• Published 25th May 2017
  • 586 Views, 19 Comments

Gilded Tome, the hero of knowledge - Golden Tomb

I didn't expect my day to go this way:the more time that passes,the more powerful I can get, all thanks to a certain merchant. Huh

  • ...

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

I woke up to with a start, "what happened?, I was buying that cloak when I was knocked out... Aaaaaarrrrrgggggghhhhh, that was the merchant, I am so thick!!!I got so caught up in the con that I didn't even recognize him I'm such an idiot!! ...Ok, what do I look like?"

I was in some sort of cave, so I began looking for a pool of water, when I found one I wasn't that shocked. I looked like A cloaked shadow creature with two glowing gold eyes, matching my oc perfectly, of course and I didn't even dress up in his final form the beginner form was so much easier.

"Alright where am I?" I wandered for quite awhile before I found the cave opening. " well that's different, most displaced ended up in the everfree but I ended up in a desert. No one around for miles, great. Well better than timber wolf territory I guess." ... " Alright, first order of business,inventory then find civilization and finally start learning my new powers."

I began emptying my pockets, "let's see, sword, pistol, machete, dagger, viral dagger, gauntlets, mask, cloak, satchel, compass, map, 5 mre's, bag of bits, thermos, and magic tome. Not bad for a start, this should be enough for a one way trip in a single direction. Let's see, according to the map I am in the zebrican desert, their equivalent of the Sahara , great, ok I seam to be here near the edge I will need to travel northwest."

With that I ate an mre filled my thermos with water and began my journey.


It has been two days, I can see what looks like a caravan on its way from a nearby city. From the looks of it there are five zebras, two griffons, a minotaur, and a striped Pegasus all anthro. I have decided to watch them for a little while,I've hidden above a narrow pass so I will meet them just before they reach it. If things go wrong, the pass has many twists and turns so I should be able to escape everyone except the Pegasus, but she looks rather timid so she shouldn't be a problem.

"What is your homeland like bronzefist?" Asked the Pegasus.
"You would not like it young firefly, only the strongest of Minotaur even get homes and I am the weakest In my family. That is why I am not in my homeland now." replied bronzefist.

With there short conversation over I called out, "Hello, everypony."

Firefly jumped and bronzefist took out his spear, "Who and what are you creature?"

"My name is gilded tome, I was passing through this pass and saw you. Decided it would be good to gather information on the next town."

"Neighrobi would not allow a creature such as yourself in their walls. You haven't told what you are creature."

"I am a human, a being of change and knowledge, and as for them not letting me in, I merely need to buy some food and water, and to find a path to equestria."

"They will allow that, I think, but you will need an escort. We are headed to Neighrobi ourselves, so you may travel with us. Gather your things and we will escort you."

"Thanks, I already have all my belongings in my satchel, let's go."


We traveled for the rest of the day, bronzefist has informed me that we will reach Neighrobi tomorrow, so I lied down in the caravan and slept, ready to travel to Equestria the next day.


"Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!" I jumped up and took out my pistol, slowly I looked outside through the crack in the wall.

"Shut up, uuuggghhh! What is with mares and screaming, it's not like it will save them or something."

"Who cares, the boss told us to kill her before she gets back to equestria. I'm not going to be the one to tell him we failed."

"We aren't going to fail idiot we just need to put a spear in her gut, seriously you are such a coward."

I had been fooling around with my stuff since I left the cave, I found out I can manipulate each item in a different way. Like, making my gun silent.



'Pfft'. "Next time I won't miss, release the prisoners and lower your spear!"

"Ok! Ok! Just don't kill me!"

The stallion did as he was told and firefly tied him up, with that I stepped out.

"Any idea who this guy is?"

"None, I'm going to equestria to find my father. He was in the royal guard and was reassigned before I was born. He's all I have left."

"Well firefly, lets extract some info shall we?" I pulled out my dagger.

"Whoa! Whoa! I'll tell you whatever you want just don't hurt me!"

"Who do you work for?" I juggled my daggers.

"I don't know." I threw my first dagger in between his legs.

"I'll try again, who do you work for!!!?"

"I don't know! I don't know! I swear, he never showed his face!!" He began crying, "please, just font hurt me."

"This guy doesn't know anything, I'll watch him till we get to equestria. Get some sleep, bronzefist seems to have slept through everything."

With that I sat by the caravan were I could see our prisoner and slept.