• Published 19th May 2017
  • 1,240 Views, 19 Comments

Changing for Love - Silver Inkwell

When Cadence meets a small filly she changes her life for the better, but will the filly do the same with Cadence?

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Prologue: The Unusual Meeting/ The Strange Encounter
Cadence stood all alone in the garden crying to herself because she was alone, scared, and nervous too, she did not care about anypony else right now, and nothing was able to cheer her up, but princess Celestia knew what she really needed, a friend. As she sat there all alone she soon heard a rustling from one of the nearby bushes that was in the garden that she was currently in. She turned to look at the noise with great fear, “Who goes there?” she asked nervously and soon enough a reply was heard back in a small quiet and nervous voice too.

“Please, don't hurt me, I was just watching, I don't mean any harm, I swear it.”

“Come out then, I wish to see you,” Cadence said staring at the bush.

A pair of deep green eyes stared back at her, “No, please don't make me, I’m a monster, I don't want to be seen by other ponies, my mother says that other ponies are mean, that they don't understand us, that they never will because they don't love us, and that’s why we can't ever be friends, but I was just curious, please don't hurt me, I need to go home otherwise my mother will be furious with me, and I would rather not face her wrath and fury, she’s scary then.”

“Little one, I promise that no matter what you might look like or be I will not bring harm unto you and I shall do my very best to keep you safe until I die. Now then would you please come out so that I may see what you are?”

The pair of deep green eyes blinked and then went behind the bush, “Well, if you promise, mommy never goes back on her own word despite what the others like ponies might say about it. But okay, I'll come out, but don't be quick to anger or fear, and please don't try to judge me either, I want us to be friends.”

“Me too, little one, oh, by the way, I forgot to ask you what your name is.”

“It’s Chrysalis, and what about you?” the voice said back to her.

“You can call me Cadence, but I can't greet you properly unless you come out first,” she said warmly smiling to the bush. She could hear the sigh from this child and soon enough a black hoof poked out… but it was dotted with holes.

“Uh hello there,” Cadence said shaking the hoof, “What are you anyways?”

Chrysalis sighed and took a step outside of the bush and Cadence did everything that she could not to scream at the sight of this thing that only looked like a monster. “We’re called changelings, and well, we feed off of love, and I wouldn't blame you if you decide to scream at me right now because most ponies do just because they’re afraid of something new that they never took the time to know, and I don't want that between us, but I can't control what you do either.”

Cadence looked at the small black filly and slowly decided what to make of her, she didn't look dangerous, but then again, looks could be dangerous.

But she was also just a filly, could she even hurt another pony, even if she wanted to? Cadence didn't know, after all, she did hear that they fed off of love, whatever that entailed. However, the black filly did look quite harmless even though some holes riddled her body in random and various locations and she had clear (sort of blue) insect like wings and a horn and Cadence wondered at once if she could be some type of alicorn like she was. “Are you an alicorn?” she asked. The other black filly, Chrysalis, blinked in chock and surprise at this question and looked at Cadence like she was some sort of strange pony.

“What?” Chrysalis asked in return to Cadence with some slight shock.

“You know, wings and horn, just like me,” she said.

Chrysalis tilted her head and looked confused, but then shook her head, “No, I do not believe that the future queens of the hive or any changeling is a type of alicorn, although I could be wrong, our history is very old and is lost and forgotten at most times, but even the things that are remembered are shaky at best. But before you ask, I’m here because I’m lost, scared, and nervous too.”

Cadence looked at her, “How did you know that I was all of that, how?”

“I can read emotions from other ponies, even see them in colors too, it’s very useful for feeding and smelling, or rather detecting large quantities of love. But then I saw you crying and I was curious and I thought I almost felt bad for you.”

“But why would you feel bad for me?” Cadence asked.

“That’s exactly what I asked myself because the ponies never feel bad for us.”

“Well, I would, and I’m sure that my friends and family would too.”

“Wait, what are you trying to say to me?”’ Chrysalis asked.

“I’m saying that not all ponies are bad, and no matter what you think you are or might be, even if that is a monster which I assure you that you are not, well, guess what, everything can change, even if slowly with time, you can change, I can change, we all can change, I guess maybe even changelings can change too.”

