• Published 30th Mar 2017
  • 2,790 Views, 89 Comments

What Lies Within - Rebellious_Requiem

A group of friends decide to learn the ropes of a popular card game and accidentally infect the cards with powerful magic, causing them to gain a sense of consciousness. Whoops.

  • ...

Setting the Stage: The Calm Before the Storm...?

Onyx sat with his hands folded on his lap, staring intently at the black-bordered card propped up on a shelf on the opposite side of the back room. He frowned at it, seemingly trying to gauge some sort of reaction from the sleeved sheet of paper. Unsurprisingly; the picture on the card seemed perfectly content to stay just as it was.

Pinkie Pie leaned in close to Trixie. "How long is he going to do that?" she whispered, just loud enough for the whole gang to hear.

"Trixie doesn't know. How long would you take to process something like this?" Trixie glanced over at the table, where she had placed her own Dark Magician next to Onyx's Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon. She could tell -- now that she was separated from the card -- that something was different. It felt strange to intentionally distance herself from it, but it made the whole situation -- surreal as it was -- feel more like a state of reality as opposed to some nutty dream. Trixie could only assume that Onyx felt the same.

"Yeah!" Onyx exclaimed suddenly, startling the others in the room. "Yeah, okay. Head feels clearer and I don't hear any faint, mysterious whispers. It wasn't a lack of sleep or anything -- just a, uh... magical trading card all up in my head! No; that's totally... a thing. That's fine." He exhaled and leaned back in his chair to stare up at the ceiling, the front legs rising dangerously off the ground. "Mondays. Am I right?"

"I see you're taking this... well?" said Sunset, walking up beside Onyx. "I mean, aside from the one fainting fit. But, you know: that was totally understandable! Some things are just... that surprising."

Rarity let out a little noise and leaned back in her own chair, examining her nails. "A fainting couch doesn't seem like such a silly thing to own now, does it?"

Applejack seemed to think for a moment, but shook her head. "Nah; still seems kinda silly. I mean, c'mon -- it's a whole couch just for faintin'. Why not just get a regular old couch and then use it for normal stuff too?"

"It's about the principle of the thing, Applejack!"

Rainbow Dash scratched her head. "Wait. What's Celestia got to do with any of this?"

"No, Rainbow. Principle, not principal," Twilight corrected.

"Oh, right! Symptoms."



A chime sounded from the main storefront, signaling that the card shop had a customer. The sound seemed to snap some life back into Onyx, who stood up so quick he almost knocked the chair to the ground. "Be with you in a moment!" he called as he walked toward the door leading to the area behind the counter and opened it wide before motioning for the girls to head through. "Come on, ladies. Can't have you chilling back here all alone."

"What's the matter? Don't you trust Trixie?" Trixie asked as she retrieved her card from the shelf.

"You know the boss will chew me out big time if I leave this place unsupervised. Last time was bad enough. You can all loiter in the front while I'm taking care of whoever that is. That okay?"

The group agreed and headed out the door, Onyx staying behind to lock it after everyone had left so that random customers wouldn't have free access to the place in the event he got a little too busy. The last to leave the room was Fluttershy, who as far as he could tell seemed to still be having a bit of a difficult time talking directly to Onyx. "What's the matter? Need me to head out first?"

"Um; no. That's not it," she said. "It's just that you almost forgot this." Fluttershy walked slowly toward the door and carefully held out Onyx's Dark Rebellion, cautiously looking him in the eye. "You wouldn't want it to feel trapped all alone in here, would you?"

Onyx looked down at the card and sighed. "No. No, I suppose I wouldn't. Thank you, but I think I might actually prefer it if you kept it instead for a while."


"Not you, specifically -- at least not if you don't want to. I think Twilight and Sunset will appreciate being able to look at it up close, don't you think?"

Fluttershy looked pensive for a moment, then nodded her head. "Yes; I suppose they would. I'll make sure they take good care of it while it's gone, okay?"

Onyx thanked her. "One last thing before I forget: take this, too," he said, handing Fluttershy a rolled up flier. "The others might find this interesting. Though; by 'others,' I mainly mean Rainbow Dash."

