• Published 13th Apr 2017
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My Little Mages: After Effects, The Great And Powerful Amendments - Foxhelm

Entering the My Little Mage's AU, The Great and Powerful Trixie

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The Debut

It was a couple days following Pinkie’s surprise birthday party, Twilight was in her quarters of the Golden Oak and was practicing spells on objects giving some form of life, namely brooms, mops, buckets, etc, all the things were moving and cleaning the place. While she attended to other things, Spike was keeping an eye on the items in question to let her know if things were starting to go a bit too far. The dragon was, however, very impressed with Twilight’s magic as she also had all her personal books levitate to be properly sorted (because Twilight has been reading a lot and often forgets to put her books back) back on the shelves. “You are really are a great mage.” Spike thought as he applauded and cheered not able to contain his excitement.

“I am still only an apprentice, Spike.” Twilight blushed a little in modesty then turned around to see that things she cast her spells for were more or less done.

Yeah but you’re Princess Celestia’s personal apprentice.” Spike could not help but remind her with a smirk on his face causing Twilight to blush again.

“Oh stop it.” Twilight tried to brush it off. “Well, everything looks just fine.” She then looked at the clock in her room and hearing her and Spike’s stomachs growl. “Haha, looks like it’s lunchtime.” Spike then started to chirp as he jumped to the floor and ran as fast as his four lizard-like legs could carry him down the stairs. Twilight shook her head as she followed after. As Twilight got down she was about to head to the kitchen but before she could get to the fridge they were interrupted by the sound of the most boisterous of Twilight’s friends announcing her arrival.

“Hey, Twi, check this out,” Rainbow practically declared as she semi-barged into the library with some kind of rolled up paper in her hand, odds are it was a royal decree or flyer, while Twilight and Spike were just getting ready for lunch.

This better be urgent, Rainbow,” Spike chirped with some mild irritation, “we just got done getting ready to eat.”

Rainbow just displayed the flyer which read ‘The Great and Powerful Trixie, the Greatest, Most Magnificent Entertainer Of All Time!’, on the poster was woman around at the age of Twilight and her friends, with a wizard’s cap and a cape adorned with stars on a purple field, she also wore blue gloves, a black dress with knee high boots, she also had light blue hair and purple eyes. Around her waist was a buckle shaped like a wand topped with a star and a cape with a series of stars. The background was arrayed with fairy fire spells going off and some fireworks. The woman wore her focusing gem on a brooch on her chest at the collar of her cape and shirt, not on her forehead like most Magicborn. “Well, this is different,” said Twilight, as she looked over the rest of the poster, “it doesn’t say where the show is going to be held.”

“Got that one covered, Twi,” said Rainbow, “there’s a magic powered portable entertainment cart, like from the olden days, on its way here. I took Pinkie and Rares to get a sky eye view along with Fluttershy and after they did some rough approximations they said it should be here sometime tomorrow, in fact,” she turned the flyer over to reveal back partially covered in some complex math, it had both the flare of Rarity and the atypical-ness of Pinkie Pie, “they wrote it all down for you to check their work.”

Twilight took the flyer, which caused Spike to give an exasperated sigh before leaving the table to retrieve a chalkboard and package of chalk for the violet wearing mage. To the small dragon, it looked like they’ed be having a late lunch. After the chalkboard was set up for her Twilight transferred the formula and started muttering to herself in a tone too low for most people to hear as she looked it over and made some minor adjustments to it as she looked it over in more detail. Rainbow gave Spike a look, the young dragon just shrugged.

“Well, at least they were able to guess within the field effectively enough,” said Twilight, “and based on these calculations, which I can only better adjust after seeing the item in question, I would say it will arrive somewhere around noon tomorrow.”

“Aw man,” Rainbow moaned getting the attention of Twilight and Spike. “I am going to end up missing it, I got some training at the Weather Management main branch for most of the day starting about two hours before then and won’t be back ‘til dusk. Well, catcha later” Rainbow Dash then left heading back to where ever she came from or elsewhere.

Well...that was… pointless.’ Spike chirped as he started to eat one of the sticks of chalk.

Twilight sighed, “I know those are high in calcium, particularly in a form you can digest more easily as Fluttershy informed me, but I use those.” She took the stick of chalk away from Spike. But before the dragon could chirp in protest, “Here, pure limestone from the Pie Rock Farm, courtesy of Pinkie.” Twilight placed a piece of limestone about five times the width of the stick of chalk on the table along with a bowl of small gems Rarity gave her, gems that were too small for Rarity to use. “And these are from Rarity. Try not to eat them all at once.” Spike, however, devoured his gems and limestone in about a minute. Twilight could only shake her head, her familiar had been rather ravenous lately. She noted that she really needed to research dragon biology beyond what she had already, as she watched Spike curl up on the table and started taking a nap after finishing his meal. After a sigh, “I should know better by now.”