Chrysalis laughed a bit at that last part, “We can change into anypony or anything so I wouldn't imagine physical change would be too hard, just maybe mental and emotional,” she said while Cadence stared at her with shock.

“Wait, you can turn into anything or anypony?” Cadence asked

“Yes, but only if we’ve seen them or it before, the more time you spend with something the better you are at imitating it,” she relied back hesitantly.

“Can you change into me?” Cadence asked with some curious anxiety.

“Well, okay, if you want me to,” Chrysalis said as a green flash went up in the air and there now stood yet another Cadence. Cadence blinked with surprise.

“Wow, you look just like me…” Cadence said.

“I also sound like you too,” Chrysalis said, “Would you like me to change back?”

“Yes please,” Cadence said nervous about seeing herself like this in this new kind of way, she was also kind of worried what other ponies might think if they saw two of her, they might be worried and scared, then again, the sight of Chrysalis herself would probably be enough to scare them anyways and call her a monster.

But Cadence for all that she was worth, did not think she was a monster.

Chrysalis sighed and turned back into her normal form as Cadence smiled at her warmly. “You sure do seem to smile a lot, any reason for that?”

“There’s lots of reasons, but you only need a reason to be mad and/or sad, you don't always need a reason to smile, it can just be something natural that you do, besides, I don't care what the others might think about you or call you, I don't think that you’re a monster and I don't believe that you can be one either.”

Chrysalis looked at her with shock and surprise and then started to smile, “That is literally the nicest thing that anypony has ever said to me before,” she said as tears of joy and relief started to flow down from her eyes unto her face.

“It’s okay, there’s no need to cry,” Cadence said going over to hug her very tightly.

“No, it’s okay, these are tears of joy and relief I think,” Chrysalis said.

“Good, because I don't want those to be tears of sadness,” Cadence said.

“Trust me, they aren't,” Chrysalis said still enjoying the hug, “Thank you.”

“For what? I didn't do anything,” Cadence said.

“No, you did everything just by giving me some time, attention and love.”

“Do you not have that in your own home?”

“You mean the hive? No, my parents are too busy with the rest of the children to even really take care of me as they should, they care about the safety of the hive, and that means all of their children equally, and not just one, even if that one will be the queen someday. I wish that they did have more time for me though.”

“Well, I'll always make and have time for you, even if they won't, and you’ll always be welcome to come over to my house no matter the day or time, you can talk, play, eat, rant, vent, ramble, or do whatever else that you might want, okay?”

“Really?” Chrysalis asked.

“Yes, of course, that’s what I would do for my friends, and I want you to be my friend,” Cadence said to her hoping that this was the right thing to do.

“Are you serious about this?” Chrysalis asked.

“Yes, I am, Chrysalis,” Cadence smiled at her.

Chrysalis smiled, “Very well then, I accept being your friend, whatever that means,” she said. Cadence laughed at her young foolishness.

“Oh, trust me, you will soon see what that means in all the tiny little details.”

“I don't like the tone of your voice,” Chrysalis said nervously.

“Trust me, you soon will,” Cadence said with a great grin.

And with that said Cadence took Chrysalis off to see all the wonders and joys of pulling off pranks, flying some kites, going to a part, makeup (and makeovers), sleepovers (or rather sleep ins, or rather even slumber parties), and also many more things over the years, but for day number one, it was just talking.

They talked on for many hours out of the sight of other ponies even though Chrysalis soon grew to like Cadence and could stand to be with her in her normal form, but she told Cadence that she wasn't quite ready to see other ponies yet.

Cadence understood that quite well and so they just talked and didn't move beyond their little secret and hidden garden that they had together. They talked on for many hours about life, their parents, and even more about other stuff too.

“So, what’s your family like?” Chrysalis asked Cadence.

“Well, they’re dead, but princess Celestia raises me like her own daughter.”

“Oh, well, sorry to hear about your parents, but I am glad to hear about princess Celestia, does she take good care of you? What’s she even like anyways?”

“Well, she does take very good care of me if you bothered to listen, and she’s like, well, it’s kind of hard to describe unless you meet her first, but she’s the kindest, gentlest, and most generous pony that I have ever seen before, and humble too, although she will take great pride in some things, even if they seem small and insignificant and trivial too. She also has a reputation for jokes too.”

