• Published 3rd Dec 2011
  • 10,642 Views, 417 Comments

The 63 files - punisher143

This will be a series of romantic drabbles based around one concept: take a pairing, apply rule 63 t

  • ...


I tricked ya, we're having apples AND a Wonderbolt!

>Begin Case 58 observation<

The train rumbled along on its journey, once again shaking this passenger from his sleep. He sighed and looked around the dark car for something before sitting up in the bed and looking outside. The moon managed to give off enough light to be able to see the passing plateaus and desert.

“How’d I get myself into this?” he asked himself and fell back onto the bed, remembering back to what brought him here.

“Why do I have to do this? I don’t need to do it!” he said. The coach sighed and rubbed his forehead.

“I know you don’t want to, but unfortunately you don’t have much of a choice. This is kind of mandatory.” He looked over at his captain.

“Can’t you help me with this, please?” she sighed and swept a hoof over her mane to flatten it.

“Look Soarin, I don’t like these as much as you do, but we all need to take at least one vacation every year.”Soarin sunk a little in his seat and Spitfire placed a hoof on his shoulder. “Look on the bright side, at least it’s the off season so you don’t have to worry about missing any shows.” Soarin sighed and looked back at the coach.

“Can I at least choose where I’m going spend my exile?” he asked.

“Don’t say it like that, it’s only for a week, and yes you can.” The coach handed Soarin a clipboard. Soarin took it and half heartedly looked through the list of cities.

Manehattan, he’s already done it.

Fillydelphia, didn’t like atmosphere.

Stalliongrad, not after what happened last time. Soarin shivered a little at the memory, he didn’t know how that DJ got so many lemmings together IN STALLIONGRAD OF ALL PLACES! Soarin shook the memory off and continued looking down the list. Then he stopped at one town’s description.

Appleoosa: premier frontier town! Friendly townsfolk and a relaxing atmosphere. Best pies you will ever taste!

Yeah, guess which part caught Soarin’s eye.

“Pies,” Soarin whispered, staring at that single word. Spitfire looked at the list to see what Soarin was looking at.

“Appleoosa? Do you really want to go there?” she asked.


“You do realize that the town is about as close to the middle of the desert that you can get, right?”

“But the PIES!” Soarin said and leaned in close to Spitfire. After a moment of staring, Spitfire sighed.

“Fine, it is your choice. I just hope you know what you’re getting into.”

Soarin huffed a little and rolled in the bed. “She could have at least told me about the train,” he murmured.

“Eh, it’s not so bad,” A voice said from across the car. Soarin looked up to find a gray earth pony in the top bunk across from him, “I mean, me and my friend travel all the time.” The bunk below him stirred a little but the pony underneath stayed asleep.

“I guess, I just prefer flying,” Soarin said. The earth pony raised an eyebrow at this.

“Pegasus huh, so what do you do?”

“Um, I’m a Wonderbolt.” The earth pony let out a low whistle.

“A stunt flyer huh? What brings you out this far?” Soarin turned away from him.

“I have my reasons,” he said simply. The earth pony didn’t say anything, which Soarin was glad for since it allowed him to drift off to sleep.

When Soarin woke up the sun was starting to rise. He looked outside the window and saw that the train was fast approaching Appleoosa. Soarin got up and got his luggage ready to go. The train slowed down and came to a stop.

“Hey wake up, we’re here,” the earth pony behind him said and nudged the sleeping pony. It was only now that Soarin managed to see what his cutie mark was, and was more than a little concerned about it. The earth pony noticed Soarin staring and turned to him. “What?” he asked and looked back at his cutie mark, “Oh that, don’t worry about that. It’s more name indicative than anything.” Soarin nodded and started walking toward the train door and the earth pony went back to trying to wake up his friend.

Soarin stepped outside and was almost taken off guard by the heat. He managed to overcome it and looked around at the town. Soarin felt out of place, like he had walked right into one of those frontier novels. The earth pony and his friend walked past Soarin who barely noticed.

‘Well, I better find where I’m staying,’ Soarin thought and started to walk away from the station. His hoof almost touched the street when somepony called out to him.