The following day Twilight, with Spike on her shoulder, exited the library after making sure her personal quarters were locked, as the library itself belonged to Magiville and its residents. She was, however, employed as the librarian on salary, not that she actually needed the money, but she was striving to not need either her parents or her master’s help financially. Luckily for her Magiville was for the most part surprisingly self-sufficient and costs were almost insultingly low. As she left she saw the school children run past her. “Cheerilee must have let them out early today for that magic show.” Spike looked and shrugged his shoulders in response. “Why not check it out, I can’t remember the last time I saw a magic show.”

Spike only huffed, but he couldn’t complain, he didn’t have to help with any other projects so why not catch the show. “Well, to be more accurate, you can’t remember a magic show that had the primary purpose of entertaining others, I practically see a magic show almost every day with your magic practices,” pointed out in his native tongue, electing to mess with Twilight in addition.

Twilight resisted the urge to roll her eyes, “That’s different, and you know it.” After the scolding. “Although, I will admit it has been quite some time since I witnessed magic used for entertainment purposes.”

“Hey Ms. Twi, yah going to catch the show?” Twilight recognized that voice. She looked to her left and saw the three young (mis)adventurers related to her friends.

“Please, you can just call me ‘Twilight...GIRlS!!!!” She screamed as Spike climbed off her shoulders and himself inside her clothes. As he continued to run along her back, “WOAH! SPIKE GET…” Spike stopped moving before she finished and was quivering in the small of her back. “Spike must not be over the whole Dragon Hunter thing.” As she turned back to the three approaching young mages, “Any plans beyond seeing the show?”

“Not really,” said Sweetie Belle, “we’re at an impasse on what to do for seeing what we have a talent for…”

“So, we figured watching the show might give us some ideas,” said Scootaloo.

“Okay, just remember to run any new ideas past Applejack, Rarity or me.” Twilight reminded the three. “We don’t want a repeat of southern field incident or the time you three almost jumped off a cliff that had no water at its base.”

The three gave embarrassed looks, “Ah didn’t think tha’ we would get so much tree sap on us,” commented Apple Bloom.

“Rarity wouldn’t let me into the boutique because of that one,” said Sweetie Belle, “thanks for offering to help me clean up so I could go home.”

“And I guess we were kinda sorta lucky Fluttershy was passing by,” said Scootaloo.

Spike then started to climb up Twilight’s back and popped his head out, not sensing a threat from the three, but still giving an intense stare in their direction. “I’m sure Spike would appreciate it too, he still hasn’t gotten over that time you did the ‘dragon hunter’ bit, and I can’t rightfully blame him.”

The three girls gave weak ‘teehee’s and then bolted towards the town square where the show was going to be held. Twilight shook her head and followed them. As they arrived she saw many people sitting down, some standing up and to the sides. In front of all of them, was a wagon like those used about three hundred years before, it had no horses and seemed to move on its own and its right side was facing the crowd. “Hey, where’s Applejack and Rarity?”

“Applejack and Big Mac are trainin’, Applejack is tryin’ to find a way to channel her Angel Shot spell and other spells throw her sword.”

“And Rarity got this new big name client, Saphire Something or other. The new client asked for a live model to see Rarity’s work and Fluttershy was there to check on her dress for the gala so she was asked to model.”

That made sense, Rarity could only earn so much from effectively being the town's tailor so she would capitalize the first chance to have a client like Sapphire Shore, one of the most well-known singers in Mystica, and Fluttershy would make a great model if she wanted to. As for Applejack, she was a paladin, and as Shining once told her, they have to be as good as any soldier in the ESM. While that addressed three of her friends and Rainbow was in Cumula for training at the weather management, so that left...

“We got popcorn with flavoring salts, pretzels, sparkling water, carbonated water…” Pinkie walked past the four mages and the young dragon as she had one of those portal refresher stands that are used by people selling food at a stadium as she listed off what she was selling. The portable stand looked like it had a few magic items designed for extra storage about it. To Twilight that was a bit of a surprise, mostly with how expensive pocket dimension type items were to buy and even rarer to find if you were an adventurer like the character Daring Do. Twilight and Spike looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders as Pinkie Pie continued to walk among the audience to sell the wares. “Get them now, do know it’s a sixty-forty split between Sugar Cube Corner and the performer. Oh, and the show’s about to start!”

The group then sat down as the right side dropped and an unfolded to make a stage. “Ladies and Gentlemen, Children of all Ages. Lo and Behold, the show is about to begin.” Just then a puff of smoke appeared in the center of the stage. “For The Great and Powerful Trrrixie has come to town.” The smoke cleared and there was the young woman that was depicted on the poster. Everyone save the CMC and Spike applauded.

