• Published 28th Mar 2017
  • 2,662 Views, 49 Comments

Why Am I A Dog? - Sun Aura

  • ...

Chapter 1

It was a quiet day for Sunset Shimmer. Well, as quiet a day as she got. Which meant she and Twilight, the human one, were hanging out at her house. They spent most of the day working on a powerpoint presentation for the next week’s school assembly while Twilight's dog, Spike and Sunset's dog, Rhea, slept on opposite ends of the couch. However, Spike wasn’t asleep now.

“Why am I a dog?” Spike asked.

“Getting existential on us, are you?” Sunset laughed.

“No, I’m being serious,” he said. “Why am I a dog?”

“The same reason I’m human?” Twilight offered.

“Okay, but isn’t the me in the other world a Dragon?” he asked.

“That’s what other-me said,” she replied.

“And aren’t your Dragons a sapient species?” he continued.

“Yeah,” Sunset agreed, sitting upright. “Dragons are just as intelligent as Ponies are, unless they’re Berserk. But Equestrian Law does recognize them as equals, even though some ponies overlook that bit of law.”

“So if our worlds match, why am I a dog?” he asked. “Or at least why am I not treated like a ‘person’ here?”

“Some differences?” Twilight guessed.

“Spike,” Sunset said, ignoring Twilight’s guess, “how smart are you?”

“I haven’t gone to school, other than what Twilight snuck me into,” he said. “But I can read and do math.”

“When’d you learn that?” Twilight asked.

“Well I needed something to do when I was alone,” he pouted. “By the way, reading books is really difficult with paws. Working your laptop is easier.”

“That explains the anomalies in my search history,” she sighed. “I thought Shining was using my laptop. But that was before you could talk?”

“So?” he asked.

“Most dogs can’t read or do math,” Sunset answered. “At least not on a level to be able to understand whatever books Twilight would have.”

“I’m not sure if that makes me feel better or worse,” he said. “But it makes sense. Have you ever talked to another dog?”

“Ask Fluttershy?” both girls replied.

“Fair enough,” he said. “But they’re pretty dumb?”

“Rude,” Twilight scolded.

“He does have a point,” Sunset said.

“Sunset,” Twilight warned.

“Okay, it’s still rude,” she agreed. “But we’re theorizing over whether or not your dog has actually been human-level intelligent this whole time, and hypothetically if that means we should consider him a person from now on?”

“I-fair enough,” she relented. “Now I feel bad for treating him like a dog.”

“I’m guessing dogs are dumb in your world too?” Spike said.

“Pretty much,” Sunset said, reaching over to pet Rhea. “Most dogs are like Rhea, except for Diamond Dogs which are Sapient but look like giant dogs. Some of our animals are more intelligent, like our cows can talk, but they’re not human-level intelligent. They can communicate needs in a common tongue, and have figured out some things like ‘giving money means receiving food’ but they’re still animals that work on instinct. To continue with the cow example, they still do things like get spooked and stampede and wreck a town. And they figured out the money thing, but they can’t calculate exact change.”

“So it’s a matter of if he has a dog’s instincts or not?” Twilight asked.

“A bit more complicated,” she sighed. “We’d have to separate instinct from what he’s learned to do because ‘he’s a dog and was trained to be a dog’.”

“I assume using the yard as a bathroom is a ‘learned’ thing,” Spike chuckled.

“You had to go there,” Twilight sighed.

“Exactly!” he laughed harder.

“Let’s start here,” Sunset said. “The whole chasing squirrels thing. Do you know why you do it?”

“It’s fun?” he answered. “Humans play tag and run around playing sports.”

“That’s not how most dogs see it,” Twilight frowned. “Chasing squirrels is an old instinct from back when dogs were wild and had to hunt.”

“Okay, well I’ve never wanted to eat a squirrel,” he said. “Just chase it around. Wow, now I feel like a dick. Poor squirrels probably thought I wanted to eat them.”

“That gives a point to human-intelligence,” Sunset said. “You know, I think I know an old spell that could help.”

“There’s a spell for everything, isn’t there?” Twilight rubbed her face underneath her glasses.

“Not everything, but pretty close,” she said. “The spell was made years ago to determine which creatures were fully intelligent and which could just talk. It’s mostly been used to test if someone was cursed to turn into an animal, but I think it’ll work here well enough.”

“Well, pony up and try it out then!” Spike said.

Sunset reached within for her magic. In a flash of orange, she felt the magic flowing through her as it once did so many years ago. While she still didn’t know why their transformations had added horns recently, she was glad to have one again.

