• Published 6th Jun 2017
  • 1,071 Views, 119 Comments

Random Discussions - King of Madness

Sunset, Twilight, Rainbow, Fluttershy, AJ, Rarity, and Pinkie have random discussions in their corner in Sugarcube Corner.

  • ...

You'll Never Believe What Happened!

Author's Note:

Suggestion by Temnizziv

"And then Big Mac had to carry Granny Smith out while she kept yellin' 'Lemme at 'em, lemme at 'em'!" Applejack laughed. "It was the funniest thing I've ever seen!"

The others laughed as well.

"And what about you, AJ?" Rainbow Dash asked once she stopped laughing. "Have you ever been in a fight?"

"Not since I was a youngin'." Applejack declared proudly. But then, she remembered something. "...'Cept for that one time. Funny thing is, hehe, the girl I was fightin' was Limestone."

Pinkie spat out her soda, accidentally spraying Rarity with it.

"Pinkie!" Rarity scolded. "Ugh, why do I keep getting sprayed with soda?!"

"What?! I thought you and Limestone were friends?!" Pinkie said with surprise and concern. "Why were you both fighting?"

Applejack rubbed the back of her neck. "Well, we both had too much cider an' we both said some things we would regret sayin'... Hold on, you didn' know Limestone was in a fight? We were both pretty messed up."

Pinkie shrugged. "Limestone gets into fights all the time. She's one of those 'punch first, ask questions later' kind of people."

"Heh, yeah, Ah know." Applejack said with a smirk.

"So, what happened? Who won the fight?" Rainbow asked excitedly.

Applejack thought for a moment. "Ah can't remember everything, but Ah do remember we punched each other for while. And after that, I'm pretty sure she smashed an apple on my head and then I hit her with a pool stick. After that, it's a bit of a blur. Ah remember German suplexin' her through a table and Ah think she chokeslammed me off a balcony and then did an elbow drop right afterwards. Hmm... Pretty sure one of us got thrown through a window. Can't remember much else other than goin' to the hospital."

The others just stared at her.


"But I don't get it." Pinkie said in confusion. "You Limestone get along so well. Heck, you're probably her only friend that isn't her sister!"

"Oh, that didn' change." Applejack assured with a smile. "In fact, I'd say we bonded in that fight."

"Man, I wish i could of been there. It sounds so awesome!" Rainbow mused before getting smacked upside the head by Rarity.

"And what about you, Dash?" Applejack asked. "Any crazy thing happen to you that none of us were there for?"

Rainbow thought for a moment. "...Well, there was this one time in Summer Camp where I got lost in the forest."

"Oh yeah, I remember that." Fluttershy said. "We were really worried about you... Now that I think about it, you never told me what happened. You just said it was a 'long story'."

"Oh, right..." Rainbow rubbed the back on her head. "Well, I kinda wanted everyone to think that I was this bad...butt survivalist."

"And ya weren't?" Applejack asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Of course, I was!" Rainbow defended. "Just... not as much as people thought."

"So, what happened, Dashie?" Pinkie asked.

Rainbow sighed, realizing there was no way out of this one. "Well, what happened was... Now, this wasn't my fault, but... I rolled down a cliff."

The others gasped.

"Well, okay, it wasn't exactly a cliff, but it was really steep hill. Like, really steep! It might as well have been a cliff anyways. So, I fell and rolled down the cliff, err, hill, err, whatever it was and I got lost. I tried to find my way back to camp, but then I meet a bear and... I ran away." Rainbow looked away in embarrassment.

"Why is that bad?" Sunset asked. "You saw a bear and ran away from it. So what?"

"Well, I kinda wanted people to think I would have fought it." Rainbow admitted. "So, anyway, I ended up staying in the forest all night and most of the next day. By the way, why the heck was it so hot during the day and so cold during the night?!"

"Well-" Twilight started.

"Rhetorical question." Rainbow deadpanned.

"Oh... Sorry."

Rainbow rolled her eyes. "And, as you can imagine, I got hungry, so I started looking for berries. The problem was... I didn't know which berries were poisonous and which weren't."

"But, Rainbow, they taught us which ones were poisonous." Fluttershy inquired.

"Right, well, I kinda sorta maybe probably didn't listen."

Fluttershy gave her best friend a look.

"Anyway, so I ate the berries that didn't look poisonous. And... I don't know if they were poisonous or not, but they did not agree with my insides. Once I, uhh, did my business, I grabbed some leaves to wipe myself. But..." Rainbow blushed. "What I didn't know was..."

"Let me guess," Sunset butted in. "It was poison ivy."

Rainbow grumbled. "Yeah."

"Oh, so that's why you were acting funny when you got back." Fluttershy realized. "Why didn't you just tell the teachers?"

