• Published 23rd Apr 2017
  • 3,322 Views, 78 Comments

Paradise Lost: Daughter of Gensokyo - Maziodyne

A half-human finds herself in Ponyville and tries to start her life fresh. Displaced.

  • ...

Chapter 15: Kill the Conflict

The next morning, the commotion of tables being turned over and the lower floor getting turned into a mad house woke Hikan from his exhaustion induced slumber. With a groan of pain, he moved his hand up to rub his face, several cracks sounding out as his joints popped one after another.

Alexandria finally woke up, having been more exhausted yesterday than she'd thought. She suddenly jumped up from the chair she had been sleeping in when she heard the crashing from downstairs, Shanghai being dumped off her lap. Shanghai's eyes snapped open, and she began floating before hitting the floor, chasing after Alexandria who had rushed downstairs to see what was going on.

Once downstairs, Alexandria saw that the Changeling they'd saved yesterday had woken up... And was freaking out, big time. Patchouli was attempting to approach her to calm her down, but the Changeling kept flipping furniture into Patchouli's way, impeding her progress. Alexandria looked to Shanghai. “I don't like the look of this situation, so could you go over with Patchouli just in case she needs help?” she asked. “It'll take me too long to navigate all this overturned furniture, so you'll have to do it for me.”

“Okay,” Shanghai answered, quickly flying over to Patchouli and grabbing her shoulder. “I'm here in case you need some help,” she explained to Patchouli after receiving a quizzical glance.

“I see,” Patchouli said. “Thank you.” Patchouli then continued her attempts to reach the Changeling, pushing the overturned furniture out of her way.

Suddenly, the Changeling hissed as it released green flames at Patchouli. However, Patchouli responded quickly and expertly using her elemental magic, extinguishing the flames in midair with a splash of water, Shanghai watching intently. The Changeling's eyes widened even more than they already had been when it saw how easily the attack had been thwarted, and tucked herself into a corner between an overturned table and chair. It was at that moment that Hikan and Arela came downstairs. The Changeling's gaze flitted between all of them as she bared her fangs and spread her wings in an attempt to look more threatening.

Alexandria sighed in relief, glad that the Changeling had stopped freaking out. Shanghai then let go of Patchouli's shoulder and returned to Alexandria's. Patchouli looked over the devastation that was the first floor, a large frown on her face. “I'll have to spend the better part of the morning cleaning this…” she muttered to herself, shaking her head.

“I see our guest has made a mess in her fear-induced state,” Arela noted, looking around. “And I'm going to assume trying to calm her down the normal way isn't working, either.”

Hikan stared at the Changeling as her eyes went from one speaker to the other, a feral hiss slowly escaping her lips. “Four-seven-eight-two,” he said, the Changeling's eyes turning immediately to him in some form of recognition. “That's enough. No one here is going to hurt you.”

The Changeling stared at him for a moment before she blinked and her wings slowly sank a little. “...Was… Is that me…?” She asked, her voice not having the same dual tone as other Changelings.

“...It was, once,” Hikan answered lowly as he started to walk towards her slowly. “Now… Four-seven-eight-two is a memory.” She continued to let her wings fall and lose her aggressive stance until the hunter stood in front of her. Gently, he lifted a hand and brought it around her shoulders before he led her to an overturned chair, using a single hand to turn it back over before sitting her down in it. Arela smiled at this, seeing her Devoted acting so kindly to one he did not know. It warmed her heart.

Hikan backed up a bit before he picked up another chair and sat in it. He looked quietly at the Changeling before he spoke. “What do you remember?” He asked.

The soldier squirmed a little, letting her eyes drift away from his before answering. “...Pain… and darkness,” she started before shaking her head. “No… everything was blurry. I was fighting… but I wasn't in control. Th-then-” Her eyes widened and she wrapped her arms around herself, shaking as some part of her memories started to flood back all at once. “Oh, sweet mother, it hurt! It hurt so much!” Patchouli tensed slightly at the outburst, but didn't do anything, instead waiting to see if the Changeling would make a move first.

Arela frowned at this, walking over and wrapping a wing around the Changeling, her golden wings nearly enveloping her. “Hush, tylin, hush. All is well now, worry not.”

The soldier tensed up a bit at the angel's touch, her eyes wide as a few built up tears rolled down her cheeks. Suddenly, the Changeling surged forward, wrapping her arms around the angel as she cried unbridled into Arela's shoulder. Arela smiled warmly as she wrapped both wings around the Changeling, letting her cry into her chest.

“Calm, tylin, all is well,” Arela assured, rocking her back and forth. The Changeling continued to cry for several moments before she finally took a deep breath and stopped.

“...I can't go back…,” she said through a choked voice. “I can feel it… I'm not connected to the colony anymore… My queen has surely proclaimed me dead….” Arela frowned, rubbing the poor girl's back as she looked to Hikan.

Hikan's eyes seemed unchanged, the coldness of his assassin's training showing through. “...Where will you go?” he asked, his tone sharing no form of comfort with the soldier.

The Changeling sniffed as she shook her head, eyes looking at the ground. “I… I don't know,” she answered shakily. “Without the colony… no Changeling can survive alone in the wilderness… not even brutes….”

“...” Arela paused for a moment, thinking. “What if she were to stay with us, my love?”

Hikan was quiet for a moment before he straightened up in his chair, crossing his arms and giving a stern look. “Not possible,” he answered harshly, drawing a scared look from the Changeling only for him to give a soft look. “Not without a name, that is.” Arela smiled at him.

“I have an idea, if you would indulge me, my love,” Arela began.

The Changeling looked up at the angel, tilting her head in confusion before Hikan gave a smile and nodded. “Of course, go ahead.”

“Why don't we call her… Allis?” Arela suggested. “It was the name of a great Cleric before I was even born.”

The Changeling scrunched up her nose a bit, her ear flicking back for a moment, Hikan giving a little chuckle at the soldier's reaction. “I'm not sure she likes that one, Arie,” he said with humor in his voice. Arela frowned.

“Shell,” Shanghai said. “She's got a really hard shell, right?” Alexandria couldn't help but grin at Shanghai's innocent, simple logic.

