• Published 30th May 2017
  • 1,085 Views, 20 Comments

Siege of the Crystal Empire - Mystic Mind

The Crystal Empire has fought and won against many foes, but can they survive against an army of ghosts?

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Chapter 19: Bombardment

(19: Bombardment)

Through Far Seer's magnification spell, Stellar could get a clear view of what kind of odds the Empire was up against. Outnumbering his allies by at least ten to one, ponies who were previously on the front line now found themselves scrambling for cover as they chased them back into the city.

Circling above him, Stellar could see more than a dozen Pegasus ponies, all holding between their hooves large chunks of crystal and stone from what used to be the outer wall. “Far Seer, magnify the central boulevard for the flyers to see. This will be our first primary target.”

As Far Seer cast it over the wide street that cut straight through the middle of the lower district, Stellar shot off an arcane bolt in that direction, chipping off a chunk of the broad arch that, ironically, stood as the first symbol of the Empire's welcome that visitors would see. No words needed to be exchanged between Stellar and the Pegasus Guard, as a loud crack from the monument's keystone was all the signal needed for them to acknowledge their first target.

Climbing to the height of the district's tallest spires, the Pegasi folded in their wings to arc themselves into a dive, keeping the tips flared to maintain control until, upon reaching the fifty-metre mark, each one released their projectiles and pulled away, their muscles compressing from the heavy g-forces as they pushed out their wings to avoid being caught in the ensuing destruction.

With each bomb hitting their mark, the structure shuddered, cracks snaking through the supporting stones. Stellar could see that the Phantom Stallions didn't react to the bombing of the arch, a fact that the Pegasus Guard could also observe. Just as the phantoms marched below the iconic monument, the flyers combined their might to unleash one more tactical round of crystal projectiles, shattering the arch's keystone. Unable to support its own weight, it collapsed right on top of the enemy, crushing them beneath several tons of crystalline rubble.

“The boulevard front line is secured for the moment,” a Pegasus Guard said, descending towards Shining Armour two blocks away. “The arch is destroyed and the blockade is set. There are at least a dozen ponies spreading out behind the blockade as we speak.”

Shining cringed internally at this report, knowing this was just the beginning of their hard work’s demolition. “Excellent work, soldier,” he said, saluting the Pegasus. “Continue following Stellar's orders and regroup. We will set up the blockade's defence.”

From what he could see, Shining guessed that at least twenty-five ponies were following him, including both Meteor and Garnet. This was a vague guess at best, but with no time to count and the Phantom Stallions hot on his tail, all he could do was hope to the Crystal Heart that his estimate was an accurate one. “Everypony, listen up!” he announced as he turned to face his troops. “I want the rear half of this unit to follow me back onto the boulevard. The rest of you, destroy as much of the pavement as you can before the phantoms arrive, but hold your ground on even terrain. We need all the advantages we can get.”

Organising them according to the best ponies for the task at hand, the Earth and Crystal Guardsponies held their shields over their heads as they slipped past the unicorns to the front ranks. A higher portion of Crystal Ponies stayed behind within the defending unit, allowing the Earth Ponies whom had more training with Shining Armour to follow him directly. They gritted their teeth and channelled earthen magic through their limbs, the front rank of the Canterlot Guard furiously pummelling their hooves onto the pavement, forming a makeshift ditch within seconds. The Unicorn mages followed suit, blasting off chunks of the surrounding buildings with their magic to slow the enemy advancement.

Mindlessly, the Phantom Stallions charged, their singular focus on killing the Empire's defenders leading them straight into the ditch. From there, the core of the Canterlot Guard had the room to drop themselves on top of the phantoms, crushing them beneath a flurry of attacks while the heavy infantry swung their weapons overhead with ease. In the confines of the narrow street, the numbers of the Phantom Stallions counted for little, with each proceeding rank finding themselves beneath either a barrage of blunt weapons smashing their heads in, or the crystal rain of the towers' outer walls.

