• Published 9th Jul 2012
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The Lonesome Pegasi: The Radical Path to Friendship - Shadow2639

We all know about Scootaloo's admiration for Rainbow Dash, but how did her admiration come to be?

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The Pact

Scootaloo gazed upon the blue mare, and lauded her calm, motherly look. Rainbow Dash was contemplative as a beam appeared on Scootaloo's face causing her to wrap her hooves around Rainbow, tightly embracing the blue mare. Rainbow blushed letting out an artificial, trivial chuckle.

"Is this for the Sonic Rain Boom or for saving her life?", pondered Rainbow, as Scootaloo clenched her tenaciously, bringing Rainbow Dash merriment.

Although that was truthfully irrelevant for Rainbow Dash, considering this had been the first time any pony other than Fluttershy cared for her. Even her parents never expressed tenderness to this extent. The blue mare's face became flushed as rays of sunlight hit Scootaloo's face, which was filled with a smile; creating quite a dainty scene.

“So uh, hey, forgot to ask” Rainbow Dash began reluctantly, “what’s your name, kid?”

“Scoot-Scootaloo,” she retorted demurely, “what’s yours?”

“Rainbow Dash,” Rainbow Dash replied dauntlessly. “But every pony will know that name! Well, when I’m in the Wonderbolts!”

The two pegasi once again had something in common. They both had dreams. However Scootaloo’s dream was a bit more…..practical. Her aspiration was to find friends- some pony to rejoice with, someone to laugh with.

"Hey Rainbow Dash," Scootaloo asked sheepishly, breaking the concise moment of silence, “do you...have many friends?"

The mare jumped, surprised by the peculiar question, and sighed, knowing that she couldn't lie to the filly. She just didn't know why!

"No." Rainbow Dash mumbled as Scootaloo's eyes gleamed with gratification.

"I could be your friend, Dash!" The little orange filly squeaked," Since…..I don't have many myself."

The mare smiled, as she gazed upon Scootaloo giving off an austere aura, awaiting a response. Rainbow agreed making Scootaloo cry tears of alleviation.

"You're my first friend," Scootaloo whispered mutely; so much that only the wind could make it out.

"Then," Rainbow began, fired up, "let's go on expedition to get friends!"

"Yeah," Scootaloo agreed optimistically "We'll have even more friends than that energetic pink mare with that cotton candy hair!"

Rainbow Dash nodded, concurring.

"For now, you need to go to sleep," Rainbow said, attempting to abscond, for not to make Scootaloo bawl.

"But it's still morning-," Scootaloo demurred, cutting herself off as she was welcomed by the pitch black, somewhat dreary sky.

Scootaloo was slightly disheartened, that much was evident. This, however, wasn’t very apparent to Rainbow Dash, for she left without another murmur, or a farewell. As the clueless mare nonchalantly walked through the door, Scootaloo comforted herself with quiet cries, helplessly calling out for Rainbow Dash. Her calls merely filled the hollow room, since Rainbow Dash had already left. But elsewhere, sheer meters away was a cheerful, proud blue pony, deaf to her young admirer’s silent calls. She waked through the exit, holding her head high. After a few uneventful minutes she was greeted by a familiar structure, it was quite compact, but it was welcoming and smelled ambrosial, almost like bliss itself!

“Home, radical home,” Rainbow sighed half-heartingly.

She surveyed her surroundings, as she spotted a dusty book. Surely you don’t take Rainbow Dash for an egghead, do you? This was a different kind of book. She blew upon the book, emanating plentiful lint and various dust particles. She lightly raised the front of the book with her hoof, wary not to rip or tear it. The front page read ‘MY FRIENDS’ in bold, sloppy letter written in crayon. As she flipped the nearly deteriorated page, she saw the sole name, ‘Fluttershy’. Rainbow snickered and then proceeded to pick up a pen, conveniently placed beside her. She grasped on the pen with her teeth, and then raised her head navigating towards her book. She took her time as she wrote’ Scootaloo’ in cursive handwriting. She tossed the pen on the table and yawned as she headed towards her somewhat luxurious bedroom. Rainbow was absorbed by the bed’s softness and was enticed by its spell, she was utterly defeated…..she fell asleep.