The Changeling looked up and blinked at the little doll before giving a soft little smile. “I really like th-” A bang cut her off as Hikan left and his chair tumbled to the ground. He threw the door open and pushed past a wide eyed Starlight, her knuckles raised to knock as she held a white cardboard box.

Alexandria was stunned, unable to say anything. “It appears that something Shanghai said has upset him,” Patchouli commented. “Although I'm unsure as to what.”

Shanghai looked at Patchouli with an apologetic expression. “Um… I'm sorry,” she said.

“No no, it's not your fault Shanghai,” Alexandria spoke up, finding her voice. “You didn't do anything wrong, I'm sure. Maybe we should leave him be for a few moments. We can ask him about it once we've given him a chance to calm down.” She then gave Starlight a quizzical look. “What's in the box?”

“I, um,” Starlight started, still blinking a bit before she stepped into the library. “I brought pastries from Sugarcube Corner…. What happened?”

Alexandria looked behind her at the mess. She then turned back to Starlight. “The Changeling kind of freaked out when she woke up,” she explained. “We got the situation under control, and were trying to decide on a name to give her. Hikan stormed out after Shanghai suggested 'Shell', but we're not sure why yet.”

Starlight's confused expression dropped and she looked towards the floor with a sad frown. “Oh…” she said quietly, stepping forward and using her magic to pick up a table and setting the box down onto it.

Arela released the Changeling, making for the door. “I'm going to see if he's alright,” she said firmly.

“Arela, wait,” Starlight said softly, moving to meet her at the door before she could leave. “He… he really needs some time right now… just this once… trust me?” Arela paused for a long moment, one foot forward.

“I would suggest taking that advice,” Patchouli said, beginning to stand the other tables and chairs back into their initial positions. “In my opinion, he should have some time alone to relax and calm down.”

“In addition to that,” Alexandria said, turning to Arela, “you'll probably want to hear the explanation as to why he's so upset, and I feel like Hikan won't want to talk about it, even with you.” Alexandria then turned to Starlight. “You obviously seem to know the reason why Hikan is so upset. Maybe you could explain it to us.”

Arela remained quiet, before, after a long while, she sighed and walked over, sitting back down with crossed arms.

Starlight was silent for a few moments. Before she could begin explaining though, the door to the library was opened. “So how's th-” Marisa said before cutting off when she saw the scene in front of her, feeling the seriousness of the atmosphere. “I'll, uh, just stand over here quietly,” she said, coming inside and closing the door, standing to the side of the entrance as Cirno followed her.

“Wh-” Cirno began to ask Marisa, before Marisa cut her off with a sharp 'sh!'.

Starlight looked to the pair then to the others scattered about the room. She gave a heavy sigh and took a seat, her eyes on her knees where her hands clutched at her pants. “Hikan's past is not an easy one and it's not my place to tell you the entire story… but it starts when he was just a boy. His village was ransacked by soldiers and they killed everyone, including his parents.”

“He survived by hiding and after burying his village, he hunted the men down. He tried to fight one of them and cut a scar into his eye before the others jumped him. They… beat him and left him to die before an old man found him and took him back to his own home where Hikan stayed for a year and bonded with the man's granddaughter. ...He and Taigari left after his want for revenge became too much and they set out to find a Teigu, a weapon of immense power. ...She became his first love and together they found and restored Dorkifu… but on the way back, six years after they left, ...she was killed by monsters.”

“Hikan couldn't go back to the village after that, so he went to the capital… and started killing military personnel. That's when he was approached by Najenda and she trained him to be an assassin. They began a group called Night Raid… and that's when he met his second love… Sheele.” The name sounded exactly the same as the name Shanghai had suggested earlier, the Changeling looking at the unicorn for a moment before scooting a bit closer to Arela.

“I…” Alexandria started, speechless at the tale she just heard. She ultimately just shook her head and said 'wow' under her breath. Marisa was silent, looking towards the floor with a frown as she pulled her hat down over her face, putting a finger over Cirno's mouth before the winged girl could make a sound. Patchouli had stopped cleaning up to listen partway through, and shook her head slightly as she slowly resumed her previous task.

Arela was quiet, shaking as she clutched her arms tightly. Starlight looked worriedly at the angel before she kept going. “...Hikan became so… so attached to her. She… showed him light that he blocked out for years. ...But then, he came back from a solo mission and found out that a new member of the group, Tatsumi, had killed the one target he wanted more than any… Captain Ogre, the man that he had given the scar and had led the group that destroyed his home. Hikan was… enraged… but Sheele stopped him from leaving. He… he bought a ring… he was going to propose but he… got sent on another mission…. Wh-when he came back, she… she was….”

“....She was gone.”

Marisa, Cirno and Alexandria all jumped as they heard this from the doorway. They looked to the door… to see Hikan there. Arela remained where she was, still shaking, face hidden by shadow as it was lowered. Hikan looked at the ground, a dead look in his eyes. “....She was on a mission… She and her partner had killed their target and were coming back when they were ambushed… by another Teigu user… she died protecting Mine and the Teigu, it….. There was nothing left to bury….” He looked up from the ground, eyes misted over as they looked at Arela. “I'm sorry, I should hav-”

A powerful force impacted his stomach, and he looked down to see Arela crying hard into his chest. Her wings were tightly wrapped around him as she cried. Hikan stared for a moment before he wrapped his arms around her, his wings doing the same as they lowered on his back. His tears came down in a flood, the man not uttering a word or sound. Patchouli simply continued to fix the furniture, though she had definitely heard the tale as she lowered her head slightly. Alexandria and Marisa just allowed the two to let it out, and Cirno had enough sense to remain quiet without being told for once.

Hikan continued to hold onto the angel for a long while longer before he looked up at Arela and kissed her forehead. “Thank you… Arie…” he said quietly. Arela squeezed him tighter, wiping her tears away.

“Anytime, my love,” she said softly, kissing him on the lips. Hikan kissed her back before he pulled back, giving her a happy smile before a shuffle caught his attention. He looked up to see the soldier Changeling had gotten to her hooves and had taken a step back, freezing as his gaze fell on her. Hikan gave Arela a look before he went over to the Changeling. She shrank back a little before he stopped in front of her, and the two stared at each other.