"Because it was embarrassing." Rainbow said with exhaustion. "Anyway, I tried to get some nuts, but I was attacked by an army of psychotic squirrels. So, I ended up not eating anything for the rest of that day and most of the day after. I couldn't get to sleep because it got so cold and I spent the next day looking for camp and avoiding that bear... and the squirrels. I even ended up cutting myself on some tree bark and hit my head on rock in the process."

"You told everyone a wolf did that." Fluttershy noted once again.

Rainbow took a deep breath. "I made it back to camp before sundown. The end. And what about you, Shy? What's something crazy that happened to you that none of us know about?"

"Umm..." Fluttershy thought for a moment. "Well, I accidentally got stuck on an airplane once."

Rainbow blinked in surprise. "...Really?"

"Yes. I was seven years old when it happened. Me, Mom and Dad, and Zephyr were talking with some friends at the airport when I saw this adorable little kitty. The poor thing looked lost and no one was paying any attention to him, so I snuck away and tried to catch him. I was so caught up in trying to get to him that I didn't realize we had ended up in the baggage area of a plane until the entrance shut behind us." Fluttershy tapped her chin in thought. "Now that I think about it, how did no one notice me? Hmm... Well, anyway, I was too scared to ask anyone for help, so me and the kitty just hid for the entire flight."

"So, how did you get back?" Twilight asked.

"Luckily, the airplane I ended up on was the same one my parents' friends were on and they found me. Then we took the next plane back home." Fluttershy looked down and rubbed her arm. "I felt awful for putting a dent in their vacation, but they assured me it wasn't a problem."

Rainbow sighed. "Well, at least you had it better than me."

"Oh! Oh! It's my turn!" Pinkie declared.

"I don't think that will be necessary, Pinkie." Sunset stated.

Pinkie gave the bacon-haired girl a confused look. "Why not?"

"Because you tell us weird things that have happened to you all the time."

"Oh... Good point." Pinkie accept without complaint. "What about you, Sunset?"

Sunset thought for a moment. She had already told them plenty of stories of life in Equestria and she didn't want to talk about things that happened during her time as a bully. So, she searched through her memories for something crazy that had happened to her recently that the others were not aware of. After some searching, she found it. "Remember on Christmas break, when I was late for that Nativity play?"

The others nodded.

"The reason I was late was because, while I was wrapping presents, I... kinda ended up in a cocoon of wrapping paper."

Rainbow laughed, earning herself another dope slap from Rarity.

Sunset rolled her eyes.

"How'ja even manage that?" Applejack asked.

"I don't even know." Sunset admitted. "One moment I was wrapping presents; the next, I was wrapping myself."

"I knew I saw ribbons in your hair!" Pinkie declared.

Sunset closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Yes."

"Now, it's Twilight's turn!" Pinkie decided.

Twilight thought for a moment. "Well, actually, I don't I have any stories like that. Most of my life has been reading and studying. The only really interesting parts had you girls in it. Hehe."

"Well, there must've something?" Pinkie insisted.

Twilight continued to think. After a while, she opened her mouth... and then closed it... then opened it again... then closed it again... open... close... open... close... "Nope. Can't think of anything."

"Well then, that leaves Rarity."

Rarity looked at her friends and tried to think of something. Her mind could only bring up one thing... Rarity blushed. "Well, um, I can only think of one event and... I'm sorry, it would not be ladylike to discuss it."

Applejack raised an eyebrow. "Ya do know who ya talkin' to, right?"

"...Good point." Rarity took a deep breath, seeing that there was no turning back now. "Alright, darlings, here's what happened. It was back when Sweetie Belle was still a baby. My parents had some business to attend to and left me to take care of my baby sister. To my luck, she ended up being quite restless and she wouldn't play with any of her toys, so I tried to find something else for her to play with." Rarity's blush deepened. "For whatever reason, I thought it was a good idea to search my parents' bedroom. So, after looking through their closets and finding nothing that would entertain her, I decided to look through the drawers of my mother's nightstand... And I found this funny-looking object."

Fluttershy covered her mouth with her hands while Rainbow bit into her fist.

Rarity looked close to crying. "And... it had a switch on it... and when I turned it on, it started vibrating."

Applejack took off her hat and shoved her face into it. Twilight started sweating profusely, making her glasses fog up.

Tears ran down Rarity's face. "And I thought to myself... 'Sweetie Belle will like this'."

Pinkie looked as if she was about to explode twice.

"And... And... I let her play with it!" Rarity wailed as she broke down into tears.

The others busted out laughing.

Rarity was in hysterics. "She put it in her mouth and everythan-an-an-ang! I was a child! I didn't know any better! Please don't tell Sweetie Belle!" She begged.

"D-Don't worry, Rare." Applejack choked out between laughs. "We'll- hehehe- We'll keep it b-b-between us. Ahahahaha!"

