• Published 3rd Jun 2017
  • 634 Views, 37 Comments

George Soros Influences Equestria - Vertigo22

Hungarian billionaire and philanthropist George Soros has a hand in many things on Earth. The same goes for Equus.

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A New Land to Destabilize

It was a day like any other. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and children were playing in the park.

Alas, those were things that couldn't be seen for what seemed like miles at the headquarters of a man whose name causes the hairs on the back of even the hardiest men's necks to stand up.

That man was George Soros. Billionaire, philanthropist and puppeteer extraordinaire.

“Okay, Jacob, what is it that you want me to see exactly?” asked Soros as he and his fellow billionaire—Jacob Rothschild—entered a large, open chamber that looked as though it'd been torn straight out of a medieval torture room.

But without all of the blood and gore.

“Why, that Mister Soros,” Jacob said as he gestured to a vibrant portal at the other end of the room. “I was just pondering how to get a bank into North Korea when that thing appeared out of thin air! I was quite scared to be honest. It nearly incinerated my favorite hundred million dollar lounge outfit!”

George nodded, clearly giving the same number of fucks as your average kindergarteners credit score. He approached the portal and examined it, his Paleolithic era eyes slowly adjusting to the brilliant light of the portal. “Hmm…” He rubbed his chin and nodded approvingly. “Jacob!”

“Yes, sir?” The fourth Baron Rothschild asked curiously. Although he was accustomed to his minion asking questions, he never expected to hear enthusiasm, as that was only expected from lowly sheep when they saw the latest regurgitated​ gadget or piece of entertainment spat out by some mega corporation (owned by yours truly of course).

“Jacob, I request that you have my son, Alexander, watch over my assets while I enter this portal,” George said as a sinister smile that could make even Satan himself cower in fear grew over his face.

“But sir, Alexander is at UC Berkeley for the semester,” Jacob replied, an almost immediate sense of relief filling him. The last thing the Baron of banking monopolies needed was to deal with a young Soros.

An old one was bad enough, especially when his radio didn't work.

“Oh, well, tell him to get his ass home or I'm freezing his assets,” George replied. “And if that doesn't work, you watch over them. Just don't do anything stupid or I'll kill you.”

“Yeah, good luck, George,” Jacob said as his puppet walked through the portal. I'm so buying a bunch of cats…

George found himself floating through a rainbow colored realm of… color. It was surreal, really. Most of what George ever saw was countries he sent into disarray, money, and daily reports from Jacob.

It was about as entertaining as one could imagine.

After a bit though, he was thrown out of the strange dimension and landed face first in a very dark room filled with what felt like layers upon layers of dust and sand.

“Oh my! Are you okay?” asked a soft voice from not too far off. “Oh, by Celestia! You're quite unlike anything I've ever seen.”

George slowly stood up, his Jurassic era bones popping back into place as his eyes adjusted to the darkness of wherever he was. After a bit, a midnight-blue light illuminated the room and he saw something he only expected to see in a fever dreams (or when Jacob brought back a souvenir from those Illuminati meetings he always raved about).

“What… are you a horse?” he asked as he lay eyes on an alicorn who sported a warm smile. “And are you talking?”

“Well, I'm an alicorn, and you're the first visitor I've had in a thousand years!” The alicorn gasped and blushed slightly. “Oh, where are my manners? My name's Princess Luna, and I’m—er, was—co-ruler of Equestria.”

Soros raised an eyebrow. Suddenly, he viewed the alicorn in an entirely different light. “Equestria you say?”

“Yes, that's where I'm from,” Luna replied as he she pointed to the wall. “Oh, uh, I guess you can't see it from in here.” She cast a spell that caused the wall in front of them to become seemingly non-existent. Ahead of them, Soros saw a large, Earth-like planet… sort of.

To him, all he saw was a new playground.

“So, that's what the world looks like from above?” Soros inquired as he turned to face Luna once more. “Quite amazing.”

Luna nodded and smiled. “If I may ask: where did you come from?”

George remained silent for a few moments as he got to work doing what he did best when he wasn't funding the destabilization of sovereign states.

Creating distrust.