Fluttershy took the flier from his hand and made a small sound of affirmation as she shuffled away. Onyx watched as she stepped over to the others, one of his most prized cards in tow. He was glad to have some distance from the ominous presence it now held, but even just looking at it in someone else's hand from across the room felt a little strange, after all this time. Onyx shook off the weird feeling and turned to the young man waiting at the counter with an amused grin on his face.

"Wow. That was like watching one of those clown car things. Sure you didn't leave anyone behind?"

Onyx chuckled slightly at the joke. "No; I think that's all of them. I'll be with you in just one more second, okay?" he replied before turning back towards the group of eight now gathered at one of the larger rectangular tables set out for store patrons. "You good with waiting there while I... you know, actually do my job?"

"It's cool; we'll be fine! Trixie here is gonna give me a few pointers -- since she's such an expert and all, that is. Isn't that right, Trixie?" Rainbow Dash nudged Trixie's side, earning her an annoyed glare and a heavy sigh.

"Fine. Trixie wanted to take a look at your cards, anyway. With a few modifications here and there, you may even manage to put a small dent in your next opponent before you blow it. Hand them over!" Trixie held out her hands and motioned for Rainbow to hand over her Deck, to which she complied with a roll of her eyes.

Onyx only glanced at the group a moment more before turned his full attention back to the customer on the opposite side of the counter, leaving the girls to themselves.

The rest of the girls were surprised when Fluttershy returned to the table with Onyx's Xyz Dragon and handed it off to Sunset, muttering something about "leaving it in good hands" and taking a seat next to Pinkie Pie across the table. She placed the rolled paper on the center of the table, but its presence was completely forgotten due to the acquisition of Onyx's card.

Sunset held the card in her hand carefully, looking on as if afraid that the image of the beast would spring forth from its paper prison and attack her; but it quickly became apparent that no such action would be taking place. "Huh. No reaction this time. That was a little... underwhelming."

"You didn't get anything at all?" Twilight asked, pushing her glasses up her nose. "Funny. I thought since you weren't consciously using your geode's magic last time that the same thing would happen this time."

"I did, too."

Most of the other girls seemed to be enraptured, staring at Sunset and the card in utter fascination -- all but Trixie, who just sort of looked confused. She shrugged, deciding that she didn't feel like getting into this stuff, and returned her attention to the pile of cards strewn out before her. Those she could comprehend.

"Well," Sunset took a deep breath, taking a hold of her accessory and focusing her thoughts on activating her enhanced empathic abilities. "Here goes." Sunset's eyes lit up a stark white as the power radiated from them, her mental space joining with that of the trading card in her hand -- a sensation she had never thought she would experience.

Inside of Sunset's head, as the magic flowed from her geode into her being and further into the black card her real self held in her hand, she could see and feel thoughts and emotions that were most certainly not her own. Among the things she experienced was a mighty sense of loneliness. She could immediately deduce that Dark Rebellion was upset that it had been separated from its master. Onyx had taken the first opportunity presented to him to place the card in another's possession after learning the truth, after all.

Beneath the anguish, she could sense the aspects of its budding personality and how it had come to be the way it was. Images of a proud Onyx boasting to his opponents that he only needed one monster to defeat them flooded her vision. These words gave way to a bursting sense of pride and overconfidence, a sense of superiority over other inferior cards and frustration whenever it was removed from the field in any way.

Suddenly; Sunset found herself on her hands and knees staring at a vast, white floor -- removed rather forcibly from the sea of memories. She groaned and stumbled to her feet, holding her head in her hand. "Oof... well, that was defini -- " her words hitched in her throat as her eyes drifted up, taking in the sight before her in awe.

Dark Rebellion stood tall above her -- a sight so surprising that Sunset almost didn't notice that the entire "room" around the two appeared to be an endless expanse of white nothingness. Its eyes didn't carry the heat she had felt during Onyx's Duel with Buster, only a calm and curious glint.

Sunset stammered for something to say for a moment before settling on a simple greeting: "H-hi, there...?"

