• Published 1st Nov 2018
  • 4,010 Views, 698 Comments

Equestria : 1940 - Georg

While Europe sinks into bloody war and the powers of Nazi Germany dominate the continent, a new dark power begins to rise that could destroy them all. The Nightmare is returning. And all will bow before her glorious night.

  • ...

14. Tonight's the Night

Equestria : 1940
Thursday 20 June - Canterlot, Equestria

“And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars.”
— Revelations 12:1

Apparently, it was a tradition in Ponyville to scare the bejesus out of visitors with a party. Inside your house. With confetti cannon. Thankfully, Jon had a strong heart, and walked a lot to keep fit.

It seemed fairly impossible for this many ponies to cram inside the library’s oak walls. Despite that, Jon could look out across the sea of equinity and see most of Ponyville’s population, all of whom had managed to stay quiet until the lights came on and the simultaneous cry of “Surprise!” came from all around them. The pink blur from before bounded out of the crowd of ponies, proceeding to do laps around Twilight, Spike, and Jon, while chattering away a mile a minute.

“Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie, and I threw this party just for you! Were you surprised? Were ya? Were ya? Huh huh huh?”

Very surprised,” groused Twilight. “Libraries are supposed to be quiet.”

“Well, that’s silly,” said Pinkie Pie with Twilight’s criticism rolling right off her like water from a duck. In fact, it seemed to only excite the pink pony more, no matter how impossible that sounded. “What kind of welcome party would this be if it were quiet? I mean, duh, bo-ring! Y'see, I saw you when you first got here, remember? You were all ‘hello’ and I was all—” Pinkie inhaled deeply “—remember? Y'see I've never saw you before and if I've never saw you before that means you're new, 'cause I know everypony, and I mean everypony in Ponyville! And person too. Hi there, person I don’t know yet but I will really soon.”

“Jon Walthers,” said Jon, extending his hand reflexively since his brain was starting to shut down with the overdose of sugar he was absorbing by osmosis. “And this is Spike, and Twilight Sparkle,” he added while trying to cope with all of his colorful surroundings.

“Glad to meet you!” Jon could have sworn Pinkie was shaking all three of their hooves/claws/hands at the same time while still chattering onward. “You’re new here, and if you're new, that meant you haven't met anyone yet, and if you haven't met anyone yet, you must not have any friends, and if you don't have any friends then you must be lonely, and that made me so sad, then I had an idea, and that's why I went—” Pinkie sucked in another breath, which Jon thought was far overdue “—and threw you a great big ginormous super-duper spectacular welcome party and invited everyone in Ponyville! See? And now you have lots and lots of friends!”

While Pinkie was talking, Twilight was walking. She strolled over to the refreshment table and poured herself a drink, leaving Jon to attempt some sort of covering maneuver. That went promptly right out the window when the drink Twilight poured turned out to be hot sauce, and his student vanished at high speed to points unknown with what Jon could have sworn was flames coming off her coat.

“Aww, she’s so happy she’s crying,” said Pinkie, who took the bottle and dosed a nearby cupcake, then swallowed the infernal combination in one gulp. Spike followed up with an inferno cupcake of his own and declared it good, but Jon could not in good conscious take even a nibble when he took a deep sniff of it and could feel the resulting burn all the way into the back of his throat.

“So…” It had to be said, and Jon found himself being appointed by default to say it. “Let’s party!”

- - Ω - -

Several hours later, he had time to consider just how everything had been going so well right up to the point where Twilight hid herself in the library bedroom.

That particular incident was not exactly what he had hoped for after so many things had gone so right so far. To be honest, Jon expected Twilight to melt under the fierce optimism of Pinkie and join the party, even if a little reluctantly. She was wound tight, and a party would have been just the way to loosen up. Spike certainly thought so. He was the life of the party, lampshade included, making friends with every pony there. Jon tried to emulate his enthusiasm to draw Twilight out from her sulk, even going so far as to escort a number of the town’s younger residents over to the Ponyville theatre for a special midnight showing of…

Well, he could have guessed it was going to be The Wizard of Oz before the group even went out of the library door, mostly from the little colts and fillies squeaking lines from the Munchkins in their highest voices and several of the pegasi playing ‘Flying Monkeys’ around the top of the library’s main room.