“Well maybe I can meet her sometime if she’s as nice as you say that she is,”

“Well, I don't know, maybe, we’ll have to see, it depends…”

“Upon what?” Chrysalis asked curious as to what she meant.

“On what she says of course,” Cadence replied back.

“Why? Do you not think that she won't want to see me?”

“No, well, maybe, I don't know, I have a little bit of doubt, but that’s only natural.”

“Oh, very well then, if you say so,” Chrysalis said.

“I do, but I assure you that I only hope for the best,” Cadence said.

“Me too,” Chrysalis said.

“Yeah, I guess it doesn't really matter what we look like so long as we get along and agree on some stuff, if we can do that then I’m sure this will work out just fine, maybe even great depending upon how well we get to know each other.”

“Indeed, I couldn't agree more,” Chrysalis said.

They smiled at each other, waved each other goodbye, and soon a guard could be hard for Cadence, and with a gasp of shock and surprise Chrysalis dive into the bushes again rustling it and making a very loud noise and sounds.

“What was that?” one guard asked moving towards the sounds.

“I don't know, it could be Cadence, the girl is still missing.”

“Let’s go check it out.”

Slowly the two guards approached the noise and found Cadence there all alone.

“Oh, that’s a relief, it’s just Cadence, go tell a guard to go tell princess Celestia this great and glorious news,” the guard said moving towards her, “We were all very worried about you, we would have been here sooner, but I guess fate delayed our arrival because some of the guards are sick and Celestia was taking a nap, but why ever did you leave? Were you sad, did something upset you?”

“Yes, I was upset and sad, when I saw the party and everypony being happy, it reminded me about my parents, and then Celestia said that we were here to honor and remember them, I just wanted to cry and scream and shout, and I ran away, I found this place by accident and I met a new f-,” she stopped.

“A new what?” The guard asked with curiosity.

“Oh, nothing, none of your concern, but I think that I am more than well and fine, I think, no, I wish to return to the party, but I do have a question first, if I hypothetically met someone new, like a friend, would it be okay to bring them along even if they looked… well… let’s put it this way, different.”

“If hypothetically you did meet someone here and they were not already a guest by the princess, a guard, the castle staff, or other such respective class then they would be considered an intruder and it would be your duty and responsibility to report this to princess Celestia and if at all possible, bring them in.

“Why do you ask? Did such a thing happen to you?”

“Uh, maybe?” she said.

“Cadence, I want you to tell me the truth.”

“I don't want to, what if you hurt her?”

“Her? So, wait, you did meet someone new? One that you call a friend now?”

“Yes, I did meet someone new, but I want to talk to princess Celestia about this!”

“Cadence,” the guard said with a sigh, “You should have told us this in the first place, what if they hurt you? You just can't make new friends from strangers unannounced willy-nilly, I’m all for making friends and all, but not at the risk or cost of your own life and safety which might I remind you, we are sworn to protect, you running away puts a whole lot of pressure on all of us to do better.”

“I know Mark… I mean Mr. Notch,” Cadence said sheepishly almost forgetting the rule to call him by his last name since he liked it a lot better, in fact it was rather more of a nickname now than anything else, “But she was just so nice, she had a good heart, I could tell, and if I wasn't there for her to be her friend, well maybe her heart would have turned black and cold just like her parents, I could tell because I can see into the hearts and minds of others, she didn't have a lot of love from her family, respect sure, but definitely not enough love.”

“How can you be so sure of this, about well, any of this?”

“Because I just am,” Cadence said with a slight warm smile now.

Notch sighed and took off his helmet and oh no, Cadence knew where this was going, a lecture, a moral, a lesson, not every guard did this, but Notch was famous for it since he was one of the guards assigned to the princesses themselves, he had the highest honor and reputation possible (although not every medal) and he had grown used to Celestia’s jokes, but he had also taken the habit to try to teach as well, in fact he always said that if he wasn't a royal guard that he would be a teacher, and for good reason too. Cadence sighed, she didn't hate these lectures, after all, they did help her learn and improve, she actually could enjoy and like them, but they started to grow boring after a while, she wanted something new and exciting, not a constant reminder of the past.

