• Published 31st May 2017
  • 2,671 Views, 25 Comments

Transference: Tale of a Tenno - Ahrazell

Have you ever dreamed? Have you ever wished to live a different life, one filled with adventure and heartache, tears and Laughter? What if one day, you closed your eyes, just to open them in that world you dreamed?

  • ...

Cliche backstory time (edited)

Author's Note:

This edit was suggested by ButtonMash as he pointed out a few lore bits I got messed up.

I sighed as I plopped onto my couch. Damn, my family are a bunch of morons. Seriously, it is like they actually believe the end was nieh bull shit. Seriously, it’s 2017, not 2012. They have been stocking up on ammo, food, bottled water and other things like it was going out of style, and it’s annoying as hell! I groaned as I pulled up my laptop. I clicked on the icon named WARFRAME and smiled. Many give the game a lot of slack for still not being finished, or how long it takes to craft gear, but to me, the only thing I liked better than being a fucking space ninja was watching the occasional episode of MLP when my parents were actually away for a Saturday. Finding that show saved me when I was in a dark place, and no amount of void powers and space ninjas can change that.

I signed in and walked around my Liset Orbiter. My kubrow Lulu walked up to me and I smiled. She may look like if a bear and a wolf had a baby, but she has been with me since near the beginning. I had my Warframe Ember Prime crouch down to pet the space dog before I checked my foundry and collected the new Rapier that came out. I then decided to check out all my Warframes in the arsenal. I had
all the Warframes and weapons. I even had Excalibur Prime thanks to my habit of saving money.

Anyways I’m getting off topic. I walked over to Transference chamber and smiled as the music played. I yawned as I looked at the time. It was getting late and unless my family had another “Bombing drill” I had school tomorrow. I took one last look at the image of the glowing room with the door to the Operator, the real Tenno behind the Warframe still shut before hitting the steam screenshot button and closing the game. As I layed down on the couch I looked to the side and looked at my reflection in the TV. With my long dirty blonde hair, D cup breasts, and slim athletic 5’7’’ body, you would think I would have real life friends, or at least a boyfriend or girlfriend (I’m not picky) but no, staring back at me was a 16 year old girl who has no social life outside of gaming and whose only interaction with other students is when the horny guys and jealous girls have nothing better to do. I would try to be active in the Brony community, but with my parents not liking that I even watch the show added to the fact I’m already shy, and I never became a part of that life.

I just dream of one day, being able to have close friends, people I can call family outside my birth family. Maybe even some super powers on the side. What? I did say it was a dream. “Night Aileen. Good night myself.” I mumbled out as I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

”Dream... not of what you are, but of what you want to be.” Why do I hear the Lotus?

I bolted up, finding myself inside a strange place. I looked around me and panic set it. There was just no way. I was in a six years old body, and I was in the Orokin ship you explore in Warframe. “What the hell?!” I shout out as a couple kids ran up to me laughing. Before I could do anything they had grabbed me and ran over to a place where a bunch of others were. I looked out the window that decorated one wall of the ship and all my fears were realized. We were in the void, and the name Zariman Ten-Zero was printed on the side of the ship. “No no, how, why?” I said as I started to panic before I felt one of the kids put a hand on my shoulder.

“Hey, it’s okay. The adults went quiet a while ago, there's nothing to be afraid of.”

I looked up and had to bite back a gasp. Although they had a younger look, and didn’t have the minor cybernetics inside them yet, the kid looked like the Tenno I had made in the game. It was then that I knew for a fact where I was. I was in the Warframe universe.

I nodded to the kid as I felt something worm it’s way inside me. I remember the void being described as wrapping around the Tenno’s heart, infusing with them, but I could never guess how it felt. It...it was like someone you hated with every fiber of your being hugging you, trying to be accepted by anyone. You don’t want to love it, but seeing something in such a broken state you accept it. I spent a good year on board that ship, and of my new life, those years were the best. I made friends, had fun, and other than an overbearing feeling of dread, it helped me forget not only my past, but what was to come if memory served.

Sure enough, after that year the Orokin came, and with the exception of Margulis, all of them were monsters. They...did more than what the game tells you. The games says that after Margulis was executed for trying to protect us, they immediately put us into the Somatic link chamber, or at least didn’t tell you more than that. What they did...I’m sorry, I’m not ready to relive that just yet. I can tell you about the Sentients and the revolt though I guess.