“Howdy there!” Soarin flinched a little and turned to the source of the voice, which belonged to a yellow mare with an orange mane. Perhaps the most striking feature about her was her hat and vest. She walked toward Soarin with quite possibly the biggest grin he had ever seen. “You’re new here aren’t ya?”

“Um, yes,” Soarin said.

“Really, in that case let me be the first to welcome you to Aaaaaaapleoosa!” she said rearing back on her hind legs with a dramatic flair. Soarin could faintly hear somepony neighing when she said that.

“Did you hear that?” Soarin asked.

“That’s just the sound of Appleoosian hospitality making itself known. Allow me to introduce mahself, mah name’s Jazz Apple.” She extended a hoof to Soarin, who shook it.


“Pleasure ta meet ya Soarin, I hope ya enjoy yer stay in Aaaaapleoosa!” She reared back again in what Soarin was sure was a rehearsed action.

“Are you sure you don’t hear that?” Soarin asked looking around for the source of the neighing.

“I have no idea what yer talking about Soarin. So, do you need any help finding your way around our town? I’d be happy to show you around if you want.”

“Uh no, that’s alri-“

“Great, let’s start!” Jazz said and hooked a leg around Soarin.

“What?” Soarin managed to get out before he was quickly dragged off and found himself in the middle of Appleoosa’s main street.

“This is the main street, where you can find almost everything you need here.” Jazz then started to point out several buildings. “That’s the general store and there’s the clothing store. There’s the doctor’s office, the hat shop, and that’s where the horse drawn carriages are stored, did you get all that?”


“Great, let’s go on to the next stop!” Once again Soarin found himself whisked away and when he stopped he was in front of a two story building. “This is the Salt Block, the local watering hole. If you want some salt or something to drink, this is the place to get it.” At this point a stallion stumbled out of the building, down the stairs, and stood for a minute before face planting onto the ground.

“Um ok. I don’t suppose you can tell me where I can stay while I’m here?” Soarin asked.

“Well, the Salt Block has some rooms and there’s also the hotel. It’s really a matter of your preferred comfort level.”

“I’ll take the hotel please.”

“In that case, it’s right over there,” Jazz pointed to a building, “Anything else ya need help with?”

“Nah I can’t think of…actually where are the pies sold?” Soarin’s mouth almost watered at the thought of those delicious food stuffs.

“You can find them easy enough if you know where to look. If you came for the pies, you couldn’t have picked a better time. Our apples are just about ready for harvest and ah would say that they’re some of the best we’ve ever had.”

“Awesome. I have to get settled in, so thanks for showing me around Miss. Apple.” Jazz waved a hoof in the air.

“Just Jazz is fine.” Soarin nodded and walked away with a wave. Jazz returned the wave and walked off somewhere.

‘Heh, if everypony here is as friendly as her I’m going to like it here,’ Soarin thought and let a smile break through.


After checking in to the hotels and setting his bags in his room, Soarin started looking around for a place that sells pies. After a few minutes of searching he finally found some. This particular stand seemed to be temporary, but all Soarin saw were the pies, sitting there in all their glory. He was so taken in he almost missed the pony who was running the stand talking to him.

“Howdy there, you looking for a pie mister?” she asked.

“Yeeeeeeees,” Soarin said, staring at one pie in particular.

“In that case, a pie’s eight bits each if you want one.” She found herself eight bits richer and one pie poorer in less than five seconds. Soarin stared hard at the pie in his hooves and he nearly started to dig in. However the world has this weird habit of taking away what you want most for maximum laughs, such as what happened here.

Soarin was leaning in to take a bite of the pie when somepony bumped into him. This sudden contact caused Soarin to yelp and throw his pie in the air. He turned to the perpetrator to find the earth pony from earlier.

“Sorry about that, are you ok?” he asked. Soarin paid him no mind as he looked up to find his pie flying through the air. Time seemed to slow down for Soarin as gravity took hold of the pie and it started to fall.

Right onto somepony’s head.

The way he reacted to getting hit with a pie, which included such things as loud screaming and flailing wildly in order to get the pie filling off him, you’d think that he was hit with rainbow juice or something. After about half a minute of this he finally fainted, and was soon surrounded by a crowd.

“Is he going to be ok?” The earth pony’s unicorn friend asked as a couple of ponies moved him onto a stretcher.

