• Published 22nd Jan 2018
  • 8,557 Views, 1,314 Comments

Her Royal Morning Coffee - Georg

Twilight has a secret coltfriend that nobody knows about. Not even her. And he’s not too sure either. Then Luna gets involved, and it only gets weirder.

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1. The Best Part of Waking Up

Her Royal Morning Coffee
The Best Part of Waking Up

Dry Roast had a good reason for opening Java Le Choza every morning long before the sun rose, despite the rest of Ponyville still being sound asleep. It was not a particularly large reason, or a profitable reason, but he had stumbled onto it by accident one morning when he opened the store early because of a bout of insomnia, and had made up his mind at that point to never miss that special time of the morning ever again.

On normal inky-dark mornings, he would get everything set up in the coffee shop just a few minutes after he walked through the door, with the complicated chrome machinery heating up and the cheery lights in the window declaring ‘Open’ as brightly as they could shine. It made the little shop a tiny island of light in the pitch black night filling the town and helped chase away some of the imaginary creatures which he could far too easily imagine lurking in the shadows.

Not that he was actually afraid of the night, of course. One of the best parts of his morning was the slow stroll through the quiet town streets on the way to work under the beautiful stars to guide him and the moon to light his path. The bad part was that with the Everfree Forest a mere stone’s throw outside of the town, some of the less fearful denizens of the dark woods would share his nightly commute, with the occasional bat or curious opossum passing within touching distance before continuing on their way as if he were not worth their attention.

The early hours of the morning had become a comforting, special time for Dry. Once the store was open for business and the first frozen pastries popped into the oven to cook, he would look around the empty booths and allow his mind to enjoy the peace and quiet. Most of the time when the sky was clear, he would ignore the book he brought to read while waiting for his first customers and go stand out in the doorway, gazing up into the starry night and wondering about… stuff. Important stuff, like what the moon was really made of, and if Princess Luna was as fascinating to talk with as many of the town’s residents claimed. Trivial stuff such as why exactly had he traveled to this small town to run a small coffee shop when there were so many opportunities just like it in Canterlot. Deep thoughts about the nature of physical existence and if it was really possible to make a cherry chimichanga and how many ponies (other than Pinkie Pie) would actually order one with their coffee.

Tonight, he had barely gotten the equipment warmed up and his apron on when the cheerful little bell at the front door jingled. It was a little earlier than usual, but there were many nights when she did not show at all, so he took Twilight Sparkle’s bedraggled appearance in stride and smiled at the young alicorn princess where she stood spraddle-legged in the middle of the coffee shop doorway.

She could not see the smile, of course. The Princess of Friendship’s eyes were closed, as usual, although tonight she seemed more alert than Dry Roast had seen her in months, as if she might open her eyes at any moment.

Or not.

Her mane was rumpled and frayed, just like the first time he had opened the shop early and found Twilight Sparkle sleeping with her nose pressed firmly against the door just a few minutes after he turned on the coffee machinery. Much the same as she did back then, Twilight staggered forward, making her way up to the counter in small increments and seemingly driven mostly by scent. Under that frazzled pile of tangled mane, her cute little nose wrinkled up while she sniffed and her eyes remained firmly closed against the bright lights of the shop, but she still radiated an adorable presence which made Dry Roast give a little sigh of adoration back in return.

Her Highness, Princess of the All-Nighters. Someday I really need to get introduced to her when she’s awake so I can find out what color her eyes are.

“Mid grabble fattamatud filbudget macatonit. Mit fulbadagin.” Twilight’s voice was garbled and spoken nearly into the floor, but Dry had some critical experience with Her Highness’ Ritual of Far Too Early In The Morning, and repeated her order, or at least what he had learned to interpret from her odd dialect of Equestrian.

“Double-double espresso latte with seven pumps of chocolate syrup, sprinkles, and low foam, right?”


“Eight pumps it is. Coming up.” Dry Roast got out the largest foam coffee container from behind the counter and proceeded to violate all the known dietary restrictions for caffeine density and chocolate in ways that would have appalled his former alchemy instructor at the university. He foamed and poured, measuring only vaguely and proceeding mostly by feel as the massive insulated container of not-quite-coffee filled up to the top and he clipped the lid on it. Behind him, he could hear the distinctive jingle of bits on the counter which always worked out to exact change plus a twenty percent tip.

“Here you go, Your Highness,” said Dry Roast as he moved back over to the counter, the massive container of coffee wobbling in his magic field until he put it down next to the pile of bits. “Will there be anything else? Bon Bon just brought in a bunch of chocolate-covered coffee bea—”

“lovya,” muttered Twilight Sparkle, taking a deep, deep breath of the steam rising from the top of her coffee, then moving in an almost unstoppable motion upwards until her hot lips pressed against Dry Roast. She kissed him just as hard as any stallion had ever been kissed before in the history of kissing, leaving a blaze of fire which turned Dry Roast’s face a crimson red and left his tail sticking straight out behind him. “Wanahaveyourfoals,” she murmured when coming up for air before resuming the passionate kiss, then, “righthererightnow,” before a third kiss of Royal intensity.

