• Published 26th Apr 2017
  • 10,784 Views, 395 Comments

The Mare of the Stars - XYZDreadnought

A story featuring a very lonely little girl, who can only be seen in starlight. A Displaced story.

  • ...

Chapter fourteen - The main six

“Princess, Twilight and company are here to see you.” Raven Ink says. “Shall I send them in?”

“Oh really? I wasn’t expecting them this early.” Celestia muses, not looking up from her current activity. “Send them in, please.”

“Of course, Princess,” Raven says, stepping out. She comes back a few moments later with Twilight and her friends, then steps out again.

“Just a moment,” Celestia says, turning off the machine and setting aside the fabric, before turning to meet her student. “Twilight, It's good to see you again.”

“Thank you Princess, I’ve missed you,” says Twilight, coming up for the neck hug, which Celestia returns.

Celestia looks up to Twilight's friends who were still by the door. “Come in, I invited you here after all, make yourselves comfortable.”

“Thank ya kindly Princess,” mumbles Applejack as she and the others come into the room proper.

Celestia leads them all to some cushions around the unlit fireplace, where they all sit down in a rough semicircle with Celestia sitting on the far left.

“Shall I pack up for you Princess?” says a petite maid, causing half the group to jump, as they hadn’t noticed the broom wielding maid standing there.

“No need Tsumugu, I intend to continue after they have left,” Celestia says.

“In that case, please excuse me,” Tsumugu says, curtseying. “Some of the third floor girls have been slacking off, and I need to get them an abject lesson in the way of the maid, I will return after you are finished.”

“Don’t go overboard,” Celestia says.

“I make no promises.” says Tsumugu, fiddling with her broom, somehow producing a metallic clicking noise with it before slinging it over her back and leaving.

“Did… did she just cock her broom?” Rainbow says, confusion written on her face.

“Don’t mind her, she's always been a character,” Celestia says dismissively. “She's an excellent maid, and I’m lucky to have her.”

“I always thought she was funny,” Twilight says, giggling. “Always going on about her ‘way of the maid’, and was always full of silly ideas.” Twilight gains a thoughtful expression. “The other maids always seemed to be afraid of her though…”

Celestia coughs. “Anyway, I trust the painters didn’t give you too much trouble?”

“Goodness no. It was a privilege to work with such dedicated artists.” Rarity says graciously, “The love for their craft shines through in their work.”

“It was kind of unnerving,” says Fluttershy, almost too quietly to hear.

“It was fun, I got to show off my best rock impersonation!” Pinkie says enthusiastically.

Rainbow grumbles. “Having to stay still for that long is a real pain.”

“A small price to pay to have yourself immortalised in paint, forever recognised as a Hero of Equestria.” Rarity says, tossing her mane regally.

“Couldn’t they’ve just taken a photo?” whines Rainbow.

Rarity scoffs, “Of course not, painting is more than just capturing an image. It is about preserving someone's very spirit, their memory. Saving them from the clutches of eternity.”

“Well spoken,” says Celestia, causing the two arguing ponies to stop, having forgotten where they were. “Those mares are paragons of their craft. They were quite a find I can tell you that. I can understand being restless though. I remember when old Colonel Ironhorn had to sit for his portrait. He drove the poor artist mad by constantly making excuses and leaving in the middle of sessions.”

Rarity clears her throat to escape the sense of awkwardness. “I… don’t think I’m familiar with that gentlecolt, a member of the guard?”

“No, there are no Colonels in the guard. He was in the Equestrian Regulars, the standing army. He won his place in the hall due to his stalwart defence of Breakback Ridge some… four hundred and fifty years ago. Very practical stallion, couldn’t stand wasting time.”

“I think I recall Granny mentioning her great granpappy served on Breakback ridge,” Applejack muses.

“Wouldn’t surprise me, Apples have had a long history of service in the Regulars.” Celestia says, “I believe the saying went ‘An Apple a day keeps the enemy at bay’. Most soldiers felt they could sleep more soundly knowing an Apple was on watch.”

Applejack puffs out her chest in familial pride.

Rarity clears her throat again. “Excuse me for interrupting, Princess, but I’ve been curious since arriving.” She gestures to the sewing machine, which Celestia had been using until their arrival. “I’m curious to what your were making. I was not aware that you sew.” Rarity’s eyes sparkle with interest.

