyes dart up, scanning all of them.

The pony girl looks ready to bolt, if her trembling legs are any indication.

Ruby doesn't seem to know what's going on, glancing around at the others in confusion.

Argent gingerly sets Daring down before going for little Miss Rose. Yang abandons the girl to her fate, backing off as the boy starts to tickle.

"H-hey, what... hey!" She grabs his hands, trying to stop him while doing her darnedest not to laugh. "S-sis! Help!"

"It's just part of the game, you know what you have to say to get him to stop." Yang laughs as she watches.

The brunette grits her teeth, then, in a quick blur, switches places with her sister and promptly jumps back three feet.

"Hey wait!" Yang's cries are cut off with laughter as Argent continues, though with a surprised look at Ruby. "Okay, okay, stop stop!" Yang plants a hand in the boy's face as she gives up, panting.

Golden feathers pop up, tickling her from behind briefly, just enough to make her think it'll go on longer.

"Gah!" She quickly rolls away from them both. "Hey, I thought the dare was until I gave up!"

Daring smirks, pointing at the boy now standing beside them. "That was for him."

"I'm so gonna get you later." She vows with a smile.

As Argent picks the filly back up, River pokes her head underneath to speak to them. "Time to come out. You need to change and shower if you like before your next class."

Daring nods, then pauses, lifting a foreleg to sniff at herself.

Argent smiles down at her. "I think you smell fine."

"That's all well and good, but I don't." Jade says as she starts marching towards the locker rooms. "And I have a prank to pull."

Daring shrugs, then starts taking off the shirt that she didn't want to wear in the first place.

The teacher quickly comes over and stops her while Argent's face gains a slight pink tint. "Daring... wait to change until you're in the locker room."

She whines, looking up at River Song dejectedly. "Do I have to?"

"Yes, we can't just have a student running around naked." She pulls the shirt back down on her. "At least you can go back to your normal clothes, right?"

She frowns at her, crossing her forelegs as she pouts. "I have my vest under my hat... it's not like I was going to run around without anything on..."

"Well, we have to start good habits early, and you'll generally want to change in the locker room so you can shower after." The teacher insists, starting to usher them all in that direction.

The filly groans, knowing there's no way she's getting out of this, and just snuggles a bit more into Argent's embrace.

"And you can't go into the boys room either!" River calls as they close in on the doors.

The wolf boy leans down, speaking to the filly. "I'll carry you again once we change if you want."

She nods, blushing softly as she smiles up at him. "...I think I'd like that..."

As he smiles back, Yang walks over and plucks Daring from his hands. "Okay, come on. You two are going to take forever at this rate." She and the other girls head into the room as the boy just waves.

The filly bites her lip then, careful to take her vest out of it, tossed her hat to Argent. "Hold onto that for me, okay?"

He nods, fingers running along the brim as the door closes behind them.

Yang looks down at Daring with a knowing smirk. "Wow, you really like him, huh?"

She smiles and shrugs a bit. "I like him. I feel I can trust him."

"It looked to me like you wanted to keep him as your puppy." Jade comments as she finds the group once more, her whole body lightly damp and a towel wrapped around herself.

"Maybe." She quickly strips out of her clothes and tosses them at her friend and sister. "But wouldn't I also be his pony?"

Jade dodges to let Yang take the clothes to the face. "Yep. You would be each other's. The closest and most inseparable of allies. Kind of like my mom and dad."

She pauses with her vest partially on, frowning a bit. "...oh, yeah, we need to see about getting dad and Miss Song together." Nodding to herself, she snaps her vest closed and starts heading towards the doors. "I wonder if we can ask dad, next class..."

The olive skinned girl watches as she goes while she gets dressed herself. "She's very focused when she wants to be."

Ruby nods, frowning a bit. "Yeah... makes me wonder why she doesn't try flying, again..."

"Can she not fly?" Jade asks, looking curious. "She seemed like she could earlier when she was hopping from kid to kid."

"She didn't move her wings," Sky points out. "That wasn't flying; that was gliding."

"Oh." The other girl finishes dressing before she speaks again. "That's too bad. Flying would be a good advantage."

"It's not like she isn't trying," Ruby mutters quietly.

Jade still ears this. "Well, maybe when her wings get bigger or something, she'll be able to." With that done, she glances over to where the lion girl is in the shower. With a few swift movements, she takes the girl's deodorant and puts it under the bench toward the wall where it's hard to see, but could possibly have fallen.

The brunette tilts her head to one side, then turns to Yang. "...do you think that counts, sis?"

"Hmm... depends what happens." The blonde looks thoughtful. "If she doesn't use it or freaks out, I think it does."

She's about to respond when Delta steps into the room, wrapped in a towel. She heads straight for her stuff, about to search through it when she stops, frowning a bit. "...someone's been through my stuff..."

A few girls look over to her, Jade not included as she continues to casually talk to the others. "So what classes do you girls have next?"

The pony girl shrugs, thinking for a bit. "...history, I think?"

"Math for me!" Ruby butts in, waving her hand excitedly.

Yang nods. "I've got science."

Finally, Jade finishes the sharing. "I've got English. Well, at least I have some classes with you girls."

She's suddenly spritzed in the back of the head with something that smells like the forest. Turning, she sees the taller girl, frowning at her. "Don't touch my stuff, squirt."

Rubbing the back of her head, she turns to the girl fearlessly. "Alright."

"Oh, by the way?" She pulls out another can, similarly colored save for a red stripe. "This was the can you 'bumped' off the shelf." She promptly sprays a little bit on Jade's collar, grinning. "If you wanted to borrow it, you should've just asked."

The sentence is barely done before a foul smell reaches the girl's nose, yet doesn't seem to affect anyone else in the room, likely due to the amount and position of it.

She wrinkles her nose, holding it after a moment. "Why would you want to stink?"

"No, it's not for me." She sneers, turning and walking away. "It's for those who try to make a fool of me. Or who'd try to steal my stuff."

Narrowing her eyes, Jade starts trying to wipe off the smell. "Alright, I don't like her."

Sky, standing nearby, sighs and nods as she finishes pulling her shirt back on. "Now you feel my pain."

"I feel like she's going to be a problem." Jade says simply as the others finish getting ready.

"Probably." Ruby turns and starts heading out the door, opening it a bit before pausing, eyes wide in surprise.

"What's up?" Yang asks as she walks up behind her.

She turns and points over her shoulder at the scene before her. This turns out to be Argent with golden wings apparently growing from his back, and the pith hat on his head.

"What the heck?" She walks out, going closer to the boy before she spots Daring and laughs. "Oh, you had me going there!"

The filly peeks out over his shoulder, sticking her tongue out playfully at her sister.

"Having fun with your puppy?" Jade asks as she walks out as well.

"Yep!" She grins, then turns to happily nuzzle his neck. "He's a good puppy."

As the boy smiles happily, he speaks. "Should we start walking to class?"

"Sure!" Daring giggles, hugging him a bit tighter. "Can I stay on your back?"

Nodding, Argent does a little test walk. "As long as you don't fall."

"I'm secure, don't worry." She smiles, tail swishing behind her as they move about the gym.

River comes over to them as Students are filtering out of both locker rooms. "Okay everyone, you can go ahead and start heading to your next classes. The bell will be ringing in a moment, so you're just a little early."

"Alright! Let's go to dad's class, Argent!" She points over his shoulder, grinning as if they were going on an adventure.

They can hear Yang's laughter as they set off, out of the gym and onto their next destination.