Just as Dry Roast’s knees were about to give out, Twilight Sparkle abruptly stopped the kiss and took a step back. The massive container of coffee levitated up in front of her lips, she took a deep, deep drink with just as much passion as she had put into the kiss moments before, then turned and stumbled toward the door.

“Merglipmuph,” murmured Dry Roast, still trying to get control over his scrambled brains.

“Neglimpth,” muttered Twilight between gulps of coffee. Then she was gone, and the coffee shop was again empty except for the bubbling of the coffee machine and the hammering of Dry Roast’s heart.

~ ~ ☕ ~ ~

It was almost another hour before the next customer came in, which gave Dry Roast barely enough time to recover his wits. Applejack was a much simpler order than Princess Twilight, and far easier to understand despite her rural accent.

“G’morning, Roast,” said Applejack after nosing open the door, leaving the wagon full of apples parked just outside his door. “Gimme the usual, please.”

“One size large coffee, spare the Fancy, coming up.” Since Dry Roast had pulled the cup off the stack and started pouring the moment he noticed Applejack parking the wagon, it was a relatively simple process, even though he could not help but add, “Sure you don’t want a squirt of caramel or chocolate in that?”

“Nope. Never gonna do it, no matter how much you ask. An’ gimmie one of those apple muffins there too.”

The cheerful bell on the front door jingled again while Dry Roast was picking out just the exact pastry that Applejack wanted and by the time he had his head above the counter, Rarity was positioned right behind her friend, stifling a yawn with one hoof and sporting a rat’s nest of curls. She had obviously fallen asleep while in the passionate throes of the Muse of Fashion again, which was the only time she showed up this early in the morning while all the rest of the town slumbered. When the sun was up, Dry Roast had never seen her with more than a single hair out of place.

He finished collecting the bits from his first customer, who hung around while her friend put in an order for a half-sweet white mocha frappuccino, and Applejack commented while Rarity was producing the bits.

“Sugarcube, you look half-starved. Don't tell me you ain’t had nuttin’ to eat since yesterday.”

Rarity yawned and started counting her bits a second time. “Darling, remember the Canterlot Spring Flower Festival is coming up this weekend? All six of us will be making an appearance. I have to get down to my proper weight in order to fit into the dress I made.” She yawned again while counting the bits a third time, then just dumped the entire pile of bits on the counter. “I don’t know how Twilight manages to do it. Her measurements have not changed a hair since she became a princess, and her eating habits are atrocious.”

“Here you go, ma’am.” Dry Roast unconsciously licked his lips while floating the foam cup over to the counter, then picked up the offered bits. He was tucking them away in the cash register when he became aware of Rarity’s intense scrutiny of the filled cup. “Is something the matter, ma’am?”

“Actually… yes.” Turning to Applejack, Rarity asked, “Darling, do you remember a few days ago when we were having lunch with our dear friend Twilight in the castle?”

“Ah’m not sure if you can call that lunch, Rarity.” Applejack took a drink of coffee and nudged the muffin she had purchased a little closer to her friend. “Ah think that was a little more like bait. You snuck in a measuring session for my dress.”

Rarity waved dismissively. “A minor detail. The important part of the conversation was when you were talking with Twilight about all of the places around town she had not visited, despite having been here for several years.”

Applejack nodded. “Ah remember she didn’t even know nothing about—” she paused and looked quizzically at Dry Roast “—here.”

“Even before they moved to the castle, Spike kept a pot of coffee brewing all day,” said Rarity, “but I can distinctly remember several of these foam cups in her castle kitchen recycling when we were talking.”

“Yeah, you asked about it,” said Applejack. “She claimed she didn’t know nuttin about it, though.”

“Interesting.” Rarity moved closer to the counter and leaned forward, which was a little disturbing, but not nearly as much as the sudden squeal of glee she let out and the abrupt smile which followed. Her horn lit up and a light magical touch brushed across Dry Roast’s face before he could react, but by then it was too late.

“Applejack, do you see this?” Something hovered in Rarity’s magic between the two mares, a very small and nearly impossible to see object that even Applejack seemed to be having trouble discerning. “It’s a hair, exactly the same shade as Twilight’s and far too short to be anything but a facial hair.”

“How in the heck would one of her hairs get on Dry’s face, though?” asked Applejack with a thoughtful look indicating the question was somewhat less rhetorical than it first appeared.

“Oh, no, nono!” gasped Rarity as Dry Roast began to open his mouth to defend himself. “Don’t say anything, Mister Roast. We’ve gone too far already. Whatever you and our friend are doing at night is no business of ours. Come along, Applejack. I said come on!” she insisted while walking to the door, practically towing the hefty farm pony along behind her and leaving the forlorn apple muffin untouched on the counter.

Dry Roast sighed while watching the two customers head toward the marketplace in the glow of the dawn, chatting vigorously between themselves. This could not end well.

Author's Note:

Some notes from the editors:
Tek, on the coffee shop being so close to the Everfree -
Lyra: They're real I tell you
Bon Bon: Lyra no matter how many odd prints in the mud you show me I refuse to believe in your make believe humans, I mean really whats next an electric mouse?