Celestia smiles indulgently. “I wouldn’t say I sew quite yet. I’ve been teaching myself how to use the machine is all. I’m picking it up for a friend of mine who has some difficulty with sewing machines. I’m still very much a novice.”

“I see,” says Rarity. “If I may ask, who is this friend of yours?”

“It wouldn’t be Mare would it?” Applejack says.

“...Why yes, you are correct, young Mare is quite skilled with a needle.” Celestia says after a pause.

“Mare?” says Twilight, “Who’s Mare?”

“And what kind of name is Mare anyway?” Rainbow says. “No offense,” she added when some of her friends glared at her.

Celestia thinks about it, before deciding there is no harm in telling them. Applejack already knew her, and as long as she doesn’t mention the dark there will probably be no problem. “Mare is an old friend of mine. She is currently living in the castle after we decided her old home was unsuitable.”

“She’s also an old friend of Grannys. Strange lookin’ critter she is. Walks on two legs and calls herself a grim reaper, kinda prickly. Got a real appetite though, we had her over for dinner after the whole Nightmare Moon business. She lived out in the old castle.” Applejack adds.

“Oh wowie, I remember her!” Pinkie exclaims, “She was the one who was in the castle after we lost Twilight. she just sorta appeared and showed us a secret passage.”

“Yeah, that's the one,” says Applejack. “Granny asked me to check on her while I was up here. Make sure she's settlin’ in ok.”

Celestia smiles “Is that so? Your grandmother really is an amazing mare...” Celestia trails off, as if lost in thought.

Applejack clears her throat, “So erm, If it’s alright, could I see Mare? Granny was, er… very insistent,” she says with an awkward chuckle.

Celestia comes down from whatever thoughts she was lost in. “Hmm? Oh yes, Mare doesn’t particularly like surprise guests, but I’m sure she won’t mind you checking in. But I’m afraid it will have to wait until after dark. Mare is completely nocturnal I’m afraid.”

“Well if that’s the case, I’d hate to put you out.” Applejack says, still feeling awkward.

“Nonsense. You are staying at the castle, are you not? And I see her most evenings anyway. It will be no trouble.”

“OH! OH! Can I come along? I wanna meet her too!” Pinkie says.

“I am kinda curious myself,” Rarity says. “You said she is a skilled seamstress. I am interested to see her work.”

“I... may have to ask her first,” Celestia says diplomatically. “Mare can get rather difficult with strangers.”

“I kinda want to meet her too,” Twilight says. “But then again, I promised my mom to come home and eat with the family...”

“How about this: I take Applejack tonight, and if she agrees, you can all come tomorrow?” Celestia says. “She could do with a bit more socialisation. Although I warn you, as Applejack said, she is a little... prickly.”

“Thank ya kindly, Princess,” Applejack says.

“Ohh I can’t wait,” says Pinkie. “Meeting new friends is always super!”

“I mean, I guess, why not?” Rainbow shrugs. “It will be something to do.”

“I wouldn’t mind, I guess…” Fluttershy says, breaking her silent streak.

“Now I am sure you have more things you want to do today then listen to me babble. How about I show you to where we will be hanging your portraits?”

With the general agreement of the assembled mares, Celestia lead them on a tour around the Castle for the rest of the afternoon, until Twilight was due at her parents’ for dinner...

“Spike dear, could you wash the lettuce for me?” Twilight Velvet says.

“Yes, Mom,” says Spike.

“Thank you dear,” Velvet says. “I can’t tell you how much I missed having you and Twilight around the house.”

Spike blushes as he cleans the leaves. “Well someone has to keep an eye on Twilight.”

“And aren’t you a brave little trooper,” says Velvet, affectionately rubbing Spike’s head as she walks past on her way to the pantry.

“I’m home!” calls Twilight from the entrance hall.

“Welcome home, sweetie,” says Velvet as Twilight enters the kitchen, receiving her daughter with a hug.

“Hey Mom,” says Twilight.

“You’re just in time for dinner. Could you be a dear and get Shining and your father while I set the table?” Velvet says. “They were working on something in the sitting room last I saw them.”

“Yes, Mom,” says Twilight, before doing as instructed.

When she enters the sitting room, she was greeted by the two stallions as they look up from a large tome.

“Twily!” Shining says enthusiastically, standing up and giving his little sister a big hug.

“Hey there, B.B.B.F.F,” Twilight says, returning the gesture enthusiastically.

