• Published 8th Jul 2012
  • 4,044 Views, 227 Comments

Bedtime Stories - Incredible Blunderbolt

A collection of short stories ranging from 300 to 5000 words.

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The ocean rocked their little vessel with choppy waves and ripping winds. Planes roared above them, their engines only adding to the cacophonous roars of the ships and other, amphibious, vehicles. In one such contraption were five young women in camouflage uniforms, crowded around a large piece of parchment.

"Okay!" said their aptly-named leader, Sergeant Rainbow Dash, her multi-hued hair billowing in the wind. "Remember the mission: securing the package is the most important part of this whole thing and Celestia's asked for us personally to do the job!" The boat lurched, and the gang was forced to regain their balance. "That means everything else is secondary!" she added, eyeing her blonde friend.

Applejack nodded solemnly, rubbing a picture of a young, red-haired girl with her thumb.

"Division A is taking the left flank, Division B's got the right!" Dash shouted as the wind picked up.

“Where does that leave us?” asked the tallest one present, brushing a lock of amethyst hair out of her eyes.

“We’re going straight up the middle,” the sergeant answered boldly. “Divisions A and B are going to try to make a funnel for us to fight through, but it’s all we’ve got to work with.”

“Great.” Rarity rolled her eyes. “Send us into the fire again please, Princess!”

Dash nodded, folded up the map and placed it in her breast pocket. She looked around at her team with pride as the whistle blew and a voice came through her radio.

“T minus thirty seconds to shore.”

In the corner of their tiny vessel, Corporal Pinkie Pie sat with her bright pink hair tucked under a camouflage cover and counted her rifle cartridges with a toothy grin. “I hope changelings like beach parties," she said manically.

As they drew closer to their destination, loud pings could be heard amongst the cries of desperate fighting. Dash grabbed her rifle off its mount and stood up. “Everybody ready?” Nobody answered audibly, but each of them grabbed their weapons and fell in behind her. “Good,” she said, pleased. The boat jerked as it hit the earth. Slowly but steadily, the bow began to drop, revealing the scene ahead.

In the distance stood a tall, black, spiky structure that could be very well have been described as a fairy-tale castle from the nightmare realm. In its tallest tower lay their objective, just past the miles of barbed wire, explosive mines, sand pits and hundreds of soldiers. Bullets whizzed through the air, creating small explosions of sand on the beach before them as men and women on both sides fell to the ground, bleeding and crying.

Rainbow Dash stepped up onto the platform and gazed up at the tower. “Hang in there Twi,” she said to herself, checking the safety on her rifle. “We’re comin’ for ya.”

Author's Note:

The prompt was "beach." Aren't I a hoot, taking what was probably intended to be a fluffy prompt and turning it into a war story?

Anyway, I'm not too fond of it—I feel like I didn't build the tension enough. But there's only so much you can do with a 500 word cap, I guess.

BTW, they're supposed to be humanized. And a little fun fact? This is my first ever humanized pony story.