“I too come from your world,” Soros said with a small smile. He walked over to Luna and wrapped an arm around her. “In fact, your main ruler sent me here to speak with you.”

Luna's eyes widened and a large smile formed on her face. “Celestia sent you!? Oh, has she forgiven me for what I did to her?”

Soros's smile faded and he shook his head. “I'm afraid not,” he said solemnly. He removed his arm from around Luna and looked down at the ground. “Celestia wished to inform me that there will be dire consequences when you arrive back home.”

Luna's once large smile was instantly replaced with a frown and a look of immense sadness. Despite that sadness though, her voice was filled with unbridled anger. “She has not forgiven me after a millennia of imprisonment!?” Her voice echoed throughout her prison chamber and loud enough that that it caused the floor itself to shake with the intensity of a small earthquake.

This, naturally, did not go unnoticed by the destabilizer of nations, who lay against a wall.

“You're quite the powerful being,” Soros said as he stood up. He brushed some dust off from his suit and adjusted his tie. “Tell me, where did you obtain such power?”

Luna ignored her visitor's question and turned to face where the planet rested. “When I get out of here later, Celestia, I'll show you the error of your ways. All will bow before me!”

Soros watched as a large shadow grew from behind Luna and slowly enveloped her, creating a set of armor. Well, I never thought I'd see something like that in my life, he thought.

“You, however.” Nightmare Moon tapped her chin as she thought. Eventually, a devious grin formed on the mare’s face. “You shall go inform my sister that I've accepted the punishment. We shall catch her off guard, for I will prove to be far stronger than she could ever hope to be!”

Soros smiled and nodded. “You have my word.”

Nightmare Moon summoned a portal and gestured to it. “You shall see what I am capable of tonight!” she proclaimed. “The world shall know my name!”

Soros, once again, nodded and walked through the portal. After another trip through a rainbow-colored dimension, he emerged in a wealthy looking town. Not far ahead was a large and, if Georgie boy had to be honest with himself, beautiful castle.

Almost as beautiful as each and every one of his creations.

“I suspect that this is the place that horse spoke of,” he said to himself. Immediately, he turned away from it and began to walk towards a stationary hot air balloon. “Now we wait for the sparks to fly.” With that, he started up the flame, cut the rope and began to float off towards the land below.

Meanwhile, back on Earth, Jacob Rothschild found himself in a predicament that even he couldn't fathom.

It was quite the achievement really.

“What in the bloody world are you?” asked the Baron with a scowl.

Seated on his minion's favorite chair, and drinking some of the finest wine from the nearby liquor cabinet, was a small, black insect like creature.

“I'm a Changeling, bud,” the horse fly said as it took a sip of the wine, after which it looked Jacob dead in the eye. “My queen sent here as she tried to find a new hive for us. She thought the portal would lead to some place on Equus. Evidently, it did not.”

“I see…” Jacob adjusted his tie and cleared his throat. “Is there any way to get you back?”

“Is there an unused portal here? My queen said she'd make another one that would send me somewhere close to the hive to help me get home.”

The Baron's eyes widened as the Changeling’s words settled in. “Ah shit…” He covered his face with his hands and groaned. “Is there any other way?”

The Changeling took another sip of the wine and thought for a moment. “Do you have a teleporter?”


“Then you're stuck with me.”

Jacob let out a heavy sigh. He turned his back to the Changeling and began to walk to the door. “I hope George is having better luck than me right now...”

The destabilizer of everything not ashes hurled a newspaper at a wall. “You've got to be kidding me!” he screamed.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie would never kid such an amazing creature!”

George spun around (somehow not throwing out his back in the process) and faced the small blue unicorn that stared up at him proudly. “Listen here, little horse, I'm not paying you to state the obvious!” he snarled. “Now, tell me, how in the holy name of money and profit does ‘friendship’ defeat distrust and manipulation!?”

“Trixie explained that to you when you burned the page with Princess Luna's picture on it,” Trixie deadpanned.

“Fine, how does friendship defeat the Great and Powerful George Soros?”

“Trixie explained that when you ate the page with Celestia's​ picture.”

“How does friendship even work!?”