Teleporting to the next roof, Stellar saw how the phantoms were chipping away at the barricade as the Pegasus troops repeated their daring dives to reload their crystal payload. Holding himself close to the spire, Stellar kept his eyes on Moonshadow, observing and making mental notes of every move he made. With but a flick of his hoof, Moonshadow used his magic to fling any Pegasi unlucky enough to fly too close out of his way, sending them spiralling around in mid-air until they crashed into the nearest solid object.

He observed his terrifying display of power and lack of mercy. If he could not kill Moonshadow with an army, then he would do the next best thing; stall him until Princess Cadence arrived. Beyond that, all he could was maintain his faith in the Crystal Heart's power, while continuing to inspire it in others.

Following the lead of the magnification spell to mark their target, the Pegasus troops continued to bomb the central boulevard, reinforcing the barrier from behind to counteract the pounding hooves of the Phantom Stallions at the front. A few lucky shots even struck Moonshadow, for what little good it did. Seeing how many of his minions were tied up in trying to break through the barrier, Moonshadow gestured his hoof from left to right, his magic resonating within the Phantom Stallions to follow a new direction.

“Do you pathetic ponies still think you can hide from me?” he yelled with a sarcastic chuckle. “Your resistance accomplishes nothing, as my minions have served their purpose! You have failed, heroes. I will still claim the Crystal Heart and its power for my own!” With a single blast of magic, Moonshadow shattered the barricade, advancing towards Shining Armour and the defending unit with no more haste than an average pony going for a leisurely walk.

“Hold the line!” Shining called, levitating the remains of the barricade with his magic to construct a series of earthen shields in Moonshadow's path, all of which were effortlessly destroyed with a volley of dark magic bolts. Standing on either side, Garnet and Meteor raised their weapons, waiting for Shining's command to attack.

“I am prepared to die for the Empire!” Garnet said, her voice free from any hesitation.

“Aye! Same here!” Meteor added, grinning with anticipation of the fight to come. “But if our lives are gonna be forfeit, let’s give Moonshadow a damn good thrashing beforehand, what do ya say?”

“I like the way you think,” Garnet replied, giving Meteor a hoof bump.

Shining Armour wanted to object, but he knew full well it would be nothing short of a miracle if anypony made out in one piece. As he prepared his next spell, a magical flash caught the corner of his eye; Stellar Shine's teleportation spell.

“Shining, don't try and fight Moonshadow head on,” Stellar said matter-of-factly. “You know he is too powerful. We need you to direct the rest of our troops. We must leave him in the hooves of Cadence.”

“Stellar, I know I gave you the authority to direct this battle,” Shining replied, his voice cracking. “But you don't understand. This is my home, Stellar. Ever since the Crystal Empire was freed from the grasp of King Sombra, I have fought tooth and hoof against everything that has been thrown at us, from Chrysalis to Tirek. What kind of a Prince would I be if I didn't at least try to end the biggest threat to the Empire directly? I don't care how difficult it may be. I will perform my duty, no matter what.”

Stellar put his hoof on Shining Armour's shoulder. Moonshadow was still advancing, but with such little haste in his progression, Stellar could tell that he was messing with Shining; a taunt to lure in the Prince and kill him where he stood. “I have always admired the pride you have in your nation,” Stellar said, smiling as he made eye contact with Shining. “It's why I fight alongside you today. But trust me, Moonshadow will get what's coming to him. You said it yourself; our faith in the Crystal Heart got us here today, and it will continue to pull us through. Let’s give Moonshadow a taste of our power, but ultimately, if he wants to find the Crystal Heart? Let him. He will soon find out that he'll be getting much more than he bargained for.”

For the first time since the siege began, Shining Armour smiled back. This was not a forced smile put on to ease the worries of others, nor was it a nervous smile one would have when putting on a brave face. No, this was a genuine smile; one of assurance, and of security. Though he didn't know how it would come about, Shining knew that Moonshadow would not win. If not by his hooves, then by those of his wife.

“Warriors of the Empire, ready your weapons!” Shining called, bubbling the troops in his signature magic shield. “Crystal Ponies, to my side. Earth Ponies, behind us. Unicorns, shoot from the back. Pegasi, those that can hear me, throw everything you have on Moonshadow. For Princess Cadence!”