I’d give that entrance a 4 out of 10, although the drilling of the ‘r’ in her name does add some uniqueness, so 5.”

“Do the Great and Powerful Trixie’s ears deceive her?” Trixie placed her left hand to her left ear as she walked towards the edge of the stage and leaned forward. She then turned to face Twilight, Spike, and the CMC. “Why we must have a pseudodragon in the audience?” Trixie then threw something to the stage and was gone when the smoke cleared and she was right beside Twilight. “No, folks we have a real dragon and not just any dragon, a northern mountain dragon. The terror of all dragons.” Trixie then held out her right hand and blow some dust at Spike. In a flash and crackle, the hatchling was the size of two houses with wings. Trixie then used her cape to spin around her and vanished. Everyone screamed. “Fear not, Magivillians, for dragons are small fry compared to Stella Ursas, in particular, the Majors,” Trixie repeated as her hat floated from the sky. Trixie took another handful of dust and blow it at the dragon and Spike was once again his normal size. He fell to the ground, his eyes spinning around and around like he was hit on the head or something.

Everyone applauded, “Thank you, thank you. Your gratitude is too much.” Trixie then vanished in another puff of smoke and reappeared on the stage. “The Great and Powerful Trixie will have shows at meridiem, three post meridiem, six post meridiem, and nine post meridiem for the next three days. No two shows will be the same. So come one, come all! Come and witness the amazing magic of the Great and Powerful Trixie!” Trixie then flung open her cape and fireworks went off. The audience oohed and applauded. She took off her hat and reached in and pulled herself out of it followed with a flash and smoke that left only the Trixie that was pulled from the hat. “Watch in awe as the Great and Powerful Trixie performs the most spectacular feats of magic ever witnessed!”


Later that night, as Twilight was again practicing her spells, a little impressed with Trixie’s illusionary magic, a field of magic she wrote off as a child, as the Golden Oak’s door opened. Rarity stepped in with her hair covered completely by a cloth, with her was Rainbow Dash, who was soaking wet, and Applejack, who was tied up like from one of those…questionable... magazines with an apple being used as a gag, being helped by Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie to hop into the library. The CMC were behind them having a giggle bout at the three sister figures while also looking like they felt guilty about something, “What happened to you three?” Twilight was utterly taken aback.

“I don’t want to talk about it.” Rarity went straight to the bookshelf. “There must be some why to end this … abomination....”

As Twilight turned to Rainbow Dash, “Don’t ask. Come on Rares, I am going to get pumanuma”

“Mmif mmommsme…. Mumf mif.” Applejack tried to speak but gave up, as she hopped over to the couch and let herself fall onto it as she groaned.

“It’s kind of our fault...” Sweetie Belle started.

“Wah kinda went on an’ on about how great Trixie was…” Apple Bloom continued.

“So we kinda sorta got them to take us to another show and um…” Scootaloo stopped as she scratched the back of her head.

Seeing that Twilight was not going to get the information from the three, “You better do that thing, you know the thing that allows others to show the past.” Fluttershy said as she looked to Pinkie Pie before taking a stick and lighting in on a candle Twilight had burning, “Venti,” She said and a tiny fire elemental sparked to life. Offering the elemental to Rainbow Dash, “Hold her close to your heart, but not too close, her heat should help you warm up.”

Pinkie gasped in delight, “I haven’t done that since I showed Twilight when I got my itchy toe when she moved to town!” She hugged Fluttershy tightly. If anyone else hugged Fluttershy like that the druid’s back and rib cage would have broken. After ending the hug, Pinkie then reached up to the ceiling and pulled a white screen down. An old movie countdown played until it reached one.

Trixie had just performed a series of fairy fire spells that spelled her title after performing another illusion. “What boasting! And for cheap illusions!” Rarity exclaimed among herself and those closest to her, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy to her sides with the CMC in front of the four. The enchantress was clearly not impressed with the show.

Fluttershy tried to be diplomatic and avoid a fruitless confrontation. “But there's nothing wrong with being talented, is there?”

“Nothin' at all, 'cep'n when someone goes around showin' it off like a schoolgirl with fancy new ribbons.” Applejack commented. “Why am Ah here a’ain?”

“Also just because one has the ability to perform a lot of magic does not make one better than the rest of us.” Rarity continued.

“Especially when ya got me around being better than the rest of us.” Rainbow laughed high on herself. “Eh, I mean, yeah, uh, magic shmagic.” Rainbow then to face the stage and started to heckle Trixie. “Boo!”

This was not lost on Trixie, who continued to cast minor illusions while the three … her show. “Well, well, well, it seems we have some naysayers in the audience.” Trixie then had a spotlight start to scan the crowd. “Who is so ignorant as to challenge the magical ability of the Great and Powerful Trixie?” The light passed over the group but continued. “Do they not know that they're in the presence of the most magically endowed Magicborn in all of Mystica?”

