• Published 24th Mar 2017
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The Perilous Gestation of Swans - kudzuhaiku

Princess Celestia struggles to be the princess that Equestria believes her to be.

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Chapter 11

This part of Canterlot Castle was most certainly not the dungeons and calling it such was a bit of a no-no. Oh, it might have been the dungeons at some point in the very recent past, but it had been renovated, repurposed, and given a new name to reflect its many changes. It was now the residence of their very special guest. It was one of the most secure places in all of Equestria, built to purpose and guarded by the Royal Pony Sisters themselves.

The walls were lined with sheets of thaumaturgical-infused plumbum—making it nigh-impossible for teleportation to work here—and crystalline fibre sandwiched between panes of dense glass. If one did somehow teleport here, one would find themselves in a soupy state, squished between two panes of glass. The most amazing informational factoid about this place was the cost, which was a Crown-guarded secret.

The system had already been tried and tested by an unwitting volunteer, an infiltrator.

Gosling was walled in on all sides by Celestia’s Immortal Solars, unicorns of exceptional skill, loyalty, and bravery. They were trusted by Celestia, and he trusted them as well. What choice did he have? Being a kind, decent sort, he waved at one of the free roaming changelings, and was rewarded with a wave in return. The free roaming changelings were not the enemy, so what harm was there in being nice to them?

There was a group of older students from the school down here, and Gosling guessed that they had to be studying biology. He knew from listening to his wife that there were lessons right now about thaumaturgically charged chromatophores and how they functioned as illusion projectors. Celestia had plans—big ones—that involved growing the thaumaturgically charged chromatophores on specialised sheets of chitin, and then using it as a projector screen. Things like movies and moving images could be shown in a projected three dimensional field, offering unparalleled realism. And this was just the first step. Later steps involved armor applications and military improvements once all of the bugs involved were ironed out.

Blueblood was already down here and was chattering away with a group of unicorns wearing clean, spotless white lab coats. The prince was animated, excited even, and none of his dry, cutting snark seemed present. Being the Spymaster, this was Blueblood’s baby and he had sunk a great deal of his own fortune into the project to make it happen.

“How is the Bossy Bug?” Gosling asked, and he was rewarded with a great many snickers from everypony except the Immortal Solars, who as a collective entity, had no sense of humour. Or so the rumours went, anyhow. “This is only my second time down here, and my first time down here since completion. I’m a little nervous.”

“Prince Gosling, it is wonderful to see you,” a unicorn mare said in a voice that could only be compared to claws being dragged down a chalkboard. She blushed and the cola-bottle-thick lenses in her glasses fogged over. “Hello, nice prince, could you sign my slide rule?”

“Maybe later,” Gosling replied, fighting back a smile.

“Oooh, that means I get to talk to you later!” The mare’s blush intensified and her glasses fogged over completely. “Oy vey, I’m schvitzing from my schplitzing, oooh my Ma warned me about this happening. I need air! Oy, air is needed, before the wheezing and the panting and the full-body schvitzing begins.”

Unable to stop himself, Gosling began chortling, understanding all too well the embarrassment that came with having your Ma’s warnings come true. Others too, began to laugh, and the merry mood was welcome. It was reassuring to find one of his own down in the depths of Canterlot Castle, and Gosling intended to sign her slide rule, once his wings grew back.

“Our guest is having issues adjusting,” another unicorn said to Gosling, answering his question. “We’ve been unable to make any progress in removing, uh, the, uh, hex that Discord placed upon her. With a lot of work, we’ve been able to advance her age, just a bit, but, uh, the, uh, moment that she is sarcastic, mean, or otherwise behaves in the manner that she is accustomed to, her age begins to regress and she goes backwards, uh, retreating through, uh, various life cycles.”

“It is quite traumatic for her.” The unicorn now speaking was obviously a student and appeared to be even younger than Gosling. “With the manifestation of any sort of hostility, she immediately regresses back to an infantile state. This leaves her frustrated and feeling vulnerable, meaning she is far more likely to lash out in a hostile manner.”

“And nothing can be done to help her?” Gosling asked.

“Well, no,” one of the unicorns replied, “Discord has powerful magic and he refuses to withdraw his punishing hex.”

“There is still some debate about if it is a hex or not.”

“Well, of course it is a hex, what else could be?”

“An emotion triggered transmogrification placed upon an emovorous creature with an unstable mood—”

“Preposterous!” The unicorn now speaking pushed his glasses up his muzzle in an act of aggressive, hostile nerdery. “You’ve just described a hex!”

“Did not!” another retorted. “A hex implies malicious intent and Discord is reformed! He’s clearly trying to offer her a compelling reason to behave! This is a transmogrification that will cease to be an issue once she gets her hostile, unchecked emotions back under control!”

“So says the pony whose IQ is below average room temperature!”

“And you live in your mother’s cellar in a room stained orange with Cheese-Doodle dust!”

“Property is very expensive in Canterlot!”

“That’s enough!” Blueblood commanded as his lip curled back in a sneer. “Both of you!”

It was cold down here, or maybe Gosling was missing his insulating feathers. He pulled his cloak around him tighter, but still felt the chill. The students and scientists were all glaring at each other and Blueblood right now. That was the thing with Canterlot Castle; Celestia’s older students took up positions here, working in various places, gaining much needed experience to put on their résumé.

Wait, there was one who wasn’t glaring or bent out of shape, and that was the young mare of the First Tribes that wanted him to sign her slide rule. She was gazing at him with some kind of distracted, worshipful adoration. The tip of her snoot was moist—glistening even—from her heavy breathing and she had chapped lips. Gosling began to feel disturbed and without realising that he was doing so, retreated behind one of the Immortal Solars just a bit.