After a moment, Hikan sighed and looked at her with a different expression. “...My past… should not affect your future…” he started. “...Did you like the name?” The Changeling was still for a long moment before she hesitantly nodded her head. Hikan continued to stare at her before he gave the smallest of smiles. “Then it's yours.”

Arela smiled, walking over to Hikan and hugging his arm as she smiled warmly at the Changeling. “Welcome to the family, ty Shell.”

Alexandria then walked over to Hikan. “Uh, now that that's been sorted out, there's something I've had on my mind for a bit now that I want to ask you about Hikan,” she said.

“Uh,” Hikan said before he was surprised as the Changeling, Shell, hugged onto Arela. “Yeah… what's up?”

Alexandria then pulled one of the spheres from her pouch. “This and the five other spheres… They're a Teigu, aren't they?”

Hikan was quiet for a moment before he nodded his head. “The Ace Solution: Die Leaguer…,” he said quietly. “The orb Teigu.”

“I see…” Alexandria said, looking at the orb in her hand. “So it's called Ace Solution…” She then looked up at Hikan again. “Would the orbs also have names?”

Hikan nodded his head. “The Storm Orb, Explosion Orb, Flame, Ice, Lightning, and Rot,” he said quietly. “At least… that's what Champ called them….”

“Lightning Orb…” Alexandria said, looking back to the orb - the Lightning Orb - in her hand.

Hikan nodded his head. “You're really lucky,” he said. “Teigu are picky about their users. Had you picked up Die Leaguer and it not accepted you… you'd probably be dead right now.”

“It's a good thing it didn't reject her then,” Marisa finally spoke up. “I know Alice'd be devastated. I'd probably get a bit teary-eyed too.”

“Ah, that's right,” Alexandria said, putting the Lightning Orb back into her pouch. “Marisa, I have something I wanted to tell you about, and I thought that I might as well do it now since you're right here.”

“Shoot,” Marisa answered.

“The other day, I found out that Shanghai can inherit other people's abilities,” Alexandria said. “It only seems to happen if she's in physical contact with them when she sees them use an ability.”

“I'm havin' trouble buyin' that,” Marisa responded. “I want proof.”

“Hmph,” Alexandria said. “Fine. How about we try and have Shanghai inherit your Master Spark? If she does, that should be proof enough.”

“Sure, let's do it right now,” Marisa said. “C'mere,” she said to Shanghai, patting her shoulder, Shanghai complying and grabbing on. “Now, watch closely,” Marisa said, pulling out an octagonal device from under her hat. She then whispered into it and pointed it at an upward angle. After a few moments of energy building up within it, the spell was released.

Love Sign「Master Spark」

A massive beam came out of the face of the device, somehow barely managing not to hit anything in the library. After a few seconds, the beam dissipated. “Alright, now you try and hit me with one,” Marisa said to Shanghai, putting the device back under her hat. Shanghai then went back over to Alexandria before turning towards Marisa. “Though, I really doubt you'll be able to pull it-”

Shanghai「Mini Spark」

Marisa was cut off by a miniature version of her Master Spark blowing her hat right off her head. She stood there, wide-eyed and blinking for a few moments. “Well damn, whadya know? She actually did it,” Marisa said, picking her hat up off the floor and putting it back on.

“....Could you guys give us some warning next time?” Hikan stood in front of Arela and Shell, arms and wings held out. “Those were… more than a little bigger than I was expecting….”

“That reminds me of the Heaven's Wraths back home… Only much less destructive,” Arela noted, peeking her head out from behind Hikan. “Also, like my love said, please do warn us next time.”

“Alright, my bad,” Marisa said.

Woooooow!!” Cirno shouted, rushing over to Alexandria and Shanghai. “I had no idea your Fairy could do that!”

“If you show her how to freeze somethin' with her on your shoulder, I'm sure she could learn how to freeze things too,” Marisa noted.

“Really!?” Cirno asked. “That's so cool! C'mon Shanghai, I'm gonna show you how to freeze something!” Cirno then grabbed Shanghai's hand and ran out of the library, presumably to find something suitable to freeze.

Starlight, having hid behind a table, peeked out. “Is, uh, is Shanghai going to be okay with her?” She asked worriedly.

“Well, as long as Cirno doesn't bring her too far away from me, she shouldn't be able to kill her,” Alexandria said. “Though, I should probably follow them just to be sure that they don't get too far away.” Alexandria then quickly left the library to follow Cirno.

“I should probably go too,” Marisa said. “Keep Cirno outta trouble.” Marisa then went after Alexandria.

Arela looked to her Devoted. “What should we do now, my love?”

Hikan was quiet for a moment before he answered. “Honestly, I could use some new clothes and a bath. After that… we need to get ready to go to Canterlot.”

Starlight stood from her crouching position with a confused look. “Why Canterlot?” She asked, stepping forward.

“That's Juno's next move,” Hikan answered, drawing a confused look from Shell.

“...You were in our link…,” the Changeling muttered. “You've seen inside the hive mind….” Hikan turned to look at her for a moment before giving a slow nod.

“I would like some new clothes, too. These ones are a bit… dirty,” Arela said, motioning to the bloodstains on her clothes.

“I would suggest the Carousel Boutique if you are looking to purchase new attire,” Patchouli spoke up, having finished cleaning the library. “Although the doll maker is there, many of Ponyville's residents praise it as the best clothing shop in town.”

“Thank you, Patchouli,” Hikan said, letting his wings fold back in… only to give one last surprise. Shell's colors had changed without the presence of green flame. The hardened dark blue plates of thick chitin turned to a darker purple, almost black, while the rest of her changed to a paler purple, close to lavender. The final change was in her eyes which had turned to a deep violet. The man stared at the Changeling as she blinked at him.

“...What?” She asked, her tone confused. “Is there something wrong…?”

“You… Changed appearances, almost as seamlessly as the Dream Knights,” Arela pointed out, gesturing to Shell's new look.

Shell blinked at the angel. “I could not have,” she said, lifting her hand. “I did not activate my-” She stopped when she spotted her own appendage, staring at it in surprise. “I-I don't understand….”

“Interesting…” Patchouli said quietly, watching intently.

