• Published 7th Apr 2017
  • 302 Views, 6 Comments

I blame the sandwich! - Tedious_Blizzard

What caused the first pony world war?

  • ...

...Plans formed...

Dawn came too quickly for the troubled pony as the sun's rays relentlessly attacked Mystic Luck's moth-eaten curtain and his eyes. With a grumble he awoke groggily and slowly, too exhausted from the lack of sleep since last night. Mystic almost rolled off the bed and went on to his kitchen, around five steps away, cook beakfast. He was by no means a cook so every morning all Mystic had was some partially burnt toast and semi-moulded swiss cheese. The sun was still low in the sky so there was no rush to complete his morning ritual. With his zombie state of mind, Mystic has completely forgotten about what has happened last night and the ponies that had approached him for his aid.

"At least it's Sunday so no work for me at the factory, would've been a nighmare to try and work with how sleepy I am"

The only days off for rest that Mystic had was Sundays but can't really be called 'rest' days as there is no rest in Traugoe city, you were either harassed or starving and begging your employer for extra work. He would've done the same but all day every day work would be too tiring for the mind and body. You have to have a break, even if your stomach denies you it. It's unpleasant for Mystic to go by this plan, but it's all a pony can do nowadays. With his breakfast finished in silence he got up from the floor (too poor for chairs or cushions) decided he should go for a walk in the park, it was a sunny and pleasant day and the parks are always empty from guards anyway.

"Ahhh, with this wonderful sun and greenery you can probably forget everyday life," he signed and spotted a begging griffin on the sidewalk,"...probably not actually."


"Huh? Who said that?", Mystic surveyed the area, but spotted nopony.

"It's us from yesterday, did you accept our offer?", this voice was coming from nowhere it seemed, but also all around Mystic.

Very suddenly, memories of last night flashed back into Mystic's mind and his pupils dilated in realisation of what had happened and more specifically the once in a lifetime offer to get away from oppression.

"Well, mister or missus can't tell for some reason, I hadn't really thought about it all that much but I am willing to be set free", Mystic was a bit unsure with his answer but deep down he knew he had to take it.

"Good, there has a been a change of plans and you have to meet us in half an hour with our intented location, the one on the card. We are eager to meet you without our hoods. Hurry", with that last note the voice seemingly trailed off and was also a sign for Mystic to gallop home to see what was on the card.

And so he did.

When Mystic arrived home later on he dashed for the card on the unstable tabletop. The address shown to him was only a few streets away, something he was glad for as he wasn't an athlete. With the information in mind Mystic sprinted towards the meeting point, eager to start his new journey.

A few minutes later he arrived at the house, it was shoddy, unsafe, boarded up, mouldly (like most of the food) and covered in vines. Just like any normal pony house in Taugoe city. Nervously he walked up to it, steeled his nerves an kncoked serveral times. For a moment he wondered if he got the address wrong and screwed everything up. Luckily not (that would be embarassing) as the door opened slightly and a weak voice greeted him.

"Come in, come in little one!", it sounded old and frayed, much like everything Mystic owned.

With the invitation Mystic walked into the abode, and immediatly the door shut behind him and a knife was pressed against his fragile throat.

"Will you not tell anymintoaur of this location and swear on your life that you will be loyal to your race?", a more strong and demanding voice spoke to Mystic this time.

"Y-yes sir! I-I will n-not betray my race, e-ever!", this ordeal made Mystic rethink his decision for a bit.

"Good come in"

The knife was lowered out of his view and tentatively he walked further into the house.

"No need to scare the poor young fella, come on he already agreed to help us", the old voice backed him up.

"Yeah but I need to make sure, you never know if he is a spy", the strong voice replied.

As Mystic's eyes readjusted to the darker room he saw several ponies, two earth ponies, two unicorns and two pegasi.

"Well I think it's time to introduce ourselves, I'm Cypher", a all bue pegasus mare said with green eyes.

"Boulder", a grassy green coated and brown maned stallion earth pony with red eyes.

"Jingles", a slate grey coated and hot pink maned unicorn mare with yellow eyes.

"Starfire", a dark purple coated and magenta maned pegasus mare with bright pink eyes.

"Nugget", the old light brown coated and golden maned earth pony stallion with dull grey eyes.

"Edge, and you better stay true to your word", a (mean) unicorn stallion with dark red coat and yellow mane with wine red eyes.

"Don't worry I will, and the name's Mystic", everypony didn't give thier second name so he didn't aswell.

"You seem like a fine addition so lets get started", Jingles pulled out a map of sorts with ink marks everywhere, or 'battle words' as he later found out.

For hours the group began to talk about how to take down the Archduke and what their roles would each be, they all agreed to try and assassinate the Archduke as there was a minotaur festival of sorts coming up in less than a week. The plans were hastily made but underneath their determainted gazes all these ponies wanted to be set free from their lives, whether they were to succeed or not was down to their luck in the end.