And as he was learning to expect, the rural showing of the movie was just as different as the last two times he had watched the movie in Canterlot. Oh, the singing was just as contagious, the dancing in the aisles as synchronized, and the shrieks of terror were just as loud among the foals when the flying monkeys swept out of the sky. The differences came in the way the farming ponies gasped in amazement at the flowers, from poppies to lilies, rhododendrons to chrysanthemums, and every bloom that had been crammed on screen. There was even a brief interjection from the back during the Tin Man scene when one of the ponies objected with a loud “That ain’t the way apple trees act in noplace! Castin’ aspersions on our fine product! Ah ain’t gonna settle down and eat my popcorn, Big Mac! That’s unfair treatment!”

The post-movie buffet outside of the library was challenging also, with ‘Pies II - The Crustening’ and several appearances of ‘The Apple Fritters That Did Not Get Away’ until Jon was nearly as slowed as he had been earlier after his first encounter with the Apple Family cooking. He made a fool of himself on the dance floor, although not quite as much as others, and put several bits to good use in the carnival games scattered around the streets. Jon did not win anything but good cheer, pleasant conversation, and one short encounter with Twilight’s former friend Lyra, who did not try sucking on his fingers as he had been warned. She did look inside his mouth, though.

The entire night he spent in Ponyville was a warm and welcoming time, filled with laughter and friendship. It would have been perfect, if not for the occasional glimpse up into the library window where he could see Twilight’s silhouette against the lights, her head turned upwards to the distant stars. Princess Celestia had commanded him not to reveal Nightmare Moon’s real nature for a very good reason, which he understood more every minute. Twilight Sparkle idolized her divine teacher, and that same idolizing would naturally flow over to her divine sister even in her evil incarnation. Right now, Twilight was focused on stopping Nightmare Moon, and when Twilight focused on something, it was going to give up, give in, or just plain give.

Or it would break her.

- - Ω - -

The task of rooting Twilight out from her sullen brooding fell to Spike, who vanished into the bedroom while Jon stayed outside. After all, Spike knew her better than anypony, and Jon was still concerned about mending metaphorical fences with Pinkie Pie, the only pony they had met that Twilight had not displayed even a small amount of interest in.

Well, if Twilight proves to be a hard nut to crack, I’m sure Pinkie Pie has a hammer big enough.

“Hey, Twilight!” Spike’s voice drifted out of the bedroom. “Pinkie Pie's starting ‘pin the tail on the pony’ over at the Town Hall! Wanna play?”

“Is that really a thing?” asked Jon.

“We don’t use a real pony tail, silly.” Pinkie Pie giggled, which seemed to be her normal mood. “You can play if you want, but you’ll have to scrunch way down, and be careful with the pin.”

Since pony tails were about at his crotch level, Jon understood the danger far too well. He had been backed into fairly often during the night’s festivities, thankfully by soft pony rumps instead of a sharp steel pin. Although he was not certain that all of those had been accidents.

“I hope you’re not angry at Twilight not coming to the party, Pinkie,” said Jon. “She’s… a little difficult to get to parties. She skipped out on the party her friends… or at least her former friends threw for Moondancer in Canterlot. I’m not sure she’s ever been to a real party.”

Pinkie’s impossible grin got wider. “A challenge,” she breathed in a husky whisper.

“All the ponies in this town are crazy!” Twilight’s voice from inside the library bedroom was frazzled, and sounded like she had not gotten any sleep. “Do you know what time it is, Spike?”

Spike shouldered open the door, guiding Twilight out of the bedroom. “It’s the eve of the Summer Sun Celebration! Everypony has to stay up, or they'll miss the Princess raise the sun! You really should lighten up, Twilight. It's a party!”

“Eeets a party,” squeaked Twilight in a childish falsetto, but she did follow along behind Jon and Pinkie Pie as they walked out of the library, through the darkness that filled the town, and proceeded to the Town Hall. Their destination was a beacon of warm light in the clouded darkness, with numerous broad windows for the ponies to watch the sunrise and an internal balcony from which Celestia would address them afterward.

The light from the open bay windows illuminated the backs of quite a few other ponies who were also headed that way in the darkness. Most of the townsponies had not spent the night in the library no matter how crowded it had seemed, with an endless stream of names and faces to remember. Together it made a colorful flow of bodies across the moonlit silver paths up to the illuminated building. Out of reflex, Jon checked his watch and estimated the time until sunrise… or at least as much of the sunrise as they would be able to see from the clouds rolling in. The only thing still visible in the sky was the moon, hanging all alone in a gap in the glittering clouds and giving Jon a cold feeling down his spine.

His heart beat faster when they entered the rapidly filling town hall, only mostly out of excitement for the ongoing event, but partially from what Twilight Sparkle was explaining to Spike as he followed behind them.