Hikan stared at Shell for a long moment before he gave a long, tired breath. “Just one more mystery…” he said quietly. “We should get going. The sooner we can get to Canterlot, the sooner we head off Juno.”

“Agreed. Let us be off,” Arela said, making for the door. They started towards the door, walking out, but when Shell came to it, she stopped and looked nervously outside.

“Is there a problem?” Patchouli asked Shell.

“Um… I… the ponies…” she stumbled, her eyes drifting nervously around.

Patchouli was silent for a moment. “Are you worried about how the residents will react to you after your kind attacked yesterday?” she asked.

Shell nodded her head slowly, the fear starting to become a little more obvious in her faded eyes. Hikan looked at her strangely. “Can't you just disguise yourself?” He asked, causing her to fidget a little.

“It's… a little more complicated,” she said quietly.

“Well, as long as we're here, no one will lay a hand on you, tylin,” Arela assured with a smile.

“I-it's not that…,” she said, shuffling her hooves. “I… don't have any clothes… an-and when we transform, we… we're, um… naked….” Arela blinked.

“Oh,” she said simply, eyes wide.

Hikan's eyes searched Shell for a moment before he gave a little sigh and let his coat drop from his shoulders. “Wisps,” he ordered, throwing the coat into the air in Shell's direction, his four will-o'-wisps forming and rushing the jacket. They circled around it, whirring sounds and lights buzzing out. When Shell caught it, she held a slightly short blouse and skirt made from the coat.

“Why did you…?” She started, looking up at him before he gave a small smile.

“I need a new one, anyway,” he said, letting his wings stretch out. “Can't just keep hiding these things forever.” Arela giggled as she traced a finger along one of his wings.

“Indeed. Much too attractive to hide,” she said with a smile.

Hikan chuckled before he pulled her close and gave her a little kiss before looking back up at Shell. “Go inside and get changed. We'll wait for you.” The Changeling looked down at the clothing then back at him before nodding and disappearing back inside. A few minutes later, a slate blue earth pony with deep purple eyes and mane walked out wearing the skirt and blouse that the wisps had formed from Hikan's coat.

“Is… is this okay?” She asked, Shell's voice coming through if not a bit softer. Arela smiled, walking over to her.

“It's wonderful, Shell. You look beautiful,” Arela complimented, adjusting the blouse on Shell like a mother would their child.

“Just like a Tanuki…” Patchouli commented quietly. “Except without the need of a leaf…”

“I'm… sorry…” Shell said, blinking at the librarian. “What's a Tanuki…?”

“Japanese raccoon of sorts,” Hikan answered. “Supposedly they have mystical abilities… just don't ask about some of the myths.”

“Well, either way, this tylin is adorable,” Arela complimented, smiling at Shell as she finished adjusting her blouse.

Shell smiled a bit before suddenly giving the angel a quick hug before backing up again. “Thank you, Arela,” she said before she cocked her head to the side. “But… what does tylin mean?” Arela giggled.

“Oh, it means 'little one', or 'young one', in Angelic,” Arela explained.

“But I'm close to a hundred years old…” the soldier said, her eyes blinking in confusion. Arela giggled again.

“That's still young by Angel standards, tylin,” Arela told her.

“One hundred years is young by the standards of your kind as well?” Patchouli asked. “If that's true, then what is your age?”

“Well, I'm still young by Angel standards as well, as most I knew lived to be ten thousand and still looked young. I only reached the age of adolescent two centuries ago, at the age of five-hundred,” Arela explained.

“Five hundred, two centu- Then you are seven hundred years of age,” Patchouli said. Arela nodded.

“Seven hundred and eighty one, to be exact,” Arela said with a proud smile, hands on her hips.

Hikan blinked at each of them in turn. “...And in one fell swoop, you guys have made me feel like a little boy again,” he muttered, putting his hand to his eyes and shaking his head.

“My age happens to be a little more than a full century as well,” Patchouli said. “Though even one hundred years is somewhat young by Yokai standards.”

Hikan gave another sigh before Starlight giggled and pushed his arm with her knuckles. “Oh, come on,” she said with a smile. “You're still older than I am, but I don't see why it's such a big deal.”

“With age comes experience,” Patchouli stated to Starlight. “And experience brings wisdom. Therefore, the more aged an individual, the wiser they would be.”

“Indeed. But that doesn't mean we can't have fun with the tylins,” Arela agreed, walking over and giving a swift kiss to her Devoted. “Right, my love?” She fluttered her eyelashes. Patchouli simply shook her head at this, a slight hint of a smile on her face.

Hikan gave a little groan, but smiled nonetheless. “That's going to stick, isn't it?” He asked, pulling her into a little embrace. Arela giggled.

“Most certainly, my ty Devoted,” Arela purred, kissing him again.

Hikan rolled his eyes jokingly, returning the kiss before straightening up. “We should get going before the sun gets any further along,” he said.

“Right,” Arela said as she turned to the door, arms wrapped around one of his. “Come on, we have some clothing to obtain.”

Shell gave a little smile and a nod before following after them as Hikan started to walk towards town. As they walked outside, Arela nuzzled lovingly into Hikan, still holding his arm.

As they approached the Carousel Boutique, they saw Alexandria, Marisa, Cirno and Alice out front… and it seemed like Alice was giving Cirno an earful. “This can't be good,” Starlight muttered, Hikan shaking his head in agreement.

“What in Hakugyokurou were you thinking!?” they heard Alice shout at Cirno. “How is anybody supposed to get in when the doors are frozen shut!?”

“Should we… wait 'till they're done?” Arela asked her Devoted.

“I… think that would be a very good idea,” Hikan answered, looking between Alice - who was still shouting - and Cirno, weary of the beings that were so closely related to Yuuka.

Marisa then grabbed Cirno by the back of her dress' collar, beginning to drag her away, the group just close enough to hear Marisa tell Cirno that she was grounded for the next three days, followed by Cirno's despaired 'NOOOOOOO!!'. Alexandria watched the two leave, Shanghai on her shoulder. Alice huffed and turned to stare at the frozen doors, her arms crossed. Alexandria then turned to see the four standing down the street, her eyes landing on Shell, who she didn't recognize due to the disguise.