“Do you know what this helmet means, what it represents?” he asked. Cadence shook her head eager to get on with this new lesson and moral. Notch sighed, “I thought so, well let me tell you what it means, what all of my armor means. You see the helmet is to protect our head which holds our mind, that means it can protect our knowledge, maybe even help us focus in battle, our chest plate protects our heart, our emotions and feelings and gives us strength.

Our shield is to protect all of us, and our swords, our spears, we use weapons to attack our enemies and destroy the thing that we need to, we end it, we get rid of it, and we do not allow it to continue living, because if it does live it will only bring more harm, pain, agony, sorrow, strife, chaos, and destruction to other ponies, and it is our job, our duty and responsibility to make sure that does not happen and if at all possible that it will never happen. Darkness will try to destroy us only if we let it just like all bad evil things, and guess what, sometimes the darkness hides so well as something else that it’s not because that’s what it is good at, hiding, waiting for the right moment to strike, it poses as something else that it is not, anything else, and the moment that we let it in, that we show it our weakness is the moment that we will lose, because only then will it strike us, when we our at our weakest most vulnerable moment, when our mind, body, and soul is completely and utterly broken and destroyed. And once we do that we may never be able to recover from the damage and pain that it causes us, some things do and will heal in time, but that doesn't mean that there won't be scars left behind to always remind us about the past, and they will always be there to haunt us forever until the day that we die, and no matter what we might try we will never be able to get rid of them because they will remain as echoes and shadows of the past. Do you get what I’m trying to say here, do you?”

“No, not really, but I will guess that it has something to do with protecting our mind, body, and soul at all times?” Cadence said.

“Well, yes and no, it is important to do that, but you also have to always remember why the armor is important, why it protects you, it’s because you wear it, and somepony else forged it, it doesn't matter what material it is made out of, if you don't wear it then it can't help you, and if you do not allow others to help you in the heat of a fight or battler then you will lose and you will fail and you will fall victim to the enemy. You might know how to use a weapon, but nopony else can help you out with it and train unless you decide to take action first. Armor and weapons are only as effective as the ponies that make and use them.”

“So, basically what you’re saying is that I should not only protect myself, but allow others to help and protect me too even if I don't think that they are worthy to do it, or even if I don't like and/or respect them?” Cadence asked.

“Well, yes, more or less, and I ask that you try to respect and like the royal guard, we work very hard at our jobs to make life plain, simple, and easy for you, but if word got out that we lost you it would reflect very poorly upon us and it would take the actions of many to outdo just one action of one pony, after all, the way one acts could reflect a group or race, and anypony not already familiar with it will take great weight on the first thing that they see from the member of said group or race, and until other disprove the actions of one you will probably have assumptions that may or may not be wrong about the group or race.”

“Oh, I see, you’re saying that not only do my actions reflect poorly upon the guards, but also that of princess Celestia too?”

“Indeed, how would it look if the princess could not even take care or track of a simple child like you, especially if they were an alicorn too at that.”

“Well, I’m sorry, I'll try not to do it again.,” Cadence said.

Notch sighed, “I suppose that will work out for now, I know your rules and policy about making a promise unless you know for certain that you can and will keep it, and you also remember all the promises that you do make, it’s actually quite amazing and very honorable is you ask me, if you weren't an alicorn I’m sure that you would make a very fine royal guard serving the princesses and all.”

“Yes, and I thank you for keeping watch and doing your job, duty, and responsibility, but I am a big girl now, I can take care of myself, and I am an alicorn, I have more advanced magic and strength than any other pony even if I don't know how to quite use all of it. But you also need to relax just a bit, please.”

“Thank you for your concern and worries,” Notch said with a slight laugh and smile, “I will take them to note and try to improve for your pleasure.”

Cadence smiled at the small little exchange of talk that they had, and although she was not friends with every royal guard member she did know Notch very well, in fact if she ever did grow up to be a princess as Celestia had promised her then she wanted to take Notch in under her own rule and command (so long as Celestia was okay and fine with that of course). They had spent so much time together that Cadence actually now did consider Notch a friend, her friend.

