• Member Since 28th Dec, 2016
  • offline last seen Jan 15th, 2020


Appledash shipper. Critical of everything. Except Appledash. Because Appledash.


When Princess Celestia called the Mane Six to Canterlot and asked them to take a friendship test - which was weird in and of itself - they never expected to fail it.
But they did. They FAILED. And now they must deal with the consequences.
Except there's a teeny-tiny detail that none of them noticed (with the exception of Pinkie Pie, who notices everything). What is that detail, you might be wondering?
It's April 1st.
Enough said.

(Proofread by the lovely allykitty. Go check out her stories!)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 27 )

A little harsh on Celestias end, it must have felt almost world shattering for the mane cast. A prank that makes anyone feel that bad should probably be thrown out in favor of something less hurtful.

What 8067067 said... only doubled down for Twilight.
Celestia (theoretically) knows what Twilight is like. She (theoretically) knows the kind of test anxiety Twi has. For Celestia to do this, in this manner, to Twilight removes it from the realm of 'prank' and places it in the realm of 'minor psychological torture'. The proper response for Twilight, even with her hero-worship and idolization of Celestia, would have been to calmly (possibly even formally) apologize for the necessity, then leave for Ponyville at once as soon as she was informed that the test was a prank. No enticement to remain should have been strong enough to override this - Twilight has just been betrayed by Celestia, for nothing more than Celestia's own amusement.

I can forgive Luna's not wanting to break the prank (thus preventing Celestia from pulling it) - despite everything they've been through, Luna still doesn't know Twilight all that well, especially at the deepest levels. Celestia, in theory, does. For Celestia to do this to Twilight means that she scores a fail on her own theoretical exam, regardless of the accuracy of any other question. Either Celestia does not know Twilight well enough to avoid this, or she does not care about the harm she is causing - in either case, friendship fail.


I see what you guys are saying. Frankly, that was one of my concerns when I was writing this - that people would see Celestia's behavior as being mean. Here is how I rationalized it. This story is set in season six. At this point I would really like to think that Twilight has mellowed out a lot. I think her friends have given her a new perspective on practical jokes. She's lightened up a little and had learned to see the funny side of things. It would have been mean if Celestia had pranked only her, but she pranked all of her friends as well. I think pre-season three Twilight would have been a lot more freaked out by the whole thing. She's more mature now, at least in my opinion. But if you still think differently, that's fine. ;)

This was funny and enjoyable, nice creativity in the questions! As for Pinkie Pie-


Um....someone who likes Bundt Cake?

Lol, you're right, bundt cake! Didn't even think of that.

I was in agreement on both sides and was thinking on terms of once the truth was revealed (and the hyperventilating over) Twilight might have been fine.

Then she overreacts to Starlight getting summoned by the map in season seven and wrecks that theory.

But this is to be taken with that grain of salt and the whole April Fools joke premise. It's still an enjoyable read.

Yeah, apparently twilight still has the ability to freak out, haha.

she turned and draped her hooves and wings over Applejack's back as if she owned it, pouting grumpily.

You couldn't resist a bit of Appledash there, Miss Raven, now could you?
But not that I'm complaining...

Also, love the username! 11 forever!

Thanks. Smithies unite! Also, I was Annie-io before. I've been changing usernames a lot

Indeed! I'm pretty much the only person in my family who thinks he's a great doctor :/ also, yep, I recognize you by your pic!

I know what you mean. All my family think David Tennant is the best doctor. Well he's not! *Bangs virtual fist on virtual table* Matt was funnier. And better.

MY family too! My mom is crushing so hard on him. Ugh. I don't care if Tenny was good looking,that's not what being the Doctor is about! Matt Smith was clever and funny and his childish attitude just made him all the more endearing. Plus, he could be really scary when he needed to be!

Well put, amigo. Well put. P.S Spanish was my first language. Sometimes I slip random words in

No worries! Really? That's so cool! lol I think I remember you commented something in Spanish on one of my stories and I freaked because I didn't understand it and i went to google translate right away. I speak French, you see, although I wish I understood Spanish XD where are you from, if I may ask that?

Well, I lived in Spain for my first 4 years of life before moving to England, for some reason. I think its clear which country has better weather tho.

Haha yes, clear for sure ;) where in England? I've been to London but nowhere else in England, and I have yet to make it to Spain.

Sheffield. Look it up if you have to

No, I think I know where that is - it's in the north somewhere, almost right above Oxford and far right of Liverpool if you look at it on a map? (I've looked at a lot of maps during my lifetime lol) am I right?

what's it like living there?

It's hard to explain when you lived there most your life. The neighborhood is nice, but I don't really get the chance to know any kids on my street that well. School in the UK is different to America (as you probably already know). Also, you know all those stereotypes about all Britons speaking like BBC and drinking tea like it's water? Yeah, well we do drink a lot of tea, I'll admit, but Sheffield has her very own accent. Except from me, cos I learned English through my parents and they really do have the BBC accent. But, really, I don't think it's that different from what other places are like. Also, if you want to hear what a sheffield accent sounds like, listen to pompeii its the most sheffield thing you'll ever hear

AH true, that makes sense. Yeah I do know it's a little bit different but I don't really know much about it because I'm homeschooled. ;) what's school like in Britain, do you like it? Also OMG I LOVE SHEFFIELD ACCENTS BUT REALLY JUST ANY BRITISH ACCENT IN GENERAL IS GREAT CAUSE MY AMERICAN ONE IS SO BORING

Really? Wow, never met anyone so enthusiastic about Brit accents. School here is divided up in two: first you have primary school for 6 years then you go up to secondary school which lasts for 5-6 years depending on whether you want to stay for 6th form or not. I am in year 9 which is freshman year of high school in American terms.
We have 5 lessons a day. Also, since I moved to secondary school I developed a love for music- I also discovered I could sing! That was a big surprise. But I suck at writing, which is a shame, because I have so many ideas, but I can never write them down cause they're just too cringy too read

HAha, here in America, we love all foreign accents, because ours are so boring. ;)
Your school years sound very cool, and that's so great that you love music! I'm kind of the opposite... well, I love music too but I can't sing to save my life. As for writing, I adore writing, it's like the only thing I can do :rainbowwild:

Applejack gagged and spat out her mouthful of pie, actually sticking her hooves in her mouth and frantically trying to scrape the food off her tongue. "Gah! This ain't apples! It's PEARS! Ah hate pears!!!"

AJ, you're half pear...

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