Her magic focused in her horn, and the orange aura surrounded Spike. After a few minutes of concentration, the magic burst into small fireworks. She dropped the magic, more confused than before.

“So, what did that mean?” Twilight asked.

“Good news, he’s a person,” Sunset answered. “Well, ‘has human-like intelligence’. Bad news is that now he gets to relearn how to exist while also not getting treated like a person because he’s a dog.”

“Couldn’t you just magic me into a human?” Spike asked.

Both girls stared at him. Then they stared at each other, and back to him.

“We could,” Sunset mused. “I know a few transformation spells. The trick would be getting the transformation to stick, since most are meant to be temporary.”

“Are we seriously considering this?” Twilight asked.

“To be fair,” she said, “he really should be treated as a person since he’s smart enough to be one. And that’s not going to happen as a dog. Hell, even I got a few comments questioning my intelligence as a Pony from the CHS students.”

“Fine,” Twilight agreed. “But only if it’s permanent. And doesn’t effect the other world’s Spike.”

“I can’t promise that second part,” Sunset said. “It seems like the Portal does what it wants when it comes to transforming us. I thought it’d just put us in a replica body of our counterparts, but considering you and Princess Twilight, it seems to only use a base template.”

“What differences?” she asked.

“Don’t take this the wrong way,” she warned. “But you’re a few inches shorter and a little chubbier than she is.”

Twilight blushed, subconsciously folding her arms over her stomach.

“It’s not a bad thing!” Sunset insisted. “She got a growth spurt because she became an Alicorn, and she’s also more active than you are, and she uses magic constantly. It burns a lot of calories.”

“Thanks,” she said, despite her frown still there.

“Let’s get back to the matter at hand!” Sunset desperately tried to change the subject. “I think if the two of us work together we could manage to make a permanent transformation spell. But we need an extra kick.”

“Maybe we should call the girls?” Spike suggested.

“No, this is a Unicorn Spell,” Sunset said. “Rarity’s the only other Unicorn, and while she has a decent amount of power, she doesn’t have as much talent in the spellcasting department. I’ve studied spells for years, and Twilight’s quick to catch on, so it should be good.”

“So no extra kick then?” Twilight asked.

“No, I know exactly where to get an extra kick!” she said.

With that she ran upstairs. Rummaging around, she found a small jar of paint and a paintbrush. Leftovers from some sort of school project a few months back.

Running back down, she cleared a space in the kitchen and began painting symbols on the floor.

“Please tell me we’re not summoning a demon,” Spike said, poking a paw at the paint.

“As fun as that sounds, no,” Sunset answered, waving his paw away from the symbols. “These are Guardian Symbols, another branch of magic. They’re usually used for long-term enchantments, but sometimes Unicorns will use them when casting connected spells.”

“Connected spells?” Twilight asked.

“When two or more Unicorns combine their magic to cast the same spell,” she said, moving Rhea's nose away from the paint now. “The Symbols draw in magic from the world around it and act as another Caster. Of course it’s only as powerful as the place you’re using the Symbols. Stars if we were in Everfree, Equestria’s Everfree, this would probably count as maybe two extra Casters!”

“If you ever let me go to Equestria, we have to try that,” she said. “Just to test it out. For scientific research.”

Sunset stood up and looked at her work. She hadn’t used Guardian Symbols since before she left Equestria, but she was sure her translations were accurate.

“Okay Spike,” Sunset said. “Stand in the center of the circle and we’ll get this going!”

“One question,” Spike said. “Does this spell include pants?”

“No idea,” she said. “You can borrow a pair of mine if it doesn’t and I’ll get you your own later. Twilight, I need you for the spell.”

With little hesitation, Twilight let herself Pony Up. Sunset began the spell, Twilight’s magic quickly following suit. The Guardian Symbols on the floor began to glow with various colors. She watched as the magic wrapped around Spike, enveloping him in a bright light.

As the light died down, she could see the results. Thankfully, the spell did include pants. He looked about as she’d expected he would. He was about the same size as Applebloom, with purple skin and dark green hair. The outfit the magic decided to give him was a light green shirt, a dark purple jacket, and a pair of jeans. The only thing off was his eyes, which looked a bit more like those of his Counterpart. Odd, but nothing to be worried about. No human would question it if they didn’t already know what he was. Rhea, while confused, seemed to recognize him after a sniff and kept wagging her tail.

“Definitely feels weird,” Spike said, attempting to stand up.

“Yeah, you’re going to want to practice walking,” Sunset said. “Take my word as someone who went from Quadraped to Biped as well. You get the hang of it quicker than you’d think. Hands are the real kicker though. So much more useful than hooves.”

“This is really weird,” Twilight reiterated.

