• Published 11th Jul 2012
  • 2,570 Views, 22 Comments

The Conversion Bureau: Legacy - Krass McWriter

A filly is picked on due to her heritage.

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TCB: Legacy

By: Krass McWriter

The tree was sobbing. Tears fell wet unto its dark trunk. This wasn't the first time this particular tree cried, nowhere near. The townsfolk had stopped giving notice to it. If mayhaps, it were some other tree weeping, it might raise suspicion. However, its sobbing was unnoticed by all who passed by the alley that led to it.

Willow was a young filly, around the age where one earns their cutie mark. She had a silky forest green mane that draped around her frame delicately, hence her name. Her coat was a pristine white, fairly reminiscent of fresh snow. The tree was comfort, a safe zone, one she had made use of increasingly often. She had started school just a few weeks ago, and thats where her troubles began.

Willow walked into the school house, it was already well into the school year."Hey is that the human?" One of the ponies asked, Willow couldn't see which one.

"No, her parents were human you foal." Another foal corrected a bit forcefully.

"So, shes like, not even really pony, huh?" A misguided question from a mind too youn to understand. The seed planted the grew into fruition off her misery.

"Willow?" A young colt, about Willow's, with a coat the color of lumber and a mane like gold quired the sobs.

"So, like, do you eat ponies? Do your parents eat ponies?" A colt in her class asked. The questions had become progressively aggressive.

"Go 'way Golden!" She sniffled, turning to face the other way despite the fact that she was obscured from his vision.

"Ha! Lookit at the blank flank!" A filly, soon to become one of Willow's most frequent source of mean spirited comments snided, turning away in a snubing motion.

"Of course she's a blank flank, human's don't get cutie marks!" Her lackey followed suit, desperate to impress her leader.

"I'm not going any where Willow, just come on down! Its getting dark!" He protested, growing a mite desperate.

"You can tell my parents I'm never leaving this tree!" Willow pouted, the world bleary through her tears.

"Ewww, my mom gave me a banana! Hey, monkey girl, wanna a banana?" One of her bullies jested, before throwing it at her, smaking her in the face and cause tears to well up.

"C'mon Willow, Feather Drop and Honey Cakes don't know what their talking about." He pleaded. "We'll go to Miss Winterhelm tomorrow."

"I... I don' wanna go back..." She sniffled, her chest weighing heavily with emotions.

"Ugh, as if it wasn't enough to be a monkey, she's ugly too." The same filly from before grimaced, looking quite disgusted.

"Willow, please." He put genuine concern in his voice, then added, "For me."

She perked up her ears ever so slightly. He was right, she couldn't stay up in her tree, not forever. She wiped a foreleg across her muzzle, niether now wet but still matted with tears.

"But... but no one even likes me! I'm just a stupid ugly monkey girl!" Willow bellowed and sobbed at the same time.

"Well, thats just not true!" Golden Sands stamped his hoof for punctuation. Willow stopped crying at the unexpectedness of his actions. He paused for just a moment, swallowed his own fears and continued. "Y-You're very pretty!" He stuttered, "You're sweet and nice and beautiful and its not fair that they pick on you all the time, you're more pony than they are! Plus, lots of people like you! Blossom, Sky, and your parents for one," He blurted before pausing and taking a more reserved tone. "a-and I like you too." He shied, playing at the ground with his hoof.

She perked her ears, partly in confusion, partly in hope. It was silent for a long while before the silence was broken. "Y-you like me? Like, like me like me?" She pried with her voice.

"Y-yeah. Yeah I do." He stumbled from the break in his momentum. "Now will you please come down?" He asked once more, much more level than before.

Willow considered it for a while before wiping her eyes once again and sneezing to clear to her nostrils. She then proceeded to jump off the branch she was on and spread her wings to float down gently. "You really think I'm pretty?" Willow asked, a slight blush upon her perfectly white muzzle, her voice waivering, her stance off balance. She looked as fragile as and as breath taking as a lone snowflake in early August.

"You're the prettiest filly I know..." Golden's muzzle glowered a slight red in response to Willow's. They both stood that way for moments that seemed like small eternities in and of themselves. Suddenly, Celestia's sun fell beyond the horizon and Luna's moon rose to the center of the night sky.

"Oh, uh, guess we forgot about it getting dark, eh?" He laughed weakly, still buzzing from the shared connection a scant few seconds prior. He looked into town as the lights came on, one by one like a row of dominos colliding into each other.