“He got hit with a pie, he’ll be fine,” the earth pony said and the two of them walked away. Soarin watched them walk away and looked back to where the pie landed, not noticing an earth pony with a spiffy mustache walking over.

“What’s going on over here?” he asked.

“Somepony got spooked and accidentally threw a pie, sheriff,” the vendor explained.

“It looked so good,” Soarin lamented.

“What kind of pie was it?” Sheriff Silverstar asked.

“Just a regular apple pie.”

“Did it hit anyone?”

“Yes, unfortunately.”

“Oh, he’ll be out for the rest of the day, but he should be fine after that. I’m gonna go check on ‘em,” Silverstar turned to Soarin, “You stay out of trouble ya hear?”

“Ok,” Soarin said depressed and walked away. With his appetite more or less ruined, Soarin wandered around town aimlessly, taking in the sights and sounds that was offered as well as feeling mildly baffled at the sight of two separate dancing events taking place within about 20 feet of each other. After a few hours of this Soarin noticed that the sun was starting to set, so he decided to get some dinner and return to the hotel.

When Soarin woke up the next day, he was optimistic as to how the day will go. After a quick breakfast and brushing his teeth, Soarin grabbed his bags and left the room. Soarin ignored his instinct to find some more pies in favor of looking around town some more. He was observing a group of ponies drawing some of the carriages he saw earlier when somepony walked up to him.

“Still in town eh?” Soarin turned to find Jazz, still sporting that friendly grin.

“Yep, still here,” Soarin answered and looked back at the ponies drawing, “Hey, what’s with--?” Soarin gestured towards the group of ponies.

“That’s just something we do fer fun. Ah’m sure you been doing something fer fun too.”

“Not really, I can’t really think of anything to do for fun around here. I don’t suppose you have any suggestions.” Jazz put a leg around Soarin’s shoulder with that same big grin.

“Ah got a few.”

“Uh oh.”

“And that just about does it. What do ya think?” Jazz turned to Soarin who was scratching his head in confusion.

“I kinda lost what was going on around the dancing part.” Jazz sighed.

“Well, do ya want me to start from the beginning?” she asked.

“NO! No no no no no, that’s fine, I got it,” Soarin said with panic in his voice. The two of them stared for a moment and Soarin coughed into a hoof. “So um, is there anything you could show me?” he asked and avoided looking at Jazz’s eyes due to the awkwardness of the situation.

“Hm… I guess there’s the orchard. It’s what keeps the town alive and it’s mighty impressive.”

“An apple orchard,” Soarin asked and Jazz nodded, “In a desert?” another nod. "Ok, you have my attention.”

“Great, it’s this way.” Unlike the previous times where Jazz dragged Soarin to the destination, she actually let him follow of his own. After a few minutes of silent walking they reached the orchard and Soarin was surprised by how big the orchard actually was. “Ah know, sometimes ah get a little teary eyed seeing it too.”

“How exactly did you get all these trees to grow so well in a desert?” Soarin asked.

“A whole lot of love, tenderness, and good land speculation. Ya see, this clearing is the only place around here that can support apple trees. That…caused some problems some time ago.”

“What do you mean, the location seems fine for what you need.”

“You know, that’s what we thought when we came here, but as it turned out we planted our orchard right on a stampede ground for a local buffalo tribe.” Soarin let his discomfort show, but Jazz dismissed it with a hoof. “Ah don’t worry, we got all that sorted out long ago. If ya get lucky ya might even get to see some of them in town.”

“Uh ok, I’ll look forward to that.”

“Alright, well ah gotta get to work. Ah’ll be seein’ ya.” Jazz tipped her hat at Soarin and walked away.

“Ok, bye,” Soarin returned and waved. Afterward he took flight toward town to hopefully be able to get a pie. He didn’t get one because, as Jazz had said, the buffalo tribe had come into town and pretty much cleared the town of pies. So he settled for a regular Appleoosian lunch and some more looking around. When the sun started to set again, instead of going back to the hotel, Soarin went to the one place he hadn’t been yet: the Salt Block.

Soarin didn’t really know what to expect when he went there, but it was much nicer than he had thought. It had that frontier charm that you can’t really get anywhere else, with the standard layout that Soarin had expected and the groups of ponies just milling around with salt and drinks. Soarin walked to the bar and sat down.