“And how’s my little filly?” Night Light asks, hugging Twilight after Shining had finished.

“Doing fine Dad, Ponyville is great,” Twilight says.

“Glad to hear it, Twi,” he replies, breaking the hug. “I must admit I was pretty worried when you told me you were leaving town to go live in the sticks.”

Twilight pouts. “Ponyville isn’t ‘the sticks’, Dad.”

Night Light laughs and ruffles her hair. “And it sounds like you’re already pretty attached to the place. I guess I worried for nothing.”

Twilight takes a moment to fix her mane, trying to shoot her dad a dirty look, but cant help but smile.

“Mom sent me in to tell you dinner’s ready.”

“That so? Best not keep her waiting then,” Night Light says. “We can finish up later, Shining.”

“Sure thing, Dad,” Shining says, closing the tomb.

Thus does the family dinner commence.

“So how was the portrait sitting, dear?” Velvet says conversationally.

“They finished the preliminary sketches. Tomorrow we will be back in for another sitting,” Twilight says. “We’ll be here for the next few days until they finish.”

“I guess we’ll be seeing a lot of you then,” Night Light says jovially.

“Well…” Twilight says nervously.

“Oh don’t worry, your father's just teasing you,” Velvet says, “We know you came up with friends. No shame in wanting to spend time with them. That said, you must have them come in for lunch tomorrow.”

“I guess they won’t mind,” Twilight says.

After that, they settle in for dinner, making the kind of casual conversation families do around the table, chatting about their days, interesting stories about their work, and what Twilight has been up to in her new home. They are all almost finished when the conversation turns to…

“So what were you guys working on?” Twilight asks Shining and Night Light.

“Well...” Shining says hesitantly.

“Oh I was just lending Shining my noggin to some little project he has going with Princess Luna,” Night Light says casually.

“Oh, first I’ve heard of this. What's the project?” Velvet says.

“Oh just a little warding experiment,” Shining says, trying to be casual.

“If you want to call it that,” Night light says jovially. “She lent Shining the Grimoire of Constella the Night Mage.”

Twilight almost chokes on her food. “The what?!”

“Well yes, that,” Shining says. “She lent it to me as a reference book.”

“An actual Grimoire as a reference book?” Twilight balks. “And you can actually read it?”

“I’m no slouch at magic, Twilight,” Shining says, kind of offended. “Besides, Luna taught me where to find the key.”

“But… why the Grimoire?” Twilight says, still shocked. “I mean, what are you referencing of hers that would require her actual Grimoire?”

“Just one of her more obscure wards,” Shining says, trying to downplay it.

“I’ll say,” says Night Light, oblivious. “The Circle of Unbroken Darkbane. You don’t get much more obscure than that.”

“Darkbane?” Twilight asks.

“Oh yeah,” says Night Light, “I wrote my first thesis on it back in the day, although I would have killed to have access to this book back then. Apparently it was stashed in the royal vaults along with most of Princess Luna's belongings. Go figure.”

“But what's it do?” Twilight asks as Shining watches helplessly while the situation spiraled out of his control.

“Well for the most part, not a lot,” Night Light says, getting into a story telling groove. “The ward never really saw widespread use, due to it having one, very specific use. Protecting the user, from a Crawling Dark.”

“W-what’s a Crawling Dark?” Spike says, looking spooked.

“No one really knows,” Night Light says eerily. “They take the form of a rolling wave of black, and consume their victim’s mind, leaving them shattered or mad. Once they choose a victim, they will chase them to the ends of the earth, never relenting in their- Ow.”

“Stop scaring the little one, dear,” Velvet chides, waving the salad tongs threateningly. “If you can’t tell the story normally than just be quiet.”

“I-I’m not scared,” Spike says.

“Alright, alright,” Night Light says. “I’m not really lying though, The Dark’s a pretty scary thing. There hasn’t been one seen in over a millenia though. And they are very single minded, if the history books are to be believed. They only are ever after one person at a time.”

“Oh,” says Spike, looking relieved.

“Why are you researching something like that?” Twilight says.

Night light opens his mouth as if to answer, but shut it again. “You know, I was so interested in the Grimoire that I didn’t ask.” He turns to Shining.

Shining suddenly feels very on the spot as everyone looks at him. This is a rather sticky situation, as by Celestia's wishes, Twilight isn’t to know about the Dark.