“Trixie explained that when you threw the newspaper fifteen times ago…”

George groaned and sat down on a stool. He couldn't believe that he was sharing a carriage with a unicorn, but he didn't care. No, what he did care about was that his ingenious plan to destabilize this ‘Equestria’ was foiled by six nobodies and a bunch of jewelry!

It was preposterous!

And it infuriated the old billionaire​. He stood up and looked down at Trixie with a frown. “Tell me, little horse, where are you headed?”

“I'm headed to Ponyville, Mister Soros!” Trixie beamed. She pointed a hoof out a window and towards a small town not too far from them. “I intend on putting on a show for the ages. It'll be terrific!” Trixie's eyes glittered like jewels in light as she envisioned herself being hailed as the greatest magician since the equine counterpart to Harry Houdini.

“That's nice, Trixie,” Soros said as he walked by her. He left the carriage and looked out at the town ahead. “Ponyville, eh?”

Trixie exited the carriage and stood by her companion/boss. “Yes, Mister Soros. Are you headed there too?”

“Tell me, Trixie, are there any horses of note there?”

Trixie tapped her chin and thought. “Well, one of those ponies that stopped Nightmare Moon is Princess Celestia’s prized student!”

Soros rolled his eyes. “Yeah, I'm not wasting my time with students,” he said. “I think I know where my next target is though.”

“Where?” Trixie asked curiously.


Trixie raised an eyebrow. “But didn't you just come from there?”

“Oh, I'm not headed back there,” Soros said with an evil grin. “You're going there for me.”

Trixie's eyes shot open and a worried expression quickly formed on her face as she slowly backed away from the billionaire madman. “Wh-why am I headed there?”

George kneeled down and looked Trixie straight in the eyes. “Because, Trixie, if you don't, your dreams will be shattered,” he whispered. “As will every bone in your body.”

The color from Trixie's face vanished in the blink of an eye and heart sank to the bottom of her chest. “Do… do you have to be so aggressive?” she asked quietly as she forced a sheepish smile onto her face.

“It’s called diplomacy, little one,” Soros replied as he stood back up. “And it seems to me it worked on you.” He turned and looked back down at Trixie. “Right?”

Trixie nodded slowly, never making eye contact with her companion. “Yes, Mister Soros,” she said softly. “Exactly what am I going to do in Canterlot though?”

“You're going to tell the guards that one of the higher ups has gone rogue, at which point you will give one a document which will tell them that Celestia in planning to call for Martial Law,” George said. “This should cause them to attempt a coup d'état.”

Trixie stared blankly up at George as she tried to comprehend what she'd just heard, which was far easier said than done. Sure, she had been called some ridiculous names in the past which made her wish they'd be repeated so she could confirm the insanity of the name. She had also seen some things which result in her being confined to the looney bin (and one of those things was not three feet from her).

This plan however was in a whole nother league of… stupid.

“And what are you going to gain from this exactly?” she asked cautiously, knowing deep down this was a terrible question.

“Power. Money.” George folded his arms and raised an eyebrow. “Why do you care?”

“It's just that… well, you have no real influence in Equestria, Mister Soros,” Trixie responded sheepishly. “You don't have any businesses, power…”

George stared blankly at the unicorn.

Trixie stared back.

Both knew exactly how this was going to end.

Meanwhile, in a different dimension, a Changeling and Jacob Rothschild were doing something that could only be described as the most monumentally stupid thing to do with an inter-dimensional being.

“So, what you're telling me is that the Illuminati can help me get back home?” the Changeling asked quizzically as he and the Baron of Banks walked down a long, dark hallway. Whatever light there was, it came from a handful of torches set in a line along the cobblestone walls.

“No, I'm saying they might have an idea as to how to get you home,” Jacob replied as he approached a large, stone door with a skull and all-seeing eye on it. “And if they don't have an idea, then I know a few other places that could help you.”


Jacob placed a hand on a stone slab and glanced down at the Changeling. “It's a secret, little bug thing,” he said. After a bit, the door slowly slid open, which revealed a large, dimly lit room. At the center of it was a circular table with a skull in the middle. All around it were an assortment of hellish objects that had been scattered around randomly.

“Excuse the mess, little fellow,” Jacob said as he entered the room. “There was a party here last night and it appears that the janitor was the sacrifice.”