“Hi there, what can I get for you?” the bartender asked.

“Um, just some salt will be fine,” Soarin answered. The bartender nodded and set about getting the salt.

“Well, fancy seein’ you here.” Soarin turned to find Jazz taking a seat next to him.

“I’ll say, how many times have we run into each other?” Soarin asked.

“Ah dunno, but ah’m not really complaining.” Jazz chuckled a little and grinned at Soarin, who was going to say something but got distracted by the bartender bringing him his salt.

“Do you want something Jazz?” the bartender asked.

“Nah, ah’m alright.” The bartender nodded and walked away. “So, how ya enjoying yer time here?”

“I still haven’t gotten a pie, other than that it’s been fine.” Soarin ate one of the salt cubes he got, and found it to be surprisingly good.

“Ya haven’t run into any real trouble?” Soarin answered with a shake of his head. “That’s good, ah would hate to find someone wasn’t enjoying their stay here.” Jazz scooted a little closer to Soarin. “Y’know, ah don’t think ah ever asked you what you did fer a living. Care to share?” Soarin swallowed the salt cube and thought for a moment.

“Well, I’m a stunt flyer. You know, entertaining crowds with daring feats and tricks.”

“A daredevil eh? Ah bet you’re a real hit with the fillies.” Soarin hadn’t been expecting that and nearly choked on a salt cube.


“…Unless your fence is on the other side?”

“N-no, that’s not it! Where did that come from anyway?”

“Ah was just talkin’ out loud.”

“Of course you were. Anyway you’d think that would be the case, but I found out that most fans don’t really see past the uniform. There are exceptions, but it’s not really my place to talk about it.” Soarin ate another piece of salt and Jazz took one as well. “What about you, if you don’t mind me asking.”

“Eh, ah never really cared fer that kind of stuff. It’s a lot of work keeping a town like this alive, but its good work. Say, how much longer are you going to be stayin’ here?”

“Well, I think it’s for a few more days,” Soarin answered. “Why?”

“Ah was just curious. Well, I’ll see you later, thanks fer letting me steal some salt.” Jazz gave Soarin a small wink and walked away. Soarin was a little confused by this action but shrugged it off as just another quirk of hers. Soarin finished the rest of his salt, paid for it, and left the building. He walked past the earth pony/unicorn pair on the way out.

“Well this place looks alright to hang for a bit, don’t ya think?” the earth pony asked.

“Yeah, it definitely has a certain charm,” the unicorn answered.

“Psst,” a pony sitting at a table said trying to get the pair’s attention, “You wanna play ‘find the queen’?”


Soarin woke up before the sun had come up the next day and felt a bit of a buzz from the salt earlier to go along with his dwindling optimism. At least the hotel had free water to help get rid of it. Once he had drunk some water, he lay back down on the bed and stared at the ceiling.

‘So, what do I do today?’ Soarin thought and rolled onto his side. After a minute of thinking he sighed and sat up. ‘Forget it. I’ve spent the week just wandering around, so why change that now?’ Soarin stood up and looked out the window at the sky and felt a smile cross his face. ‘Or I could get some practice in. They never said I couldn’t do that.’ Soarin grinned and wasted no time in opening the window and flying out.

Soarin was at first thrown off a little while flying, since most of the flying he was used too was while wearing a frictionless flight suit, but he got over it soon and flew up high above the town. He marveled at how small the town looked from this height and then landed on a nearby cloud and did some stretches.

“I think the basic practice will be enough for now. After all, gotta keep my skills sharp after all.” Soarin lowered into a ready position and imagined those first few moments right before he took off during a show. He counted the seconds before the imaginary signal sounded and he took off.

Soarin visualized one of the many training grounds the Wonderbolts used for flight training as he zipped through the skies. A sharp left turn followed by a right turn, a series of rolls that would have gone through a set of rings if they had actually been there. Soarin pulled up into a flip so he was facing the sky, then the upside down world, ground, and then back to the world how it usually is although he was now going faster than before.