He settles on a half truth. “I saw the princess practicing the ward, and I wanted to know how it worked. I am the guard captain, after all, and defensive magic is my speciality. Who knows when a ward like that might come in handy?”

More of a quarter truth if he is being honest with himself.

“Why was the princess practicing a ward like that?” Twilight asks.

“Well, a millenia isn’t as long ago for her. Maybe she was just brushing up on her skills.” Shining says evasively.

The Doorbell rings.

“I’ll get it,” says Shining, quickly getting up and leaving the room.

He comes back with Cadance, and some orange stallion Twilight has never seen before. “Hey, Cadence and Flash are here. Mind if I get going?”

“Cadance!” Twilight says, springing to her hooves.

“Twily!” Cadance returns enthusiastically.

“Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake, clap your hooves and do a little shake!” they chant together.

“Nice to see you Twilight,” Cadance says happily, exchanging a hug with Twilight.

“You too,” says Twilight. “But why are you here?”

“Oh, I made some plans after dinner to hang out with some friends,” Shining says. “This is Flash Sentry, my old bunkmate back at the academy, and my current roommate.”

“Nice ta meetcha,” Flash says. “I’ve heard lots of potentially embarrassing stories about you.”

“Oh knock it off,” says Shining, giving the shorter stallion a noogie.

“Anyway. Mind if we steal your son for the rest of the evening?” Cadance asks Velvet.

“Oh very well, at least I was told beforehand,” Velvet says. “Go on, have fun.”

“Thanks Mom,” Shining says. “See you Twilight.”

“Yeah Twiliy, we gotta catch up while you are in town,” Cadance says.

“I would like that,” Twilight says, smiling.

“Evening all,” Flash says as they all left.

“Ahh what it is to be young.” Velvet says whimsically.

“Huh?” says Twilight. “What do you mean?”

“What it is to be young.” Velvet repeated, this time with a giggle.

Shining releases a breath. “Celestia, that was close.”

“Awkward conversation?” Cadance says, snuggling up beside him.

“Kinda,” he replies.

“Well this is probably my cue to leave. Unless you want to make use of my excellent third wheeling skills?” Flash says.

“Thanks for doing this, Flash,” Shining says.

“Hey if you want to thank me, you can do the dishes when you get home,” Flash says, “As for me, I’m young, It's my night off, and I’m going dancing. Later!” He strolls off.

“He’s such a character.” Cadance giggles.

“Yeah,” Shining says. “So remind me, what was it you wanted to show me?” He waggles his eyebrows suggestively.

“Oh stop it,” says Cadance, giggling again, and bopping him on the nose. “There will be plenty of time for that later. We gotta go check out that place first.”

“Lead the way,” Shining says graciously.

“Wake me up, before you go go!” I sing happily, bobbing my head to the beat in my head as I assemble my current project.

Due to some guests, evening supper was cancelled, which suits me just fine. There are so many costumes to make, and if I’m being honest with myself, I’m having more fun than I had had in…

I slow down, my voice trailing off. When did I last have this much fun?

“Is there a problem, Mare?” Luna says, looking up from the manga she is reading.

“...Nah, just got lost in thought is all,” Mare says. “Where was I again?”

“I believe it was the second chorus,” Luna says helpfully.

“Right, thanks,” I say, trying to get back into the groove.

Cherry is doing her normal cleaning duties, but she keeps glancing at me.

“Whats up?” I ask, pausing from my work to face her.

“Oh, ummm,” Cherry hesitates, clearly embarrassed at being called out. “Well, errr… I was just thinking, the new outfit is pretty cute.”

I smirk. “You think so?” I toss one of my pigtails. I am currently dressed as Astarotte, from the anime ‘Astarotte no Omocha!’, a slightly risque outfit that I probably wouldn’t have gotten away with back at the orphanage, even if I had had the materials.

“Yeah, you do really good work,” Cherry says. “I wouldn’t have known it was homemade if I hadn’t seen you make it.”

Now it’s my turn to be kinda embarrassed. “Yeah, well, I had a good teacher, and a lot of practice.”

I have a random idea. “Hey, how about I make you something?”

“Wha- Really?” Cherry says, looking excited.

“Well, I was thinking about trying to make pony clothes for fun. And you seem like you might be a good model,” I explain. “And I would have no reason to keep them, so you could have any I make.”

