• Published 30th Apr 2017
  • 5,936 Views, 40 Comments

Sunset Shimmer: Spider Queen - Soufriere

Fluttershy visits Sunset Shimmer one morning to find her friend has developed an unhealthy fascination with arachnids.

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Epilogue: Hangover

Sunset Shimmer: Infernal Queen of the Spiders, stood on the raised platform on one edge of Connemara Square, the traditional peoples’ space with a grand fountain in its centre and flanked on all four sides by grand public buildings, carrying in herself the utmost confidence. She had ditched her usual street clothes for a revealing – in both cleavage and leg – fire-patterned dress not unlike the one she wore during her demonic transformation several months earlier. Around her, dark clouds swirled as the sky turned the colour of marmalade. The flowers, towering over her head due to the groundskeeper using an experimental plant food accelerating growth, wept as Sunset’s very essence caused their petals to shrivel down to a texture much like cellophane.

Even with the ever-darkening atmosphere, the sun itself appeared to shine out from Sunset’s eyes. She smirked as she addressed the few hundred slaves citizens she had had her arachnid minions gather in the square.

“Members of the Canterville elite! As you lay prostrate before your Spider Queen, know that her glorious brain is finally cured of its many curses! Plus, our mighty overlord, the Great Worm Spirit, has revealed unto us that this universe was created for me! Everything in this world exists because of me! However, I am willing to be a merciful goddess, provided you carry out my every whim! To begin with, every second Saturday will be Free Burrit—”

Before she could finish her speech, Sunset Shimmer, the Spider Queen, Demigoddess of Mental Health and Sanity, was interrupted by an awful racket, a cry emanating from the hellish depths.


Sunset adopted a look of panic. “Which one of you peons brought a cat?” she demanded.

The people, still cowering in fear of their new overlord, clandestinely looked at each other, wondering who may have sealed their doom. But no one had a cat.

“Meow~!” said the cat, more insistent. The Spider Queen grabbed her head as the infernal feline refused to stifle itself.

Suddenly, the square, the platform, the dais, the people, the flowers growing so incredibly high, all rapidly melted into a puddle of purple goo as the clouds parted to reveal an infinite blackness that quickly swallowed everything. Sunset had no time to react as she found herself hurtled into a cylindrical tunnel, the friction with the driving wind ripping off her dress. At the end of the tunnel she saw a light barrelling towards her, a loud whistle making clear that the freight train was anxious to say hello.

Instead of a sudden stop, she found herself bathed in light that quickly faded to a dull brown. A great warmth enveloped her as she felt something soft linger on her cheek, followed by a sensation brushing across her forehead and a gentle pressure on her right hand.

Eventually the brown nothingness gave way to a lighter but dull eggshell colour, matching her apartment walls. Sunset Shimmer groaned as she reluctantly opened her eyes. She was laying on her couch, covered by her throw blanket.

Sunset smacked her lips a couple of times, realizing quickly her mouth was dry. As she turned her body to instinctively reach out her hand and grab the bottle of water she always kept by her bed, still too out of it to realize she was not in her bed, the blanket slipped, revealing her naked breasts.

Orange, she thought as she stared at her chest, slowly blinking in an attempt to get her brain rebooted. Bulbous.

“Meow!” yowled the alley cat from somewhere on the outdoor fire escape.

“Mn. One of these years I’m gonna figure out who owns you, you silly freeloader,” Sunset croaked to the feline. “Or just toss my boot at you.”

She rubbed her temples as she moved into a sitting position, the blanket now slipping down to her lap. “Ugh, my head hurts,” she said to no one or thing in particular. “What time is it? What the hay happened after Pinkie’s party?”

An errant air current caused her to involuntarily shiver and cover her chest. Upon feeling bare skin, she looked down at her breasts in confusion. “Why am I naked?” she asked. Upon lifting the blanket to see that she was still wearing her white panties, she corrected herself: “Mostly naked?”

As she looked around her living room for hidden cameras – a task she did at least once per fortnight, but this time with more urgency – she noticed a glass and a full pitcher of water sitting on the repurposed cable spool she called a table. Next to that was a note written on pink stationery.

