• Published 15th Apr 2017
  • 590 Views, 20 Comments

What Kind of Magic is This? - Greed and Giving

Twilight gains a new power, but how will she use it?

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The Darkness Has Come

What kind of Magic is This?

Chapter 3: The Darkness Has Come.

It has been months since Twilight has come to learn Red and Green Mana in Ravnica, the tests from the guilds of her colors are quite impressed with her performance and want to have her added to their ranks as soon as possible, but as of now Jace is looking to find her in the guild hall.

“Where could she have gone, and why had she not left a note?” Jace wonders out loud. Thou much to his annoyance he cannot sense her anywhere, then a thought occurs to him. ‘If she’s not here then maybe she’s on a different Plane, but which one could that be?’

Jace uses his ability to check the few Planes that he has shown to Twilight, and the ones shown to her by Nissa and Nahiri. The Plane he finds her on is none other than Kaladesh, the Plane of the Aether and greatest of inventors.

Twilight is talking to an Aetherborn named Gonti, Lord of Luxury, along with a Planeswalker he has mixed feeling towards, Liliana Vess.

Seeing her mentor and friend Twilight quickly runs over towards Jace.

“I’m sorry if I made you worry Jace, it’s just I wanted to have time to think on what I should do, which guild I should join, and what I need to learn more of.” Twilight says in an apologetic tone with her ears lowered.

“Yes Jace, you should let her out more often and see the Multiverse, and don’t worry I won’t touch her in any way.” Liliana says while walking up to both. “Besides the dear girl will need my help in her training.”

“What do you mean Liliana, what training?” Jace asked with an unsure glare.

“Oh my there is no need for that look dear, Twilight here has found out that she can use Black Mana as well as create new artifacts, better that some here on this Plane I might add. She is an impressive pony if I’m correct on what you have told me Twilight.” Liliana states with amusement in her voice at the shock on Jace’s face. Jace knows how Liliana would manipulate Twilight without any remorse, just because she could.

“Yes Liliana you’re correct, but let's go show him what I can do. Thankfully Celestia had taught me how to protect myself from dark magical influences and Black Mana feels no different than that, plus it seems I will need to learn White Mana to if my hunch is correct.” Twilight says while gently pushing Jace out of town with Liliana dismissing Gonti before walking after them.

When they passed a shop near the end of the street they heard someone yell out “Hey where do you lot think you’re going?”Turning to where the voice came from the three see someone Liliana and Jace know very well, but is new to Twilight.

Walking up to the group is the native born Planeswalker Chandra Nalaar, the Pyrogenius of Kaladesh.

“Well Jace, Liliana what are you two doing with this…. whatever it is?” Chandra asked when she got closer to the group of three. “Is this another one of your illusions Jace, or some dark creature that you summoned Liliana, cause I don’t want it going rampant through town like the last one did.”

“No Chandra this is Twilight Sparkle, a new member of our kind. We were just going to an arena to see how well she can handle the Black Mana that she just learned.” Liliana said with a simple smile on her face, which turned into a thoughtful look “Thought now that I think about it, you might want to come along with us and see if you can help the poor dear with her Red Mana skills.” Liliana suggested.

Twilight turned to Chandra with her hand out. “I would love to learn as much as I can from you Miss Chandra, if that is okay?”

Chandra gave Twilight a glare at being called ‘Miss’ but laughed and took her hand, giving it a quick shake before saying ”Whatever, I could use a break anyways lets go!”

They made their way to the arena and started to decide who would test out Twilights new Mana, Liliana was the winner of the decision and both participants went to their respected ends, with Liliana taking the first move by summoning an Ashen-Skin Zubera then uses the enchantment Aspect of Gorgon on it. Twilight is both interested and concerned by Liliana’s moves before summoning Asphodel Wanderer before enchanting it with Bad Moon, making it a little stronger.

Liliana smiles and says “Well Twilight you seem to be able to read the scene quite well, I want to see how well you can so I will allow you to use the other mana colors too in our duel, if you want that is.”

“Well thank you very much on that Liliana, I will take that into account later if I need to. I don’t want to use too much mana at once or I’ll give myself Mana Drain to early on, which would not be fair to both you and I”. Twilight states with a chuckle. “I know you would not want to win by handicap, right?”

Liliana is quite surprised by what Twilight has just said, showing on her face, then starts to laugh when she realizes that Twilight is smarter than what she had thought.

“Yes you are right about that Twilight, I want to see what you can do more than anything now that you have piqued my interest quite thoroughly. No one other than Jace over there has done that in a long time and I want to enjoy this.” Liliana says. “You are well on your way to being a great and powerful Planeswalker young one.”

The duel lasted for hours with both trading blow for blow with Twilight learning more on how to control her connection to Black mana as they went. It ended with a surprising draw, with both exhausted.

Liliana smiles a true smile, something she has not done in centuries, for she has found a worthy opponent and ally in the new Planeswalker. Twilight is equally happy that she was able to stand up as an equal to someone that Jace has told her is a powerful being that many have failed to ever last five rounds against.

Chandra was syked to go up against Twilight next, but knew better that to try right now, so she told Twilight that she will wait till the next day if Twilight stays at her shop for the night to recover. Twilight gladly accepted the offer and both headed to Chandra’s place.

Jace walked over to Liliana and asked “What do you think of my student Liliana?”

Liliana looks at Jace and states “I am quite impressed with her and how fast she learns how to use mana so well, did you teach her that Jace?”

Smiling at what he just learned, Jace says “No I just taught her how to focus and manipulate mana by showing her how to summon creatures, use enchantments and spells. Once I taught her the basics on it she figured out the rest on her own. From what she has told me is that it’s a little different than the magic she can use on her home Plane of Equestria.”

Liliana is shocked by what she has just heard, and tells Jace to tell Twilight that she will talk to her again at some time in the future before leaving to whatever plane she calls home.

Meanwhile Twilight and Chandra have made it back to Chandra’s home\shop and are talking about some of the things that they have seen and done after learning about their Planewalking ability, which turned into Chandra asking about what Twilight did before she got the ability. “I am the newest princess of Equestria and have defeated many foes with the help of my five friends. They are Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkamena ‘Pinkie’ Diane Pie, and Fluttershy. We are called the Elements of Harmony, which is one of the most powerful artifacts in all of Equestria.” Twilight told Chandra all of the adventures they had gone on before she became a princess.

Chandra laughs at some of the antics that happened when Jace entered. “Hey Jace have you heard any of what Twilight has done before she came here? I’m surprised that things like that can happen without the use of mana.”

“Yes I have Chandra, and I don’t agree with you on the last part though. Twilight comes from a different plane of existence that has never been discovered, let alone even if it is in our Multiverse and probable works differently than ours.” Jace said as he sits down in a chair next to Chandra.

Author's Note:

I started this chapter in August and put it on the back burner till today, but here you go with the newest one. May you all like it and again sorry for the delay. See you on the other side.

Comments ( 5 )

Is this story based off of this story series?

This story was made before that one.

I'm still working on it, the internet has been slow since this chapter came out, and just had to get it fixed. I will get the next one out when I can.

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