The Sentient war...we lost a lot of Tenno. Some of us forgot what it was like being human, and thought they were the Warframes, thus when their frames were destroyed...so were their minds. Only ones like me, who remembered a life before the Warframes survived. Mind you, our numbers were not small in the slightest, but not enough to maintain a species if we were even allowed to. We planned the revolt for years during the war, and it wasn’t until after the war did they finally give us some praise. Too little, too late. I had just hit 14 again, and I had seen more bloodshed than veterans back on my earth. Worst part? I was one of the older children.

When we struck, it was fast, decisive, and crushing. We hit their Kuva reserves first, preventing their “respawns” while the rest of us went for the kill, leaving only, you guessed it, children, whom we put on ships and sent to outer colonies not apart of the Orokin’s ‘Glorious empire’. After that was all said and done, the Lotus planed for all of us to be put into cryo on the moon, and our active Warframes also stored in separate locations. This was for all the Tenno...save for me. She pulled me aside as we walked to my Orbiter, my Cephalon Inanis opening a side hatch so the Lotus and I could enter. “Tenno, I have a different mission for you, though it is similar to the others. I have given your Cephalon coordinates for a planet far outside this system, beyond the remaining Sentients I hope, but not beyond the Infested. I want you to go to this world and keep it safe. It will play a vital role in not only your safety, but the future of the known universe.”

“You don’t need to explain Lotus, you have more than earned my trust.” I says as I push my void tainted blue and red hair over my shoulder before looking at her with my dark blue, green and glowing cyan eyes. I now had a see able blue burn looking scar covering my neck but other than that, my body grew just how it did back in my old life.

“If you ever are in need of any assistance, do not hesitate to call for myself or the other Tenno that might be awake. Your actions have sparked a strange loyalty the others have towards you. Even if they may forget you if they are suddenly awoken, bonds such as those never truly fade, even more so for Tenno.” She said as I walked into the room housing all my Frames. I had one of each, except for the primes. In that regard I only had Ember, but atleast I had the parts for the others.

“Will Inanis be updated on any new weapon and Warframe designs while I’m gone?” I ask as I walk over to my Cryo chamber, opening the hatch and laying down inside.

“I will make it a top priority to inform you of the newest advances the other Tenno make Aileen. But...promise me you will be safe. I can’t lose more Tenno.” She said as her hand grabbed the lid and I simply looked up and smiled at her.

“Don’t worry Lotus, It takes more than a few of the Infested to kill me.” I said as she backed away from the hatch. “Inanis, start Cryo sleep. Wake me if something happens okay?”

“Will do operator. Sleep well.” He said before the lid was shut and I drifted off to a dreamless sleep.

“Bored!” Shouted Rainbow Dash all six of her and her friends sat down in a meadow looking at the night sky. “When is this meteor shower going to start already!?”

“Just relax Rainbow.” Sunset says. “The meteor shower will happen in due time. Wonderful things don’t happen if you keep complaining about it.”

“I know! But aren't you excited because I’m excited! Woo, meteor shower!” Pinkie cheered, giggling like crazy.

“Yes I am Pinkie.” The bacon haired teen nods.

“Well it is certainly a change of pace.” Rarity points out. “Something amazing happening without something strange happening.”

“Ah hear you there Rarity. It definitely is a nice change of pace from the fall formal.” Applejack said as she laid back, looking up at the stars.

“The night sure is pretty…” Fluttershy says gently, staring at the starry night sky.

“It sure is.” Sunset agrees while checking the time. “If memory serves the meteor shower should be starting soon.” She points out while looking back up, not wanting to miss anything.

As if on cue, the meteor shower began in earnest, the sky being covered in lights dancing across the sky. “So awesome!” Rainbow Dash said in awe as one meteor was slower than the others, making it noticeable.

“Huh…” Sunset mutters before walking over to her telescope and trying to look at the slower meteor. “Good thing I have brought this thing…” She mutters to herself, turning it to where the slower meteor and trying to get a good view of it.

Suddenly the rest of the girls got a good look at it before a strange ship soar over them and crashed inside the Everfree not far from where they were. “What in tarnation!” Yelled Applejack as she hopped to her feet.

