• Member Since 20th Nov, 2015
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago

Deathwatch 456


Comments ( 45 )

Holy shit, M raiting... fair enough.

Jesus Christ you even spelled the title wrong. I could forgive the self-insert edgelord monologue in the synopsis but spelling the title wrong is a step too far.

Hey! You fixed it. Good job.

You're welcome.

so....since he is around unversed is vanitas or terra,aqua,or ventus might show up

8090056 it's another story. The link is in chapter 5. Mine and his crossovered there. Although ch 5 is in John's perspective while Balance is in Zeke's perspective.

I believe cocaine is the drug you're looking for.

Like the idea of introducing a potential ally to his cause :pinkiehappy: but it all felt a little anticlimactic :applejackunsure:

I believe in your potential young padawan :moustache:

Well...That's not good.

8124287 no kidding. Core is basically the definition of Evil. Now he has a way to use the Void.

8124311 yeah...But dont worry if we work together then shit won't be so bad.

8124317 hopefully. And Core ain't even the worst out there. There is still the Embodiments. Unless Core turned himself into one 0.0

8124382 No, Embodiments are things that Core fears, even if he calls himself a 'demon' he fears things that are worse then demons. As far as I know he can't get them on his side and for all context Core would sooner murder the bastards then have them be his slaves cause the fuckers killed his wife.

Still cocaine, not meth. Cocaine is white powder very similar to sugar, meth is not

8124767 is it? Don't know cause I've never seem drugs in real life. Just role with it. Different universe and all that.

That's what I was thinking

8135398 Yeah meth is usually crystaline

Wait they went from nothing to futuristic security in3 months that's just so stupid

8135426 magic, all I'm going to say. Not to metion the pony who invented them is really smart.

Wheres the sequal? Can't find it.

Not up yet. Still working on it as well as this ones prequel which is on Fanfiction. When I upload the sequel it will have two chapters. So please be patient and sorry for the wait.

Why not link to it in the front page or your story? I'd tell you how to do it, but I don't actually know how to do so. Try asking a mod.

What? I'll let others know of the sequel when it's up. Don't worry.

the tenno are big fish in a small pond.
They need to understand that their are sharks out there in the void.

“Oh, there is no devil, you people just made that stuff up.”

Damn it! I wanted to meet him.

The only voice of the Outsider I like is Dishonor 1. Dishonor 2's Outside voice just doesn't do it for me.

This is nice. I'll keep reading.

Sorry it took a while to answer. I know the Tenno are strong, and there ain't just sharks out there. There are fricken megalodons out there in Void. Although I ended up making Tenno look like minnow. I was a Warframe Noob at the time.

Will I need to read the other stories in order to understand this one? Gotta warn you if that is the case, not every fan is going to enjoy that kind of thing, especially if they don't like those stories.

I know, and it's ok. Want to rewrite this chapter but I haven't heard from the other guy in forever. I would change a few things that happened. And you would mostly only have to read the others to understand things like Core or who the others from the other stories are. Other then that I haven't had a crossover exept for those few chapters.

Whoops. Forgot the rewrite chapter part XD
My bad. Thought this was a different chapter for a sec do to the first one on this chapter

What about the sequel, as well as any other stories in the future?

What about the sequel, as well as any other stories in the future?

You can read the sequel after this one. I do have a stand alone version of this, but havnt had a good chance to continue. Not planning on droping it though. As for the others. You might if you want to fully know who the other characters from their stories are. I know it's a lot to ask for which is why I had the idea for the Stand Alone. Though I really should get back to that one soon.

Sorry was new at this back than. Now that I’m rereading it I’m cringing at it. Will probably rewrite this story at most or at least fix errors I’ve made.

Do you know why people like my little pony! It’s because of the main six one of them is very much liked! That one would be fluttershy you just killed her! great job! do you realize how many people love her, 1 million people and you just pissed all of them off and that is just fluttershy!😡👎🏼🖕🏼

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