• Published 11th Jul 2012
  • 9,430 Views, 730 Comments

A Tale of Two Mares - CharmingChaos

Octavia and Vinyl Scratch start a life - and a family - together, much to Octavia's mother's disgu

  • ...


Octavia was dreaming about rabbits.

It was an odd dream, she didn't even like rabbits. These ones were purple and orange and green and pink, which was odd, and they were singing the Pony Pokey.

Octavia was trying to make them be quiet.

Stop singing, Rabbits!

You step your left hoof in...


You kick your back left in, you kick your back left ou-- RAAAARRR!!

Octavia opened her eyes, with a squeak, suddenly aware that she was having trouble breathing.


"RAAAARRRR!!" A pair of blurry red eyes forced themselves into her vision as it slowly downed on Octavia what was happening. Vinyl Scratch, who sat straddling her middle in some sort of pounce stance, let her horn flicker with a little pop and Octavia found herself able to see, her contacts having been magically put in.

"Now," Vinyl said in a gravelly voice. "You said I, the Epic Makeout Monster, could finish eating you when we were back in Canterlot, and since we got here last night, I thought this would be the perfect time."

"Ugh, Vinyl, not now," Octavia groaned. "We both have things to do, its Monday. I have to go to my Symphony practice, you have to, I don't know, create some new wubs or something--"

"Silly Octy, it's 5:30 in the morning. And we don't have to go anywhere today because we just got back from Ponezia. I gave us two hours until I have to stop making you the happiest victim alive," Vinyl growled, doing her best to sound fierce while giving Octavia her puppy face, the only thing the grey mare couldn't say no to.

Octavia groaned again, but it quickly turned into a giggle as Vinyl began lapping at the side of her neck, nipping her skin and using her tongue to tickle Octavia right where she knew it would be most effective.

Octavia clamped her chin down against her neck, but Vinyl's sharp muzzle prodded underneath. "This," Vinyl said, grinning toothily, "Is the best form of torture I could come up with. A lick-down!"

Octavia let out a sharp gasp as Vinyl's tongue prodded her neck again, but the crazy white mare quickly moved on, covering Octavia's entire face in saliva in a matter of seconds. She stopped for a few, well, okay, about ten, minutes to explore Octavia's mouth with her own, then moved quickly to her ears.

Octavia, who had sat through the whole face-licking procedure patiently, lingering on the kisses in the middle, flicked her ears in annoyance, watching in satisfaction as they hit Vinyl's cheeks with a light slapping noise.

For a moment Octavia added her own tongue to the mix, licking and biting Vinyl's throat gently and making her squeal before shoving her off, tired from lack of sleep and too much, well, too much Vinyl Scratch.

They two slightly sticky ponies lay next to each other for a while, silent but awake.

"It's not hot, you know," Octavia said presently, breaking the silence.

"What isn't hot? Your mom?"

"No. Getting woken up in the middle of the night by somepony who's sitting on you and roaring. And then getting your face practically licked off by that same somepony, who just happens to know where all your ticklish spots are." Octavia replied, earning a sharp jab between the ribs, another place she was ticklish. "Stop that!"

"I thought it was," Vinyl looked stubborn. "It's better than if I woke you up by dumping ice water one your head and slapping you. Besides, I got up and brushed my teeth first."

"Eh. Maybe you'd get it if I woke you up the same way,"

"You could try," Vinyl suggested, eyes glinting hopefully.

"Ugh. You don't get it. No, Vin'. I love you, but that doesn't mean I'm going to act like a dog and wake you up roaring and licking you. I dare say you'd like that a lot, but I'm not going to do it. I don't like licking anypony, even you." Octavia crossed her hooves over her chest.

"You licked me a second ago."

"Th-that was to get you off of me!" Octavia protested, flushing.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. All I know is that I have a different opinion on the hotness of it, and I only barely got a taste of it. Haha, a taste, get it?"

"No." Octavia refused to rise to the bait. "Go wake Tamby, Puppydog. Lick her instead."

"Ew, no! I'm not licking my own daughter. That's weird!" Vinyl made a face.

"No weirder than licking me," Octavia grinned, triumphant.

"Yes, it is! Licking your marefriend is considered flirtatious, as in a nice, loving thing to do, whereas licking your own foal is considered animalistic and uncouth."

"My, what a big filly you are," Octavia giggled. "Where'd a little thing like you learn words like 'flirtatious' and 'uncouth'?"

"Comes from living with a snobby cellist." Vinyl stuck out her tongue. "Uppity-ness is contagious, I guess."

"Snobby? I'll show you snobby!" Octavia shrieked. "No kisses for a week. None. Of any kind at all. No pecks on the cheek, no quick kisses goodbye and hello, no sloppy, doggy-style makeouts like how you woke me up this morning, nothing! See if you can live with snobby before you call me that!" On impulse, Octavia added a foalish little, "So, ha!" to the end, making Vinyl giggle like a schoolfilly.

"Well, you have to live with the no kiss thing too, then. So it backfires!" Vinyl cackled gleefully, dodging a playful swipe of Octavia's hoof.

