• Published 31st May 2017
  • 2,801 Views, 77 Comments

Covfefe - MythrilMoth

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Vice-Principal Luna slouched into the faculty room at Canterlot High on a muggy Wednesday morning, bags under her bloodshot eyes. "Covfefe?" she mumbled blearily.

Miss Cheerilee blinked at her, then pointed at a half-full pot of murky black nirvana. Luna muttered something, then poured herself a cup and drained it in one swallow. "Gah."

"You alright?" Miss Cheerilee asked.

"I was up all night..." Luna yawned. "Team...battle. Got heavy, had to lay down covfefe." She yawned again, then poured and drained another cup.

"Uh-huh," Miss Cheerilee said, blinking slowly. "Well listen, Miss Harshwhinny called in sick this morning and none of the usual substitutes are available—"

Luna waved her off. "I'll covfefe."

"Okay then," Miss Cheerilee said as Luna walked over to Miss Harshwhinny's desk, grabbed the handful of lesson plans and the roll book stacked neatly there, and shuffled out of the room.

* * * * *

"Were you up all night studying?" Sunset Shimmer asked Twilight Sparkle as they sat down in first period. Twilight's eyes were tight and puffy, her hair was a mess, and her glasses were askew.

"I have an important..." Twilight yawned. "Test in AP Calculus today. I wanted to make sure I have everything covfefe."

Sunset blinked. "Okay." She frowned. "But...will you be awake enough for the test?"

"Sure, I'll—" Twilight fell asleep, faceplanting on her desk.

Vice-Principal Luna walked in, looking about as run-down as Twilight. "Miss Harshwhinny's out, I'm covfefe—"

That was as far as she got before she fell asleep at Miss Harshwhinny's desk. Everyone looked at each other, shrugged, and went about the business of texting, playing mobile games, or doing unfinished homework for other classes.

* * * * *

Cloud Chaser and Cloudy Kicks bore down on Rainbow Dash as she dribbled down the court. None of her teammates were anywhere nearby to bail her out, and she couldn't break free. "Hey! Thunderlane! Covfefe!" But it was too late. The ball was stripped, and Rainbow Dash chased the twins up the court, trying in vain to prevent them from scoring the winning hoop.

* * * * *

Principal Celestia blinked as Luna walked into her office at the end of lunch with a giant cup in one hand. "Umm...haven't you had enough already?" she asked.

Luna took a long, noisy slurp. "Covfefe," she mumbled. She paused, then set her cup down. "Bathroom." With a pained look on her face, she turned and ran from the room.

Celestia shook her head and went back to her paperwork.

* * * * *

Fluttershy blinked at Micro Chips, who stood in front of her desk before the last class of the day, looking awkward and nervous as he held a patterned red box with a gold ribbon around it out to her. "Umm...what's this?" she asked.

"Chocacovfefe cherr—" Micro Chips coughed. "Umm, cherries. For you. Because you're sweet. Like cherries. But not covfefe chocolate, I mean, unless you wanted to be..." His eyes widened as he realized what he'd just said, and he dropped the box and skittered away.

"Oh my," Fluttershy said quietly, blinking. She quietly slipped the box into her backpack. After all, they'd go well with her daily ice cream sundae.

* * * * *

Sunset and her friends gathered by the remains of the horse statue after school. "Wmm go Sgr Cb Covfefe?" Pinkie Pie asked through a thick wad of bubble gum.

"Pinkie Pie, what's up with the gum?" Sunset asked. "That's like, a disgustingly huge amount of gum you're chewing."

Pinkie chewed noisily for a minute, then tilted her head back and blew an enormous bubble. The other girls stepped away nervously, except for Rarity, who was too busy polishing her nails to notice the impending doom.

The girls had almost gotten clear of the splatter zone when the bubble popped.

"EWW! PINKIE!" Rainbow yelled.

Rarity shrieked, holding up a now-ruined hand. Her shriek, and following exclamation, were muffled by the pink shroud draped over her face. "I'M COVFEFE BUBBLE GUM!"

"Yes! New record!" Pinkie exclaimed, giggling happily as she jumped up and down.

Her friends all shot her cross looks. "How come none of it got on you?" Twilight asked, grimacing in disgust as she flung long, sticky pink strands from her fingertips.

"Eh, it's a gift," Pinkie said, buffing her nails on her chest.

* * * * *

Twilight Sparkle yawned sleepily as she sat at the living room table doing her homework. Her parents were in the kitchen, going on and on about a minor car accident her dad had earlier in the evening.

"Don't worry about it, hon," Night Light said. "We're covfefe."

"Yes, but what about the premiums?"

Night Light sighed. "We'll worry about that later." He rubbed his eyes tiredly. "Any covfefe?"

"Now, dear, you know what the doctor said about caffeine before bed..."

Twilight's eyes drifted closed as her head slumped over on the table. Within minutes, her tablet was covfefe in drool.

* * * * *

Sunset Shimmer leaned back in the bath, letting out a sigh as she let the warm, bubbly water covfefe her body. It had been a long, tiring day. Between Twilight's dozing off all day, the oppressive humidity, and spending an hour washing Pinkie Pie's bubble gum out of her hair, all she wanted to do was relax in the bath for a while, then go to bed.