“For Princess Cadence!” the defenders reciprocated. Conjuring up a large swirl of magic, Stellar led the unicorns in unleashing a barrage of arcane missiles. However, Moonshadow was not the target in this case. Instead, they spread their magic in wide arcs, blasting away at the foundations of the former Crystal Pony homes. In a strange twist of fate, Stellar had realised that the presence of the Phantom Stallions had given the Empire's army a wild card to play in this final battle; with a minimal amount of magic being used during earlier fights, the unicorns now had plenty of manna to burn on the physical surroundings that the enemy could not withstand.

The timing couldn't have been more perfect, as with the base support obliterated, the thousand tons of crystal towers could no longer remain upright, crashing into each other in the middle of the street in a controlled demolition on top of Moonshadow. And in that briefest of moments, there was no movement from underneath. No immediate spell which would break the dark unicorn out, and no sign of his escape. Though as satisfying as it was to marvel at the results of their targeted destruction, any leader worth their salt knew that it would be foolish to get complacent. Shining Armour and Stellar Shine had both realised the mistake that lead to Moonshadow and the Phantom Stallions breaking through, and they both knew the old saying about those who did not learn from the past.

“Alright everypony!” Shining called. “Prepare for mass teleportation!”

Right on cue, a patch of rubble began to wiggle – a subtle movement, but enough to signal that it was time to get going. With the Unicorns surrounding their less sorcerous allies, a collective spell was cast with Stellar and Shining providing the trigger. Just like that, the ponies of the Crystal Empire had become reorganised once again. Shining Armour took one half into the unbroken tower to his left, while Stellar took the other half to his right. Just as planned, Far Seer was there to greet Stellar, carrying all the bows and arrows that had been discarded during the panic of the breakthrough.

“3rd West Street at the northern end and 5th East Street right in the middle have been blocked, Commander Stellar,” Far Seer said with a salute. “Phantom Stallions eradicated in both sectors. What's the next step?”

“Go and tell Shining Armour what you just told me,” Stellar replied. “Then prepare to evacuate everypony from the building, except for the mages and archers. After Moonshadow destroys these towers, we will focus on finishing off the Phantom Stallions.”

“And so we just let Moonshadow go?” Far Seer asked, his tone remaining flat to frame the question as a clarification of facts, rather than to cast doubt on Stellar's plans.

“Yes. But not without a little reminder that we aren't as insignificant as he'd like to think.”

Drawing their bow strings, the archers on Stellar's side kept their sights on the shifting mass of stone, only looking up to confirm that their comrades on the other side were also doing the same. The second they saw the tip of a long, pale blue horn, they opened fire, covering Moonshadow in a swarm of arrows. The dark unicorn pushed his way through, expending magic to shield himself from most of the hits. It was impossible for him to deflect them all; by statistical chance alone, some would have to hit their mark. This required extra magic to pull them out from whichever part of his body they pierced, then tend to the wound so that he didn't bleed out.

“You pests are beginning to wear on my patience,” Moonshadow sneered, using his shield as a basis to weave another spell. “You wish to die so badly? Then let me be the one to grant you your wish!”

With a shake of his head, the arcane bubble exploded, releasing a wild torrent of magic that tore away at the towers as if it had the consistency of wet paper. To his eyes, his attack had vaporised the defenders. If the building itself couldn't withstand his power, then there was no chance in Tartarus that a flesh and blood pony could have lived through it. The only anomaly he did notice was the lack of much residual magic where the pony archers once would have been. Though Moonshadow didn't care to investigate, instead using his horn to absorb the precious remaining scraps of arcane power.

How irritating, he thought to himself, grumbling as he shot off random bolts of magic at the surrounding rubble to relieve his frustration. Those ponies have kept me from my prize for long enough. I will not be denied the power that will finally grant me my divine ascension!

Turning back momentarily, Moonshadow fired a beam of magic towards two of the nearest Phantom Stallion units, reconnecting himself to the sorcery within his puppets and encasing them in an opaque bubble. Pulling at the strings of power, he flung his minions over his shoulder like a slingshot. Though he had no plan for where they would land, he was certain that whatever havoc they caused would be to his advantage.