Soarin loved the feel of the wind on his face as he continued practicing, and probably created a very interesting sight for anypony who looked up. Soarin decided to end with a flourish, which was a steep corkscrew dive onto the cloud he had started on. Despite the speed he managed to land softly enough that the cloud only wobbled a little when he landed. Soarin spent about a minute to catch his breath, as even the most basic Wonderbolt courses were still physically strenuous.

‘I wish I had someone timing me,’ he thought to himself, ‘I think I might have beaten Spitfire’s record on that.’ Soarin sat down and couldn’t help but laugh at what he just thought, ‘Ah who am I kidding, I’d never be able to beat her record. She’s captain for a reason.’ When Soarin felt thoroughly rested he stood up and looked around for a second. “Ok, time for round 2.”

Soarin spent quite a while doing these flying exercises and by the time he bothered to check the time it was already afternoon.

“Dang, it’s that late already?” Soarin said and heard his stomach rumbling, “And I haven’t eaten anything today. I better take care of that.” Soarin hopped off the cloud and flew to get his money from his room. He then wandered around to find something to eat when, once again…

“Well howdy again.”

He ran into Jazz again. Soarin of course turned to her with a warm smile.

“Same to you. Done with work today?” Soarin asked.

“Yeah, it’s been starting to slow down a bit. Ah also couldn’t help but see your little show a while ago.”

“Oh, you saw that?”

“It was kind of hard to miss.” Jazz walked past Soarin and motioned for him to follow. “So, what’s your plan fer today?”

“Right now, get some lunch and then maybe some more practice afterwards. Certainly beats waiting all day for a pie to get nothing.”

“Don’t worry, it’ll be worth the wait,” Jazz said. Soarin nodded and the two shared a comfortable silence. “Now that ah think about it, what exactly got you into pies in the first place?”

“Well… have you ever been to the Grand Galloping Gala?” Soarin asked and Jazz replied with a shake of her head. “Well let me give you a free tip: Don’t go. That was probably one of the most boring things I’ve ever been to in my life. Although it was kind of interesting when the whole place went nuts at the end, and I’m also pretty sure that colt that was hanging out with us was checking me out. Or maybe I’m taking that the wrong way, I’ve always been bad at reading ponies. I mean there was this one time in-“

“Uh Soarin, you’re kinda ramblin’,” Jazz said.

“Oh, sorry. Anyway, a few minutes into the gala I’m wandering the grounds when I realized I hadn’t eaten for a while. Not even a second after I realized that, I stumbled across a stand selling apple treats. That pie I bought was the best I’ve ever had.” Jazz chuckled.

“Well it’s nice to see that my cousin is doin’ alright. Ah have to write back to her soon.” Soarin stopped at that.

“You and the mare with the awesome pies are related?” he asked.

“Was she an orange earth pony with a blonde mane?” Jazz asked and Soarin nodded, “Then that’d be cousin Applejack. No wonder ya got so into pies.” Any more conversation was interrupted by Soarin’s stomach.

“Oh right, I was on my way to get some lunch. Maybe after that I’ll try for a pie again.”

“Still haven’t gotten one huh?” Soarin shook his head and Jazz put a hoof to her chin in thought, “Ya know, that gives me an idea. You’re still stayin’ at that hotel right?” Soarin was slightly thrown off by the question, but quickly recovered.

“Wha- I mean, yeah I am. Why?”

“It wouldn’t be too much trouble if ah stopped by later, would it?”

“Well, I guess it would be alright, but why do you-“

“You’ll find out later. I’ll see ya then,” Jazz said and walked away grinning.

“Hey wait, I didn’t-,” Soarin started but waved a hoof, “Oh forget it, I’m gonna get a sandwich.”

And so it passed that Soarin had a decent sandwich for lunch and went back to going through several flying exercises for the next few hours. After he went through one part of ‘flight pattern 55-B’, or as he called it ‘that one spinny trick with all the fireworks’, Soarin paused for a moment to catch his breath and checked the time.

“Looks like it’s almost five,” Soarin said to himself. “I hate to say it, but the others were right about this. I feel like I could go on a full tour right now.” Soarin did a couple of quick backflips and laughed the whole way. “I may owe Spitfire fifteen bits, but I don’t care!” After a few more flips, Soarin dove down to the down and flew into the window of his hotel room. Since he couldn’t think of anything to do now that he was here, Soarin settled on getting started on packing his things. This took a while since, despite the fact that he packed very little, he somehow managed to spread it out throughout the room. Soarin had just managed to track down his last item when there was a knock on the door.