Despite feeling like a terrible person, Rarity couldn't help but laugh to.

The only one who wasn't laughing was Sunset, who stared at her friends in total confusion. "...I don't get it."

Comments ( 75 )

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! :rainbowlaugh:

That seems to be your go-to comment for my stories. Who knows? At this rate, I might become the first person you ever follow on here. :duck:

I'm laughing, but... Rarity's mother has issues... :pinkiesick::rainbowlaugh:

The only one who wasn't laughing was Sunset, who stared at her friends in total confusion. "...I don't get it."

NOBODY TELL HER. :twilightoops::pinkiecrazy:

Comment posted by Amethyst_Dawn deleted Aug 2nd, 2017
Comment posted by King of Madness deleted Aug 2nd, 2017
Comment posted by Amethyst_Dawn deleted Aug 2nd, 2017
Comment posted by King of Madness deleted Aug 2nd, 2017
Comment posted by Amethyst_Dawn deleted Aug 2nd, 2017
Comment posted by King of Madness deleted Aug 2nd, 2017
Comment posted by Amethyst_Dawn deleted Aug 2nd, 2017
Comment posted by King of Madness deleted Aug 2nd, 2017

I think next chapter should be about Power Rangers! :rainbowdetermined2:

Temni! You're alive! :pinkiehappy: You didn't comment on my blogs yesterday, so I was afraid something was wrong. Guess you were just busy. :duck:

Anyway, I can't remember much about Power Rangers and I don't know much about their lore. So, I can't do a Power Rangers one in the near the future. But perhaps in the later future...

I'll admit i didn't having much to say.

Yeah, we can save it for the future.

Oh, I see. Heh, it actually feels weird without comments. It's like,whenever I post a blog, the one thing I'm thinking is 'when is Temni gonna comment'? That's not even joke! :rainbowlaugh:

Though my notifications are faulty.

I will make a retrospective comment on chapter 2 in that while the Deadpool twist isn't unpleasant, i expected RD and Sci-Twi to have a brief physical fight.

Look up the YouTube video Injustice 2 Angry Review to see what i mean.

Um, I don't think a physical fight would work since Rainbow could easily turn Sci-Twi into a human pretzel.


By the way, why do people call her Sci-Twi? Is it because her appearance at the end of Rainbow Rocks looked like something from a science-fiction? :unsuresweetie:

Honestly, i have no idea. I just roll with it.

Sooo, what did you think of this chapter? Oh, wait! Let me guess... It was okay?

Let me elaborate. What did you think of the stories of what the girls went through? Especially Rarity's...

I liked it, RD's story was entertaining and in-character. AJ's still has me wondering the exact cause of the fight(by the way, is it the same limestone from the road rage short?) but sounded interesting, i was disappointed that Twilight had none. Rarity was the funniest and reminded me of a story that one of my elementary school teachers told the class.

It was back in the day(the 80's i think) when my teacher and her sister(who could be compared to a jerkish version of Rarity) both wanted a nice looking skirt and tirelessly bugged their mother about it. Their mother eventually got one which was given to her sister who since then had never ceased to mock her about it but we all know that Karma is a b*tch, and it came in the form of a family visit when she decided to hold her baby cousin.

The baby literally crapped all over the skirt(so much so that it made a puddle) she had been so arrogantly gloating for the past few weeks, it had half the family laughing their a__es off while the rest were trying to clean up the mess and comfort the teen who was literally in tears over her ruined skirt.

In the aftermath, our teacher still recounts the story with great pleasure while her sister grumbles over how "cruel" she was for laughing at her misery.

What's even funnier is that they told this at their cousin's wedding when she was all grown up. Her husband had a laugh while she was displeased that such an embarrassing feat was performed by her.

Yes, she's the same Limestone. In fact, all my Equestria Girls stories take place in the same world. Random Discussions; Road Rage; Helping a Sister Out; Saving the Siren; The Pinkie Games; it's all in the same world. Unless I end up writing a story that conflicts with this canon, that's how it will be.

Also, HAHAHAHA! :rainbowlaugh: Sweet, sweet karma! That teacher sounds awesome!

Ohh yeah, i wonder about the status of Savin the Si-reen?

Why don't we go with... everything involving the Human 7 that doesn't involve Sonata takes place before Saving the Siren?

By the way, have you ever read it?

Honestly no, i should check it out eventually. :twilightsheepish:

Well, I would love to get your thoughts on it when you do. :pinkiehappy: Though have you at least seen the cover art Grim made for me?

Yeah, one has to give him props for effort without pay even if it's not the best I've seen.

I especially love how Adagio and Aria are hiding in bushes that resemble their respective hair, especially since Adagio's eyes have a deranged look to them. :pinkiehappy:

Huh? I never noticed! :rainbowlaugh:

Though now it's got me thinking of the Bridge!Verse origin story of the sirens.