“You guys don't clean up after yourselves?” the Changeling asked with a hint of disgust.

“Would you try to clean up after you've drank, taken hits of of Class A drugs and done other unspeakable acts?”

“You implying that I'd do any of those things?” asked the Changeling indignantly.


The Changeling shook his head. “You're one weird… thing,” he said as he followed Jacob, who seemed all too amused by the Changeling’s disgust. “Tell me though, do you hold these parties often?”

“Only when we aren't pulling the strings on something important,” the Baron of Badness said. “Which is sadly often, which normally means we don't get to have fun.”

“Well, it'd seem our definition of fun is a bit different,” the Changeling said as he passed by a slab of… something. “Or maybe a lot different.”

“What do you do for fun?” Rothschild asked as he approached another stone door. “Play with yo-yos? Fetch?”

“Search for love to feed on and obey my queen,” replied the Changeling proudly. “It's my duty to serve her!”

Jacob chuckled and grinned. “You'd fit right in with the general populous here on Earth,” he said quietly as he placed a hand on another stone slab. After a few seconds, it slid open and revealed a much brighter room.

Primarily because it resembled a laboratory.

“Ah, hello, Mister Rothschild,” said tall, pale man in a lab coat. “Is this the entity you spoke of over the phone earlier?”

“Yes, Johnson, it is,” Jacob answered in monotone. “He was in Mister Soros’s room and appears to have come from another world. We both wish for him to get home, though for different reasons.”

“Yeah, he threatened to make me a sacrifice earlier if I didn't stop drinking his friend's wine.”

Jacob shot the Changeling a glare. “You ever call George and I friend's again and I will rip your head off and use it as a soccer ball!”

The Changeling flinched and took a few steps back. “Yeesh, okay, I won't,” he said. “Just never make that face again. I'm pretty sure you could scare Cerberus with it.”

“Excellent,” Jacob replied, his terrifying glare being replaced with the emotionless stare that he usually sported. “Now, tell me, can you identify where this creature came from?”

Johnson put a hand on his chin. “Well, we have a prototype teleporter that we used to make contact with that freaky tentacle thing over there-” he pointed to a creature that looked like Yog-Sothoth, only with polka dots covering it's body- “but we've got no idea if it'll successfully send something back.”

“Is that all you guys really have?” asked the Changeling with a frown.

“Yep,” Johnson said, slightly insulted by the freak of nature that stood before him.

The Changeling groaned. “So you're telling me we walked all the way here for nothing?”

“Well, unless you wanna end up dead in the vacuum of space, yes, you did,” Johnson said. “However, if you're willing to stay on Earth, we can always use new test subjects!”

“Yeeeah, nope.” The Changeling high-tailed it out of the room without a second thought.

“Figures,” Johnson said as he held back laughter as the audible grunts of the Changeling tripping over unspeakable things in the party room filled the air.

“Welp, I guess I'll go see if the New World Order Headquarters have something,” Jacob said. “Thanks for the help, Johnson.”

“Anytime, boss!”

The Changeling ran up to Jacob's side. “So, where are those headquarters?” he asked curiously as he and the Baron walked back the way they came.

“New York City,” Jacob replied in monotone.

“A city?” The Changeling stopped and tilted his head slightly​. “How exactly am I going to not be spotted in such a large area?”

Jacob turned around and let out a laugh that could wake the dead. “You think we're actually going to walk the same streets as the middleman?” he asked sardonically. “Oh how I'd hate to be you…”

“Hey, what's that supposed to mean?” the Changeling asked angrily as he ran back up to Jacob's side.

“We're not walking on the city streets you lesser being,” the Rothschild said. “We're taking a helicopter.”

“A… what?” the Changeling asked, ignoring the Baron's insult.

Jacob stopped and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Just… be quiet until we get there you incessant creature.”

“And… there.”

Back on Equestria, George Soros—destroyer of countless lives, countries, hopes and dreams—had just finished making something that he'd normally have a lacky do for him.

A makeshift grave.

He looked down at his suit, which was covered in blood and dirt. With a heavy sigh, he turned around and stared at the cart that had once belonged to his short-time companion.

It too was covered in blood and dirt.