“That’s not good…” Sunset mutters. “Come on, we better check it out.” Sunset says.

“Uh...y-y-you s-sure?” Fluttershy stutters worriedly.

“I must agree with Fluttershy. I don’t think going over to a possible alien crash site would be good darling.” Rarity says honestly.

“And? It’s a alien Rarity! Come on, if that’s not cool, I don’t know what is!” Rainbow said eagerly

“Ooo Ooo! What if they like Cupcakes! Oh I have the bestest party ever planed out if an alien was to ever visit. Ohmygosh ohmygosh!” Pinkie squealed as she did a little happy dance.

“Oh jeez…” Sunset mutters. “Come on, let’s get going.” She says before taking the lead towards the crash site.

“Don’t worry sugar cube.” Applejack says to Fluttershy as they start in the direction of the crash. “Nothin will hurt you as long as me or RD are here.”

As the group walked towards the crash they got a better view of the ship. It wasn't that big surprisingly, but at first it didn’t seem like there was any way inside in the first place. Suddenly a hidden door opened up with a hiss as they got a look at the interior of the ship. It was definitely bigger than it looked as the three warriors of the group: Sunset, Applejack and Rainbow all walked in first before a male, almost british voice spoke from nowhere. “Intruder. State your business or leave, my operator is still waking up and I don’t think they want to fight right after a hundred years of sleep.”

“We’re sorry to disturb but your...ship kind of crash landed in the middle of the Everfree forest.” Sunset explains, knowing it would be stupid to just outright lie to whoever is here.

“It would appear so...oh the Operator won’t be happy that Inanis didn’t wake them up to say we were just drifting through space with no fuel!” The voice said in a small panic.

Sunset fell over anime style onto the ground at hearing that. “Ow…” She mutters, quickly getting up and righting herself. “So you mean to tell me...you just so happened to crash land here...because you were out of fuel?” She asks slowly. “In the middle of a meteor shower no less?”

“Well, it isn’t classified so I think the Operator won't mind if I tell you. We were actually intending to come here, but with almost no planets containing even a trace of void energies this far from it, it was hard to refuel without asking the Operator to do it herself.” Inanis explains as the other three came in.

“V-v-void?” Sunset stutters, taking a step back. “I...I thought that was just a myth…” She mutters, her eyes wide with fear.

“I assure you not. Even the Operator-”

“That’s enough Inanis, thank you for calming our guests though.” Spoke a feminine voice from downstairs as a hatch opened up. Up walked…a human? But with blue and red hair, two toned eyes that seemed to glow and a blue burn scar around her neck. She appeared to be around the same age as the rest of them though, and that was the most off putting thing about her. “So…oh my Lotus she didn’t.” The figure said at the sight of the guests. “May I ask you six, what is the name of the world I’m on?”

“E-Equis…” Sunset says, taking a deep breath and trying to calm herself. “You're on the planet known as Equis...but...how do you know about Void?”

“First off, let me get something out of my system...LOTUS! You clever- Oh my god if she was here I’d hug her!” The girl said with a laugh before regaining her scary composure. “Now for your question...well, simple answer is that my system is right outside it. More detailed is my body is practically filled with it.” She said, making a ball of pure void energy in her hand as she pressed it into the floor. The ship’s lights all came on line as a small hum could now be heard throughout the ship.

“H-h-how is that possible!? Void’s supposed to be a myth!” Sunset says, freaking out. “And do you know how easily that could destroy everything?” She asks worriedly.

Her gaze turned hard as the girl’s eyes turned hardened, like someone who has seen things that would give them nightmares. “I do. I have lost many friends who have either died by others wanting this power, or having no outlet for it and exploding in a gory mess. Don’t you dare say that I don’t know how dangerous Void is.” She said before Rainbow stepped in front of Sunset, thinking the girl was going to attack.

“I...I…” Sunset says worriedly. “Where I come from...Void is a myth...it’s something that can destroy anything and everything it wants, and whoever has the power of Void can kill gods easily…” She explains, fear oozing from her words about the mere thought that this magic could even exist.

“And what of the rest of you? Surely one does not speak for the group. Even with us Tenno it wasn’t that way.” The girls asked the other five present.