Rarity blew raspberries in disgust, “Just who does she think she is?” Rarity asked Rainbow Dash.

“So, ‘Great and Powerful Trixie’ what makes you think you're so awesome, anyway?” Rainbow Dash continued to heckle as the spotlight hit her, Rarity and Applejack.

“Heh, why, only the Great and Powerful Trixie has magic strong enough to vanquish the dreaded Stella Ursa Major!” Trixie then summoned an image of a stylized Stella Ursa Major. The audience ahh-ed at the claim and the small showing of a stylized Trixie and the rendering of a bear in question, as it towered houses, with stars adorning its coat not far from another, slightly more advanced city. “When all hope was lost, the people of Hocuston had no one to turn to, but the Great and Powerful Trixie stepped in, and with her awesome magic, vanquished the Stella Ursa Major and sent it back to its cave deep within the Everfree Forest!” The audience awed at the claim, for star bears, as Stella Ursa were also known as, were feared by all but demigods and dragons, even more so as the images of Trixie and the Ursa fought and Trixie drove the Ursa away into the Everfree.

“Trixie truly is the most talented, the most magical, the most awesome Magicborn in Magiville.” Snails cheered as the images cleared.

“No, in all of Mystica!” Snips countered, giving Trixie even more praise.

Trixie laughed thanks to the praise from the boys. “It's true, my enthusiastic little admirers. Trixie is most certainly the best in Magiville.” No one responded to that claim. “Don't believe the Great and Powerful Trixie?” Trixie continued, even chuckling pulling her cape close to her torso “Well then, I hereby challenge you, Magivillians. Anything you can do, I can do better. Any takers? Anyone? Hmm? Or is Trixie destined to be the greatest human who has ever lived!?” Trixie then threw her cape open sending small fireworks to spin in the air spiraling, with dancing lights, off of which made Trixie much more imposing. “Well, how about it? Hm? Is there anything you can do that the Great and Powerful Trixie can't?” Trixie called to her heckler and her companions, “Well, little hayseed?” Specifically addressing Applejack.

Applejack has always been the wisest of her friends and herself, but she was also the most prideful and stubborn. Electing to show what she could do, Applejack got up and taking a fairly long length of rope with her got on the stage, declaring “That's it! Ah can't stand for no more of this!” As she made the rope into a lasso, “Can your magical powers do this?” The paladin started to perform an array of rope-tricks, simply making the rope encircle her and jumping through it were child’s play to the farming paladin as she had the loop make a figure eight, jumped through both loops, made the other end into another lasso and performed the same thing going through all four loops formed by the two figure eights. The audience whoo-ed and cheered as Applejack finished her ropework and bowed, some throwing money onto the stage. The paladin then turned to Trixie a smirk on her face. “Top that, missy.”

Trixie was far from impressed, “Oh ye of little talent.” she yawned in mockery as she prepared her own trick. “Watch and be amazed at the magic of Trixie!” Trixie then pulled a strange flute from her hat, Twilight recognized it as those used by the snake charmers in the distant lands beyond the seas she read about. As Trixie played the fluke using the same tune as those charmers and the rope started to move like a snake watching the flute. As Trixie played the rope started to wrap itself around Applejack much like in one of the magazines Shining made Twilight promise to never tell mom or Cadance he had.

“Whoa! Uh!” Applejack cried as she fell onto the stage and was then gagged with an apple as the audience laughed and cheered at the sight.

“Once again, the Great and Powerful Trixie prevails.” Trixie gloated over her victory over the paladin.

Rainbow Dash then got up, and as she hovered to the stage, “There's no need to go struttin' around and showin' off like that.” she declared angrily and forcibly.

Trixie was taken aback, was the one who started the heckling “Oh?” she inquired.

“That's my job!” Rainbow said pointing to herself. She then jumped into the air and collected water at a high speed, leaving a small rainbow trailing her. She landed on the stage and had the clouds she collected to form two tiny showers connected by a rainbow that arched over Rainbow Dash. “They don't call me "Rainbow" and "Dash" for nothin'!” The audience cheered.

“That’s was a terrible line, what are you, seven?” Trixie deadpanned with a raised eyebrow.

“I am 19!” Rainbow Dash countered, her arms crossed in front of her.

“Well when Trixie is through, the only thing they'll call you is ‘loser’.” Trixie took a breath and then started to spin her hands. At the same time, the clouds and the rainbow next to Rainbow Dash started to spin around her forming a small tornado.

“Whoa! Whoa! Whoa-a-a-a!” Rainbow Dash cried as she was caught up in the tornado. She gulped as she tried to regain her balance. “I think I'm” Rainbow then gulped before she could continue, “gonna be sick.” Then to finish it all off the cloud form from the tornado poured down on the elementalist.