“Maybe I was a bit too harsh…” George tapped his chin and shrugged. “Oh well, doesn't matter now.” He walked over to the cart and poked around inside. Notes, books on magic, and some… more questionable objects that George needed more than just hand sanitizer after touching littered the mobile home.

All things considered, it looked like this world's answer to a trailer home to him, but without the shotguns and six kids running around.

After a bit of rummaging around and several trips to the local stream to clean off substances that would bump this story’s rating up to mature, George found something that wasn't mundane or disgusting.

“The Grand Galloping Gala?” He raised an eyebrow and read over the invitation and description to the event. For the most part, it sounded like a party he and his rich friends would attend, only this event had princesses and his usually had Saudi princes.

Still, regardless of the royal position, the so-called philanthropist pocketed the invitation and smiled. “If the princesses will be there, I can certainly stir something up…” He looked down at his suit and frowned. “Though I doubt they'll approve of this.” George tapped his chin and frowned, realizing what had to be done.

He had to go buy another suit.

In a peasant’s town.

The horror.

Maybe like that Eldritch horror back in the lab, but George knew nothing about that, so he couldn't really compare.

Swearing like a sailor under his breath, and swearing revenge upon several nations, old George made his way towards Ponyville. After a brisk walk that resulted in several strangely looks that the billionaire was used to from dozens of ponies, he arrived at a shop that looked like those places he saw on television that sold clothing.

“Uh… greetings,” George said as he lay eyes on Rarity, who was in the middle of measuring a stallion. “I need a suit as this one got blood on it when I was making a salad.”

Rarity stared blankly at George for a few seconds before she fainted, at which point the stallion ran out of the store screaming.

“Weird, that usually happens after Jacob says who the sacrifice is,” George said to himself as he watched the stallion run off into the distance. He looked back at Rarity and raised an eyebrow. “Actually​… she looks kinda famili…” George's eyes (including those things under them) widened as a sudden realization hit him.

A very, very bad realization.

Like, Trey Gowdy indicting him and Hillary Clinton bad.

Okay, maybe not that bad.

“Shit, that's one of those horses that stopped that other horse from the moon.” Soros turned around just in time to see a group of ponies (or FBI agents, it was hard to tell when you're as old as the Tyrannosaurus Rex) running towards him.

Regardless of that, the destabilizer of everything stable was in pique physical condition and, with the speed only an elderly man could achieve, made haste to a direction that didn't have five really pissed off mares in it.

Which naturally meant the way that had a train.

“Stop, George Soros! You're wanted for crimes against Equestria and her people!” Twilight Sparkle shouted, her face red with rage. (And purple with hair)

George didn't respond and continued to run thanks to a combination of having been dozens upon dozens of yards ahead of the five equines before he'd begun to run. Then​ there was the endless usage of steroids.

Because wealth makes you do stupid things.

Regardless of the things George may or may not have consumed, he eventually reached the train station ahead of his pursuers—who had been in awe at the eighty-six year old man's speed every step of the way.

Especially Rainbow Dash, who was rather indignant that she was beaten by a walking museum exhibit.

George hurled a sack of cash at the ticket teller and ran past him. He forced his way onto the train (no doubt pushing one or two ponies onto the tracks, not that that was anything new for him). Not far behind were the five element bearers, who watched as the train departed because none of them had any bits.

“Dang it!” Applejack snapped, throwing her hat onto the ground. “I knew I shoulda taken a few bits from Granny Smith!” She turned to face the teller and asked, “where's that train headed?”

“Appleloosa,” the teller said, his voice devoid of emotion and, to a degree, robotic.

Applejack's eyes widened as the words escaped the teller's mouth. “Caramel!” she shrieked. “When's the next train arrives that goes there?”

“Four hours.”

Applejack nodded and faced the other four mares. “Girls, we've got to stop that man before he hurts somepony else.”

The five mares collectively nodded, at which point they noticed Rarity, who looked as chipper and glamorous as ever. “Hello, girls,” she said. “What'd I miss?”

“We're headed out west!” Pinkie Pie screamed.

And then Rarity fainted again.

Soros meanwhile took a nap on the train while dozens of ponies stared in terror,