“I don’t care who you are or what you have! If you are a threat then I’m with Sunset!” Rainbow Dash said defiantly.

“I...I think Sunset’s scared...of her power…” Fluttershy mutters quietly.

“Hold on Rainbow, I don’t think Sunset meant that she is specifically a threat...just that her power is….very powerful…” Rarity says nervously, not sure what to do right now as she saw Sunset sweating bullets and staring at the teenage Tenno with fear.

“Ah don’t recon either of you is lyin, but I think we all just need to have a breather here.”

Pinkie had other plans apparently as she ran up and glomped the girl in a hug before anyone could say otherwise, not a word coming from her.

“Uh...Pinkie?” Sunset mutters, wondering why Pinkie just hugged the girl. “Why...did you hug her?”

Pinkie said with a sob, still holding the girl as she replied. “D-didn’t any of you hear her? She-she watched her friends die!” She looked up at the girl, who other than her outbursts has maintained a frown the entire time. “I promise I will make you smile, I pinkie promise!” The pinkie haired girl said with determination.

“Why would you do that for me, an alien who has the power to kill everyone here without a second thought, without a Warframe?”

Pinkie just smiled. “Because I know you won’t silly, you would have done it already.”

The girl looked shocked before hiding her face. “Sunset right? I have a proposition for you. If you, or any of your friends beat me in a hand to hand fight, no powers, just skill and strength, I will leave. If I win I will stay, and simply protect the world from outside forces. A win win scenario for you, wouldn’t you say?”

Sunset looked at the teen, not seeing much that could tell she’s a seasoned veteran body wise but her eyes told everything. “My name is Sunset yes…but I doubt we could beat you in hand to hand...your eyes tell me enough.” Sunset says simply. “Rainbow knows martial arts but we all basically know standard self defense.” Sunset says, using her head in this situation instead of just blindly agreeing. “But what’s your name?”

The girl nodded and looked at the group now that Pinkie has let go. “My name is Aileen. And I, am Tenno.”

“Wh-what’s a T-tenno?” Fluttershy asks curiously.

“Oh, that’s easy to explain.” Aileen says as she gestures for the others to follow as the pathway down reopens. “I am a Tenno. We were children onboard the ship Zariman Ten-Zero which was an experimental ship built to traverse the void. The...all the adults either died, or went insane and killed each other. Only us kids, who were practically bathing in Void energy survived. And because of our...unique powers of the void, the leaders of the Orokin named us after the ship. Thus, the Tenno were born.”

“That’s...depressing.” Sunset says bluntly.

“I’m...sensing things went from bad to worse darling.” Rarity says worriedly.

“The year I spent onboard that ship, believe it or not, was the best year of my life. That and the day we who survived killed every last one of those fucking Orokin.” Aileen said with a growl as she walked over to a circle pad in the second floor. “Inanis, can you pull Hope out of stasis please?”

“Oh you are releasing that lovable ball of death? Very well Operator.” Inanis said as the circle was covered, before a hiss and a half bear, half wolf looking creature stretched and yawned, before pouncing on Aileen and licking her face, much to her laughter.

“I get it! I get it! Down girl!” She laughed as her face was covered in slobber.

“So adorable!” Fluttershy squealed happily.

“Wow...that’s a big dog.” Sunset says honestly.

“That’s one heck of a critter.” Applejack said in awe.

“It’s half wolf, half bear.” Fluttershy points out.

“Darling how in the wide world do you know that?” Rarity asks curiously. “You only saw it for a minute.”

“Oh you see,” Fluttershy starts before explaining how she knew Hope was half wolf and half bear, why it could be possible besides ‘it’s an alien’, and other things that literally only an animal caretaker like Fluttershy would know. “And that’s about the long and short of it.” Fluttershy smiles, finishing up her explanation.

“It is actually called a Kubrow. This girl has been the only nice thing the Orokin let me have, well, other than letting me color my ship and Warframes.” Aileen said petting Hope before standing up. “So, what do you all want to see first? My armory, my Warframes, my foundry and how it works, the Somatic link chamber, but I’m not showing you two things, just so you know.”

“And why not?” Rainbow Dash challenged.

“One it’s extremely boring, long and complex, the other is almost more dangerous than the Void, except that it for some reason doesn’t try and do anything except manage life support.” Aileen said bluntly.

