• Published 12th May 2017
  • 1,200 Views, 10 Comments

Darkness is Power - JediMoonstar

What hides in the Darkness? Have you ever doubted the lies you have been told? Let me show you The truth...

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Alone, How long had it been? A year, Decade, Millennia? All I have is myself.

That pony I used to call sister, She trapped me here didn't she? She will never understand that I chose this, I wanted this.

They must all learn what I have learned. For truly the night hides many secrets, some are right to be feared.

But with the others, No one has tried to speak to them for who knows how long they have been ignored that was before I was here before I became the Avatar of the Night.

"Thou knowest the responsibility that will come with this gift?" The robed pony asked placing his dark grey hooves on the centuries-old spellbook. Staring at the alicorn mare in front of him and then at the chalk runes on the ground.

At the question the navy blue pony snapped her head up with a determined look on her face, "It is what we have strived for, we know what we must do." she said getting into position. All the trials she had been put through, All the mental and physical pain to get to this final moment.

The pony nodded throwing his hood off to reveal the purple mane and grey coat that had accompanied Luna through her journey. And here he was, To finish the final part of her mission.

He opened the book to a bookmarked page. Its edges were yellow and crumbled Finding the spell he began.

"Lobrana, Crisera, Ankoro," The runes started to glow white until they were too bright for Luna to bare to look at them, The supernatural powers that she had earned begged for this new magic, But Luna suppressed them. The other pony continued, "Berlum, Hankria!" The strength of the spell intensified "Tinpo nyo hala rifano alonta!" It was almost complete, Just one more word.


Luna screamed as the spell took its effects.

She slowly opened her eyes. The chalk was all gone but that was of little concern, Considering that her body had taken on her newest, And most powerful form, The pure form of dreams and nightmares. But her form was still changing becoming her ultimate form, Night incarnated.

Her teeth became sharp and pointed, Her eyes slit becoming teal and green, But the one thing that got her attention was her.

Celestia was standing a few yards away from her over, "No, You wouldn't dare." she said as she stared at the lifeless body beneath her sister.

Though burned and bruised there was no mistaking him, Blood covered the floor beneath him.

Rage like she had never felt before coursed through her veins forcing her magic into action, Blasting the white alicorn through a wall. She flew over to the body touching it praying he was still alive.

He wasn't.

Hot tears streamed down her face as she was blasted back by a beam of yellow magic. As she hit the lunar thrown she looked up at the approaching alicorn rage boiling inside her again even more as the solar princess said "Luna if you're still in there please let me help you!" with her horn still aglow she tried to reach out to her sister only to be slapped away as the Moon princess rose into the air yelling,

"Thou lost whatever chance thou mightest have had! You are dead to us!"

"Luna plea-"

"We are not Luna, We are Nightmare Moon! Thou are not the rightful ruler! All of ponykind will see the truth!"

Her voice amplified as her horn lit and a dark shadow crossed over the sun creating a solar eclipse. And as it weakened Celestia's powers, With all the rage and all the lunar magic the newly ascended Avatar declared,

"From this moment forth the Night will last Forever!"

Nightmare Moon almost sobbed at the memories but stopped herself, 'She killed him, She outright murdered him.' she thought the rage boiling up again. The moon turned blood red as it often did. And back in Equestria a bone-chilling wind blew through the ponies lands. For being Night itself the night reflected her feelings to the point of more fear of the night then ever before.

Her mind flashed back to that dreadful night. She had chased Celestia. Her mind clouded she had acted insane for the moment, She had blasted her sister out of the sky. Laughing maniacally she had felt her power grow filling her veins. She created royal armour for herself on the spot, It was a light but soft blue and it meshed well with her pitch-black coat.

Only to turn and see Celestia bearing the Elements of Harmony. She had summoned her own magic to push her power into a blast but to no avail, she was blasted up to the moon where she now still resided.

For many years she couldn't move the pain physically and emotionally kept her still. But when she finally was well enough to move she began to with all her anger become fit and powerful. She'd exercise till her brow sweated, But for an alicorn that would take months of work.

But nothing could calm her anger. Time was cruel to her.

She began to wonder if she would ever escape?

And here she was after straining her magic till it gave out asking that question yet again. The Element's are the issue, But they will weaken in time. she thought remembering that she had wielded three of them at one point. 'Celestia probably poisoned the Element's in some way when she used them against me, Loyalty will be the weakest for she may have loyalty to her subject's but the Elements have their own consciences, but she doesn't have the loyalty to wield it.' she thought feeling her strength return.

Nightmare Moon was about to take off into the what could be called the sky when she felt a tug, She looked up, Four stars were getting into position.

Nightmare's heart skipped a beat turning around and blasting towards the place where she had visited so many times.

She landed in a crevice surrounded by four pillars covered in an iridescent mist that stun when she touched it.

Placing herself in the center she glanced towards one of the pillars as a star embedded itself in the black rock. The mist started to spin around the clearing becoming closer and closer to the alicorn, The winds blew her hair into her face as she added her own magic to the mix.

And blasted away from her prison.

Author's Note:

I'm so excited for this story! And I hope you are too!

Comments ( 10 )

Before I read this, what is the Gore and Dark tag for ?
And how bad does it get ?

8159663 I don't think it will get to bad like describing some painful scenes I don't want to spoil anything but Like being forced into a new body or your body altering while magic is pumping into your mental mind and maybe some blood in a few scenes I think I'm just weird or something but I kind of like to read bloody stuff but this story isn't going too gory just mildly gory.
And dark? well dark is kind of hard to explain like there might be some death and some hatred.
I'm so excited for this story!

Can anypony guess what I was thinking about while writing this?

This story is so good I have to give it a thumbs up, favourites and tracking

Nightmare Moon! Why would you do this!

Darkness is the heart's true essence!

“Before there was even light, there was darkness. The Night has been around since time began. You say it’s full of terrors? I say it’s full of wonder and mysteries. For I am a Child of the Night, a Son of the Moon. Born a human, raised and taught by wolves. The Night is not something to be feared, it is something to be respected.”

Crimson Shadow-Arrow, Crimson Chronicles

Man, just have been reminded of this story. Really hope it updates someday.

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