• Published 14th Jun 2017
  • 1,008 Views, 31 Comments

Chrysalis eats a donut. - ponybird21

Chrysalis eats a donut. Hilarity and reformation ensures. How will everyone deal with this?

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Chryssie, Donut Princess of Justice.

Chrysalis sighed as she slumped on her make-shift throne. It was a poor excuse for a throne. It was made of hard, dusty rocks that made her itch when she sat on it, but she wanted to keep up the appearance of a queen. After the battle where she was defeated by that horrible, nasty, goody two-hoof Starlight and her merry band of freaks and traitors, she really had absolutely no idea what to do. It was a big problem. She was trying to come up with Changeling World Domination and Genocide of Ponies plans, but the plans, unfortunately, had too many 'holes' in them. She has no army, no power, and hardly any love. She was not even a proper queen anymore! All she had was a bent crown. And here she was, 'holed' up in a small, smelly cave that smelled of... Well... Rocks. Actually, there was no smell at all. But at least no one would find her here.

She looked up in surprise when she heard hoof-steps walking on the cave floor. Somepony had found her!? How? She had made certain that she was safe from being detected. She transformed into a boulder, and then waited. The hoof-steps were getting louder and louder. Whoever it was, they were very close. She tensed, waiting for them to shout that she was under arrest or something.


Chrysalis could not help it. She transformed back into her original form in surprise. What she saw was... Interesting to say the least. It was a thestral mare. Her coat was of an interesting pink, like cotton candy but darker. Her mane and tail were blue with lavender highlights that matched her eyes. Her mane was held up in a high pony tail with side bangs, while her tail was free flowing. She had a lavender scarf on and a golden bracelet. It was of a flying bird with the infinity symbol on it. Her deep purple wings clutches a huge package with something in it. Her expression was one of cheerfulness, not fear, like Chrysalis was used to. Overall, she was memorable, that was for certain.

"Oh, there you are Chryssie! I was looking for you! My name is Scribble Pen!" The mare said in a happy voice. Chrysalis looked at the thestral's cutie mark, seeing that the name made sense. It was a pencil scribbling a heart. It was of a light lavender.

Chrysalis straightened on her throne and asked, coldly "What are you doing here, Scribble? And why were you looking for me? I am known to suck love and leave dead bodies behind, you know."

Scribble smiled and said "Yeah, but you won't do that to me! I have something for you! A present!"

Chrysalis raised an eyebrow and said "Oh? Pray tell, what is it, and why would you give me something like that?"

Scribble grinned and said "Because I read in the local newspaper of Las Pegasus what Starlight, Trixie, Discord, and Thorax did to defeat you and save all of Equestria, and I felt really bad for you, so I figured you need some cheering up!" With that statement, the thestral grabbed her package and ripped off the paper, showing a bazooka. Chrysalis' eyes widened in fear. The mare wanted to kill her! Chrysalis opened her mouth to... Say something.... When the mare fired at her! Chrysalis screamed when her mouth suddenly burst with sugar, deliciousness, and a burning sensation. Chrysalis looked and saw that her mouth had a.... Hot donut in it! It was covered in a strawberry tasting frosting with sprinkles. Chrysalis' eyes rolled up in her head as she closed them and moaned at how good it was. Sadly, she finished it, and she looked at Scribble.

"That was delicious! Do you have a recipe? Please?" She begged Scribble.

Scribble nodded and said "Yessir! Here you go! Now, I got to go reform another baddie, but 'donut' worry! You can always make more!" With that being said, the thestral gave Chrysalis a sheet of paper and flew away.

Chrysalis grinned as she stared at the paper, than stopped. Wait. Did that pony just say... Reform? All she did was give Chrysalis a donut! Chrysalis wouldn't become some goody two-hoof hero. Chrysalis looked thoughtfully at the recipe, then gasped. She might have just had a delicious donut, probably the finest she had tasted, but what of the other creatures!? What if they have never had one as good as this? That would be true evil that even Chrysalis would not stoop down to. Even Cadence should not suffer an unknown torture of never eating these donuts! Not even Starlight! That would be worse than Tartarus!

With a determined look, while walking off her 'throne' and standing up proudly, Chrysalis said out loud "No longer will I be a villain. No. Today I will start a new life! A new fate! A new destiny! A new destiny of goodness, kindness, and deliciousness! No longer am I Chrysalis, the changeling queen, but I am Chryssie, The Donut Princess of Justice! I will make every creature in the entire world to taste this wonderful creation! And I will not stop until I die! And I will be a princess because Disney says that queens are evil, and I will not be evil!"

With that statement, Chrysalis, no, Chryssie clutched the paper close to her, threw her crown onto the floor, and flew away. She knew just the pony to make donuts for her! A certain pink party pony with a pink poofy mane and bright, bubbly blue eyes! Chryssie figured if she could convince Shining Armor that she was his wife, she could convince the element of Laughter to make some of the finest donuts the world would ever taste!

Because, how hard could it really be? All she had to do was to make them trust her and recognize her as a hero. That would be easy if she had donuts, right?


Author's Note:

Well! Whatcha think? This should not be taken seriously, at all, this is just a story I decided to base after my profile pick. If you have good donut puns, please let me know!
Overall, keep calm and eat hot donuts!
Oh, and don't forget to comment and tell me how I can improve! See ya all!