• Published 16th Apr 2017
  • 3,447 Views, 52 Comments

My Little Songfish - BlackWater

The Dazzlings revert to their true forms after their defeat. Half fish, half equine. One problem: they're small.

  • ...

Happy Easter

It was time. Time once again to put on the ears. They were the last ears Fluttershy would ever wear.


A splashing sound came from Sonata’s pool in the backyard. Quite audible since the screen door was open. Angel was enjoying some time in the grass and simultaneously avoiding the drops of water flying out from the lip of the pool. Sonata was as excited for the holiday as Fluttershy. After all, they had bonded extensively over the months and having someone kind and positive matching her own optimism meant a lot to the siren.

“I found it!” Fluttershy called out to the small horsefish.

The girl sped out of the backdoor and practically hopped up to the edge of the mini pool. She was wearing a pastel pink sundress that went well with her long hair. Atop her head was a white pair of bunny ears she equipped for this special day. She had even made a special request of Rarity a week before for a waterproof siren-sized version of the signature bunny ears.

Rarity had hardly needed the suggestion since she had been designing outfits and costumes for Aria in her free time. Much like Fluttershy, Rarity was the type who enjoyed doing what was her normal day-to-day work as a hobby as well. She truly loved her craft and perhaps that was something that made Fluttershy and her such good friends.

Sonata was zipping around the pool in hyper-energetic circles. “It’s Bunny Sunday! Bunny Sunday!” she squealed happily.

“Easter,” Fluttershy corrected with a soft giggle. She reached over the edge of the pool and Sonata came up to her, bobbing up and down as if she were keeping beat with some unheard song. The human girl put the band on the siren’s head. It fit against the curve of her face and the top fin of her head in such a way that it would stay. Most likely a feat only possible because Rarity had Aria to model for her.

“Yay~!” Sonata shouted out in a more powerful version of Fluttershy’s own cheer. “I’m a bunny, Flutters! Bunny siren!”

Fluttershy gave a coo at the cuteness as the little blue siren ducked under the water and jumped back out to flip and dive all without losing the white and pink ears.

“I’ll go get the truck,” Fluttershy told her small friend and started back to the living room where she kept the key box. “We need to pick up Dashie and Dagi before we go over to Rarity’s for the Easter party.”

After picking up the other human and siren, the four were headed towards Rarity’s house. From the semi-enclosed tank on the flatbed, the two sirens discussed their anticipation for the day. One was obviously more enthusiastic than the other but Sonata was quite happy to see that Adagio’s mood was not as sour as she feared it might be. The girl had loosened up over time.

“Didn’t Dashie give you some ears too?!” Sonata wiggled her tail and tapped her forehooves together.

Adagio was laying on the bottom of the tank with her and had her head propped against a hoof in a lazy manner. “She’s tormented me about it all week. I told her I’d wear it at the party so she’d leave me alone.”

“It’s so amazing you two get along so well!” Sonata exclaimed and hugged her siren sister tight around her scaly waist.

“I just told you she torments me,” Adagio responded with a dead expression.

“And I can tell you both have so much fun!”

Adagio's cheeks puffed out with indignation but she didn’t deny it.

“Still,” Sonata said while leaning back from the hug, “I can’t wait until Flutters gets her new place and we can all be together all the time instead of just visits. I know why we had to be at different places for a while, but I really do love you and Aria so much!”

Adagio felt her lungs squeeze from the renewed and rather tight hug from her sister. Her gills breathed in deep to compensate.

“We’ve been through so much over the years, but we’ve never had an egg hunt before!” Sonata said and swam around in a short loop. “Flutters is gonna hold me up and help me look around Rarity’s yard for it!”

Adagio raised a brow. “Rarity’s yard doesn’t have that much in it to hide anything well.”

Sonata stopped and put her hooves on her scaly hips. “So not true, Dagi. Rarity’s mom started gardening just last month. There’s a ton of things and places to look!”

The orange siren hummed at that thoughtfully. If that was true then perhaps it might be interesting, after all. Of course, she’d have to ask Rainbow to hold her while they looked. She’d be teased endlessly but she was used to it by now and often had her own snide comebacks – some of which Rainbow had yet to recover from.

A sudden stop to the vague sense of movement in the water let the girls know that Fluttershy had just parked them at Rarity’s house. There was a pause and then a creak as the flatbed door opened and a pair of humans climbed up on it. The breathing cover that kept water spillage down clicked and then slid off.

“Sup, Dagi?” Rainbow grinned with her sunglasses still on.

Both sirens swam to the surface and Adagio shook her head at her own companion. “You still don’t look cool, Bluebutt.”

“Happy Easter to you too,” Rainbow laughed and grabbed the siren around the waist. She was careful with her grip and her balance getting off the flatbed. “Hey, Fluttershy. Isn’t there some easier way to do this?”