“I thought I'd have time to learn about the Elements of Harmony but, silly me, all this ridiculous friend-making has kept me from it! ‘Legend has it that on the longest day of the thousandth year, the stars will aid in her escape, and she will bring about everlasting night.’ I hope the Princess was right... I hope it really is just an old pony tale…”

The idea distracted him from the game of Pin The Tail On The Pony that Pinkie Pie started up in the middle of the Town Hall, which cost him at least one pin in the rump as a consequence. He could see the way that the resulting laughter and embarrassment drew Twilight’s attention, and even made the tiny flicker of a smile show up in the corner of her lips. Jon smiled too, and was still smiling when two armored Royal Guards strolled up to him.

“Corporal Brickbat,” announced the first pegasus. “Sergeant Nightshade, and Specialist Wallflower over there. It is our understanding that Princess Celestia will be here shortly. Are all things prepared for her arrival?”

“You’ll have to ask Twilight,” said Jon. “She’s the one who Celestia entrusted with the responsibility.” It gave him a little twinge of satisfaction to see the way the armored pegasus just nodded and walked over to Twilight Sparkle, leaving Nightshade by his side.

“Had a nice nap,” she volunteered with a yawn. “No storybook monsters showed up while we were out, right?”

“Not yet.” Jon looked up at the inside balcony where Princess Celestia was about to make her appearance above the anticipating crowd of ponies. “Maybe it’s a false alarm.”

“Maybe she couldn’t get an appointment on Celestia’s crowded schedule.” Nightshade shrugged. “If so, we get a party, fun, and the joy of watching her raise the sun.”

“Isn’t this exciting!” bubbled Pinkie Pie, bouncing around like a rubber ball. “Are you excited, 'cause I'm excited, I've never been so excited— well, except for the time that I saw you three walking into town and I went—” she sucked in a deep breath “—but I mean really, who can top that?”

Personally, the most excited Jon had been recently was during the preceptious dive that the chariot had made off the side of Canterlot, which he was happy to leave as the most exciting thing he would ever have happen to him, ever.

All public events were destined to come with bureaucrats and speeches guaranteed to bring any excitement down to a dull roar. Mayor Mare, a quiet tan earth pony with a grey mane and a decorative neck ruff that he suspected came from Rarity’s boutique was this town’s designated excitement-slayer, and she took the podium with a happy wave at her beloved constituents and honored guests.

Must be an election coming up.

“Fillies and gentlecolts, as mayor of Ponyville, it is my great pleasure to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration!”

Wonder what we’ve been doing all night so far, then.

Raising her voice above the cheering ponies, the mayor continued, “In just a few moments, our town will witness the magic of the sunrise, and celebrate this, the longest day of the year!”

And an hour from now, they’ll all be back at their homes, catching a well-deserved nap.

“Now, it is my great honor to introduce to you the ruler of our land, the very pony who gives us the sun and the moon each and every day, the good, the wise, the bringer of harmony to all of Equestria…”

On another balcony above them, Jon could see Fluttershy raising her whatever-the-stick-was-called-to-direct-a-choir-of-birds, brace her shoulders, and start the downbeat just as Mayor Mare announced, “Princess Celestia!”

The birds began to sing, Rarity opened the curtains in front of the balcony, and Princess Celestia…

…was not there.

Rarity’s gasp carried all the way across the silent room filled with astonished ponies, as well as Twilight Sparkle’s sarcastic, “Oh, this can’t be good.”

“Remain calm, everypony,” announced the mayor. “There must be a reasonable explanation!”

Jon could think of about a dozen, each of them more preferable to the one he did not want to consider as the curtains billowed and a gust of icy wind blew through the Town Hall. It did not seem to quell Pinkie Pie’s natural bounciness, as the pink party pony bounced happy around, looking behind every support pillar and decoration. “Ooh, ooh! I love guessing games! Is she hiding?”

“She’s gone!” called out Rarity, who was still frantically looking behind the curtains upstairs.

An enormous gasp traveled around the crowd, giving Jon a sinking sensation in the pit of his belly. Ponies were herd animals, and a panicked stampede out of the building would injure or kill many of them, as well as possibly himself. It was amazing how quickly that first hint of impending flight was put to rest by Pinkie Pie calling out, “Ooh, she's good.”

The noise of the crowd began to rise again when a coil of smoke drifted down from the opened windows, swirling around on the upper balcony in front of the painted backdrop where Celestia was supposed to make a speech before ‘raising the sun’ outside. Being taller than any pony there, Jon had a perfect view of the way swirls of smoke joined together, getting thicker and thicker until a dark alicorn formed on the elevated platform in front of him.