"Heh, yeah." Willow shared Golden's weak laugh.

"I can walk you home, that is if you want me to." Golden offered, hopefully. One more chance, one more was all he needed.

"I'd..." She dragged, mulling it over. "I'd like that." She smiled ever so faintly, she'd have one more chance.

The pair, one pegasus, one earth pony both just foals in the terms of life, set off into town. The wet, long grass found on the fringes of the town gave a feeling of being paded and uneven in contrast to the grass found in the town. It made a delightful crunching sound underneath their hooves that they both took small delight in.

The walk back to Willow's home was short and silent, both of them just delighting in one another's company. They needed no words, no further expression, they had each other. All too quickly however, they arrived on the doorstep of her house.

"Sooo... I guess I'll see you tomorrow then?" Golden queried.

"Yeah, I guess." Golden started to turn away and head back to his own home when Willow called out, "Golden, wait!" Golden turned but before he could react, Willow planted a soft kiss on his cheek. "Thank you." She smiled before dissapearing into her home.

-_-_-_-_-AUTHOR'S NOTES-_-_-_-_-

This started as thing where the other fillies and colts were gonna tease willow for having ex-human parents then I needed something to fill about 400-500 words so I shipped 'em.

Been meaning to write this for a WHILE.

Comments ( 21 )

A very touching little tale Krass, I enjoyed it a lot.

Glad to see you're not leaving


human's should be humans there, bud.

Eh the bottom note :rainbowlaugh:. Needed more to write... Shipping!

I think the notification system has some kind of bug, because I just got a second notification about this story being uploaded.
still, nice story.

Pretty good beginning.

*checks story frontpage*

Complete?:raritydespair: But I want more!

I liked the author's note more than I probably should have.

"Damn, story's too short. ...well, the hell with it. Shipping! Woo!"

That was fantastic!


(But then again, I write EVERYTHING from my phone:derpytongue2:)


Preeetty much


Because I dont have enough on plate already...

I enjoyed this, and shipping is good. Nothing wrong with shipping - the writer of 'Hearts and Hooves Day' be damned.

Why aren’t the Ponies perfect begins of love and compassion? Where are the not-so-subtle messages telling the reader that he should feel bad for being a human instead of a colorful pony? Is this really a Conversion Bureau story? I’m confused.:trollestia:

The interesting thing about this story is, that it could easily take place outside the Conversion Bureau universe. All someone has to do is making the other kids bullying Willow for begin a blank flank and no-one could tell that it’s a TCB tale. For some people this may be actually a good thing.

This story also contains what is probably the funnies explanation for a ship. The little romance between Willow and Golden Sand is still cute even if it’s just there to reach the 1.000 words limit.

All in all this was nice little story with a lack of preachiness that ruins some other TCB stories for me. In my own opinion Ponies are far from begin perfect. They can be as mean as your average human, especially fillies.

When in doubt, ship everything.

Huh, thanks for making short I needed to go and do my job!
Nice story, though I am now curious as to wether a "sequel" is going to eventually occur showing Willow further down the road of life,
But regardless, off to my job! ...That sounds weird to me :applejackunsure:

Wild TCB appears!
READER is paralyzed!

I liked this. My only complaint is it's too short. :P

Short and Sweet... little emphasis on short, but there isn't much you can do to expand the length... not without taking the effectiveness out of the story.

Nice job!

Nice to read a conversion verse story that isn't humanity against the alien invaders. Everyone is so wrapped up in the 'beat up ponies who think they're better than us' that they never bother to think about the OTHER things this kind of setting could have INSTEAD. A foal who has to deal with the fact her parents weren't always ponies, and DOESN'T feel like she's a human trapped in a pony's body (so what would she be if only one of her parents was a former human? A centaur?).

Seriously, so many stories are about DESTROY THE INVADERS! that no one CARES about a scenario where humans becoming ponies was a meant to SAVE their lives (and ponies don't treat it as becoming a master race). And this story is what the conversion verse SHOULD BE.


Ahhh, you poor poor soul. You had the misfortune of coming in after the golden age of TCB. If you want TCB sans the hate, I'd reccomend the following fics/authors:
All my TCB works of course. Most notably The Wack Wonderful Revolving door and An Azure future
Windchaser's works Most notably Last Man standing and ten days
Anonsi's works Most notably yellowstone

There's more, I also hear BlueDWarrior is excellent.

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