• Published 9th Jul 2012
  • 943 Views, 9 Comments

Mornings - Lilac Skies

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The young dragon's eyelids fluttered, but remained stolidly closed.

A voice, again- so annoying- "Spiiike!"

Louder this time, more insistent. Really, what could be the rush, when this blanket was so soft...


It was close now, alarmingly close, and loud! Without the slightest hint of thought, synapses deep in the reptilian core of his brain sent Spike leaping out of his basket bed, his eyes barely focused, his jaw slack and his answer ineloquent: "Huh, wha? Is there a fire?" Losing his footing on a particularly well-nuzzled pillow, he lost his barely-existent center of balance and teetered end-over-end until he lay sprawled on the floor.

Twilight Sparkle came into the room, another wake-up call half-formed in her mouth, when she saw her assistant and dear companion with legs and arms at awkward angles. Lifting him in the violet hold of her magic, she asked with concern, "Oh, Spike! Are you okay? I didn't mean to spook you," Not waiting for an answer, but unceremoniously turning him right-side-up, she continued, "We've got a lot of books to shelve if we're going to have this place ready for the party!" Her voice was bright and cheery, quite at odds with Spike's current condition- groggy and already cursing the world; not a great start to the day. He rubbed his nose to quiet the pain, and trudged down the stairs of the sleeping nook to the main room, where Twilight was already busy lifting books and moving a feather duster around aimlessly- obviously in her hurry she didn't notice that there wasn't much dust to remove mid-air. The only solace Spike knew he would find during today's preparations was the forthcoming meal to break his fast. Yawning, he inquired- "So, Twilight, what's for breakfast?"

The purple unicorn slowed her dusting and re-shelving (which Spike noticed was not done in the correct order), before turning to him and replying curtly, "Oh, there's no time! Not if we have to get the windows defrosted, and pick up the streamers, and make sure we get those pastries here on time..." She had already drawn the inevitable checklist from her right saddlebag and began mentally checking and rechecking it to keep her schedule fresh in her mind. Spike, of course, didn't register anything after he came to understand that there would be no food. The possibility of the situation had not occurred to him- so stunned was he that he could not even offer a feeble attempt at rebuttal, such as a loud "no", or perhaps some choice minced oaths. He stood there, stiff as a board, shell-shocked, as Twilight continued her ministrations in her own logistical waking nightmare, crisscrossing the area and haphazardly rearranging items in the room in an order that could only have made sense to a genius or a madpony.

Eventually, his internal organs reminded him of what should be foremost in his mind, and once again spurred that most primitive of brain regions into action. Panicked now, he turned to Twilight and cried out, "What!? No breakfast!? How am I supposed to work without breakfast!?" An outside observer would probably describe his emotional state as somewhere between pure, pleading desperation and white-hot rage. Twilight once again turned to face her now mutinous protégé, and suggested, "Okay, okay- well maybe you can grab something to eat from Sugarcube Corner- it's a little early, but you could see if the Cakes have finished with the order..."

Spike had already opened and closed the door and was well on his way before Twilight had even begun the second clause. Seeing she had been speaking to only herself, the unicorn gave her best look of frustration in the direction her helper had gone: a futile attempt to chastise him, in case he could somehow empathize with her. Sadly, she had not stopped walking about the room while she did this, and collided nose-first with a stack of books. A poor start to the day, indeed.