“...Should we be concerned for the blue one?” Shell questioned, tilting her head.

“I'm sure she can handle herself,” Arela said. “Although… We do need to get clothes…”

Hikan looked over the scene for a moment before he started forward. “I think I can handle that,” he assured his Devoted, giving her a little smile.

Alice noticed his approach out of the corner of her eye. She turned her head to look at him. “If you're here to buy some clothes, you'll have to come back later,” she told him, her expression and tone moderately frustrated. “Due to a baka Ice Fairy, the doors are sealed shut right now.”

“I imagine that's making Rarity more than a little anxious,” Hikan said, a confident tone in his voice as Dorkifu revved to life and a visor formed in front of his eyes and over his ears. “Funny thing, ice and stone,” he started, walking up to the door as he reached into his pouch and pulled out a tiny pick and a small hammer. “In their own right, they're very strong building materials. But, with the right touch, and the perfect spot….” His visor traveled over the doors, the pick tapping against the ice and jerking his head in different directions. He then stopped and crouched down, putting the pick and hammer to the ice before tapping the pick into the ice sharply. Cracks spider webbed out, and the ice fell away. “They're as fragile as glass.”

Alice just looked at the doors wide-eyed, unable to say a word. “That was…” Alexandria started, before falling silent as well, unable to find the words to describe just what that was. Arela giggled, walking over to Hikan and kissing his cheek after lifting the visor.

“Amazing as always, my love,” she said with a smile.

Hikan gave a chuckle. “Being a smith was my first profession,” he said. “Dorkifu just makes it way too easy.” Alice just continued to stand staring at the door, dumbfounded.

“Are you guys going to get clothes or cuddle all day?” Starlight asked, looking at Hikan and Arela. “You did say you wanted to be out of here today.” Arela stood up, pulling Hikan with her as she shot a look to Starlight.

“You're just jealous,” she said.

“Tch,” Starlight said, looking away. “Yeah, okay. Let's just get some clothes and get to the train station before noon or else we'll get to Canterlot after the sun goes down.”

Hikan took a look up at the sun for a moment before looking back down. “She's right, we really should get a move on.” Arela simply grinned at Starlight, knowing she'd won, before turning back to the door.

“Let us do so, then, my love,” she said, leaning against him. Hikan couldn't make up his mind of whether he wanted to sigh or chuckle… so he compromised and shook his head before walking towards the door.

“You two are going to be the death of me…” he muttered before opening and holding the door for them, Shell being the first to slip in as she noticed someponies walk by, look at her, and start whispering to each other.

Alexandria stayed out front, an expression of deep thought on her face.

As the four entered, Rarity came out from the store's back room, having heard customers come in. “Welcome to the Carousel Boutique, how may-” she then cut off when she saw Arela's blood crusted clothes. “Oh, nonono, that won't do, that won't do at all,” she said, shaking her head with a frown. “Come come, allow me to help you find some cleaner attire,” she said, ushering Arela towards a change room. Arela blinked as she was ushered in, away from her Devoted.

“Oh, um, okay,” she said, surprised at the sudden and informal greeting.

Hikan gave a little chuckle before he started to look around. Shell looked more than a little nervous as she backed into a corner and kept to herself.

“Umm…” Arela said nervously, playing with her hands as Rarity looked at her expectantly. “S-So I have to… strip?”

“Of course you do, dear,” Rarity responded. “I can't put the clean outfit over top that soiled one.” Arela blushed and slowly nodded, untying the string on the corset and shrugging the clothes off, revealing her golden panties and bra. Her wings spread out as she took it off, revealing their golden splendor.

Rarity's eyes widened when she saw the wings. “My word,” she said under her breath, however she recovered her composure quickly as she began thinking up the perfect outfit for Arela. After a few moments, she seemed to figure out what to do. “Alright darling, you just wait right there. I'll have you looking presentable again before you know it.” She then went to get the things she was going to need.

Back on the Carousel Boutique's main floor, Hikan came to a stop, Shell still trembling a bit in the corner. “...You okay?” He asked suddenly, making the Changeling jump.

She looked at him with wide eyes for a moment before she answered. “N-not really,” she said. “How long will the unicorn keep Lady Arela?”

Hikan turned his head and gave her a questioning look. “Rarity's a master of her craft, it shouldn't take long,” he replied, turning his body to follow his gaze. “You seem to be really attached to her.”

Shell blinked at him before looking towards the floor. “She's been kind,” she said softly. “And….”

“You have my thoughts and memories.” The sudden statement shocked the Changeling who looked up quickly. She nodded with a scared expression forming on her face, but before Hikan could say anything else, Rarity opened the change room curtain as she and Arela stepped out, Arela wearing a completely new outfit.

Arela was now wearing a pristine white, short-sleeved blouse, which had slits in the back for her wings, and a skirt that reached to her knees. The skirt's colour was a sort of pale honey colour, looking much like gold. Arela's hair had also been made slightly wavy, a hair clip having been put in it off to the side. The hair clip had a small design on it made from gemstones: there were two angel wing shapes made from topazes, the two wings originating from a single opal at the center of the design.

“D-Do I look okay?” she asked, nervously gripping the hem of her new skirt.

“Not 'okay' dear,” Rarity said. “You look wonderful. It's an outfit made with my impeccable fashion sense after all.” Arela blushed, looking to Hikan, still gripping her skirt.

Hikan smiled and stepped forward, wrapping his arms around her. “You look beautiful,” he said, giving her a kiss. Arela blushed more, but leaned into the kiss.

Hikan let the kiss trail on for a few moments before he pulled back. He stepped and turned to look towards Shell. “Your turn if you're ready, Shell,” he said, giving her a little smile.

The mare tapped the tips of her fingers together nervously. “I-if you think so…,” she said nervously. Arela, now assured that she didn't look weird, smiled at Shell.

“You'll be okay, mai tylin,” Arela assured.

Shell gave a little smile and nodded her head to Arela's words before beginning to walk forwards towards Rarity. “Should… would it be better if I… took on my natural state?” She asked.