“Yeah,” she laughed. “I’d also suggest a basic run-through of things Humans do and maybe an anatomy lesson. And we’ll probably have to tell everyone else. Maybe we could catch you up academically and put you in class. Think you’re up to actually going to school?”

“Once I get the hang of this,” Spike said, his walking a bit more stable. “Get the whole high school experience. How would I tell a girlfriend I used to be a dog?”

Twilight burst out laughing.

“Don’t look at me for the answer,” Sunset laughed. “It might be weird for a human, but in Equestria the rule is ‘if it can consent it’s free game’. He’s on equal intelligence, so if he was a legal age he’d be good for us. Not that he’s my type anyway.”

“I just realized something!” Twilight shouted her eyes going wide. “I just turned my dog into a human and my parents have no idea!”

“Oh,” she said. “Well, if you don’t have room he can stay here for a bit.”

“No, we have a guest room or Shining’s room,” she shook her head. “But, he was a dog. And now he’s a person. Don’t you think they’ll be a little mad I did that on the fly?”

“Yeah, we really should’ve thought this through,” she agreed.

“Eh, they’ll be fine with it,” Spike shrugged. “Dad’ll probably be more upset you didn’t let him go all scientist on us and research the magic than he will be about me being a person now.”

“You have a point,” Twilight sighed.

“Now all we have to do,” Sunset said with a smirk,” is test if that changed anything with the counterpart.”

Twenty minutes later, the three of them stood outside Canterlot High School, listening to an interdimensional dragon scream.

Author's Note:

It always bothered me that Spike was a dog in EQG, so I decided to fix it a little. Because wow does it bother me. Seriously just make him CMC age and he could've followed Twilight around like normal ugh!!!!

Comments ( 49 )

Good work so far, well written, good grammar, looking forward to seeing more.

What happened to dragon Spike? How will this progress? There has to be more...

nice. are you going to add more to this story? i'd like to read more.

Loved this one. Really funny.

Yeah, the whole 'Kick-Spike-To-The-Curb-Via-Pound-Puppyfication' grated on me a bit. Though I am now interested in seeing if this can go somewhere. Whelp, time to look into this verse of yours!

It always bothered me that Spike was a dog in EQG, so I decided to fix it a little. Because wow does it bother me. Seriously just make him CMC age and he could've followed Twilight around like normal ugh!!!!

So many people seem to have a problem with this, yet I'm not sure why. Have you looked at Spike in the movies? He loves being a dog. Seriously, his increase in smugness just by crossing the mirror is through the roof. Twilight? She goes from being a four-of-a-kind mythical race to being a plain old, no-magic human just like everyone else (bar rare circumstances). Spike goes from being a comedic butler/sidekick who's often worked to the bone to being a one-of-a-kind magical talking dog. In a world where nobody else has permanent magic. Everyone coddles him and nobody tells him to do anything. Also Rarity. The prevailing ideals of real life- in which humans are the only sapient race- may say that he got shafted and turned into a sub-human, but in the land of EqG he's living the dream.

I always hated that Spikes a Freak'n dog
I mean he's a Dragon in the pony world I and don't care if he a baby Dragon in the human world he should at least be a human

“Now all we have to do,” Sunset said with a smirk,” is test if that changed anything with the counterpart.”
Twenty minutes later, the three of them stood outside Canterlot High School, listening to an interdimensional dragon scream. :rainbowlaugh:
Am i a bad person for enjoying how Dragon Spike reacting to this?

Uhoh. What's got DragonSpike in such a panic?

This like fun to read.

Seriously just make him CMC age and he could've followed Twilight around like normal

The reason the crew gave for why Spike was made into a dog rather than a child was they didn't think it was appropriate to have Twilight stuffing a child into her backpack.
Not sure why the didn't just have him as a pre-teen like the CMC though. I guess they really wanted Spike in that backpack.

He's still being referred to as a dragon, so that's good at least...

It always bothered me that Spike was a dog in EQG, so I decided to fix it a little. Because wow does it bother me. Seriously just make him CMC age and he could've followed Twilight around like normal ugh!!!!


It always bothered me that Spike was a dog in EQG, so I decided to fix it a little. Because wow does it bother me.

Well as the woman creators and writers have said they kept Spike because they wanted a male character to bully.

Oof, this is like a theory turned into a fanfiction. Amazing work!