The yellow girl gave a graceful sigh as she too carried her own siren off the truck, though she wore an apron now and held Sonata like a baby against her chest. “None of the other vehicles we have can handle the smaller transport tanks and this one has to be locked over the back axle.”

“Who knew water was so heavy,” Rainbow chuckled. “I must drink two gallons every day for sports practice. Never gained any weight.”

“That’s not how it works, doofus,” Adagio gave her human a sly look.

“Whatever, fishflanks,” Rainbow shrugged and used her elbow to hit the doorbell button when they came up to the front door. “You’re dripping everywhere.”

The door opened and the familiar fashionista behind it was already prepared. “I have the towels!”

Both sirens were used to the short trek through Rarity’s house to the backyard where the larger tank was set up. Rarity was squeamish about anything messy and never let a single drop onto the white carpet. In any case, the shade and lower natural lighting of the house was an improvement over the glaring clear sky day of the front porch and driveway. Even the backyard had the shade of the big willow tree.

Sonata looked about ready to leap out of Fluttershy’s arms in excitement when they stepped through the backdoor into the perfectly maintained grassy yard. All of the human girls were there along with the unicorn-turned-human Sunset. Twilight wasn’t here since she was back in Equestria, but it was a large gathering nonetheless.

And there was Aria Blaze, leaning against the side of the pool with the grumpiest look anyone had ever seen on the girl. Her frown was so deep that it might have fallen off her face. And there on her head and hooves was the reason, Adagio guessed. A pair of cute white and pink bunny ears like the ones Sonata was still wearing. But also a pair of equally adorable bunny paws fit over Aria’s forehooves like a pair of gloves.

By the time Rainbow and Fluttershy placed the still wet sirens into the pool with their third sister, Adagio was laughing her little fishie tail off.

“Bahahahahahahah,” Adagio wailed. Her small hooves pounded the water while she had her fit of hilarity. “Little- hahahahaha…little bun- hahahhaha….little bunny Aria!” she barely managed to say through her laughter.

Aria’s lightning fast glare of death only made her laugh harder and Sonata coo more.

“You’re soooooo cute~” Sonata fidgeted her hooves together and blushed.

“One more word, Sonata,” Aria warned with her signature I-will-end-you voice. “One. More. Word.”

“Happy Easter!” Pinkie Pie shouted with even more energy than Sonata as she raced up to the pool and grabbed all three sirens into a group hug.

“Pinkie, you are all wet now,” Rarity complained as she gave Applejack a plate of snacks. “Use an apron like Fluttershy.”

“Oh don’t be a wet blanket,” Pinkie Pie waved a hand after releasing the sirens back into the pool.

“Pinkie,” Sunset giggled. “I think you’re the wet blanket now.”

The party girl looked down to see she was indeed dripping all the way down to her skirt and onto the grass. “Towel!” she shouted and zoomed away.

“Are we gonna do this egg hunt or what?” Rainbow Dash ran from one end of the yard to the other with her hand over her eyes to help her see and block any sun that could impair her getting first place.

“It’s not a race, RD,” Applejack facepalmed and groaned. “And ya just got here.”

“Easter baskets!” Pinkie zipped up between Fluttershy and Sunset, who had been talking. She handed them each baskets that matched their colors and zoomed to each of the others as well. When she got to Rainbow Dash, the towel around her waist finally flew off and hit Applejack in the face.

“Ohohohohoho!” Pinkie Pie put on her own pair of bunny ears and sat in the grass with her pink basket. “What did I get? What did I get?!”

Applejack pulled the towel from her face with a deadpan look. “You made it yourself. You already know.”

“Let her have her fun,” Sunset put a hand on AJ’s shoulder and smiled.

Meanwhile, Fluttershy was coming back with three tiny baskets as well. They were all yellow rather than matching the color of the sirens but it took her quite some time to find a way to make baskets for them given the water issue. Rather than regular weave, the baskets were rubber. Much like the contents, which were also devoid of any fake grass. Everything she had made sure was “siren safe.”

Three very different looks greeted her from the pool as she came up to them in the pleasantly cool shade beneath the willow. One looked as excited as Pinkie, the other a combination of amusement and calm victory, while the last spoke “you’ve got to be kidding me.”

“I hope you like them,” Fluttershy blushed and handed the tiny baskets to each of the sirens in the water. “Happy Easter...”

The basket she gave to Aria slipped between her bunny paws and sank into the water. The resulting expression on the purple siren’s face revealed the part of her soul that had just died. She just stayed floating there on the surface while Sonata quickly ducked down and grabbed the basket for her.

“Here,” Adagio tried to hold back her laughter and help her sister. She used her teeth to pull off the bunny paws and put them in her basket. “There.”