The dragon did not respond. It only tilted its head slightly.

"Huh. Tough crowd," she noted, tugging at her shirt's neckline awkwardly. "Usually I just see the memories and feelings and I'm back out in reality again. Don't usually have to conduct a, uh... I don't even know what this is. An interview? An interrogation? Did you not want me in here?"

The dragon shook its head, as if to respond with a firm "no."

"Why not?"

Dark Rebellion shook its head again and snorted, as if frustrated. Sunset's mind was wracked with another round of sensations, this time centralized around a specific feeling of intense fear -- and the visualization of the dragon and its master being dragged into a void of perpetual darkness.

Snapping out of it, Sunset once again found herself in the white space with the drake. "Whoa! What was that all about?! Why are you afraid of something like that? Do you know something about this that the rest of us don't?"

Its eyes rose to hers again, though this time they carried a sense of helplessness. Sunset could feel herself being pushed out of the vision, as if her carded quarry had decided it was finished with their alleged "conversation." She reached out a hand and clawed desperately at the air in an attempt to keep herself anchored in the world of white. "Wait! I want to know more about you! I have more questions!"

Sunset gasped as she found herself in the card shop once again, releasing her grip on the geode in her hand and placing the card back on the table. As per usual; she knew that while it had felt like she had spent some time in the dragon's consciousness, it had been only a moment in real time. She shook her head as her scrambled thoughts once again became accustomed to existing in a singular space.

"Does that mean you saw something?" Twilight asked, her eyes practically sparkling with excitement.

Sunset nodded rapidly, her mind still racing. She motioned for Twilight to hand her a writing utensil and a notepad. Once acquired, she began to rapidly jot down notes, describing her experience -- both the thoughts and feelings that she could now confirm that Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon did have, and her brief time in the white space in direct communication.

Realizing that they probably weren't going to get anything concrete out of Sunset and Twilight for a while, the rest of the girls took to speculating amongst themselves for a few minutes. Trixie pulled Rainbow Dash out of the conversation so that she could get back to talking about regular things that she could actually wrap her mind around, leaving Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rarity without much of anything to do.

Applejack looked at the other three, who seemed just as confused as to what they should be doing as she was. "So, uh, what do we do now?" she asked, absentmindedly flicking the brim of her hat.

"Ooh! I know, I know! Pick me!" Pinkie exclaimed as her hand shot up like she was in a classroom, her eyes sparkling. "We're in a card shop, right? I say we do some card shopping! Dashie already got a leg up and bought herself some cool cards, so the rest of us should do the same!"

The three other girls shared glances before smiling and standing up, eliciting a high-pitched squeal and some very excited clapping from Pinkie Pie. "Yay! Let's take a look around!"

Fluttershy raised her hand slowly. "I can do that much, but since my volunteer work for the animal shelter is, well, volunteer work, I don't really have any extra spending money. I'm more than willing to look around with the rest of you, though."

"Oh, yeah! You need money to go shopping! Phew, glad you reminded me," said Pinkie, sounding relieved as she yanked a pale blue wallet from within her hair, the incredulous stares of her friends going completely unnoticed while she counted the bills inside. "Yep! Got plenty of extra cash from working over at the Cakes' shop. AJ, Rarity, how's it looking for you two?"

"All set over here, sugar cube!"

"I have my earnings from helping run the boutique, myself."

"Perfect!" Pinkie exclaimed, pulling them close. "Who's ready for a shopping montaaaage~?" she sang out to the amusement of the others.

Onyx handed the customer at the desk his change and watched the girls' banter with a nostalgic smile. I remember back when everything about this game was so new and interesting to me. Hope they all find what they're looking for, whatever that may be, he thought as he waved the young man out.


Onyx yelped in surprise as he suddenly found himself face-to-face with Trixie. "How did you get so close without me noticing you?"

"You didn't tell Rainbow Dash about the 'Synchro Dragon' monsters? They're practically the cornerstone of the Speedroid Deck!" she said with a huff. "Trixie was wondering why she didn't try using them -- or any other more powerful Synchro Monsters -- against her Spellcasters. She thought it was just inexperience... or even a lack of funds, but certainly not because you deliberately held out on her."