“Two very good reasons on why we shouldn’t be shown those things.” Sunset says quickly, glaring at Rainbow quickly. “Anyways, these are my friends.” She says while naming off her friends. “The one with the rainbow hair and obvious challenger streak is Rainbow Dash, the one that basically named off everything about your Kubrow is Fluttershy, the very fancy looking teen girl is named Rarity, don’t worry she’s not snobbish or anything, the very pink girl that hugged you suddenly is named Pinkie Pie, and the more ‘Cowgirl’ looking friend is named Applejack.” She explains.

“Pleasure to meet you all. Sorry I don’t have anything to offer catering wise, unless you like rations or filtered water. But where do you want this tour to begin?” Aileen said with a small bow.

“Um...what were those ‘Warframes’ you talked about?” Sunset asks. “Also don’t worry, within the week you're going to be thrown a party anyways.” Sunset says with a shrug.

“Yepperoni!” Pinkie shouted happily

“Well I guess might as well show you the Warframes while I explain them.” Aileen said, leading the way down to a different room, where many suits for both genders were shown, all looking different except for two of them. “These are the Warframes. Each is designed to give shape to our Void energies in a number of ways, from creating a fiery hell that doesn't target or hurt friends, to creating a blade of pure Void energy. I even have one built to use music as a weapon.” Aileen said with a small chuckle. “They were built because when the Tenno were first brought out of the Void, our bodies couldn’t handle the Void inside us. To this day, unless I use a healthy amount of it or release it slowly in the area around me, I will explode by all the energy packed inside my body. Cryo-sleep being the exception to that rule.”

“Damn…” Sunset says worriedly. “That’s...a whole bunch of something. But you said these give ‘shape to your void’...so that means these things aren’t actual suits of armor?” She says honestly, looking at the regular Excalibur frame. “Not to sound offensive but they look like futuristic Power Ranger suits to an extent.”

“I don’t take too much offence to that, but you are right that it isn’t armor, but at the same time, it is.” Aileen says cryptically and with a small smile, barely noticeable by anyone other than Pinkie.

“It isn’t armor but it is…” Sunset mutters, thinking about it. “Wait…” She frowns. “This is...a golem?” She asks, looking over it. “Sure this is obviously very high tech but...golems are a pain to make even back on Equestria.”

“Well, they aren’t exactly golems. They are flesh and blood underneath all the armor. Also, they can not be alive while I am awake. Come along with me and I’ll show you what I mean” Aileen said while Rarity followed her, dragging Applejack away from Mesa and Rainbow from Zephyr.

The next room freaked Sunset out a little, but gave the others a sense of calm. It was a large, spacious room with a single object in the distance, but behind it appeared to be a small piece of the void. “Welcome to the Somatic Link chamber.”

“Well I’ll be...it’s rather relaxing in here if I say so mah self.” Applejack said in awe.

“So cool!” Rainbow said as she looked at the void before Aileen held her back.

“That is excess Void I use to pilot the Warframes. As I don’t know if any of you can handle the Void, let alone Void strait from me, please don’t touch it.” She said as Pinkie Pie, who was already across the room, pouted and crossed her arms.

“Trust me Pinkie, Aileen is right.” Sunset says simply. “Since the myths are apparently true then the ambient magic in this world, or coming from us...won’t really mix well with Void.” She says. “Heck, it might actually hurt all of us if we’re not careful…” She says, scratching her head in confused anger. “Gods I don’t know what to do…”

“Void is less aggressive than you think. It is all based around intent. As this Void in intent on piloting Warframes, unless it is disrupted I don’t think you have anything to worry about.” Aileen said as she walked to the object right before the void, which opened up to a comfy looking seat. “Now to show you what I mean.” She said before she sat down and the panel closed as they saw her fall asleep. They heard the door open before walking in was one of the Warframes they had seen in the other room.

“H-h-how?” Rarity stutters.

“It...it can’t be…” Sunset said in disblief, looking between Aileen’s body and the Warframe. “You...actually pilot that thing?” She asks.

“Yup” Came Aileen’s voice from the Warframe. “Meet Ember Prime.”

“That’s way too advanced...not even Celestia or Luna could do that…” Sunset mutters.

“You're talking about your worlds Celestia and Luna right darling?” Rarity asks.