Dear Sunset,

Pardon my forwardness, but I let myself in while you were asleep. At Fluttershy’s request, I have provided you a glass and some water. Please drink it. And, I used your phone to access the Free Encyclopædia article on Jimsonweed. You should probably read it while you recover. Next time you feel like reliving your equine roots, do be mindful about what you eat. Also, I removed your brassiere to keep the straps or underwires from cutting into your lovely skin. I do hope you can forgive my impropriety. Looking forward to seeing you soon, dear.

Take care, my darling.


Sunset smiled as she set the note down and poured some water. “They’re too good to me,” she said before taking the first of many drinks to rehydrate herself.

Author's Note:

While I was satisfied with how Spider Queen originally ended, I still felt something was missing. So I've added this little epilogue. I hope you enjoyed it.

Comments ( 15 )

Eeyup, this is just the ticket. :eeyup: :raritywink:

Orange, she thought as she slowly blinked in an attempt to get her brain rebooted.

Really more of a gold, but then, she's not firing on all cylinders.

8144726 - I looked it up while writing and it's actually light amber. But I thought readers might assume she was talking about an actual girl, so I decided to keep it simple.

Also, an obscure reference to Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

8144797 Not gonna lie, I assumed she just started talking gibberish because her brain was still broken from ingesting all those hallucinogens.

Then I assumed that "Orange" was the name of her cat.

Cats, the true bane of gods. The epilogue adds a nice touch to the story. I like it. :twilightsmile:

How is this for a price of fried gold?! I didn't mind the original ending,but this? This is the perfect coda (Coda? I think there's a better word, just can't recall what it is...) to this story. Bravo!

8153395 When you deal with a manic-depresive person's highs things get a little bit surrealist in general. Not to mention that she was high as a kite and that tends to... well, mess a lot with a person's mind and considering how Sunset's mind is in this universe, that's saying something.

Damn, Sunset was stoned out of her frigging gourd in this one, and it was a glorious read.

8232755 - Hi. Sorry it's taken me so long to reply to you. Thanks for pointing out the typo. I'll fix it as soon as I'm able.

While I appreciate the pharmacology lesson, it's not really necessary here. I know what SSRI's do, for I have taken several over the years and am on one as I type this. As to HOW Sunset arrived at her conclusion… Well, keep in mind that (1) At this point in her recovery, she's probably looked into medications that might help mitigate her symptoms, which were intended to reflect severe melancholic depression. More importantly, (2) she ate narcotic flowers and is, as my friend CoffeeMinion so brilliantly put it, whacked out of her gourd. Also, (3) she watched a dumb Sci-Fi movie on TV as the flowers took effect. You think those writers did any scientific research? Of course not. Basically, she's under the influence and confusing reality with a bad movie. If she weren't high as a kite, she'd know better.

The word I used is "ichor", which is a term from alchemy that's so obscure I had to have Sunny explain it in-story. She must be a genius to be drugged out of her mind yet still able to semi-coherently discuss both pharmacology and alchemy, even as she blends the two like a crazy person. Her dialogue was seriously fun to write. Actually, of all the stories I've written in 2017, including ones my readers haven't seen yet, this one was the most fun.

(as English isn't your native language, I apologize if any of my slang is confusing)

8355731 - And that is one reason why this story carries a "T" rating. I love sneaking crap past the radar. :ajsmug:

8382041 - No problem, fam. It's all good and... Wait. What was I gonna say again?

Oh well. I'm happy you've enjoyed the Recovery Arc. :twilightsheepish:


There's no such thing as an unhealthy fascination for arachnids!

Eventually the brown nothingness gave way to a lighter but dull eggshell colour, matching her apartment walls. Sunset Shimmer groaned as she reluctantly opened her eyes. She was laying on her couch, covered by her throw blanket.

Looks like it was just a dream all along. :ajsmug:

She rubbed her temples as she moved into a sitting position, the blanket now slipping down to her lap. “Ugh, my head hurts,” she said to no one or thing in particular. “What time is it? What the hay happened after Pinkie’s party?”

Your in for quite a story on what happened sunset. And trust me, you'll be surprised alright.

the flowers growing so incredibly high

Say hi to Lucy for me.

With all those references, I would've thought she would be the Beatle Queen instead.

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