I like the fact Spike does get a human form here.
Honestly at first I was pretty mixed about Spike being a dog instead of human but that feeling is turning into just sheer dislike. As in it bothers me a lot. I feel like him being a dog restricts Spike's potential in what he could do and I feel like its badly restricting his involvement in things(Like he can't participate in certain stuff or he misses out on stuff due to the dumb "no pets allowed" thing). Basically I felt like its a bad idea to have him be a dog in the long-run.
I enjoyed Equestria Girls but the thing with Spike being a dog instead of human is one of my problems with it.
It just felt like it isn't fair for him.(Yes I know that apparently dragon Spike isn't bothered by this but.. that part also bugs me a lot. I get that he likes being treated adorably but in the long-run its hindering him that he's a dog instead of human)

I just wished EQG would at least let Spike "dragon-up" like how the girls "pony-up". Or even give him the ability to become human form.
Like giving him development such as he wants to truly be involved, like truly not get left out of things due to being a dog.
Going from a pet to a actual being.
And honestly I say the writers' explanation and reason on why they made him a dog to be.. pretty awful. It bothered me more pretty much.
Along with it makes things awkward due to it basically labels Spike as a pet, despite that he's more of a little-brother(or even son) to Twilight. Even more awkward with how season 9 finally shown that Spike is considered to be a younger sibling to her and her family.

Sorry about the rant, I wanted to let out my thoughts on how much it bothered me about the whole "Spike is a dog instead of human in EQG" thing

What do you got in mind there?

Don't worry about ranting! I mean, this entire fic is basically a rant on that subject! Actually... most of my fics are rants on subjects.... Anyway...

You know? It was always kind of a thing, but more recent seasons have made it very clear that Dragons are actual Sapient Beings, not just 'highly intelligent animals'. So, like, I don't want to make a 'racism and possible slavery' comment. But the one Dragon Character who is an assistant has been turned into a literal pet is..... Not Good™.... I mean it's likely just an oversight on the writers' part instead of an actual issue, but still... a little critical thinking would be nice.

But like, I think it'd be nice if they acknowledged it in Canon. Like, have them acknowledge that Spike is a person, even if he looks like a dog/used to be just a dog. At the very least the Spike from Equestria should raise an objection since he's a Dragon that's always been an actual person not a pet. But yeah. He's used as either an object, or as a 'the villain forgot the dog is a character so he can somehow save the day' thing.

Do you also think that him being a dog is actually hindering him too? Like how its causing him to miss out on many things.
I certainly do due to things like he apparently didn't get to go with the girls in Spring Breakdown(and thus we were denied of seeing how would dog Spike react to becoming a dragon and maybe meeting Equestria Spike)

I say its hindering Spike in the long-run about the whole dog thing. The writers did not think that fully through honestly.

Oh absolutely. Honestly I've been a little out of the loop on watching mlp stuff lately(I got dropkicked into Fullmetal Alchemist and I am hoarding fics and AU ideas like a crow with shiny things), so I don't have specific examples of later stuff. However, it's always been hindering him from Day One.

Back in the first EQG movie, if they made Spike a Human too, it would've been a lot easier. Like, as a dog there was no reason for Spike to be there since he was just hidden in Twilight's backpack most of the time. But if they made him a Human, then he would already have experience with having hands and we could've had a scene of him teaching Twilight how fingers work, which would have cut down on 'let me pick up books with my mouth' shenanigans. And it's apparently easy for Dimension-jumping Equestrains to show up at CHS and be allowed to go to school without any legal paperwork(Sunset, Twilight, the Dazzlings...). Just make him the same size as the CMC and have Twilight say he's her little brother and they just moved to town. Being a dog did make it easier for Snips and Snails to kidnap him at the Fall Formal, but they could've still done it if he was a person.

In Rainbow Rocks, the only thing I can remember Spike doing is getting the girls out from under the stage by finding Vinyl. Which he could only do since everyone forgets about the dog. But that could've happened as a Human. Hell, he wouldn't have even needed to find Vinyl since he would have hands. Or you know what? Have him get hypnotized too and get a heartbreaking moment where he turns against Twilight because of it.

With Friendship Games? Again, if Spike was a Human instead of a dog, they could just make him Sci-Twi's little brother. When he finds out about Principal Cinch blackmailing Twilight, he'd tell someone. Or at least he'd want to, and Sci-Twi would do the 'no it's okay don't do that I don't want to ruin things'. They'd have a cute sibling moment of 'I will fight her for you, but I respect what you want'.

I think Legend of Everfree is the only one where Spike being a dog actually allowed him to go on the trip? For the most part it looked like just the girls' class on the trip(which is why in one of my fics I specified it as the 'Senior Trip'), so 'freshman little brother' wouldn't have come along, but the dog could. That said, he was barely a presence. You could've had more with him. And yeah absolutely let him 'Dragon Up' and stuff.