He also made a cover for The Truth Behind Pinkamena. You should see it; Pinkamena's eyes are beautiful! And maybe you could read the story too? It'll only take, like, two minutes to read.

I've noted it for later reading.

Though you're not interested in the Bridge!Verse origin of the sirens or have you had enough of spoilers?

Hmm... I am a bit interested. Though, you may wanna spoiler tag it for the other people.

Alright, here's an excerpt.

As known, the mothers of the sirens known as Adagio, Aria, and Sonata were a pair of mermare princesses; Crown Princess Melpomene Sairíne and her sister Princess Hymnia Sairíne

Princess Melpomene was the mother of Adagio and Sonata, and Hymnia was Aria's mother. It is a hint that Melpomene is the name of the musical muse of tragedy and Hymnia the name of the muse keeper of a sacred song whose namesake priestess was forced to lose her innocence. And much like their greek name origin, the Mermare Princess Sisters were the subject of a classic style tragedy. When an invader encroached upon Mako island the mermares were helpless against them, forced to flee underwater as the island was infected by disharmony. Frozen over by ice and surrounded by sea ice, the salt water slowly being frozen bit by bit to box them in. Their mother, Queen Amatheia, could channel a spell through the island to expel the invaders, but it would require time and a location on the surface to do it. Somepony had to draw the invaders away like prey feigning an injury or departure from the herd to distract the predator. Before a decision could be made, the sisters volunteered themselves and left without telling anypony to draw the attacker's away. It succeeded, but thinking her daughters to be dead and the spell taking a lot out of her, Queen Amatheia passed away after erecting The Shroud; a fog and storm bank that repelled dark magic.

But the daughters didn't die when they were finally caught, and their captors did something arguably worse than kill them. To just cut to the chase, the sirens are children conceived by rape. And considering a gap between Adagio and Sonata, more than once. I thought hard and attempted writing it several times, but I feel I cannot do the crime justice nor avoid lightening it to avoid the M rating. It be jarring against the rest of the story given neither source material ever outright shows such so I will not be writing the actual scene; only implying it.

Afterwards the events transpired as Electra recounted them. The sisters managed to get free when something else harmed their captors, but the experience had warped them. Add in the fact they couldn't return home due to The Shroud's dark magic barrier reacting to the unborn children and fear from the other mermares as to what they might give birth to, and they got infected with the same hatred inducing magic their captors had, aimed at the world which seemed to only stomp on them for their sacrifice. This is how the sirens came to sing their original song, which spreads negative emotions and malice. Weak from her previous delivery, Melpomene died giving birth to Sonata; leaving Hymnia to raise the three. It was only in Hymnia's last days that the love for her nieces and daughters overwrote all the malice, singing to them a song she and her sister once knew based off love for one another and drawing strength from that. Hymnia's lullaby would remain buried in the sirens' subconscious. Having never fully physically recovered from her experiences before, Hymnia died during a storm after tucking the sirens in and singing them the lullaby one last time.

The author has said the fathers are still alive but will eventually face justice for their crime.

:twilightoops:.......... That is some heavy stuff, dude. I thought that making the sirens responsible for the Wendigo's Winter, the destruction of Pony Land, and the eventual founding of Equestria was clever, but that is something else. Props to the author.

Still wish for you to check out the story, and that's all i have to say so have a good day.

You too... But, uh, it's night.

So it's night for you as well? I said day since i couldn't tell where you live.

Where do you reside? All i need is state or coast.

Ahh seems we live on opposite sides of the continent.

I'm in the southern part of California though if you're on the east coast.....it's gotta be past twelve! What are you doing up so late? :trixieshiftright:

Hmm i remember dealing with that once. I barely managed by switching beds.

As for why I'm up? Well I'm playing Injustice 2.

I thought I had cured myself of it, but it came back with a vengeance! :twilightangry2:

Anyway, do you, like, have your laptop (or whatever you're using) beside you while you play on your xbox? I won't lie; that's exactly what I do while I'm playing video games. :twilightsheepish:

Comment posted by Amethyst_Dawn deleted Aug 2nd, 2017

Actually i have a PS4 and i do all of my internet stuff on the phone.

Comment posted by King of Madness deleted Aug 2nd, 2017

Potato. Tomato. It's all the same. :trollestia:

Though i would like to get a laptop or PC eventually but considering my current financial status, ain't gonna happen soon.

Comment posted by Amethyst_Dawn deleted Aug 2nd, 2017


Well, it's been a pleasure talking with you guys. But... it's 1:05 and I need to attempt to sleep. I'll talk with you both tomorrow.

God bless you, bye bye. :twilightsmile:

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