Hikan looked between the mare and Rarity for a second before he looked back at Shell and gave her a little smile. “I'm sure we can trust Rarity,” he said before looking at the unicorn. “So long as she understands you're a gentle soul.” The disguised Changeling hesitated a moment before she nodded. She closed her eyes tight and green flames swirled around her, the gray-blue mare seeming to burn away and leave behind a Changeling in the makeshift skirt and blouse. She looked up at Rarity with a scared look and brought her arms up to hug herself nervously.

Rarity's eyes widened in surprise when she saw the Changeling. It took her several seconds before she shook her head and regained her composure. “Well, you seem harmless enough…” she said slowly. “Alright, I'll see what I can do.” Rarity then went towards the back room to find some clothing. “While I go and find some clothing, how about you get yourself into a change room dear?” she said over her shoulder to Shell. The Changeling nodded her head a bit, walking into the changing room quietly.

After a minute or so, Rarity then brought some clothing from the back room into the change room with Shell. After several more moments, the curtain was opened again to reveal the Changeling in a simple blue outfit. It was comprised of a pale blue, short-sleeved shirt, the sleeve cuffs being slightly ruffled, as well as a pair of darker blue cut-off pants that reached just past the knees. The outfit was complete with a necklace that had a small scarab charm, the scarab being a small, etched sapphire.

Shell fidgeted nervously with the scarab charm, her eyes darting up and down between the floor and the others. “U-um, what do you think?” She asked, looking up at Arela, then Hikan, and back to the angel. Arela smiled, walking over and giving the Changeling a kiss on the forehead.

“Beautiful, my tylin,” she said warmly. The Changeling closed her eyes and smiled a bit as she kissed her before looked back up with a gleam in her eyes. Hikan smiled as well as he watched the scene.

The sound of someone clearing their throat shook them out of the happy moment. “We still have a train to catch,” Starlight reminded as Shell and Hikan looked towards her. “If we don't hurry, we will miss our train.”

“Right,” Hikan said, giving a nod before turning to Rarity. “How fast can you make a long coat that'll let my wings through?”

Rarity gave him a look. “Do you not know who you're talking to?” she said. “I guarantee five minutes at most, or my name isn't Rarity.” She then went into the back room to make the long coat in question. It was only three minutes before she came back with a brown-orange long coat that had slits in the back for wings. She then handed it to Hikan. “Don't worry about paying right now,” she said. “I wouldn't want you to miss your train. I'll just have you pay for the clothing at a later date.”

Hikan shook his head. “No way,” he said before reaching into his pouch. He rummaged for a moment or two to the sound of loud jingling before pulling out a handful of gold coins, precious jewels, and a pearl necklace. “Will this work?” Rarity stared in silence for a few moments.

“Y-Yes, that's more than enough,” she finally answered before taking the valuables from Hikan.

The assassin nodded. “Thanks, Rarity,” he said before turning towards the door and slipping on the coat, his wings coming through with no problem. “Okay, gang, let's get going.”

“But-” Starlight started only to be cut off.

“I'll give my other clothes a spit-shine along the way, don't worry,” the hunter said already headed for the door, causing the pink unicorn to fume.

“That's not what I was going to ask…” she murmured as she followed him.

When they stepped outside, they ran into Alice, who was finally about to enter. “Oh, uh, thanks for getting the door open,” she said awkwardly to Hikan.

“Uh, you're welcome…?” He answered awkwardly, getting out of the way and holding the door for her to enter.

As Alice went to enter, Alexandria - who was also still outside - spoke up. “You said that you had a train to catch,” she said. “And if I remember correctly, you said that it's headed to a place called Canterlot. Do you mind if I ask why you want to go there?”

Hikan shrugged his shoulders. “Not at all,” he replied. “When I use Master of Things I can basically 'hack' into just about any network or start to construct or deconstruct it. When I… connected to the breeder, I was able to sort of ride my way to Juno's thoughts. I didn't get much except the word 'Canterlot' over and over again. The first time I connected to a Changeling and found him, his thoughts surrounded around 'Ponyville' and we can see what happened here, though I doubt he's going to try such a rough tactic like he did here.”

Alexandria was silent for a few moments, though not due to thought or surprise. Instead, she seemed to have an expression of… almost determination. “I…” Alexandria began. “I just can't let someone like him run around freely. He attacked this town for possibly little to no reason, and I don't know why he's planning on attacking this Canterlot, but I frankly don't care. I don't want to let him. Please, let me come with you so I can help. I promise I won't be a burden.”

Hikan looked the girl over for a moment before he raised an eyebrow. “You sure you can handle it?” he asked.

“I'll handle whatever I need to,” Alexandria answered stubbornly.

“I hope you're right about that.” A voice suddenly said from behind Alexandria. Alexandria turned around quickly, her arm poised, ready to attack at a moment's notice… only to see Starlight there behind her.

“You startled me,” she said to Starlight, slowly relaxing. “I was about ready to hit you with a lightning bolt you know.”

“She could take it,” Hikan said, patting her shoulder suddenly. “But just so you know, that's what a rookie can do.”

Alexandria turned back to look at Hikan. “Well, I have my ability that I inherited from my mother as well as two types of magic at my disposal,” she began. “In addition to that, I've got Ace Solution now, and Shanghai has a few abilities of her own that will prove to be useful. I should be able to hold my own.”

Hikan gave a little shrug. “You're still going to need to learn a few things,” he said before looking towards Shell and Arela. “That actually applies to all of us. We're stepping into completely new territory.”

Alexandria gave a small grin. “Exactly, we're all in the same boat,” she said. “Plus, even if you say no, I'm planning on just flying after the train and following you anyway.”

“Never said no, Alex,” the assassin said. “But we will have to learn the terrain, some of us need to build up our physical strength, you need to figure the ins and outs of Die Leaguer… and we really need a place to stay….”

“Don't worry,” Alexandria said. “I'll be sure to pull my own weight. I can be a diligent worker.”

“That I can attest to,” Alice suddenly said, coming back out of the Carousel Boutique. “I only heard the beginning and a bit of the end of that conversation, but… I understand that Alex is going to be leaving with you guys to chase after that insect-like guy from yesterday?”

Hikan looks at Alice as Shell, having taken on her mare disguise, winces at the doll maker's description. “It appears that way,” he answered before looking back at Alexandria. “Not that I think we have much choice in the matter.”