“Oooooooooooo,” Sonata’s eyes sparkled after she gave Aria her basket back. “I got a bunny toy!”


All of the sirens’ eyes grew enormous.

“Oh my gosh, it squeaks!” Sonata squealed in joy and tossed it across the pool. It hit the water’s surface.


Aria turned mortified and Sonata swam to it in an instant to grab it again.


Adagio knew where this was going. “Yeah, that’s going to get old in two-”


“It’s old,” Aria declared.


Fluttershy giggled and tried covering her mouth with a hand.

“Let’s see-” Adagio began.


“-what I got,” she finished.

While Sonata began using her tail to bat the squeaky bunny around the pool, Adagio rummaged through her basket. There were some fish flakes – her preferred flavor. A rubber rope toy she assumed she would play with against Sonata, small crab patties that were her all-time favorite delicacy, and a necklace on the bottom. It was some kind of soft non-metal string she assumed wouldn’t break down or rust in the water. On it was her symbol. A jewel with a treble clef.

Her eyes watered up differently than they usually did underwater. “Thank you,” she looked up to the comparatively large human Fluttershy.

Aria’s face finally softened and she looked into her own basket again. There was one for her as well with her own mark. If Sonata ever finished with the bunny then she’d likely find hers. In spite of her sour mood, Aria forced herself to look to the yellow girl as well. “I owe you.”

“It’s nothing,” Fluttershy fidgeted and waved it off. Although she was usually much more timid around others, the pet-like size and nature of the sirens made it easier for her. “I’m just so happy that you’re happy.”

Sonata dived under the water for momentum and then leaped out of it as if she were flying. She landed in Fluttershy’s arms. The girl was used to the leaping siren and caught her like it was second nature. The blue songfish was more openly affectionate than the others and nuzzled her cheek to Fluttershy’s.

“Egg hunt!” declared an exuberant Pinkie Pie from across the yard.

“Over there!” Adagio ordered Rainbow. The blue girl carried her against her chest, unlike the way she once carried her at a distance – as if the siren had rabies. Adagio enjoyed the soft warmth since it came from equally wet skin rather than dry moisture-absorbing fabric. Rainbow had decided to change into her bikini rather than get a “wet apron” as Fluttershy called them.

“Behind the flower pot!” Aria commanded more strictly. Rarity was her carrier and the girl was indeed using the apron instead. In spite of being hesitant about playing, Aria did end up joining the egg hunt and was now the one who was most into it. She was determined to win.

“Maybe in the birdhouse?” Sonata guessed. Fluttershy, in her swimsuit like Rainbow, padded across the plush grass and politely asked the resident bird if she had any foreign eggs in her house.

“Five!” Aria shouted from the garden area.

“Hurry, Bluebutt,” Adagio worried. “We’re going to lose this!”

Rainbow frowned. “We found more when we looked where I wanted to!”

“Four!” Sonata shouted after she and Fluttershy found an egg on the branch behind the birdhouse.

From a chair on the back patio, Pinkie pouted. “When’s it gonna be my turn? I can’t hunt when I was the one that hid them.”

“As soon as this hunt is over,” Sunset saluted the girl from across the yard. By her tally it was almost over. Only two eggs remained and Sunset only had two herself, which meant she was not going to make it for first place. It came down to the sirens, who had gotten some help of course from their companions. 5-4-4. Any of them could win.

That’s when Sonata and Fluttershy happened across the teal and dandelion colored egg behind the pool pump. There was a pair of “yays” that had a stereo effect.

Aria would sweat if she could. Instead, she was starting to feel dry. She would have asked for a dunk in the nice warm pool but she was determined to win this. So she almost flipped out of Rarity’s arms when she saw a speck of coloring peaking out of the grass behind some of the carrots still growing in the garden soil.

“There! Faster!”

“Here here, darling,” Rarity tutted and stepped daintily around her mother’s crops.

Aria wiggled out of the human’s hold and landed her hooves on the egg just before Adagio and her speedy human could get there. “Ahahahahaha!” she gufawed with no shame and hoisted the pink flower pattern egg in her tiny forehooves. “I am victorious!!”

Everyone was silent and staring at her.

Aria realized then that she was smiling. And happy. And not grumpy.

With a blush, she lowered the egg and gulped. “Um...I mean, whatever,” she tossed the egg behind her. It hit the grass and thus did not break.

Rarity made a very lady-like giggle and picked up the siren from the moist soil. “Let’s get you rinsed off and into the water again, darling.”

Adagio gave her sister a knowing grin from Rainbow’s arms while Sonata waved her hooves back and forth. “Yay, Aria. Go, sis, go!” the blue one cheered.

However, the first girl to comment on the end of the egg hunt was Pinkie Pie!