Forgotten Friendship would've made more sense if Spike were a Human. I mean, Spike wasn't even there. But if he had been, then a Human Spike would've been memory-erased as usual. But I'm surprised he didn't show up at all. Please tell me someone has written a fix-it fic where Wallflower forgot to erase Spike's memories of Sunset so he knew something was up and was able to tell the rest of the girls that Sunset is their friend?

Honestly, I think this can all be boiled down to just that the writers don't respect Spike as his own character, using him as a plot device to help or hinder as needed. And that's easier if he's a dog, since he would have be 'hidden' or 'forgotten' or 'not allowed in'.

I think he at least provided great moral support to Twilight in the first movie.
Though he would have still done that and more if he was human.
As for the kidnapping, pretty sure if it didn't happen but Sunset will most likely still get the crown via ambushing Twilight as she was heading to the portal.
And it will be less awkward if he was human since about the thing with Rarity. As in its weird that a dog is falling for a girl.(another reason on why its not a good idea on making Spike a dog)

For the hypnotizing part, its kind of strange that Spike wasn't affected by the Dazzeling's song. Pretty sure their song would affect the animals too, or at least ones that have fully sentient thoughts and being able to speak.
I kind of headcanon that the Siren's hypnotic song is useless on dragons. Or at least also useless on being that contain a powerful magic within. Like they were implying Spike has some kind of power hidden within that just being there protected him from the siren's mind control.
As for Everfree, all he did was just bite the vines off of Sunset and Sci-Twi. And that's it, just one small thing.(I wonder if the CMC got to go on the trip too? I felt like they did)

He was there at Forgotten Friendship but apparently he kind of acted like his memories of Sunset were taken too. In fact he didn't exactly speak about the thing with Sunset at all when the other girls were talking at her. Despite that we literally did not see Spike's memories getting taken when Sci-Twi's was being taken during that flashback(nor did they bother showing us his memories returning to him). Its hard to tell if his memories were taken or not.
In fact when the gang confronted Wallflower, Spike was NOWHERE to be seen despite it was shown he was with the others at the school. He just disappeared. Its more jarring with the opening basically prominently featured Spike by being passed around with each girl but ends up doing nothing in the special.

Honestly I feel like nearly all the time, as a dog Spike is just... THERE. Just sitting or being petted and that's it.

Pretty much, yeah, he was just 'there'. Very occasional he does something, but tbh he's just like Flash in that he doesn't even pass the 'Sexy Lamp Test'. Less so since he's not even treated as a viable love interest and/or eye candy.

Honestly I forgot that Spike was in Forgotten Friendship at all. I don't remember him being there. I just checked the transcript and he had maybe thirty seconds of dialogue? Half was generic 'I got it!' while playing fetch, and the rest was jealousy over the Selfie Drone. When I rewrote that special for Ashes to Inferno, I honestly forgot he was there and I just wrote the chapters as if he wasn't.

As for the Dazzling's thing, I suggested that as something to be something. A way the writers could have gone that would've been interesting. But tbh my headcanons about Dragon Magic vs. Siren Magic does include that their Magic is actually very similar, and that does mean that the Siren Song doesn't really work too well on Dragons. Basically both run on Emotional Magic, but Dragons use Greed while Sirens use Desire, and both have a Berserk Mode. Since Desire is closely tied to Greed, Dragons would just use the Desire Magic to fuel their own Greed Magic instead of giving any power to the Siren.

Apparently from what I read on TV Tropes, due to negative fan reception it caused Flash to not be able to appear much.
If only the negative reception was enough to get them to fix the issue with Spike being a dog and give him a human form he should have had.

Since there is apparently a 7th element in the human world instead of just 6, hope theres going to be a 7th element in Equestria with Spike getting it.

That's actually kinda sad. They could've done so much with Flash. At least they learned the next time and made Timber an actual character that happens to be a love interest instead of just a love interest. Although it did give me the freedom to go hogwild on using Flash in stories to the point where he's basically my OC now.

Then again, if they got rid of everything due to fan backlash, we wouldn't have EQG in the first place.

TBH, while I am guilty of writing a 'Self-insert OC gets the Secret Seventh Element of Harmony' fic back in the day, I don't really like the idea much anymore. It's always been six and pulling out a seventh, especially so late in the game, is a bit.... much. It would've made sense back in the early seasons. Like have the Crystal Heart be the 'Lost Element' somehow. But now?

Nowadays, I like the idea of 'Alternate Bearers'. Characters other than the Mane 6 who can use the Elements. Sunset is obviously an Alternate Magic. And I also headcanon the same for Spike.

I just hope they give Spike a human form.