Alice was silent for a couple moments. During this time, the group noticed that she seemed to be holding something in her hands, but she was gripping it in such a way that her hands hid it from view. She then walked over to Alexandria. “Um…” she started. “So, this is kind of a parting gift. You know how all my dolls have various weapons that they wield?” Alexandria nodded. “Well, Shanghai also has a weapon of her own.” At this, Alice opened her hands and held one out to Alexandria. In it was a very small, sheathed broadsword. “This is Shanghai's own broadsword,” Alice said, before speaking directly to Shanghai. “I want you to take it with you.” Shanghai then floated down to pick up the broadsword, slinging the sheath over her shoulder so that the strap went across her front diagonally. It fit her perfectly. Alice was silent for a few moments again. “Please promise me you'll come back safely,” she said to Alexandria. “I… don't know what I'd do if I lost my best friend…”

“Don't worry Alice,” Alexandria answered, putting her hand on Alice's shoulder. “I won't get myself killed, alright? And thanks for Shanghai's broadsword. I'm sure it'll be helpful.” Alexandria then turned to Hikan. “Anyway, we have a train to catch, right?”

Hikan went to answer before he was lifted up in a turquoise aura and started to be hauled away. “Yes, yes we do,” Starlight said as she started to walk towards the station, Hikan in tow. “And if we spend any more time sitting around talking, we'll have to wait for the late train.” Alexandria smiled and began following them.

“Bye Alice!” she said over her shoulder, waving. “I promise I'll come back safe!” Arela grumbled as Starlight carried her Devoted off, not liking the way she so roughly treated him, but not arguing as she could see that they did need to hurry up. Shell hurried after the group, sticking close to Arela as the group made their way to the train station.

The trip to the station was relatively uneventful. It wasn't long before they had their tickets and were waiting outside for the train to roll in. Hikan let out a tired sigh and sat on the bench… before his brow twitched. He opened one eye and realized how close Starlight was standing to Arela. For a moment, he watched them. “...Shell?” He said.

“Hm?” The mare answered, poking her head out from behind Alex.

“Could you stand there, please?” He asked, pointing directly between the unicorn and angel. The Changeling gave him a confused look before stepping between them. “Thank you.” With that, Hikan leaned his head back and closed his eyes, waiting for the train to come through.

“So… fala,” Arela began, addressing Starlight.

The unicorn leaned forward and looked past Shell as Hikan sank on the bench and gave a groan. “What?” She asked irritably, a frown on her face.

“...How was the Trial of Godly Eyes?” Arela asked, making Starlight pale and look away. Arela grinned.

“Th-that's not funny,” Starlight said quietly, a shudder in her voice that actually made Hikan open his eyes and caused Alexandria to look at the two women. Cataclysm climbed up onto Starlight's shoulder, giving her a worried look for several moments. Shell winced and backed away from the unicorn, starting to rub her arm that had been closest to Starlight.

“Well, I'm honestly just surprised you survived. Most who took the trial died on the spot from the sheer amount of information and shock,” Arela continued.

Starlight didn't seem to respond, just kept her eyes off of the angel, her shoulders suddenly giving a little shake, drawing a disgruntled rumble from the Nil Dragon on her shoulder.

Arela's grin grew, up until Hikan butted in. “Arie, that's enough,” the assassin said, stepping up behind the angel and putting a hand on her shoulder before walking to Starlight.

“Star, she-” the man was cut off quickly when the unicorn lunged forward and wrapped her arms around him, the sounds of her sobs muffled as she cried into him. Hikan's face was that of surprise for several moments before he gave a sad little frown and wrapped his arms around her, too, gently smoothing out her mane as stress tangles started to try and take root. Alexandria watched this in silence for a couple moments before glancing at Arela, a hint of disapproval in her expression. Arela stared at the scene for a straight ten seconds, then looked away, realizing she had gone too far. She slowly walked away and sat down on an empty bench away from them all, ashamed of herself.

Starlight continued to cry until the train pulled into the station, at which point Hikan pushed on her shoulders a bit to get her to lean back and reveal her puffy red eyes. “You okay?” He asked softly, receiving a nod from the mare. He nodded his head and rubbed her shoulder. “Okay. Why don't you and Alex go find us a few seats?” Starlight nodded again and turned to board the train.

Alexandria looked at Hikan for a few moments before going over to the train as well. When she got to the door, she stopped and turned, looking back at Ponyville. She stood like that for a couple seconds before whispering “I swear I'll come back safe and victorious…” After that, she turned back and boarded as well to help Starlight find some seats. Arela didn't say anything, looking down at her feet. Shell stood by nervously looking between Arela and Hikan. Her gaze jerked to a halt on the man as he put a hand on her arm.

“Could you please go with the others?” He asked, giving her a soft look. The disguised Changeling was silent for a moment before nodding slowly. She threw one last look at the angel before following Starlight and Alexandria onto the train. Hikan watched her go before he gave a small sigh and walked over to Arela. After a moment, he lifted a hand and put it on her back under her shoulder.

“I…” Arela seemed to choke on her words. “I… I don't know what came over me. I didn't mean to make her cry…” She said softly. She hugged herself. “Gods, what is wrong with me? I've never been this way before!”

Hikan was quiet for a moment before he wrapped his arms around her and rubbed her back softly. “Sometimes… we let the worst of ourselves come out when we least expect it…” he said quietly.

“That doesn't make it right, though… Gods, this…” her eyes widened in fear. “Oh Gods… This is just like my brother's taivente. Gods… Oh Gods…” She started to tremble.

“Hey,” he said softly, pulling back a little and rubbing her shoulder. “I'm not sure what this taivente is but I know one thing. You hurt somebody… but you're not a bad person. You realize that things went too far and I know you won't do it again… and I know you know what the right thing to do is….”

“You don't understand. A taivente is the absolute worst thing to happen to an angel. Even more so for a high angel like me. Back home, if it happened, I would be disowned, wiped from the annals, and exiled to the Frigid Wastes to die alone!” Arela said, seeming quite scared now. Her wings were fully folded now, and her hands were so tightly digging into her flesh her knuckles were white.