“Hold on a second,” Soarin called and, after a moment to put his things away, he answered the door to find Jazz on the other side. “Jeez you weren’t kidding when you said later.”

“Sorry, but these kind of things take a while to get just right,” Jazz said and looked over Soarin’s shoulder, “Ya mind if ah come in?”

“Oh, it’s no problem,” Soarin said and opened the door wider to let Jazz in, “sorry about the mess.” As Jazz walked in, Soarin noticed a package on her back.

“It’s no problem.” Jazz set the package on the bed and looked around the room. “It’s nice to know ya made yourself at home during your stay here.”

“Yeah, I might have to come back here the next time I have some free time. Nice open skies, friendly atmosphere, I can see why you like this town so much.” Soarin looked at the package curiously. “So what’s that?” Jazz laughed and pointed at it.

“Since you wanted one so badly, I had to make sure you got one,” Jazz said and unwrapped the package to show a fresh pie. “I’m not exactly the best when it comes to baking, but I can still make a mean pie. You’re drooling a little.” Soarin jerked a little and wiped his mouth off.

“Uh, thanks. You didn’t have to do this though.”

“Ah nonsense, ah wanted to do it. Ya better hurry up and dig in before it gets cold.” Soarin looked at the pie and then back at Jazz.

“Don’t you want some?” he asked.

“Nah, I already ate.” Soarin gave her a curious look.

“Why do all this for me Jazz?”

“Huh?” Jazz asked, returning the look.

“I mean, I get friendly hospitality, but this goes a little bit further than that. Is there a reason for it?”

“Does it really matter? Ah just wanted to do something nice fer ya.” The two stared into each other’s eyes for a minute before Soarin closed his and shrugged.

“Well alright, but I’ll feel a little guilty eating this all by myself.”

“You’re just pulling mah leg.”

“No, I’m just being polite. Just humor me a little,” Soarin said as he hopped onto the bed. Jazz chuckled a little.

“Ah sure, why not?” she said and hopped on the bed too. No sooner had she done that then Soarin started eating the pie in a messy fashion. Jazz laughed a little at this, which caused Soarin to stop mid bite.

“Oh sorry, I can’t help myself sometimes,” Soarin said and pushed the pie over to Jazz, “You want some?” Jazz smiled and took a bite. “This is really good. Does your family put something in these pies to make them like this?”

“Nope, just apples and a lot of love.” Jazz took another bite before sliding it back to Soarin.

“Wow, your family certainly knows its craft if this is just a regular apple pie for you.” Jazz couldn’t help but blush a little at the compliment, but thankfully Soarin missed it when he took another bite of the pie. Soarin swallowed his mouthful of pie and licked some of the filling from his lips, not noticing he had missed a bit on his cheek.

“Y’know, yer a bit of a messy eater,” Jazz commented.

“Heh sorry, I just get a little sloppy when I really like something,” Soarin said and rubbed the back of his neck. “I mean, these pies are so good. I can’t place it exactly, but these are on a whole other level. The crust is just the right mix of crunchy and chewy. And the filling is--“ Soarin was interrupted when Jazz suddenly leaned forward and licked the filling off of his cheek. Soarin’s eyes widened as he watched Jazz savor the taste of the filling before swallowing.

“The filling has just the right kind of favor without being too overpowering, right?” Jazz asked and looked at Soarin. After a few moments of staring at her, Jazz looked away with a blush starting to form. “W-what?”

‘Did she just lick me?’ Soarin thought, his mind racing to try and put this together. ‘Why would she do that? The only reason I can think of is…no,’ Soarin blinked when that piece fell into place. He stared at Jazz who was chewing another bite of pie and looking anywhere but at him. ‘It couldn’t be that.’ Jazz swallowed and coughed a little.

“Ah guess that was a little too fast?” she asked.

‘It is. Oh man, what am I going to do?’ Soarin racked his mind for a solution to this little problem.

“Maybe ah should go,” Jazz said, bringing Soarin back to reality.


