• Published 11th Jul 2012
  • 1,662 Views, 54 Comments

Charles Pathfinder - A Gryphon in Canterlot - Xaratos

A Story about Charles Pathfinder living in Canterlo. See what happens to him. Thats my first Fanfic. I would be happy if you would post wht you disliked.

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Chapter 1 (rewritten)

Charles Pathfinder - a gryphon in Canterlot
Chapter 1 (rewritten)

Canterlot’s streets were always crowded. With all the Ponies buying groceries, dresses and other fine products that Canterlot was know for. It made the main street look like an ocean made out of Ponies. It wasn’t uncommon that the main street was so overcrowded. After all Ponies from everywhere came here to buy Canterlot’s finest products. It was a wonder that anypony could get through this crowd. And it was getting ten times harder for me to get through all these Ponies. But I had to. As I moved forward through the ocean of Ponies, my feathers brushed against the passing ponies, and many shot me an annoyed glance as the black tufts dung into to their fur. I was on my way to the castle and nothing could stop me. I was determined to change what life I had into something better. If the princesses can´t help me I would be forced to leave Canterlot and search a place where I could live better and especially survive. While I was walking and passing Canterlot many ponies shot me glances of disapproval. They looked at my beak and thought how terrible sharp it is and who would be my next prey. My paws have some sharp claws. I could split a pony in two halfs with them but I just use them for killing my prey. Since Ponies aren't my prey I am not gonna use them.

They thought i don't know what they are thinking. Monster...That is a word i heard often enough. So many thoughts were in my head. What are the Princesses gonna say? What are they gonna do? Are they going to be as cold as the other Ponies? Now I was getting near the castle grounds. The gate seemed like it was made out of pure gold. The guards in front of the castle gates were looking like they were so concentrated on their job. Their fur and their armor and everything looked like the same way. I was stopped by one of the guards.

“Halt! Name yourself, age and state your business!” The guard on the left side nearly yelled at me.

“My name is Charles Pathfinder, I am 21 years old and I wanted to attend to Princess Celestia`s and Princess Luna`s court. I have been told that I could take part in it and ask both Princesses for help.” I explained myself.

“Open the Gate!” The Guard on the right side yelled. “Private! I want you to accompany Mr. Pathfinder to the throne room.”

“Sir yes Sir.” The guard looked at me “Would you be so kind and follow me Sir?” I just nodded and entered the castle ground. As I entered the grounds I was surprised how many animals and critters there were. I was so interested that I nearly bumped into the Guard in front of me who was leading me to the Throne Room.

When we arrived there the heavy doors opened up and slowly I could see the faces of the Princesses. They were both sitting on two thrones, one looked like it was made out of marble. The light got reflected by Princess Celestia´s throne like the sun would be shining on the ground. Next to her was Princess Luna. Her throne was black coloured. Her throne gave the impression of calmness and it made me relax. But in the other side there was this dark and evil thin I couldn't put into a place. It seemed that she felt a bit of lonely. I was wondering how two simple thrones could give these feelings.

I snapped back to reality when Celestia started talking “Welcome and may I ask who you are?” her calmly and gentle voice caught me off guard. I was expecting a more hard and demanding voice.

“My name is Charles Pathfinder your Highness.” I said while bowing down. I felt really nervous.

“There is no reason to be nervous around us. So for what reason did you come here?”

“I wanted to ask you for help. You are my last hope.” I replied with a hint of needing help in my voice. “I have problems of finding a job because I lack of the education and most ponies here in Canterlot are afraid of a gryphon.”

“I see.” Celestia answered with a calm voice. Her horn started to flare and I could see her Magic grabbing a file which she floated to herself. She started reading the file. “So you have been in prison for two years Mr. Pathfinder?”

“I think we should offer him a job here in the castle. What do you think sister?” Celestia asked, sympathetic to my story.

“Art thou mad, sister?” replied Luna. “A pony he could slayeth with those claws. His mere presence hither frightens the ponies.”

Celestia remarked, “Oh and you were SO popular with the ponies during Nightmare Night.”

Luna blushed, “hush, thou shall not speakest of that night before me royal subjects... or... or I will...”

Celestia shook her head while smiling and turned her attention to me. Whatever nervousness I had when walking into the room with the two rules of Equestria was instantly gone. I tried not to giggle a little myself, and that's when Celestia brought up the issue of my past.

“You have been in prison for two years, were you not?”

It was a loaded question. I could either admit to her that I was a criminal who really committed theft, or I could imply that her justice system was flawed and her government convicted an innocent griffon. I just stared into her pink eyes while occasionally shooting a glance at her beautiful translucent flowing mane with a dumbfounded look on my face. What should I say in my defense?

“Princess, I...” As my sentence trailed off, Celestia seemingly recognized the quandary I was in.

“I will let what happened in your past stay in your past. Now, do you promise me with your honor, that you will not hurt another pony provided I find you a job?” The answer was obvious.

“Yes, your majesty.”

“Good. Any thoughts, Luna?”

“Perhaps the Canterlot weather team hath an opening for him.” My heart leap as I heard those words from Luna. If she was convinced that I was not a criminal at heart, then I would definitely get some sort of a job.

“Hmm, yes I do believe they are in need of assistance as of this moment.” Celestia teleported a blank scroll next to her and started writing using her telekinesis. “Charles Pathfinder?” She asked as she dripped wax onto a scroll and sealing it with a stamp. My wandering eyes once again met hers.

“Yes your majesty?”

“Take this to the weather team's office. I'm sure they will have something for you to do. If you work hard and prove your worth, perhaps one day ponies will view griffons not as dangerous creatures, but as a full fledged Equestrians. I'm counting on you Mr. Pathfinder, you could say... the fate of all gryphons rests in your paws,” Celestia smiled. I could not believe what I was hearing.

“The fate of all...” I whispered and I started to pale. My complete bod started to shake a little bit as I heared that.

“Oh I was just being melodramatic. Just do your part and I'm sure you will do fine.” I nodded my head before coming to my senses.

“Thank you, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. I don't know how I can ever repay this favor.” I bowed my head.

“Do you need anything else Mr. Pathfinder?” Celestia asked with a gentle smile.

“I think you know that i actually don't have any graduation. But I am studying most of the time I can spare. And somepony helped me with what I need to know.” I sighed “No school accepted me because they thought that I would be like a wild animal and attack other ponies.”

“I see. But that is not an excuse to not let a gryphon into school. I will take care of that and inform you what I can arrange.” She smiled gently and nodded “I have a student living in Ponyville and she likes studying. She is really educated. I could ask her if she can arrange a test for you.”

“That would be pretty nice.” I beamed. Two things solved in one day. “Thank you Princess Celestia and princess Luna. I still don't know how to thank you.”

“There is nothing you can thank us for. We were just helping out.”

“Our sister hath spoken the truth. We are hoping that thou are going to make the best out of what we are giving thou.” Princess Luna replied with a stern stare.

“I think that I am holding you off your royal duties your Majesties.” I tucked the scroll under my wing like it was an treasure. My left wing nearly started to hurt because of how strong I hold the scroll in my wing. I was so excited. Everything's gonna change after that meeting with the two Princesses.

Author's Note:

Thanks for Bronymaster and Creator for the help. I totall needed to rewrite this chapter.

If somebody wanna see the first Chapter just ask me :P