Trixie laughed at the dripping-wet Rainbow as she turned to the audience. “Seems like anybody with a dash of good sense would think twice before tussling with the Great and Powerful Trixie.” Lightning then came from the cloud and struck Rainbow Dash with thunder echoing.

“Ow!” Rainbow Dash rubbed her back, where the bolt hit her and then her arms as the audience laughed at the humiliated elementalist. “I am going to be sick achoo!” As Rainbow Dash helped the bond Applejack back to their seats when she had an idea. “What we -Achoo! need is an-achoo-other Magicborn to chall-Achoo-enge her. Someone with some mag-Achoo-ic of her own. A Magicborn to show this girl who's boss. A real Magicborn tussle. ACHOOO! Oh, buck me I can’t take another sick day for three months.”

Hearing this request from her friend.“Enough, I can take a hint, but I choose to be above such nonsense. You and Applejack may behave like ruffians, but I conduct myself with beauty and grace.” Rarity scoffed at the accepting Trixie’s challenge. She was not some uncouth tomboy itching to be one of the guys, no she was a proper lady and this was beneath her.

“Ooo, what's the matter?” Trixie mocked. “Afraid you'll get a hair out of place in that rat’s nest on your head?” It wasn’t beneath the enchantress anymore as Trixie crossed the line, questioning Rarity’s flawless fashion tastes, she had just secured being Sapphire Shores’ costume designer.

“Oh, it. Is. On!” Rarity took off her gloves and handed them to Sweetie Belle. “You may think you're tough with all of your so-called powers, but there's more to magic than your brutish ways. A Magicborn needs to be more than just muscle. A Magicborn needs to have style.” The audience oohed as Rarity enchanted some of the curtains on the stage to make a gown around Trixie, while it did look nice, it was clear Rarity was mocking her target. “A Magicborn is not a Magicborn without grace and beauty.” Trixie then dispelled the spell Rarity and then cast her responding spell. The audience gasped as Rarity’s purple hair was changed to green. Not seeing what happened to her Rarity started to panic as she looked at the faces of everyone else there. “Quick! I need a mirror! Get me a mirror! What did she do to my hair? I know she did something terrible to my hair!” The enchantress’s panic was not subsiding as she was not getting any answers.

“I never imaged that green wouldn’t actually look good on you. You should dye it that for Hearth’s Warming.” Everyone turned to see Pinkie Pie with a box of popcorn munching on it. “This has been the best show yet Trixie!”
Horror gripped Rarity as she heard the news, “Ugh, no. Green hair! Not green hair!” Rarity cried as she started to run out of the town square. “Such an awful, awful color!” Her cries continued as she ran into Carousel Boutique, passing Golden Harvest who was trying the look of green hair.

“Well, I never!” The farmer turned her nose up not hiding her indignation over the perceived insult.

Trixie laughed as her challengers were each bested “Ha! Once again, the Great and Powerful Trixie has proven herself to be the most amazing Magicborn in all of Mystica. Huh, was there ever any doubt? Now on with the show.”
Pinkie then made the screen go back into the ceiling. “And that’s how Mystica was made!” Pinkie Pie said with a smile on her face as she held her arms out.

“Um… Pinkie… that’s the… oh, forget it.” Rainbow was trying to dry herself off but she was sit soaking wet, with help from Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, to no avail. “Why haven’t you found a spell yet, Rares!”

“Well Dashie Darling,” Rarity’s voice stung with anger as she looked from the book she was reading to Rainbow Dash. “Applejack is tied up at the moment. What’s your excuse?” Rarity then found the spell she was looking for. “Here it is, ‘dispel magic’.” Rarity cleared her throat and held her hand out to gesture to Rainbow Dash and Applejack. “Dies ist verboten!” Rarity called as Rainbow Dash dried off, the ropes that bound Applejack were undone and the apple that was used to gag her fell out of her mouth. Rarity took off the cloth hiding her hair and it was once again its natural purple. “Oh thank heaven.”

While Twilight was glad her friends were alright now, but she was taken aback with how they reacted to Trixie’s boasting. She was thinking about showing off her own skill, but now she was scared that they would react even worse to her and she might lose their friendship.


The next day in class, “Well children I hope you all enjoyed the show yesterday.” Cheerilee said getting the attention of all the children. “Now today’s class we will be discussing focusing gems and why most Magicborn use them and where they are worn,”
“Like how the Great and Powerful Trixie wore her’s on her chest?” Snips asked.

“And why others, like Ms. Sparkle and Ms. Cumbers-Flank, wear theirs on their forehead,” Cheerilee said as she drew a blank human body on the chalkboard. “Now in several cultures around the world, there are beliefs in energy flow throughout the body....”