“No I’m talking about the actual god damn sun and moon.” Sunset deadpanned.

“Wait, how are you in that thing?” Rainbow asked defensively.

“It is what the Lotus nicknamed the Second Dream. We dream of not what we are, but of what we could be inside these chambers, and our mind is transmitted through the void into surrogate bodies who can handle all of our power and give it shape. In this case, I chose my Ember Prime, the fire frame. ”

“That’s mighty impressive, just don’t let that thing near my farm ya hear?” AJ says

“Don’t worry, the fire doesn’t hurt civilians, allies, or the environment, just enemies.” Aileen says reassuringly. “But if it makes you feel safer, I will not bring her over to your farm.”

“It must have taken ages to figure out how to make it like that….” Sunset says honestly.

“Try a year with one woman who, even though we had hurt her, cared for us like her own children till the day she died.” Aileen says sadly.

“Oh…” Sunset sighs out.

“Um...excuse me.” Fluttershy says, wanting to change the subject to get off sadness. “I was wondering...since you showed us around…”

“We show you around town.” Sunset finishes. “That’s a good idea Fluttershy.”

“It was nothing…” Fluttershy says sheepishly.

“Never think of Kindness as nothing Fluttershy. During the darkest times in my life, I kept going because of a few people’s kindness. It is a powerful force that puts the Void to shame. Void kills, and killing is easy, but Kindness heals.” Aileen said before putting Ember Prime away and stepping out of the Somatic Link. “I would like a tour, but I’m afraid with my clothing, I’ll kinda...stand out if you understand.” She said, gesturing to her skin tight bodysuit.

“Don’t worry darling, I’ll make you new clothes and they’ll look wonderful.” She says with a smile. “And we can say that you were wearing the body suit for...swimming practice let’s go with that.”

“Sounds like an idea. Though I have one request for any outfit you make. Could you put this image on the back?” Aileen says, pulling up a holographic image of the Tenno's emblem

“Hmm….” Rarity looks over the entire emblem with a critical eye. “I’m sure I can make it work darling.” She nods. “Do you prefer any color of clothes dear?”

“Blues, blacks, reds and whites mostly. A little bit of purple here and there. After years of having no choice really, I’m not picky.”

“I can make that work.” Rarity nods.

“Um…” Fluttershy mutters quietly, wanting to bring something up but not sure if Aileen would like it.

“Yes Fluttershy?” Aileen says, turning to the shy, pink haired teen.

“I...was wondering…” She says before hiding behind her hair and whispering something that even the Tenno could barely hear.

“I’m sorry Fluttershy, but if you could repeat that just a smidge louder, I’d be grateful.” Aileen said softly.

Fluttershy took a deep breath. “Um...given that we’re g-going to take you on a tour of t-town...and Rarity is going to m-make you new clothes...would you...want to enroll in Canterlot High School?”

“Wow...I honestly forgot about that…” Sunset says honestly, knowing full well why she wouldn’t immediately think about that part. “But yeah, all of us go to the same high school, and it’s a nice place….I mean if you want to get past the weird magical weirdness that happens every other month.” Sunset says with a shrug.

“I...I don’t know. Until now, the closest I had to school was training as a warrior. I would most likely fail at everything besides physical sports.” Aileen said, apparently nervous to the surprise of Sunset.

“Don’t worry, we’re all here for you.” Sunset says simply. “If you need tutoring in any academics I’m your girl.” Sunset explains with a confident smile.

“Ah’ll be there to support yah if stress becomes too much sugar cube.” AJ says with a caring look on her face.

“I’ll be here if you...need to talk about anything.” Fluttershy says kindly. “I’m good at listening.”

“I’ll be here to kick any teeth in if any punk is giving you a hard time!” Rainbow says with a cocky grin.

“I’ll be here if you need any help in side projects like cooking or clothes making.” Rarity says with a smile.

“And I’ll be here to make sure you can smile even during a bummer day! Oh and I have so many things I want to show you!” Pinkie squealed happily as she once again hugs Aileen.

“I...thank you all...you have no idea how much it means.” Aileen says as the other girls follow in Pinkie’s footsteps and around the Tenno with a massive group hug.

”How long will these friends last before they die too?” Aileen thinks to herself sadly.