Soon enough however the sound of a pair of huge great big wings could be heard as a shadow was cast over the garden, but this was not from any wild storm or rain clouds, no, this was from something much closer and much more intimidating too. It was the shadow of none other than princess Celestia herself. Notch as was custom quickly bowed just a little and enough in respect for her (even though Celestia herself had said many times that he did not need to) while Cadence did not move at all since she was technically family of Celestia.

“There you are, my little one, wherever have you been? Me and my guards have been looking everywhere for you, luckily word got to me that you were here. But I hope that you have not gotten into any kind of danger or trouble while you were out and away,” Celestia said dropping down to the ground and landing with light gentle grace. The expression on her face was a hard one to tell, it wasn't anger or sadness, not grief or sorrow, more like relief mixed in with some slight concern and maybe, just maybe a touch of hidden anger and sadness deep down inside.

“I’m sorry auntie, but I was just sad and angry,” Cadence said.

“It is okay, I am glad that you are safe at any rate, now then, will you please tell me if anything strange or unusual happened while you were lost?”

Cadence looked at Notch for advice, but he usually only would just shrug and smile at her as he did on this important (and probably very special) occasion. Cadence however, sighed and looked at Celestia, “Yes, it did.”

“Oh, well then, would you mind telling me what happened, please?”

Cadence sighed again, “I met this really nice pony and we talked for a bit, she was harmless and she didn't even hurt me and I just want us to be friends, she even expressed an interest in meeting you, and she’s sort of like me you know, she doesn't get enough love and attention from her family too, although I don't know why she kept using the word hive, in fact come to think of it I don't even know what a changeling is, but they can't be all that bad if she’s like that.”

Celestia paused and looked at Notch who looked very worried and concerned, “Wait, Cadence, did you say that she called herself a changeling?”

“Yes, why?” Cadence asked. Celestia took a big breath in before she went on.

“Cadence, my dear, what was her name and is she still here?”

“Well, she said her name was Chrysalis and I’m not sure if she’s still here, I mean she did dive into the bushes so she’s probably trying to hide away and all.”

Celestia muttered a curse under her breath and something about only cowards and villains hid, but then she smiled at Cadence, “Well, if she is still here do you think that you can call her back out again? I would like to meet her very much.”

“Uh, okay, I'll try, Chrysalis? Chryssie? Are you here? Hello?”

Celestia resisted every natural urge to gag at the nickname as it was quite familiar to one she had once used, but she did wince in some visible pain. There was no response or movement from any of the bushes and Cadence shrugged it off, “I guess she went away, I don't know, maybe she was scared or something.”

“Indeed,” Celestia said almost to herself, “Thank you for trying my dear, but I must have a word with the guards in private,” she said turning to notch and then leaned in to whisper these words, “Tell every guard to search for a small black filly child, but to also double check every single pony that enters these grounds and gardens, she could be anything or anyone, we have no idea what she could be or what she might not be, we have no idea where she is, but if you do find her tell the guards also this one very important thing above all else, you are not to harm or kill her, capture her alive, but do not harm her and do not try to force her to come against her will, make her feel welcome and invited, I want to see for myself if this child will pose the threat and danger that I think that she might.”

“Auntie Celestia, what’s going on?”

“Shush my child, there is no reason why you should worry yourself over this or about what you might have done wrong, I assure you that this is not of your own doing or faults. But I would politely wish and request that you stay inside more, and away from this spot, unless you think your ‘friend’ would like to meet me here again,” Celestia said hoping for the best possible outcome.

“Well, I don't know, maybe, I didn't really get the chance or time to ask her…”

“Very well then, that is fine my child, all is well, all is alright and fine.”

“Are you sure? You seem very anxious and nervous.”

“Yes, everything is fine, and I am only concerned which makes me worried.”

“Oh, okay, but what is your concern and worry about?”

“You and her, but most of all, you. Now please, go to your room, this is not a punishment, it is merely just a precaution my child, please, go.”

Cadence sighed, “Very well then, as you wish,” she said leaving to go to her own room and soon enough every guard was searching for Chrysalis, but she was never found that day or in the following days because she had left, and it would not be for a very long time (in the terms of Cadence) that she would be able to see her again. And when she finally did, things had changed very dramatically.