That’s my excuse anyway. To be honest, I just want to dress up Cherry. She’s too cute not to.

“Oh, thank you!” exclaims Cherry, “No one has ever made me clothes before.”

“Don’t mention it,” I say, picking up a tape measure and snapping it taut. “Now strip.”

“Eh?” says Cherry.

“Mare…” Luna says warningly.

“Hey, I gotta take her measurements, don’t I?” I say innocently. “Come on, it's not as if you ponies have nudity taboos.”

Luna just shakes her head incredulously.

“Al-alright.” Cherry stammers nervously, before slowly undressing.

“Now what to dress you as…” I think out loud.

“Mare, what on Equus are you wearing?” comes Celestia's voice from the door.

I resist the urge to be self conscious as I turn haughtily, “I will have you know that this is the casual attire of Princess Astarotte Ygvar of…” Then I spot Applejack by an amused Celestia.

Now I’m really self conscious. “W-what is she doing here?” I say, trying to hide behind my pigtails.

“Applejack and her friends are in town to have their portraits painted, and Miss Smith wished to know if you were doing well.” Celestia says, still amused. “Did we come at a bad time?”

“G-geez, warn me before bringing people.” I say, attempting to regain composure. “You could at least knock.”

“Sorry, sorry.” Celestia apologises, clearly not sorry.

“Awfully sorry for springing on y’all like this.” Applejack says. “Granny said to give you this if you got upset.”

She had barely lifted the zap-apple jam before I snatch it out of her hoof.

“You are forgiven.” I blurt, stashing it in my box.

Applejack blinks at the speed before shaking her head. She looks around. “Pretty nice place ya got here.”

“Thanks, I guess,” I say. “So have you finished checking yet?”

“Don’t be rude Mare,” Celestia chides.

I roll my eyes. “You’re the one who came in without knocking.”

“I-I’m done, Mare,” Cherry says.

“Righto, let's get you measured,” I say, walking over to the now naked maid. Well, apart from the ribbon in her hair at least.

“Oh, you are making Cherry clothes, too?” Celestia asks.

“I thought it might be fun. Never done pony stuff before.” I say, looking Cherry over. “Now where the hell do I start measuring...”

“By the way, Applejack’s friends are wondering if they might-” Celestia begins.

But I was distracted by Cherry’s cutie mark.

“A yin-yang?” I wonder out loud.

“I’m sorry?” Celestia said.

“Your cutie mark, it’s a yin-yang,” I say to Cherry.

“Oh, you recognise it?” Cherry says, looking over her shoulder. “Yeah, that's what my grandmother called it. It’s apparently a Neighponese symbol meaning balance or harmony. I think it’s pretty cool.”

“It’s red tinted, too…” I think out loud, suddenly having an idea for exactly what I want to dress her as. I look up at her ribbon before taking it out of her hair, and walking back to my new wardrobe.

“Hey!” Cherry says, actually sounding indignant.

I leave her current ribbon on my desk and grab the ribbon from my Reimu outfit. It’s a vibrant red, with a ruffled white inlay, and a white zig-zag pattern on either end. I walk back and tie it back into her hair.

“Huh?” Cherry says, glancing into the mirror and looking at the larger, fancier ribbon in her mane.

“It suits you, It matches your cutie mark. I’ll make you an outfit that matches them as well,” I say, starting to take measurements. I’m still not sure what measurements to take, but I’ll just measure everything, and work it out from there.

“Thanks,” Cherry says, blushing as much as her namesake.

Author's Note:

I am so! Sorry!:raritydespair:

Words cannot express how sorry I am for how long this took to make. And While there was an element on University, but it was mostly me getting distracted by other projects.

This is also an element of how I am less interested in the show these days. I still like mlp, but not as much as I like, say, Hyperdimension Neptunia, or the Touhou Project, the both of which take up a majority of my imagination these days.

Speaking of which... anyone like touhou crossovers? Because I have two over on fanifiction.net
Link here

Ones a stupid Harry Potter crossover, featuring a genderfliped youkai HarryHailey, which I am having way to much fun writing.
Hailey Potter, The Youkai of Grudge

The other is a spinoff of someone else excellent story The boundary Effect , read that first before looking at mine
The Boundary Effect, the path of a Magician

And lastly, sorry for the how Little Mare there is in this chapter. Hope you enjoy anyway!