Onyx's brain kicked into overdrive as he tried to catch up with what the illusionist was referring to. "I mean... technically 'Fast Dragon' is really the only one that's directly related to them, but I wanted to see how she'd do without them."

Rainbow Dash gasped loudly from back at the table. "You were holdin' out on me!"

Onyx held up his hands and knelt down under the counter. "Alright, alright; relax!" he said as he rose back up with a card binder. He flipped through a few of the pages before he found and picked three cards from their places. "Here; she can borrow mine. I haven't used Tuners and Synchro Monsters much, if at all, since I started playing my Phantom Knights Deck."

Trixie took the cards from Onyx's outstretched hand with a raised eyebrow. "Are you sure? Trixie knows how much you value the cards from your own personal collection."

Onyx handed Trixie a pack of card sleeves. "Tell Rainbow to put those on her cards, and that if I see her so much as look at those three the wrong way that I'm taking them back."

Trixie laughed as she looked back at Rainbow Dash. "You catch that?"

Rainbow grimaced. "Yeah, I caught that. Now get back here and show me those cards! And they'd better be awesome after how much you've hyped them up, Trixie!"

After Trixie returned to the table, Onyx found himself with nothing to do. The girls had all found different things to occupy themselves and without any other customers he was pretty much just going to be... waiting there, for quite some time. He took a seat at the stool set up behind the counter and pulled his Deck from its box. If I'm not going to be using Dark Rebellion for a while, I should mix up my strategy and card ratios. Luckily; I have just the cards in mind to help me out...

Rainbow Dash hummed as she looked over the set of five test hands she had laid out from her newly improved Speedroid Deck. "Man; you really do know what you're doing, Trixie. With the tweaks we made to my Deck and those three new dragons, I bet I'll be able to beat you without taking a hit next time we play for real!"

"Trixie would rather not embarrass you in front of all of your little friends twice in such a short time, so perhaps you can give her at least a day before she has to go through the trouble of decimating you again?"

Rainbow pouted, but relented all the same. "Fine!" she exclaimed, scooping the freshly-sleeved cards back up and placing them into a Deck box. "How're you guys doing over there?"

A pair of muffled, yet obviously exasperated groans echoed from Sunset and Twilight -- the both of which were slumped over the table and glaring at the playing card set out before them.

"That well, huh?"

Twilight sat up straight first, adjusting her lopsided glasses and pushing them back up the bridge of her nose. "Aside from the initial response, we haven't managed to incite any kind of reaction from it. Not only that; but the magical wavelength signal that it was previously giving off has dropped dramatically in intensity since it's been over here and bottomed out at only a minuscule fraction of its original recorded strength."

Rainbow Dash looked incredulously at her friend. "Slow down, use fewer syllables."

Sunset drew herself up from the table as well, propping her elbow on the flat surface and resting her chin in her open hand. "Aside from what I saw right off the bat, we've got almost nothing," she said flatly.

"What she said."

"I figured that's what you meant, but still. So; what now?"

"If I can take it somewhere with more space -- enough to fit my personal equipment, to be precise -- then I should be able to perform some more accurate tests," Twilight mused, picking Dark Rebellion up and twirling the card in between her fingers. I wonder what exactly is going on in there? I should check Sunset's notes more thoroughly later on.

"Why not take the equipment to the school?" Trixie suggested, unfurling a sheet of paper that had been left on the table top. "Trixie would bet that the principal wouldn't mind accommodating you, considering the circumstances. Plus; Trixie believes that Shimmer did something similar once before."

Sunset nodded in approval. "That could work. If we get permission to use the Apple family's truck, then it shouldn't be too hard to move your things if even a few of us pitch in. We can all talk to Celestia tomorrow and get the permission we need."

"Shouldn't we have a backup plan in case she can't let us do that?"

Rainbow shook her head. "C'mon, Twi. Backup plan, schmackup plan -- we'll be fine!" she assured, glancing over at the paper in Trixie's hands. "What've you got there, Trixie?"