“I think I’d like to see our guest now,” Gosling announced, and in doing so, caused Blueblood’s ears to perk. “The welfare of our guest is of utmost importance to me. I want to make certain that she is being treated well, with kindness and generousity.”

Nodding his head, Blueblood replied to Gosling, “Very well, but I must warn you… she bites!”

The room almost looked like a nursery and it reminded Gosling that he would be a father soon. It was spacious enough, well furnished, and sitting in a chair, surrounded by stuffed animals, appearing to be holding court was a teeny, tiny version of Princess Celestia. But Gosling wasn’t fooled, not even for a second. He put on his best smile and reminded himself to be charming.

“Hello Chrysalis,” Gosling said in his silkiest voice.

“Queen Chrysalis!”

Gosling exchanged a glance with Blueblood, then returned his attention to their guest. “Queen no longer. With your surrender, you forfeited any titles, ranks, and or positions.”

“And you promised to keep me safe!” Chrysalis spat as her disguise melted away.

“We have.” Blueblood’s eyes narrowed.

Chrysalis, in very foalish manner, beat her front hooves against the small table. “I was not protected from Discord!”

In the most polite manner that he could muster, Gosling took a seat at Chrysalis’ table, and he was careful not to knock over or bump any stuffed animals. Some of which may or may not be changelings, or so he had been warned. It was cold, cold enough to be painful, and he wished his cloak was thicker. Chrysalis was eyeing him, sizing him up, and Gosling could see the cunning in her eyes.

“I came to make sure that you are being treated well,” Gosling said to the changeling across the table. “For my own peace of mind, I need to know that everything that is being done is done with your consent. I want to make certain that you are reasonably happy. I am also here to listen to and address any concerns that you might have.”

Eyes narrowing, Chrysalis asked, “Why would you even care?”

With a sigh, Gosling realised that some consideration was needed when he answered this one. He chose honesty, knowing full well that Chrysalis would know if he was telling the truth. “I was tasked with the responsibility of overseeing the integration of changelings into our society,” Gosling began. “It is a massive project of governance that is intended to teach me how to be an effective ruler. I have to delegate responsibility and maintain strong leadership through what is sure to be a trying and unpopular act of governance—”

“So they are setting you up to fail?” A smug sneer appeared on Chrysalis’ face.

“I don’t feel that way, no.” Gosling’s response was patient and careful. “But they are throwing me to the political wolves to see if I can fight. And fight I will. I want changelings given equal rights and opportunities. I want them recognised as full Equestrian citizens now that they have been freed from your domineering influence.”

“I couldn’t keep them safe, and neither will you,” Chrysalis spat and her face took on a sour expression. “I lost them, one by one I lost them, as my hold over them was either broken by powerful magic or stolen away by those damnable bumbles!”

“Ah yes, bumble jelly.” Blueblood looked both worried and disgusted. “Completely wipes a changeling’s brain and turns them into willing, obedient drones for Queen Bumblina. We’re working on the issue and we hope that our allies, the breezies, might be able to help us.”

For a second, Chrysalis appeared to be hopeful, but then masked herself with contempt. Gosling studied her, taking advantage of everything he had learned from playing poker and other bluffing games with Raven and the others. Chrysalis was used to hiding her real face behind a disguise and was terrible with hiding her tells. The cold, calculating former Queen of the Changelings did have some emotions, some feelings for her former subjects. Subjects? Slaves? Gosling gave the issue as much consideration as he could while he studied Chrysalis’ eyes.

“It is in your best interest to help me, Chrysalis,” Gosling said while he stared at the yearling sized changeling.

Scowling, Chrysalis did not respond.

“Are you happy here?” Gosling asked, falling back on his whole purpose of coming here.

“What’s the alternative?” Chrysalis demanded as wisps of green fire danced along her body. “What choice did I have? That stupid, mouthy foal was right!”

“Well, there is an alternative,” Blueblood said in a dry deadpan. “You could get captured by our enemies, who will then cut you apart, harvest your organs, and have everything they need to craft an elixir of revival. Our intelligence indicates that this is what was planned for you. They have one of Grogar’s horns, you see—”

Her lower lip quivering, Chrysalis stared at Blueblood in wide-eyed terror.

“—and you foolishly gave away your position when you offered to bargain with them for Sumac.” A cruel, terrible smile spread over Blueblood’s muzzle and his eyes had a malicious gleam. “So, in a sense, Sumac saved your life. You are here, alive and whole of body right now because his silver tongue robbed you of your confidence. Sumac Apple scared you by telling you the truth. Such an honest little colt, that one. It’s taking an entire army to raise him right and bend him against his natural inclinations now that he is maturing a little, but the investment in time and ponypower is already paying dividends.”

“You’re monsters!” Chrysalis hissed.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk.” Blueblood clucked his tongue while shaking his head.

“Blueblood, don’t be an ass.” Gosling refrained from licking his lips and revealing his nervousness. “We’re not monsters, Chrysalis. We’re doing everything we can to protect you from those who wish to harvest you—”

“Only to save yourselves!”

“Yes, but by saving ourselves, we are also protecting the changelings… and every other sapient species that will join our cause.” Gosling leaned forwards a bit, wishing that he could somehow reach the troubled soul across the table from him. “I am trying to be your friend. I am trying to make the best of this awful situation. Our mutual interests have become entwined. I don’t care that we were enemies in the past, I am trying to help you now.

“My needs are met here,” Chrysalis admitted in a low whisper, “but I am not happy.”

Sighing, Gosling nodded. “I’m really sorry to hear that. Talk to me, Chrysalis, so that I might help you…”

Author's Note:

Good pony, bad pony.