Honestly I feel like Equestria should get a 7th element regardless of how late in the show.
Since its kind of awkward that the human world has 7 while Equestria only has 6. As in theres an imbalance pretty much.

I mean the ponies have Starlight as their 7th so it balances out I guess? Okay, not really. Starlight does her own thing while Sunset is a main part of the group, if not The Main Character of EQG. Honestly if anyone feels like the 'extra' in that group it's Sci-Twi herself.

That said, a seventh Element could potentially be done well if written correctly. I think it would work better if instead of a 'lost Element' or a 'secret Element no one knew about', they had the other six create a new Element. Perhaps some aspect of Friendship that didn't quite exist 1000 years ago, or an aspect that Starswirl and Friends were lacking in?

I also still hope for a Human Spike, but I doubt the writers would deliver. Honestly, I also still hope that we find Sunset's Counterpart, because I want to know what happened there. I've seen plenty of fics(including my own) showing off many possibilities from plausible to really cool to dark as hell to ridiculous but funny. I'm surprised there hasn't even been a mention of it in canon.

I kind of got a theory about the Element of Magic and how the elements managed to get the job done so far without the 7th element.
Lets picture the element of magic as a laser cannon. On its own, its powerful, but if you add another element to it to channel its power into the element of Magic, it will strengthen the beam and such. Have 5 with it and it would have enough power to get the job done usually.

The idea came into mind with how when Celestia used the elements against Nightmare Moon, the 5 elements channeled their power into the Element of Magic as if it was a focal point before firing its channeled power at the enemy in question.
That, and also I heard that while the Element of Magic can be used on its own, the other 5 Elements are basically useless without the Element of Magic(as in are not able to do anything on their own at all)

A decent possibility. I always thought of it as more of the opposite, since the other five Elements made Magic appear.

Perhaps both are correct? The others 'create' the Element of Magic and must therefore be somewhat present, but as Magic is made of all the others, it can exist on it's own and use their power even if they're not physically present, but would be incredibly amplified if they are?

I do have smaller headcanons about the other Elements being able to be used on their own, but not in the 'laser canon' way. More in the 'Fluttershy's Stare ability is connected to the Element of Kindness' way.

I can see the 7th Element(for Equestria) being able to amplify the power of the elements together even further. Like strengthening the bonds/unity between the elements. Like uniting them even further.
Still hoping Spike gets it.
I mean, he was literally born due to the event that ultimately caused the Mane 6 to get their Cutie Marks(and iirc, connected the 6 to their Elements).
He should get SOMETHING from that.
Along with the fact him getting throne too at the Cutie Map has got to mean something.

Those are actually very excellent points. He was sort of 'born' from the other six Elements connecting, and the Tree gave him a throne.

That throne thing is rather odd now that I think about it... Why did he get that? Obvs I hope it's meaningful somehow, but still...

I hope so too.
I can't shake off the feeling of Spike ultimately keeps ending up in the Mane 6's shadow in the end no matter what. It just.. would not leave me.

I know what you mean. Kinda lost faith in the writers a while back. I thought it was just a 'I don't like the direction this is going' thing, but then they made an episode that accidentally implies that Applebloom just appeared from the Aether.

But that's what fanfiction is for. Pick your favorite secondary or background character and rewrite the series to make them the hero. Make different, better plot holes. Or at least read a comment about a plot hole and write a fic/chapter to justify it into not being a plot hole.

Which episode was that?

That feeling I mentioned basically solidified after I read on what happened to Spike during the season 9 premier(and it got even worse on where it turns out he doesn't get to go with the girls on the trip in the Rainbow Roadtrip special that recently aired last Saturday)

Remember how I said I haven't been keeping up on watching mlp episodes? I honestly went and looked at the plot synopsis for the season 9 premiere, and I found one sentence about Spike but that's it? So idk what you're talking about. Not in a bad way, just in a 'I can't find anything specific in the plot synopsis and I don't have the energy to go watch the episode'.

Although, I did get a good chuckle out of 'Celestia and Luna are retiring because the past few years with Twilight and Friends have been so peaceful!'. Either that's some terrible writing, or boy howdy was Equestria worse than Amestris in terms of 'how much does our government want us dead to gain Immortality?!'

As for what episode accidentally implied Applebloom came from the Aether: Where the Apple Lies. It's a flashback to AJ and Big Mac arguing about which one of them inherits the farm when Granny Smith dies.

Since it's a choice between them, not them and Applebloom, she isn't born yet. There is no mention of Applebloom at all. Further proof can be found in the fact that Filthy Rich and Spoiled Milk(I still can't take that name seriously who names their kid that???) aren't yet married. Their daughter, Diamond Tiara, is the same age as Applebloom, so it's likely that neither have been born yet(Sure, Spoiled could possibly be pregnant, but even then it's very early on in the pregnancy so quite a while until she's born).