Hikan gave a worried look before taking one of her hands in his own and gently rubbing the back of it. “But you're not there anymore,” he said softly. “You're here, with me, and around here we call it a mistake. And mistakes are forgivable. You and Starlight are so much alike that this was bound to happen and I'm honestly surprised it took this long. But right now, the only thing you can do is apologize….” Arela hung her head again. After a short while, she rushed towards him in a blur of movement, golden feathers flying, and tackled him to the ground in a compromising position.

“You'll be there to support me, right?” she asked softly.

Hikan looked up and nodded at her, his face leaving no room for doubt. “Of course,” he answered quietly. “Forever and always, and without hesitation.” She smiled lightly, giving him a fierce yet quick kiss before getting off of him.

“Thank you,” she almost whispered.

Hikan smiled warmly up at her before getting to his feet. “You're welcome, my angel,” he answered softly, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and kissing the top of her head. “Now c'mon, don't wanna miss a train we're standing right in front of, right?” She nodded, following him into the train.

On the train, Starlight had found a seat and was quietly petting Cataclysm's feathers, the Nil Dragon dozing in her lap while Shell sat nearby, trying to avoid eye contact with other passengers. Alexandria was sitting across from Starlight, Shanghai having taken a seat on a nearby bench. Alexandria saw the two come in and waved them over. “Shanghai kept your seats warm for you,” she said to them as they approached, a small smile on her face. It was fairly obvious that she was trying to brighten the mood from before. Arela nodded with a light smile, before looking to Starlight. Slowly, she approached her, hands behind her back.

Starlight kept her eyes glued on the floor, her hand moving to scratch underneath the demon dragon's chin.

“...Starlight,” Arela said softly, surprising the unicorn as she had never addressed her by name before.

The unicorn looked up at the angel, a myriad of emotions flashing through her eyes. She still said nothing, but she gave Arela the attention she requested. Arela looked her straight in the eyes, then sighed deeply, scuffing a foot on the floor.

“...I'm sorry,” she said simply.

Starlight stared at her for a moment before her eyes sank back to the floor, silence ruling the air. “...Twilight once told me that forgiveness is the key to friendship…” she said quietly before giving a strangled sigh. “But… I find it hard.” She looked back up at the angel with tired, sad eyes. “Is it even possible for us to be friends? I just… I just don't understand….”

“I…” Arela seemed lost as well. Though, after a good moment of silence and the conductor telling the passengers the train was about to move, she had an idea. “Well… Much as I hate to admit it… You ponies have, what was it? Herds?” She shook her head. “Regardless, I think I can… learn to live with the idea of us being in one. I can't guarantee I'll be as pleasant, but… I'll try. I don't want my taivente to happen, ever. If this is how I can avoid it…” She reached a hand to Starlight, and made a genuine smile. “All the better.”

Starlight was quiet for a moment. Her silence permeated the air as she looked at the hand… before she looked away and gave a soft chuckle. “I'm not sure herd is what you meant,” she said with humor in her voice before she lifted her hand to meet Arela's. “But… I think we can work it out….” Arela smiled, pulling her up and, to the unicorn's further surprise, she was pulled into a hug, wings and all. She noted they felt… warmer, than arms.

“I hope so, you dirty fala,” Arela joked.

Starlight didn't move for a moment before she gave a little smile and returned the hug. Hikan smiled as well, happy to see his friend and Devoted finally making some sort of progress with one another. Arela slowly let go, before she seemed to remember something else.

“Oh! My lord wanted me to give this to you, and said you should share it with the…'Yokai half-breed'?” Arela said - eliciting a fairly noticeable wince from Alexandria, though Alexandria remained silent - before shrugging it off and pulling a large, purple book out of thin air, covered in arcane symbols that made Starlight's eyes go starry. Starlight took the book before throwing another one armed hug around the angel. She practically bounced back into her seat and pulled the book open. After a moment, the last part of Arela's sentence seemed to register.

She gave a sheepish grin before she looked at Alexandria and patted the seat next to her. “Sorry, I, um… get excited,” she apologized. “Care to learn a new language and some magic…?” Alexandria glanced at the book quickly, a bit of curiosity in her expression.

“Sure,” she answered as she went to sit next to Starlight, Shanghai following and settling on Alexandria's shoulder. As Alexandria sat down she looked to Arela. “Also, um… Please don't call me… 'half-breed'…” she said somewhat awkwardly. “It's… kind of a… very rude term for half-Yokai…” Arela blinked.

“Oh! Um, sorry, I was just quoting my lord,” Arela said, rubbing the back of her neck sheepishly.

“No, it's okay,” Alexandria responded. “You didn't know any better. As long as you don't call me that again, then it's fine.” Arela nodded as the two silently read the book. After trying to read the script for ten minutes, Alexandria realized that she didn't understand any of the archaic and strangely glowing words.

Starlight gave a little smile before she began to teach the Yokai the ins and outs she had learned during her time in Erevale. Hikan took his seat and sat back with a happy smile, leaning his head back. Arela chimed in from time to time, correcting the two when they made a mistake in pronunciation or vernacular, and making a few basic arcane gestures to demonstrate the spells. Shell was quiet for most of the trip, keeping close to Arela as the train rushed across the Equestrian landscape, Canterlot's silhouette looming in the distance and waiting for their arrival.

End of Chapter 15

Author's Note:

And here's your double upload!

At this point, Alexandria will be accompanying Hikan, and will be following the events of Paradise Lost: Kill the Memory. However, that story has some... darker and more mature themes to it, so... this is the final chapter of Paradise Lost: Daughter of Gensokyo. However, Alexandria's adventure is only just beginning. This story will continue in the direct sequel Paradise Lost: Daughter of Terra, which will have the mature rating. This sequel should hopefully be submitted sometime in the next couple of weeks.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this story, and I sincerely hope you enjoy its sequel! Until next time!

Comments ( 4 )

Please link the 2 stories here

Kill the Memory is linked in the chapter 14 Author's Note, Daughter of Terra hasn't been released yet, but will be linked once it is released.

Looks at the view count. AAAAHHHHH! Quadruple digits! Thank you so much readers! Don't worry, I've been anticipating this, and I've got something underway to celebrate this milestone! :yay:

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