It was certainly not Celestia. Nightmare Moon had slitted eyes much like a dragon, with the same glower of arrogant aggression. Her mane coiled and drifted like Celestia’s, but it was made out of darkness with tiny flecks of pearlescent light. In any other circumstances, Jon would have been fascinated into immobility but the only thought that was rattling through his mind at the moment was that his camera was still in his luggage. The rest of the crowd was similarly entranced by the sight and whispered among themselves, not quite loud enough to cover up Twilight Sparkle a short distance away who said almost to herself, “Nightmare Moon.”

“Oh, my beloved subjects,” crooned the dark alicorn before her cold teal gaze slid over to look at Jon, and the faintest hint of a smile crowned that cruel face. “And guests. It's been so long since I've seen your precious little sun-loving faces.”

“What did you do with our Princess?!” Rainbow Dash darted out of the crowd and pulled up short because Applejack had clamped down on her tail, which made her muffled response difficult to understand.

“Whoa there, Nelly!”

Thankfully, it broke Nightmare Moon’s chilling gaze on Jon as her eyes swept across the crowd to more colorful and verbal targets. She laughed, a cruel and heartless sound that drew ice across Jon’s heart and made the crowd cringe back.

“Why, am I not royal enough for you? Don't you know who I am?”

Pinkie Pie bounced up above the crowd, just as unphased as ever. “Ooh, ooh, more guessing games! Um, Hokey Smokes! How about... Queen Meanie! No! Black Snooty, Black Snooty—”

Thankfully, Applejack managed to stuff an apple into Pinkie’s face while somehow still keeping her teeth clamped down on Rainbow Dash’s tail. The alicorn did not seem to notice, almost flowing from one location on the balcony to another, menacing everypony who had managed to get such close locations to the supposed grand event.

“Does my crown no longer count now that I have been imprisoned for a thousand years?” she purred, her voice rising. “Did you not recall the legend? Did you not see the signs?”

“I did.”

To Jon’s complete and utter amazement, the words came from Twilight, who had stepped forward and addressed the terrifying alicorn with far more confidence than the rest of the town all put together. It was a side of her that Jon had not expected, or even thought she was capable of expressing. And all it took to bring it out was the potential end of the world in alicorn form.

“And I know who you are,” declared Twilight in the same confident voice. “You’re the Mare in the Moon – Nightmare Moon!”

An astonished gasp went around the room. Everypony knew who Nightmare Moon was because of the Equestrian Halloween-equivalent holiday, but they obviously had never expected the myth to become reality in their own tiny town.

“Well well well,” purred Nightmare Moon, leaning forward across the balcony rail with a sneer. “Somepony who remembers me. Then you also know why I'm here.”

All of the confidence she had shown before vanished out of Twilight Sparkle, leaving the timid unicorn Jon was used to. “You’re here to… to…”

Dark clouds began to filter into the room, swirling around above them as lightning flashed and thunder crashed just outside of the Town Hall, making the walls shake nearly as much as all the ponies around him. Above all of it was the cruel laughter of Nightmare Moon, gloating over her victims.

“Remember this day, little ponies, for it was your last. From this moment forth, the night will last forever!”

Jon wanted to panic, and really would have felt better panicking if it would not drive the rest of the ponies into a worse reaction. At least they were not trying to run. Yet.

He could see a few armored Royal Guards scattered around the party, all of whom were holding back probably for the same reason he was. If this was Nightmare Moon, an immensely powerful alicorn with a severe case of nuts, the best thing to do would be to go along, allow her to pose and posture with lightning in the background, follow her orders, and above all, avoid irritating the goddess-horse by saying something stupid like—

“Seize her!” called out the mayor. “Only she knows where the Princess is!”

Before the first guard started to move, Jon could see the disaster about to unfold. The armored ponies took off with a blur of wings and started to fling themselves forward as Jon reached under his tweed jacket and pulled out the revolver. It was a case where being tall had certain advantages, one of which was a clear field of fire. The square sights lined up by reflex, courtesy of many days of practice in the Egyptian desert, then he let out his breath while squeezing the trigger and—

A puff of plaster dust jumped off the wall just to the left of Nightmare Moon’s shoulder. It took a lot more effort to remain calm while adjusting his aim, release the trigger, and squeeze again.

...and again.

...and again.

...until all that came out of the revolver were metallic clicking noises.

Then it was Nightmare Moon’s turn as the lightning cascaded down from above, threw the armored pegasi away like toys, and smashed Jon into swirling darkness.

Author's Note:

Rule #1 when meeting a new friend: Try to make a memorable first impression.