However, since AJ and Big Mac are arguing over inheriting from Granny, this implies that their parents have already died. If they were still around, they'd be fighting over inheriting from them, not Granny. Or at the very least it would be them doing business with Filthy Rich. Yet much like baby Applebloom, they're not even mentioned.

So, their parents are already dead. But Applebloom isn't born yet.... I'm going with 'came out of the Aether'. Mostly because if after the entire episode being about how lying is bad, the real twist is 'they're lying about who her real parents are', I'd die of laughter.

Either way... it has other disturbing implications. Ignoring that, it means that AJ is more than double Applebloom's age since Flashback!AJ was older than current Applebloom. Flashback!AJ was easily a young adult. Not quite an Adult™, but clearly out of school and such. The equivalent of 17-19. Cutie Marks are easily a puberty metaphor, so Applebloom is currently 12-14. This would put her, and the rest of the Mane 6, at about 30 years old in the present. Now take that to EQG where the counterparts go to High School and are 16-18... and then Twilight and Flash.... or worse the fact that Sunset is even older than Twilight... Yikes™

I'm probably focusing far too much on this but I make a habit out of rambling about things and going too far down the rabbit hole.

There should be a few clips of the premier on YouTube iirc.
Well, after the part with Sombra destroyed the tree of harmony(too bad this is technically pointless due to the treehouse thing that literally happened next episode) and trapped the Mane 6, he went to Ponyville to brainwash everyone there. Sadly including Spike..
Pretty much instead of the writers having Spike have a hand in Sombra's defeat like in season 3 premier, they instead of have him pushed aside to everyone else and be brainwashed due to not being a element bearer while the Mane 6 saves the day.
That.. caused the feeling I am having that would not go away.

Yeah... I am not really fond of the princesses retiring. Especially Luna since she didn't get to rule as long as Celestia due to being stuck on the moon for a 1000 years. So its kind of unfair..
They should have had it so Luna decides to rule for at least a 1000 more years so she makes up for lost time, but also being there to mentor/support Twilight in being a monarch for Equestria. As in her being helped by someone that has ACTUAL experience with ruling something. I mean, Twilight was just panicking/freaking out on becoming the next ruler of Equestria iirc. As in pretty stressed out, even with the support of her other friends.

Yeah... you'd think Sombra would remember Spike from the first time around and hold a grudge against the 'Hero of the Crystal Empire'. But no. He's just there I guess.

And yeah, as for Celestia and Luna retiring... Like... at least give a valid reason? Even if they say 'Hey, Twilight, you and your friends have kind of taken over as Protectors of Equestria. If we teach you how the government functions, we might finally get a break. We'd be able to take a few decades off and work on our relationship so we don't accidentally go Nightmare Moon/Daybreaker on everyone.'. Don't say 'we've entered an era of peace! Look how peaceful it is! Everyone that's threatened to destroy the world has been defeated! that's peaceful, right?'

It's also weird since Celestia and Luna are so different from everyone else. They're Immortal, and powerful enough to control both Sun and Moon on their own. While they did canonically give that to Twilight temporarily back in Season 4, that doesn't seem like something they should be able to do permanently. Not to mention, you know, Immortality.

Also, Twilight is the Princess of Friendship. She can't do that if she's ruling a country. She needs to be with the regular ponies, not up in a castle figuring out pony tax systems.

I don't recall Sombra reacting to the fact the Crystal Ponies basically worship Spike and consider him to be the one that screwed Sombra over.
I don't think he even noticed the statue. Pretty sure with the current state he's in(according to people, apparently the writers changed his personality to that of a mix of basically Trixie and Blueblood. As in bad. Along with his voice now is.. bleh), he would forget about planning on brainwashing Spike but instead try to kill him out of fury(as in he chases Spike all over Ponyville which hilariously buys the girls enough time to figure out how to beat Sombra).
In fact I am pretty sure old Sombra will lose his composure and go berserk at the fact he was foiled due to a baby dragon(which caused the very ponies he tormented to basically worship said baby dragon as a hero).

As much as I want to say 'don't endanger the child by using him as live bait', that's exactly what they should've done!

Although, Sombra in general.... Like, I don't know. That's probably just a "I got too attached to my headcanons/backstory, that having that contradicted is making me hate it out of pettiness" thing.

And/or have Spike use the Crystal Heart too or something.

