• Published 22nd Apr 2017
  • 283 Views, 3 Comments

The First Reaper - SquiggelSquirrel

A tale of gods, reapers, and necromancy, in a world of magical pastel ponies.

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The Prince's Fall

In a moment of blind rage and jealousy, Prince Eternus killed the mare he had professed to love.

Though I do not mean to diminish his crime, had it ended there the world would perhaps be largely unchanged by it.

But his fall was not yet complete.

The sun was low in the sky when Prince Eternus faced the results of his actions. Meadowbloom, dead, at his hooves.

Some say he was overcome with remorse, and wished to atone. Others say he was driven mad with power, and sought more. Some believe he feared punishment, and sought to erase his crime. We will likely never know, but for my part I believe that the foolish prince simply still had not learned how to take “no” for an answer, not from anypony, not from First, not even from himself.

On that evening, the world would be broken. Prince Eternus not only abandoned his duty, but turned directly against it. With all his power, and all his will, he created a new magic. A magic that was never meant to be. A magic that would tear down First's law and shatter the very foundations of reality.

A magic,
to bring

The Primus Resurrection. The Great Necromancy. The Death Prince's Final Work. To the reapers, it is best known as “Eternus' Folly”.

Countless ponies since that day have attempted to re-create the spell. It is an act of the most utter foolishness. Never mind the consequences should they succeed, or the risk they incur, they all seem to forget: Eternus was high among the most powerful beings to have ever walked this world. His power rivalled that of First herself. His talent, his experience, his very being, was devoted utterly to the mastery of life and death. Yet even for him, with all his power and all his talent, to achieve what he was attempting, to pierce the veil and bring a departed soul back from beyond, simply could not be done…

…without paying a terrible price.

When the first sigils of the spell began to form, the magic stole the strength from his limbs, and he fell, kneeling, to the ground before her.

When this did not stop him, the spell stole the air from his lungs, leaving him gasping.

When this did not stop him, the spell stole the warmth from his flesh, leaving him shivering.

When this did not stop him, the world began to shake, and the spell stole the sight from his eyes, leaving him blinded.

And when this did not stop him, the spell stole the very beat from his heart, the life from his chest, killing him utterly.

(“Oh come on! Don't stop to sip your tea, dickhorn is dead, what happened next?”)

The spell killed him, yet this, too, did not stop the Prince's will.

The fabric of the world began to unravel. Destiny fractured, the veil split. In the heart of this magical storm, the spell tore into the Prince's spirit, even as it clung to this world. It tore the memory from his mind, fractured his psyche, scattered his very self. Yet even this did not stop the Prince's will. When naught but magic and will remained, themselves transmuted into to the spell itself, as if in one final vengeance, the spell tore the flesh from his bones, leaving naught but polished bone.

Prince Eternus, first of the guardians, keeper of life and death, was gone.

The sun's last rays were swallowed by the horizon, and the world was still once more.

In the twilight, Meadowbloom awoke, to find the Prince's skeleton, still held together with the last remains of his magic, kneeling before her.

Meadowbloom awoke, but not only her…

Author's Note:

End of pt 1.

Comments ( 2 )

8112602 Slightly more than just them "being ponies", there's also the mlp-specific races (earth pony, unicorn, pegasus, alicorn), the notion of alicorns being super-powered royalty, the whole "chaos magic is bad and evil", some mention of cutie-marks, the notion of "spirits" as magical beings, (though I've not quite got to it yet), the division of the 3 main races and the structure of pre-equestrian civilisations. There may also be passing mention of dragons, drawing on MLP lore.

To put it another way: I've read plenty of other stories on this site that were even less related to MLP canon, either completely OC based, or using the names of canon characters without really using any of the characterisation that comes with them (especially in humanized fics).

You are correct to say that I used quick-approve, if any moderator wants to declare this “not MLP enough”, I won't complain, but like I said, I didn't think it would be a problem because of other, less related stories that are already on this site.

As for whether anyone like this: I like it. That's why I wrote it. For me. To take the ideas that were buzzing around in my brain, and get them out into the world. For the fun of writing. I chose to share it because hey, maybe somebody else will like it. If not, I don't really care — it's nice when other people say nice things to/about me, but at the end of the day my stories are not written for you, they are only being shared with you.

That explains my motives. I'm not sure about yours. I'm having fun writing stuff I want to write; Why does that bother you?

I don't think that there is any point in trying to belittle someone's work just because it is not "pure" enough for you. I'll be the first to say I respect the author without even starting the story because he has actually gone and written out his words, something I have yet to do for fear of people like you being the first to comment on it.

And to SquiggelSquirrel don't stop writing because of the guy above, I look forward to seeing this story improve, and for that matter reading it.

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