After the lesson during recess, the CMC were at one of the picnic tables trying to come up with their next adventure. “What haven’t we tried?” Scootaloo asked before she bit into her sandwich.

“Together or separate?” Sweetie Belle asked as she took a drink of her water.

Apple Bloom took out a long list. “Ah’d answer both, but wah’d have tah go back to class before Ah’m a quarter the way tah thah answer. But wah gotta lot of new things Sweetie can trah thanks tah Trixie’s show.”

“You mean the bestest magician ever.” Snips gloated as he and Snails joined the three with their luncheons.

“Please, Rarity can cast more real spells. Trixie’s a simple illusionist.” Sweetie Belle countered.

“But isn’t Rarity just a glorified tailor?” Snails asked confused.

“Don’t talk about my sister like that.” Sweetie Belle stared at the thin boy menacingly only to be stopped by Apple Bloom.

“Hey, you said it first.” Snips defended his friend. “But The Great and Powerful Trixie is still great and powerful. Did you see how she put Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash in their places? It was awesome.”

“She's just a show-off. Now Twi -” Apple Bloom started

Snips cut her off there, “The Great and Powerful Trixie vanquished a Stella Ursa Major. Can your ‘Twilight’ claim that?” He held his head high confident in his choice as he was joined by Snails.

“Were you two there?” Scootaloo questioned knowing full well that the two had not seen the event they claimed Trixie performed and only have Trixie’s words to go with.

Snips started before he realized he was at a loss of words and that he lack an answer, “Well, eh, uh... no, but—”

Apple Bloom then cut him off there, “But nothin'. The proof is in the puddin’ and yah got none. At least Twi ‘as verifiable facts everyone can look over ta make their own judgments abou’, all Trixie really ‘as is a bunch o’ claims that have no real substance behin’ ‘em.”

Snails laughed at that last statement, “I like pudding.” He then looked down at his lunch. “Yay, pudding.” He started to eat it, causing the other four at the table to facepalm themselves and sigh in frustration.

Sweetie Belle then shook her head and spoke, “Look, unless a Stella Ursa Major comes waltzing down the street for Trixie to vanquish or you can provide proof that she actually has bested one like a news article from Hocuston describing or referencing the event, we have to reject that claim and so should you!”
“Reject that claim?” the four others asked befuddled with that statement.

“It’s a statistics thing. Rarity and Dad deal with a lot of them, Rarity because of her business and Dad because… well, he said being a statistician gives him the edge in his bets, never lost one bet he placed yet.”

“Statisticians!” Scootaloo shouted. “That’s the next thing we should try!” Scootaloo cheered.

“Cutie Mage Crusaders: Statisticians! YAY!” the three cheered and jobbed into the air.

Snips, however, turned to from the three to his best buddy and started to think, “Hm, an Ursa walkin' up the street, hey?” Noticing his typically vacant friend was thinking. “Snails! You thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?”

“Why is it they call it a flea market when they don't really sell fleas?”

Snips facepalmed himself, “Weah, uh... oh, come on! We’ll prove that The Great and Powerful Trixie is great and powerful…” after a second of thought. “After school.”


After school the CMC entered the Golden Oak and read books on statistics, they were bored of it in less than fifteen minutes as they realized how dense the subject is and that numerologists were the ones that used them for magical reasons. “Maybe we should try this when we are older,” Scootaloo suggested.

“Ah have an idea,” Apple Bloom turn her attention to Twilight, “Say Miss Twi, would yah put the book down and hear us out?”

Twilight placed her book down but did not turn to face the three. “If this is about me showing my skills to prove I am a better mage than Trixie, the answer is no.” She then turned to face them, she looked a little scared, not like “Didn't you see how your sisters and Rainbow hated Trixie's bragging, girls? If I go out there and show off my magic, I run the risk of losing them as friends.”

“It's not the same thing, Twilight.” Scootaloo joined in Apple Bloom’s attempt to motivate Twilight. “You'll be using your magic to stand up for your friends!”

Twilight shook her head, “No, girls it's exactly the same, boasting is boasting, being able to back it up or not.”

Sweetie Belle found one of Twilight’s spell books opened. She picked it up and showed one page pointing to a series of advanced spells, “Come on, Twilight, any one of these would be enough to show up Trixie.”

Twilight used her magic to levitate the spell book in question away from Sweetie Belle to her the stack of her personal collection of books she had down with her. “I don't want to be seen as a bragger like Trixie.”

“But you're the best!” The three said in unison, “Um, don’t take that out of context.” The three tried to catch themselves.

Twilight groaned, she had enough of this badgering, “Uh. Please, girls, I said no!”
The trio sighed in defeat, “If that's the way you want to be, then fine.” The three girls left the library. Spike shook his head and started to clean up, putting the books the three left back where they belonged, what he wouldn’t give to be able to actually walk on his rear legs.