"Huh? Oh; it's this:" Trixie replied, handing the flier over to Rainbow. "It's a flier for an event the shop is holding on Saturday. Trixie is pretty sure that Fluttershy brought it back with her when she came over with Onyx's card. It's some kind of amateur hour novice tournament? Sounds like it'd be perfect for you."

Rainbow huffed and glared at Trixie, but looked over the flier all the same -- to her frustration finding that it did, in fact, sound like it would be perfect for her. According to the information on the flier: the event would be centered around a 16-man single elimination style tournament held for the newer Duel Monsters players in Canterlot to step into the scene with others of similar skill level. A few side events to cater towards any seasoned players who wanted to show up would be included as well.


Rainbow grinned and slapped the flier down on the table. "I'm in! This sounds like a good place to tell the whole town I'm the next big up-and-coming Duelist around!"

Trixie laughed. "Trixie thought you'd say something like that. Maybe she'll even consider going another round with you if you actually manage to take the whole thing."

"If I take the whole thing? Oh, Trixie; you'd better believe that I'm gonna do just that!"

"Do just what now?" Applejack asked as she, Pinkie, Rarity, and Fluttershy returned to the table. "What's this I'm hearin' about some kind of tournament?"

"Hey; welcome back! You find anything that catch your eye, AJ? Gotta say: I'm pumped to smack you down once you build a Deck of your own!" Rainbow greeted, accentuating her challenge with a quick shuffle of her own cards.

Applejack rolled her eyes. "I'm sure y'are, Rainbow -- but no, didn't find anythin' that really spoke to me just yet. You'll have to sit tight a li'l longer. Now about that tournament?"

"Dang. Well; according to this pamphlet flier thing and our Great and Loudmouthed friend over here..."


"... it's like a newbie tournament hosted by this store. It's gonna be held this weekend. I was thinking about going, since my reputation as an awesome Duelist has to start somehow, doesn't it?"

Pinkie Pie hummed and snatched the flier from Rainbow's hand. "Hmmm. Let's see here. Refreshments, games, and... wow, sounds like there'll even be people?! Sounds an awful lot like a party to me! I'm in!" she chirped as she handed the paper back to her friend. "It's a good thing I think I know what I want to play!"

"Already?" Rainbow asked, taking the flier for herself again. "Aw, yeah! Haven't thrown down with you since our last prank war -- so this'll be a great chance for some payback!"

There was a collective groan from the rest of the group and a cheerful giggle from Pinkie. "It sure will, Dashie! Does anyone else think they'll be ready to play?"

Rarity shrugged her shoulders slightly. "I'm in the same situation as Applejack, as it were. I saw some of the most fabulous-looking cards while we were perusing the selection here, but I need to find something that's both pleasing to the eyes and practical in use -- and I don't think I've found the ones for me just yet."

"I still haven't decided if I really want to play or not," Fluttershy admitted. "But I'll definitely go to cheer you both on... if you want me to, that is."

Pinkie squealed and lifted Fluttershy off the ground in a big hug, earning herself an annoyed look from the other girl. "Of course we want you to! That would be just a-may-zing! Don'tcha think, Dashie? Don'tcha?!"

Rainbow grinned and gave Fluttershy an affirmative thumbs-up. "I sure do. You'll be able to see me make up for my last loss by taking the whole tournament!" she declared, brimming with confidence.

"We'll see about that," Trixie chimed in, smirking as she folded her arms. "Trixie, of course, isn't eligible for participation in the main event -- but she's excited to get back at Onyx for her last loss during the side event portion of the day. And also she'll be helping the employees run certain things. She's spent a lot of her spare time here, after all."

"Well; shoot. I can't just go and miss this here shindig if everyone else is goin' to be there. Count me in, too!"

"Woo-hoo! That's five for eight confirmed RSVP's! Rarity, Sunset, Twilight: how about the three of you? You wanna come watch me and Rainbow Dash kick some serious keister?!" Pinkie asked as she bounced in place, still clinging onto a now resigned Fluttershy.