“Ah think ah went a little too far. If ya want me to go, ah understand.” Soarin’s eyes widened and he shook his head.

“No, it’s not that. You just surprised me is all.” Jazz looked at Soarin with a hint of relief in her expression.

“Thanks, ah don’t know what came over me,” she said and took another bite of pie.

“Don’t worry about it, things like that happen to…” Soarin stopped when Jazz looked up at him with those green eyes, “…they happen to everypony at some point.”

“Ah suppose so,” Jazz said and smiled. Soarin noticed that she somehow got some filling on her cheek.

“Hey, you…” Soarin started and started to lean closer to Jazz. ‘Wait, what are you doing?!’ Soarin’s brain screamed at him, although it was a vain effort since Soarin was on autopilot.

“What?” Jazz asked leaning back slightly.

“You got something on your…” Soarin’s voice grew to a whisper the closer he leaned in.

‘NO! Abort mission! This isn’t going to end well!’

“Cheek,” Soarin finished just before he licked the filling off Jazz’s cheek. Jazz froze at the sudden action and Soarin swallowed the filling and looked into Jazz’s widened eyes.

‘Bad move dude.’ It took Jazz a few moments of blank staring to recover and saw Soarin sitting there waiting for her reaction, which was to pick up what was left of the pie and press it into the left side of Soarin’s face. ‘See, I told you. This is what happens when you act without-‘ the thought was interrupted when Jazz pressed the pie into her own face. ‘What?’ was all Soarin could think before Jazz jumped on him.

Jazz had Soarin pinned to the bed and she started licking the filling off his face. Soarin at first didn’t know what to do, but he soon gave in and started licking the filling of Jazz’s face. This mutual cleaning was a surprisingly very pleasing experience and Soarin wrapped his forearms around Jazz’s torso. Soarin noticed that Jazz was working her way across his cheek toward his mouth and Soarin adjusted to match her. When they were both close enough they ceased the licking and started kissing. Soarin pulled Jazz in closer to deepen the kiss and heard an affirmative groan from her.

They stayed like that for a few minutes, just enjoying the kiss and occasional caresses, before they broke for air. Soarin looked up at Jazz as she took her hat off and let it fall to the floor. Soarin had the small feeling that he should say something, but he decided against it. Instead he rolled them both over so Jazz was underneath him. Jazz smiled and raised her head for another kiss which Soarin returned. Time soon slipped away from the two of them and soon they were asleep.

The sun’s rays were streaming into the room and stirred Soarin awake. Soarin opened his eyes and found himself face to face with a sleeping Jazz, her orange mane spread out on the pillow. The events of last night came back to Soarin and he smiled and hugged Jazz. After a few minutes like this Jazz stirred and opened her eyes to meet Soarin’s smiling face.

“Morning,” he said and Jazz returned the smile and hug.

“Mornin’,” she returned. Soarin moved in closer for a kiss and Jazz met him. It was a short one, but perfect for the morning. Afterwards they stared at each other for a minute and Jazz laughed softly.


“Nothin’, ah just didn’t expect you to be such a gentlecolt last night.” Soarin’s face reddened and he chuckled.

“Hey I haven’t even taken you out to dinner or something yet.”

“Well, ah’ll be sure to hold you to that the next time you’re in town.” The smile dropped at the realization that Soarin would be leaving soon and she looked away from him, “If you’ll be coming back.”

“Hey hey, don’t be like that,” Soarin said and pulled Jazz in closer, “I’m not sure when I’ll have some free time again, but when I do I’ll be back.” Soarin lifted up a little to look out the window, “There’s just something about this town that draws you in.”

“What, the pies?” Jazz asked jokingly.

“Not what I was thinking of, but that’s another good point.” Soarin lay back down on the bed and smiled as Jazz laughed.

“Y’know, if you don’t hurry you’ll miss your train,” she said when she settled down. Soarin’s response was to bring Jazz in for another kiss, which she gladly sank into. When the kiss broke Soarin only said one thing before the next one.

“The train can wait.”

>Observation suspended<

This pairing honestly came completely out of nowhere for me and I can't help but enjoy it. This is quite remarkable for me because not even a few years ago I wasn't too keen on the idea of M/M relationships.
Funny how we change eh?