About the same time, Snips and Snails were wandering along the edge of the Everfree, far from Fluttershy’s cottage to find a Stella Ursa Major. “We got to show them all the Trixie is great and powerful.” Snips said as he looked around.

Snails stopped for a second “But why are we looking for a Stella Ursa Major?”

Snips continued but went back to get his typically vacant friend. “So that Trixie can beat it and prove us right. We won’t be the laughing stock of class now.” As he looked around he spotted a cave. “In there that looks big enough for a Star Bear.”

“I thought we were looking for a Stella Ursa Major.” Snails peered into the cave after Snips.

“That’s another way to say it.” Snips then started into the cave with Snails following him. After a few minutes as the two walked deeper and deeper into the cave as it got darker and darker and the two didn’t bring any light. “Oh, how we gonna find a Star Bear when I can't even see my own hand in front of my face?”

“Hold on.” Snails started to grunt as he focused his magic in his hands as lights formed and lite the cavern.
Upon being able to see “This’s better.” Snips then looked at Snails as the later had the two lights dance in cavern lighting it even more. “That’s awesome Snails! No one else in class can use their magic like that. How do you do it?”

“I don’t think about it.”

“Cool!” The two cheered only to hear a low growl as if something big woke up. They turned to see a bear larger than a house, blue in fur with stars adorned his coat. It roared causing the two to scream and they bolted out of the cave as fast as they could, at a speed that rivaled an angry Pinkie, which to many was surprising.


As Snips and Snails started running back to town, we find the CMC sitting on one of the benches trying to think of something. “Maybe motivational speakers isn’t what any of us are suppose to do?” Scootaloo spoke as she got off the bench and laid on the ground. “We stuck at getting Twilight to show her skills and we had Spike assisting us.”

“And wah really dropped the ball as statisticians.”

Just then the three girls saw Snips and Snails came running into town. “Where are you two going?” Sweetie Belle asked as the two stopped to catch their breaths.

Snips was the first of the two to actually collect his breath, “Can't talk now.”

As Snails’ breath slowed and was less heavy, “Got a major problem!”

“Yeah, a Stella Ursa Major, to be exact.” Snails clarified as he caught his breath. They all heard an ursine roar.

The three girls went “Huh?” before they turned as saw the titanic bear in question. It roared yet again fighting all five of the children.

Snips and Snails “Trixie!” as they ran to Trixie’s wagon.

The three also ran, but towards the Golden Oak. “Twilight!” the three cried.

Snips and Snails screamed “Trixie!” as they started to bang on the door at the back of the wagon.

Trixie opened one of the windows in the wagon on the left side. She looked out and called to the two boys, “Trixie thought she posted a sign and stated in her show that the Great and Powerful Trixie did not want to be disturbed until two hours before meridiem!” She scolded the two.

Snips started to laugh nervously,“We— We have a— a tiny problem.”

“Actually, it's a big one.” Snails corrected.

Trixie groaned as she shook her head at the contradiction between the two. “What is so important that you cannot wait until morning to disturb Trixie?” The three then heard the Star Bear roar, causing the three to scream, with the Star Bear roaring again in turn.

Inside the Golden Oak, the CMC ran to where Twilight was practicing some of her spells, Spike was in his bed and getting what sleep he could. “Twilight! Yah've gotta come! Quick!” Apple Bloom pleaded breaking Twilight’s concentration and causing her to turn to them.

Twilight gave an exasperated sigh, “Girls, I already told you, I don't wanna show up Trixie!”

“No, you don't understand,” Sweetie Belle squeaked in a panic. “Its—” At that moment the oak shook as it was hit with the force of a large ursine’s roar.

Twilight’s spell all stopped as she turned from her open spell book and headed to a window, “Uh, is that what I think it is?”

Majorly,” Scootaloo answered as the four then headed out slamming the door behind them.

Spike woke up and looked around the room. Upon seeing the mess, “OH COME ON !!!


Meanwhile, back outside Snips and Snails tried to get Trixie to confront the Ursa. “Great and Powerful Trixie, you've got to vanquish the Ursa.” Snips pleaded.

“Yeah, vanquish so we can watch.” Snails requested.

“It took a lot of trouble to get that thing here.” Snips added as Trixie looked at the giant bear.

Trixie froze and looked to the two boys, “Wait, you brought this here?” Trixie asked in horror. She gasped as she beheld the beast. “Are you out of your tiny minds?” She asked rhetorically absolutely dumbfounded that anyone would dare to lead a Stella Ursa Major into a populated area.

“But, you're the Great and Powerful Trixie.” Snips said as he and Snails watched.

“Yeah, remember? You defeated one of them before.” As if to punctuate the absurdity of Trixie’s claim, and seeming stupidity of Snails, as well as the denseness of Snips the roar of the Ursa was heard rattling the portion of the town the cart was stationed.