Oh, horseapples.

"Well, I, er, I had enough kisses this morning to last me a week! So there!"

"We'll see about that. Unless you agree to my terms, which are just like yours, but it's no kisses except the kind I woke you up with, the wetter the better! That's my agreement and I'm sticking to it!"

Octavia harrumphed, not wanting to admit she'd been outdone. "We can't do that, because I refuse to show to much affection in public. But... I guess I couldretractmypartofthedealIguess," She mumbled, eyes downcast.

"Pardon? I didn't quite catch that last bit, Octy. Mind repeating it?" Vinyl grinned, her crimson eyes sparkling with laughter.

"I said I might consider retracting myendofthedeal."

"Hmmmmm," Vinyl pretended to think, scratching her chin quizzically and gloating. "I guess maybe I could agree to that, as long as I get to lick you one more time."

Octavia sighed. "Alright. One more lick, then we're through with the dog stuff. Promise?"

Vinyl spat on her hoof and stuck it out towards Octavia. "Promise."

They shook, and Vinyl ran her tongue over her lips, tormenting Octavia, eyes glinting with evil laughter, like a filly who knows she's doing something wrong, but doesn't care. Testing the limits.

"Ugh!" Octavia exploded. "Just get it over with so I can was my face!"

Vinyl hesitated a moment longer, then swooped in, giggling as she ran her tongue over Octavia's entire face in one long trail. At last Octavia squirmed free, face scrunched up in disgust.

"Eyach!" She squealed, rubbing her face on the sheet. "Why does your tongue have to be so spitty?"

Two showers and many angry looks later, Octavia sat on the sofa, warily reading Equestria Daily, which Vinyl thought should have a different name because they only got it on Sundays.Octavia explained that that was simply because Vinyl was too cheap to buy the full week subscription.

Vinyl Scratch was laying on the floor, headphones firmly over her ears, letting Tambourine try to lift one of her hooves, without much success.

The little filly pointed a hoof toward the kitchen, brows furrowed into a sort of frown. She took her mother's hoof in her mouth for a moment, gumming it to get the white mare's attention. Vinyl slid off her headphones, watching the filly with a smile.

"Wuh," said Tamby, pointing again, urgently. "Wuh, wuh, wuh, wuh, wuh."

Vinyl gasped. "'Tav, did you hear that?" She said breathlessly. "She said her first word! And it was wub!"

Octavia peered over her newspaper, eying the filly doubtfully.

Vinyl scooped the filly up, kissing the top of her head and spinning her around. "Oh, Mommy's so proud, my little angel! Go on, say it again!"

Tambourine giggled, drooling slightly out of the side of her nearly toothless smile. "Wuh, wuh, wuh!"

"See? She did it again! Tamby's gonna be a DJ just like Mommy!" Vinyl giggled happily, hugging Tambourine.

"Vin', that wasn't her first word, she says wuh all the time. Along with buh, muh, cha, gah, goo, and I don't know how many other sounds. It's baby talk."

"I'm pretty sure she meant wub. She was pointing at me," Vinyl assured Octavia, still grinning.

"She also pointed at me," Octavia pointed out. "And if she says cha and I say she's going for cello, therefore it's her first word, would you believe me?"

"No. Cha isn't as close to cello as wuh is to wub. Besides, I've never heard her say cha."

"She's talking baby talk. It's not her first word, but whatever her first word it, I bet it won't be wub. Wub isn't even a word. You made it up, and all the other DJs copied you."

"That just makes it a better word, because it's my word, not just some random baby word like ball." Vinyl retorted, beginning to get frustrated.

"Wuh, wuh?" Tambourine asked, looking worried.

"Your mama's bein' a poo-head. Just ignore it, Tamby-sweet." Vinyl hugged her close in a comforting manner. "She doeshn't know what she's talking about. You're a big, smart filly who just said her first word, and Mommy's weal pwoud of you."

"Enough of the baby-talk already! It's fine for Tamby, but you can speak almost perfect English, so lay off it! And I am not a poo-head!" Octavia huffed, sick of the whole deal.

"Aww, wook at that, your Mama's getting all mad at us for nothing. That's not vewy nice of her, is it?"

"Wuh, wuh, wuh!" Tambourine giggled, putting her hoof in her mouth.

"Yeah, wub, wub, wub is wight, Tamby-wamby. That's the best song I ever heard, you're a remixing genius!" Vinyl sang out delightedly.

"Fine! If you want to believe her first word is wub, fine, But I don't, and I'm going to the den to read my newspaper without your baby-talk deafening .me!" At the door, Octavia turned an shouted back, "Oh, and by the way, saying wub, wub, wub, does not count as being a remixing genius."

"Aww, somepony's all saddy-waddy because you like my music bettow. Well, she deserves it, right Tamby-wamby, you little genius you. Why, you almost have mommy jealous of your skill."

"You almost have mommy jealous of your skill!" Octavia mimicked downstairs, rolling her eyes. "She doesn't have a clue what she's talking about..."

"Does she?"