• Published 5th May 2017
  • 519 Views, 0 Comments

The Good Fandom Man - Jake Witt

The Author has destroyed an Equestria and shoe horned the merging of two Equestria's. All that's left is Fandom Man to zip up the biggest zipper ever zipped!

  • ...

Season 1 Episode 1: Harmony and Holes Part 2

"Well, my head hurts!" Rainbow stated, barfing in a corner.

Applejack poked at her necklace, "Wow. I thought Twilight was full of bull!"

"I was!" Twilight agreed, "But it worked!"

The sun rose, yet for a brief moment, something eclipsed it. Twilight Sparkle was too focused on her teacher and ruler, Princess Celestia, to notice a giant rainbow ball soar into Ponyville.

"Princess Celestia!" Twilight called happily as she trotted up to her mentor to share a brief hug.

Celestia stood another head higher than Twilight, most of it could've been her long, elegant, white legs or the gold boots she wore or her long neck. Nobody cared as her beauty was never questioned, like how her aurora mane flowed without the wind or how her crown stayed on her head.

"I knew you could do it. Time travelers never spoil unless they feel they must." Celestia pushed Twilight aside as she stepped around her bowing subjects to get to the pony of the hour, "Luna. Moon. It has been a thousand years since I've seen you balanced and a thousand more like this."

A small, normal proportioned, two-headed alicorn with normal manes and eyes looked up at the bigger alicorn. Luna hid her blue eyes with her bright blue mane yet Moon blew her mirrored purple mane from her eyes. Moon tried to stand but decided to stop since Luna wasn't going to try.

Moon looked up, "Sister dearest?"

Celestia glanced over, "Good to see you, too, Moon." She lowered herself, "Luna? Are you alright, Luna? Look, Luna, we were meant to rule Equestria together, Luna. Just like how you are meant to bring balance to magic, Luna. You don't lead it to ruin, Luna. Let us set aside our differences, Luna, and be a family again! What do you say, Luna? Moon?"

The two moon heads looked to each other and nodded their agreement, "We have missed you so much!" They cried, hugging their big sister. Celestia's returned the gesture, her head between theirs.

"I'm so sorry," Luna cried.

"It was totally worth it!" Moon added.

"I disagree!"


"Finally!" Twilight shouted as she entered her new home. "Hey, Spike, you will not believe what happened!"

Spike ran down their stairs, "I bet I got something better!"

"I doubt it."

"Check out the recent addition to your room!"

Twilight rolled her eyes, "We get a new princess ruling our country, demanding we make a shuttle to beat Griffonstone to the moon or build a border wall... and you want to show me renovations? You probably burned my second library!"

Spike pouted, "You said we would never speak of that!"

"To other ponies."

"So I guess he doesn't count as a pony?" Spike asked, ominously. "I bet he heard you, too, wonder about context."

Tiny hopped to the ground, "He? Who is he?"

"The new roommate."

Twilight tilted her head, "Um... Spike? That's called an intruder."

"Well, I did enter in tru the ceiling," a new voiced added. Everyone turned to see a tall, bipedal creature the size of Celestia wearing full armor with blue-glowing sections and spots. His helmet opened up to show a cream-colored face with an orange mane and brown eyes. His brows furrowed as her tilted a glass bottle upsidedown, "Anyway, I think you're out of milk..."

Author's Note:

Celestia's "speech"- if you can call it that- was inspired by "Rick & Morty." I don't like the show but there are some great aspects I can't ignore. Like the ending to the pilot episode. Luna is Morty but better.

Like a "Doctor Who" companion.

Also, I watched some Scootatrix the Abridged. The war idea there was cool and I wanted to pull a unique Equestria that Fandom Man has to endure/fix.