She woke up, eccentrically with exorbitant abundances of energy. Mainly due to the fact that she felt as though she hadn’t slept at all! She diligently soared through the air, routinely visiting Fluttershy’s humble cottage.

She knocked the door, without answer for quite some time. Finally, a bashful yellow face peaked out the door and responded with a simple, yet absolute precious voice, “Ummm...hello?”

“Oh, Rainbow Dash,” Fluttershy said, greatly increasing the volume of her voice as she flung the door open.

Simply showing common courtesy Fluttershy invited Rainbow Dash inside. She followed Fluttershy, yet stopped to inspect the clutter scatter amongst the floor. It consisted of various pet food and broken items such as toys and other electronics. She was lead outside where Fluttershy seated her by a bunny called ‘Angel’, that was wearing a toque and a fake mustache. He firmly held a tray that held two palatable apple teas. The quiet pony reached for the drink, but Angel shook his head and hand in unison, as if to say ‘no need’. He then proceeded to grasp, actually wrapping his whole body around entire the glass as he placed it on the table.

The pair of pegasi friends giggled. And whilst the melody of the yellow skinned mare laughter progressed, Rainbow Dash caught glimpse of a minorly eradicated scooter.

"Say Fluttershy," Rainbow Dash asked hesitantly, "are-are you going to use that?"

Fluttershy slowly shook her head, striving to hide the fact that she was baffled, and was so since she thought that her friend's request was odd. She didn't want Rainbow to take her for an abhorrent person.

"Nope," the mare whispered, "you can have it, that is, if you want to....."

Rainbow was grateful to say the least. She expressed an immense amount of gratitude as seized the scooter and flew off into the sky, greatly altered by the incandescent beams of sunshine. She dropped the Scooter, currently a mere hunk of metal and wires off at her humble abode; then proceeded to approach the direction in which the hospital stood.

She entered her not-so-discreet admirer's room. The room remained synonymous, though the air warmed her, yet it wasn't necessarily hot; it wasn't even lukewarm! Scootaloo's perspective towards her was much more....warm. She illustrated Rainbow Dash as her sister, an amiable one at that. Rainbow Dash wasn't cognizant of this however. In fact, she thought that Scootaloo thought she was insignificant, perhaps even a mild nuisance. Scootaloo embraced Rainbow Dash, entwining herself into Rainbow's chromatic hair. As they blushed in unison, Rainbow Dash let out a simple guffaw solely to break the maladroit atmosphere. Scootaloo loosened her grip, letting Rainbow withdraw from the filly’s clutch.

Rainbow sat beside the filly and let her rest on her soft, welcoming lap. If you saw this scene you’d take Rainbow Dash not only as Scootaloo’s sister, but her mother! As time slow diminished, the sky dimmed and the sun was nearly eclipsed by the night sky. Rainbow Dash gently held Scootaloo and slid her under the blanket. She then walked out the door, leaving Scootaloo once again, alone.

She arrived at her destination; a familiar structure in Cloudsdale- her home. She flung herself onto her bed and as she venerated the silkiness of it, she drifted away. She cogitated- was Scootaloo and her pact nugatory? I mean, they still had little friends. Were they simply caught up in the moment?

"No!" she shouted rambunctiously, "Starting tomorrow we'll get some friends!"

She then fainted out of bountiful exhaustion.

"But who should we befriend?" Rainbow asked, asleep, hearing no response.

The blue mare dreampt of an oddly familiar pink fluffy-haired pony jumping, no, hopping alongside Scootaloo and herself. She spouted out a capious ammount of words incessantly. Although it was utterly unmistakable that the orange foal wore a smirk on her face. She was happy....she had finally accomplished her aspiration. She had friends! What Rainbow would do to simply see that smile again. Then it came to her- she'd help Scootaloo befriend that odd mare!

Thus, the tale of two Pegasi's lengthy journey to achieve friendship truthfully began!