• Published 26th Jul 2012
  • 1,601 Views, 14 Comments

A Heroes Always Welcome - discord7

A veteren is injured at war and mysteriously transported into Equestria.

  • ...

Stronger Than Steel

Applejack ran into my room to wake me up the next day.

"DAD! DAD, BIG MAC IS GONE!" she pounced on my bed to get me up, I turned over.

"I know." I replied.

"What? You know how can ya'll already know he's gone?" she sounded confused and hurt.

"'Member when you told me he wanted to talk to me last night," I told her getting to look at her, "He told me last night he was going overseas for the war."


"But nothing," I told her, "your brother is an adult he can make his own decisions." my lips curled into a smile, I ruffled her already messy hair, "He'll be fine ok?"

"Ok..." she choked out holding back her tears.

I looked out the window, I really did hope he would be ok.

Two months passed and we haden't heard from Big Macintosh. Applebloom was devastated when she heard he had left to take my place. She kept looking down the path that led off the farm just to see if he was coming back, every time she saw that he wasn't she'd look down and sigh.

One day while the family was on a break from applebucking we saw little Applebloom running down the orchard two letters in her mouth. She stopped on a dime at the foot of the steps.

"WE GOT MAIL!" she shouted.

We all got down off the porch to see what had gotten the little filly so excited.

"Well who's it from?" AJ asked.

"Big Mac!" Applebloom said happily.

Applejack snatched the letter away from Applebloom, "Hay!" she pouted.

AJ ripped open the letter and began reading.

Hey ya'll,
It's me Macintosh, Ah'm doin' fine here. Course Ah wrote this ta tell ya'll Ah miss ya and can't wait ta come home. Grubs not the same as home cookin'.

Granny chortled.

Ain't much ta do here when we're not off fightin' off enemies. Sarge say's the war'll be over real soon, he say's we'll all be goin' home here in the next two weeks. Until then Ah'll see ya'll later, Ah'll be home for cider season.

We all looked at each other relived that Big Mac would be home soon.

"So what's that other letter for?" I asked Applebloom.

"Oh!" she said leaning over and picking it up off the ground, somehow it had gotten dropped in the struggle for Big Macintoshes letter.

"It's from Ponyville Intensive Care." she said.

I took it and opened it and began reading.

Dear Apple Buck,
We are pleased to tell you that your specially made prostetic legs have been compleated. You may come in at any time and present this letter and we will scedual you for a fitting and reahabilitation. Once more thank you for your services to your country.


Dr. Cureall.

I finnished reading it and the whole family cheered.

"Well we gotta get you in for yer appontment, dad." Applejack prompted.

So much good news in one day. I stopped myself when I realized it. I was becoming attached to this family, it was Bucks family this should be his moment. I felt sorry for having taken it away from him. I just hoped one of my dreams would allow me to talk to him soon.

The family and I took a cab to the PVIC unit. I presented the letter and the nurse told me to take a seat and the doctors would be with me shortly.

I sat down and waited. And waited. And waited. Have I told you how much I hate waiting rooms? I have? Ok, well I hate waiting rooms even more now. I began getting drowsy, hay why not if I'm gunna be here much longer might as well take a...

I don't remember falling asleep and I don't remember waking up but I was here again. Buck was waiting, was he expecting me, had he called for me?

"Had a good time?" he asked.

"Well I have to admit your family is quite entertaining, yes." I told him.

He chuckled but I heard the strain of him holding back his real emotions.

"What's wrong Buck?" I asked placing a hand on his shoulder.

"That's MY family," he began to tear, "that's supposed to be MY moments with them, MY happyness."

I thought about what he said, he had a point. I was taking his precious moments away from his family while he wasted away here in this desolate place.

"So that time I visited here and you said you were talking to your wife..." I trailed off.

He didn't answer for a while. He got up and trotted over a few feet ahead, I followed and watched him tap the ground as it rippled.

I saw a picture of his wifes face, he got choked up seeing it.

"Hey there Cinnomon." he said with tears straining out.

I watched him, I knew I would feel the same way if I had lost my wife. Although right now I knew I just might have. I had a sudden empty feeling, I knelt down and placed a hand on his shoulder. He looked up at me.

"You loved her more than anything in the world." I told him, he nodded and looked back at the puddle, the image dissapated.

"It's not enough just to see her," I said he sat quietly and listened, "but the bond you share is stronger than steel. You will always see her again." I told him.

I was suddenly hearing my name being called, I snapped to attention. I went in and got the legs fitted on, it felt good to walk on them.

"Now we're going to have to do a little rehabilitation." the doctor told me.

I ignored him, I broke into a gallop. I was out the door, Applejack fast on my tail. I was dodging and weaving out of the way of passing nurses until I burst through the doors of the hospital. I reared up and let out a roar of pride.

I looked back at the doctor and Applejack both staring at me, I was breathing heavily.

Doc smiled, "Ok, I think that concludes the rehabilitation. Here's your perscription for some pain killers if it starts to hurt just take two and lie down."

I nodded. I took a determined look at Applejack, my shiny new high tech legs glistening in the evening sun.

"Wanna race?" I asked.

And like that we took off towards the farm.