Rarity smiled. "Of course I'll go, darling. Why; I may even be able to use some of the fascinating card artwork as a source of inspiration for some new designs! It would be nothing but beneficial to myself to attend."

Twilight and Sunset shared a look and laughed. Twilight was the first to speak. "I'd be more than happy to go. It's amazing how quickly you've become enamored with this Duel Monsters game, Rainbow. You remember that the only reason we ever even came up with the idea to learn it was to examine Onyx's magical card, right?"

"Y-yeah; but then it ended up being a lot of fun! There's no shame in that, right?"

"None at all," Sunset replied, standing up and stretching her arms behind her head. "Always good to find more things you can do with your friends." She looked at the time and looked visibly taken aback. "Whoa! How long have we been sitting there?" she asked, prompting the others to check their phones and watches and come to the same conclusion: they needed to head back to their own respective engagements.

After a series of goodbyes, everyone in the group aside from Twilight and Sunset departed from the store. The two remaining girls gathered up their notes and other personal items and stopped by the check-out station to say farewell to Onyx before exiting the building.

"Guess you all figured out what you needed to without my help, huh?" Onyx asked as they approached his counter with a smirk. "Heard from Rainbow and Trixie that I'm gonna be seeing you all there on Saturday, too. Should be a good time."

"We sure hope so!"

"Yeah..." Sunset looked down at her handbag, where Dark Rebellion was now being carefully stored away. "About your card -- "

Onyx held up his hand, waving away the rest of Sunset's statement. "Don't worry about it. I didn't understand a lot of the more complicated magibabble, but it sounds like you still need it to do... whatever it is you're trying to do. Just make sure it stays in good condition, alright?"

Sunset nodded firmly. "Alright. But; Onyx," she started, looking him directly in the eyes. The way they almost reminded her of the dragon's in her vision was astounding. "I can't be held responsible if it gets to attached to me instead of you, got it? That'll be all on you," she finished, topping it off with a light chuckle.

Onyx clicked his tongue. "I'll try not to be too hard on myself if that winds up being the case. Just don't spoil it."

Twilight and Sunset waved to onyx as they headed for the front of the store. They had only just let the door close behind them when Twilight turned to Sunset questioningly. "What was that about?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you were gonna ask him something about the card."

'Was I?"

Twilight frowned. "You were. I could tell." She turned on her heels and started walking in the direction of her home, and Sunset was quick to follow. "What made you decide not to say anything?"

Sunset sighed. "I didn't want to bother him with any more questions. I'm thinking maybe I can try and get some more info out of Dark Rebellion if I get it to share its space with me again." She gripped her geode tightly. "I don't think I've ever had anyone shut me out so completely like that before."

"There's a first time for everything, you know that as well as I do. Come on, let's hurry back to my place. If we want to start the second phase of our research proper and get you ready for that tournament by the end of the week, we're gonna need as much prep time as we can get."

"You could tell I wanted to compete too, huh?" Sunset asked, a little embarrassed that she had been seen through so easily. She thought she had disguised it pretty well.

Twilight only smiled in response as the two continued their journey back to her home. The two had some serious work to do over the next week or so, but the prospect only excited her. So many new things to experience, and I get to have those experiences alongside all of my friends. What could be better? she thought as she hummed a tune familiar to herself and Sunset.

Outside the card shop, a lone male figure watched as the two teenage girls departed the storefront, leaving the sole employee to tend to the remainder of his daily duties during his shift before eventually closing the store for the night. He scowled at the retreating employee, but his gaze turned to the girls once he had left the line of sight. He could feel that the presence was with the two -- not the man.

"This wasn't part of the plan." He paused briefly, as if listening to someone else speak. "There's no guarantee that would work, thou -- agh!" he exclaimed, clutching his head. "All right, all right -- fine! We'll try it your way," he relented. The pain stopped and he lowered his hand, shaking his head as he glared after the girls. "Guess we have a 'fun' Saturday ahead of us, don't we?"

Author's Note:

Haha... been a while since last time, huh? This one went through some heavy reconstruction more than once (which is one of the many reasons it took so long) but I think I like how it turned out in the end? Mostly??