Trixie looked at the bear as it stomped its way into town. Unbeknownst to many as they ran around the town crying and screaming at the presence of the preserved monster, the bear actually avoided damaging property, not that anyone noticed in their panicked state. The illusionist gulped “Piece of cake.” Trixie then gave a weak laugh as she looked around for something to use. Laughing weakly she found nothing she could use.

“Come on, Trixie.” Snips called out not seeing Trixie doing anything beyond standing there.

“Yeah stop goofin' around and vanquish it, eh?” Snails added also annoyed at Trixie’s apparent inaction.

“Yeah, pfft, come on!” “Where's all the cool explosions and smoke and stuff like earlier? You know.” Snips added trying to mimic some of Trixie’s spells from her shows and failing. This was not unnoticed by the Ursa and it roared at the two. They screamed in turn and ran to hide behind the Golden Oak. Trixie, however, remained more or less frozen as she looked at Ursa. As many of townspeople still ran around in panic.

At that moment Twilight stepped out of The Golden Oak, “What's going on?”

“We brought a star bear to town.” Snips answered as he popped from around the Golden Oak, where he and Snails hid from the Ursa.

Twilight was just as horrified and befuddled as Trixie when the two told the illusionist, “You two what!?!

Snails then popped out, “Don't worry, the Great and Powerful Trixie will vanquish it.”

Trixie was facing the bear closer to an open area in town. All the while everyone was running around in a panic. She fell to her knees, “I can't. I never have. No one can vanquish a Stella Ursa, especially not a Major. I made the whole story up to make me look better, it’s part of the show!”

Snips and Snails looked back to Trixie utterly confused, “What!? Made it up!?” Which further illustrated the slowness of Snails, and plain denseness of Snips.

Not wanting to be ignored, the titanic bear growled and roar. Everyone people gasped in horror at the bear as fear started to take hold and they started to run. Trixie closed up her wagon at the speed of light and started to drive it as fast as she could. She had to get out of the town, cut her losses. As she drove away, “Next town.” All the while hoping to get there faster than the news of her failure to best a Stella Ursa Major when part of her show was saying she confronted one. Unfortunately for her, she would not outpace gossip.

Yet one person had her head about her. Twilight looked at the towering beast, at first she was frightened at its sheer size but soon she steeled herself as she recalled what she had read and held her staff aloft. “Hush little baby don’t you cry.

Twilight’s gonna sing you a lullaby.” As Twilight sang, she conjured soothing music notes that manifested and entered one ear and exited the other, all the while bringing a smile to titanic bear. Twilight hummed with the tune she had the bear listen too and within seconds it was sound asleep and snoring. “Alright let’s get this baby home.”

“Baby!” everyone almost shouted in disbelief before being shushed.

“This is a Stella Ursa alright, but this is actually a Minor, a cub. We got to get this one home before its mother, the actual Major, wakes up and you don’t want to be caught between her and her Minor. You think normal bears are dangerous, an angry Stella Ursa Major looking her club can destroy cities. In fact, there’s a record of such an occurrence a few centuries back regarding one of the more unfortunate magical researchers in Mystica’s history, it was actually that researcher’s apprentice that recorded the event from a serendipitous location.”

About an hour later, after Snips and Snails guided Twilight to the cave, all the while Twilight levitated the sleeping cub, after filling the town water tower with milk from the surrounding farms and giving it to the cub to suck on like a bottle, with the assurance to mayor she would see about compensation. She levitated the cub into the cave. Just then they heard a roar from inside the cave only to be answered by the Minor calling back to its mother happily. “Okay, we better get out of here.” Twilight then ended her spell and everyone headed back to town as fast as they could. As they arrived back in town. Twilight grabbed Snips and Snails by their ears. “We are going to have a long talk with your parents.”

“Oh man,” the two boys moaned as Twilight started dragging them to their homes.

Watching that were Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Applejack and the CMC. “Twilight was amazing!” Scootaloo exclaimed.

“Yah, she is. But she almost didn’t help,” Sweetie Belle commented.

“She didn’t want tah come off as a bragger.” Apple Bloom chimed. “Ah wonder why?

These comments struck Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Applejack, “It was us, or rather our reaction to Trixie’s show. We behaved deplorably and reprehensible.”

“Well tah be just, so was Trixie, with how she reacted to us.” Applejack then sighed and shook her head “Sugarcubes, Ah think wah owe Trixie an apology.”

“Next time she’s in town,” Rainbow said slightly defeated.

“I also suppose we could have worded it all better,” said Rarity, “our choice of words back then were easily misinterpreted by Twilight. Remember girls, it’s just as much what you say as how you say it.”

“Maybe yahall should write Princess Celestia?” Apple Bloom innocently suggested.

“Ah’ll get a quill and parchment.”