The short, alarmed message she'd gotten from Princess Twilight shortly after she got home hadn't helped matters.

Dear Sunset Shimmer,

I think something's wrong with the portal. It stopped working all of a sudden this afternoon and the mirror's covfefe

Comments ( 77 )

After all, they'd go well with her daily ice cream sundae.

"When I'm feeling depressed, I eat an ice cream sundae."
"You eat a sundae every day."
"Have you met my brother?"

In any case, an amusing tribute to an imperfectly cromulent word.

Moth, I think you need to lay off the covfefe. That or you took some really nice drugs...lol. :rainbowlaugh:

Moth, whatever you're on right now, I want some.:pinkiehappy:

Looks like the newest story inspired by trumps late night tweet has shown up.

Does. Not. COMPUTE!!!!!

8201118 he's on covfefe, obviously.

But I don't drink covfefe. :raritydespair:

Despite the constant negative press...

Please someone explain this to me? Because WHAT :rainbowderp:

Reminds me of squanch

Kawa #14 · May 31st, 2017 · · 1 ·

8201178 The tweeter-in-chief had a stroke or sumth.

I suppose that of all the rants from his twitter account that could infect the world, this one is possibly the least harmful.

8201178 Donald Trump. Twitter. 'nuff said.

You mean most harmless?


Goddamn it MythrilMoth...

Thank god I don't do Twitter. So these kind of things don't affect me.

President Trolnad Dump apparently invented the art of butt-tweeting last night, and decided that the result — "despite the constant negative press covfefe" — still needed to be shared with the world and thus decided to press "Send".  A meme was born. :facehoof:

Oh, the things that our wonderful president inspires.


8201202 Yes indeed. Thanks and edited.

Nice covfefe art.

This story was... covfefe.

Oh goddammit 😂




I dunno what this was, but it was a decent read. Though now I'm wondering if Fluttershy will accept or reject Micro Chip's advance. Probably not something meant to be focused on. Ah well.

Also, the cover pic seems to show Luna giving a seductive speech. :rainbowlaugh:

Must be from an​ obscure Russian dialect.

Comment posted by Mystic Deadman deleted May 31st, 2017


Also, the cover pic seems to show Luna giving a seductive speech. :rainbowlaugh:

That's Luna telling us she's a "fropessional", from the blooper reel of Friendship Games. :pinkiehappy:


But is she a seductive fropessional?

Luna is always seductive, whether she's being fropessional or unfrocovfefe


Damnit, now there needs to be a story where Luna's overlooking detention and trying her level damnedest not to be seductive with every word out of her mouth. :rainbowlaugh:

It was only a matter of time before there was a story based off of this

I don't go on twitter so can anyone explain to me what 'covfefe' is, where it comes from and what is the joke? Can someone explain please?

Okay, in fairness, I can see why my previous comment on this story was deleted. It was meant to be a joke reaction to the story and its events, not any kind of critique on it.

8201703 media.npr.org/assets/img/2017/05/31/covfefe-trump_wide-b5fd498736b7baadff7cf38932c364133fb1847a.png?s=1400


I can see why my previous comment on this story was deleted.

Based on the rest of your comment, you don't see. I have asked, repeatedly, that people NOT post Jontron videos in reply to my stories and blogs, because I personally loathe Jontron. You post a Jontron video, your comment gets deleted. You do it several times without figuring it out, you get blocked. I have zero tolerance for Jontron.

Yeah, honestly, I forgot about that. It was mistake on my part, and I apologize for it.

Every time I see this, Kenny Loggins' "Footloose" plays in my head, except with "covfefe" replacing "footloose."

What's with this word. *checks news and twitter*


I'm at a loss for words.

Well, looks like someone's following Jean Chrétien's way of politics: if you suck as a politician, at least make everyone laugh.

Thanks Moth. I needed the laugh.

Can't wait for the sequel, where Spike forgets to turn his swag off, and wakes up covfefe in bitches.

8203310 It has absolutely nothing to do with Jontron's politics. I don't even know what his politics ARE. I just think Jontron is stupid and people use him as comment memes WAY too often to the point that it gets on my nerves.

You try wading through 50 Jontron videos in your comments section in one day sometime. See how fast that shit gets on YOUR nerves.

Also, for that little dig at me? Go fuck yourself.

8203314 Apology accepted, but maybe next time try not to insult someone out of turn? :twilightsheepish:

I feel vaguely ashamed of myself that I had to Google the joke.

I'm gonna go grab a covfefe while I read the covfefe of the latest covfefe incident in the covfefe.

I'm pretty sure starting an annoying meme is the least bad and/or strange thing Trump has done so far.

Of course, I had to look up the joke on Google to figure out what was going on, but this is still pretty funny.

I don't get it. I know the joke but I don't get why it's funny, honestly. At least Trump was smart enough to make a game of it though

Smart and Trump should never be in the same sentance.

True but idk what word to use. he realized "well they're going to mock me for it anyway, might as well screw with the people dumb enough to take it seriously"

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