I feel like they could have not made him a mix of Trixie/Blueblood(granted I did not see the clips of the premier but just saw summaries/reviews and comments about it, so I don't know if his personality in the season 9 premier is actually like that).
Honestly I feel like its not a good idea to kill off Sombra like that. Especially with apparently Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy Glow MIGHT reform.
If that happens then things would feel iffy.
Especially since Sombra reformed in the comics. So things are kind of awkward(regardless of continuality/timeline stuff)

I think by 'like Trixie/Blueblood' they mean he's very arrogant and selfish, but in a more whiny brat way than an actual 'Lord of Darkness'.

While I did have my problems with the Sombra comic story, it's so far better than this. I think I would prefer if they left him out, either keeping him 'dead' or letting the comics be Canon.

They definitely could have done better for Sombra there.
At least him being Spike's arch-enemy so he has something(in terms of saving everyone's butts). Like often conflicts where he ends up saving the day(from Sombra's madness)

What kind of problems?
I only read some info on the arc. Such as Sombra's backstory and his reformation.
And sadly the info of the 2 princesses(especially Luna for me, I hated that part) got kicked to the curb via being turned into statues.
Felt like they could have used Luna for something there since she experienced the use of dark magic and darkness stuff(as in Nightmare Moon)

Honestly? I think I would have loved it if the Spike vs Sombra plots were, like, Perry the Playtpus vs. Dr. Doofenshmirtz. As in 'Twilight and Friends deal with the rest of the villains, while Spike and Sombra have their own, more light-hearted 1v1 battle that usually ends up with them accidentally ruining the day for the other villains'.

As for the comic, it's just... okay he's bullied as a kid for... no reason? Then he gets the one friend. Except every year he gets sick at the Crystal Fair. We find out later it's because he's an Umbrum in disguise and the power of the Crystal Heart is making him sick with it's goodness. Except... why does it only happen on Crystal Fair day? Sure, that's when it's at the most powerful, but the Empire is pumping out Positive Magic Energy 24/7, which should be effecting him all the time.

And then, even though he's been a good person, er, pony, this whole time, and he doesn't want to hurt anyone he just wants to stay with his friend, he's like 'well. This is what I was born to do. Guess I better kill everyone. sorry bff! I hate you now because you tried to stop me! So I'm going to take everyone you know and love into some time/space bullshit where you'll never see them again! And it'll be your fault because you dared to think about pursuing a career that makes you happy!'.

Also... Princess Amore knew what Sombra was all along, but she was like 'hmm. What's the best way to try and reform this small child? Keep him here where the Crystal Heart will consistently torture him for at least one day a year instead of sending him to an orphanage in, like, Whitetail woods or something. Also never tell him about this until he's already pissed off'. Seriously, when has that ever worked? Next time, tell the doomsday child what his destiny is supposed to be, but teach him to be better than that and not kill everyone.

And then the friend, Radiant Hope, was like 'well, I know you hate me and are now super horrible and kinda tried to kill everyone. But that's totally my fault so I'm going to join your side, somehow gain Immortality and be around when you come back 1000 years later, then bring you back to do all that horrible stuff you were suppose to do! And by that I totally believe that you aren't trying to destroy everyone! You're just trying to save these 'faeries' from 'the evil princesses who wish to destroy them'.'

Like... at least make her be hypnotized or something...

What happened in the comic arc there could have gone better.
Did the arc touched on the thing with the Crystal Ponies loving Spike for saving them.(Like was Sombra even aware of that part?)

Honestly, I have no idea. I don't remember it, and looking at the synopsis on the wiki page didn't say anything about Spike at all.

Well that's iffy.

Anyway, which season finale is your fav and which is your least fav?

My favorite is either Season 2 or Season 3, honestly. While they do have their flaws, Season 2 went out with a bang (And a wonderful villain song!), and Season 3 did feel like they completed a story arc, even if we didn't realize we were in a story arc.

My least favorite is probably the finale for Season 1. Mostly because I don't do well with second-hand embarrassment, so I didn't enjoy watching them wreck the Grand Galloping Gala. But also because it's so out of place for a Season Finale. I mean, every other Finale has some big major events and a cool battles and high stakes! Season 1 was... a fancy gala.

And okay, it was the 'first Finale', so there wasn't a pattern yet. But when you open the series with Nightmare Moon, and close it with the main cast embarrassing themselves at a fancy party... It's a little underwhelming.

Meh, yeah the season 1 finale was eh.
Kind of stinks that apparently Spike didn't get to go apparently.

I think I like the season 6 finale the least.
Especially with the feeling I can't shake of I felt like Spike got robbed there.
Like it could have been something for Spike instead of Starlight.

This needs a sequel

I love this, it's so funny

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