• Published 9th Jun 2017
  • 2,861 Views, 90 Comments

The Redemption of a Never Ending Ambition - Time Reaper

One day, Twilight found a new type of gem that she has never seen before and brought it to her library. Spike is a dragon that eats gems and the gem Twilight brought has awoken feelings that he haven't felt in a while.

  • ...

Bonus Chapter: Illuminating Others

As the changelings were preparing to move from their, now destroyed, home, some grabbing personal heirlooms, others by planning the road ahead to a proper city they could start inhabiting, three figures went to a more secluded zone and started to talk about an already promised discussion.

"Alright then -, started Greed the conversation, - "how would you like to start this conversation?" - He then looked at Trixie and Thorax and added with trust on them. - "Feel free to ask anything."

The two of them looked at each other before Trixie stepped up and made her first question:

"Alright then, Trixie would like to know, what are you?"

Greed closed his eyes as he thought of an explanation, after all, none of them ever heard of a human. He opened his eyes, now thinking of a solution, and answered with calm on his voice:

"Well, to put it simple, I'm a homunculi."

Thorax and Trixie looked at each other, hoping the other had any idea of what did Greed meant, but Greed chuckled and added more to his answer.

"I doubt you've ever heard the name but, in simple terms, I'm an artificial life form, created by my father, with certain abilities that no normal living being is capable off."

"Like your shield?" - Asked Thorax.

"Yes" -, smiled Greed, - "like my shield."

Trixie and Thorax thought about it and tried to form another question.

"Sparkle's dragon said he found you as a gem. Why you were in that form?"

For a brief moment, Greed's smile banished, but he smiled again and answered.

"I had a rebellious phase with my father and he punished me by destroying my original body."

Both Trixie and Thorax flinched when they heard that, imagining the kind of pain Greed had to go through. But that only lead to more questions.

"So is that gem your original form?" - Asked Thorax.

"No, it's more like my soul."

"Your soul?" - Asked a wondering Thorax. - "So, if that gem is destroyed, would you die?"

"No" -, answered Greed, - "it's more like, if I die, the gem would be destroyed, since the gem holds what allows me to stay alive."

"And is it related to your regenerative magic?" - Asked Trixie.

Greed simply gave a devious smile, as if he was hiding something she shouldn't know about.

"That's a way to say it, yes."

Trixie felt tempted to ask more, but seeing Greed's smile, and her knowledge of how alchemy works, she felt scared of knowing the source of Greed's energy to regenerate his wounds. So she decided to ask something else.

"So, are there others like you?"

Greed put a serious face for a brief moment, looking at Trixie for a moment, before answering.

"Yes, I had other five brothers and one sister, but last time I checked, they were gone along my father, so I'm alone in this world."

Thorax reflected on his words, wondering how it had to be to lose your own family, while Trixie tried to comfort him.

"Oh, Trixie gives you her condolences."


Greed's cold words stunned Thorax and Trixie as they hear Greed explaining.

"I never liked them in the first place, I would rather move on"

They looked each other out, deciding to drop the issue of Greed's family, before Trixie made the next question:

"If Trixie remembers well, you said you were planning to rule over Equestria, is that true?" - Greed nodded, worrying Trixie. - "And how do you plan to do that?"

Greed looked at her and simply smiled, without showing his teeth.

"Slowly, first making sure to grow some reputation before anyone considers the idea of relying on me as their ruler."

"And how would a bar help on that?" - Asked a curious Thorax. - "I'm not exactly sure how that would help."

"Simple" - answered Greed in a very relaxed way. - "With a bar, we can start to know all the ponies passing through the city, by knowing the masses we can plan for ways to gain their trust" -. Thorax's eyes started to widen as he heard that, it was starting to make sense as Greed continued talking. - "With the bar we can have an easy, and secure, source of income, so we can eventually start growing into other ventures, from news media, to producers of goods, etc. From there onward, it's just a matter of getting more and more notorious, until we can convince the population of how I would be a better king than Celestia."

"But the ponies would never accept that, Celestia is beloved by everyone."

Greed showed his sharp teeth as he simply answered:

"Maybe not now, maybe not in ten years, but time is one of the things I have the most, I'm certain I can grow for enough time to achieve it" -. He then saw how the changelings were finishing their packing before moving, prompting Greed to make the final question. - "Does any of you have anything else to ask or is this conversation done?"

The pony and changeling thought for a while before Trixie remembered something important about Greed.

"What about Sparkle's dragon?"

Greed stopped smiling as he knew where this conversation was heading towards.

"What about him?"

Trixie took a step forward, with a serious look on her face, and continued.

"It's not fair for him to stay locked inside of him, you have to let him go."

For some brief seconds, Greed and Trixie looked at each other, as if sizing each other out, and before Thorax could intervene, Greed relented.

"Alright, I'll talk about it with him. Just remember that this body is now mine" -, he then smiled once more, - "so expect to see this pretty face very often on your working shifts, understood?"

Trixie made a small smile and nodded, hoping this would allow Spike to be out more often.

"Alright then" -, said Greed, - "time to move on" -. He then looked to the equestrian lands, remembering the cities he visited, both before and after he met Trixie, and started to move with the rest of his companions before telling them. - "And the first thing we'll look for is for some new shades and jacket, I have to keep my good looks, alright?".

This prompted some laughs from Trixie and Thorax as Greed decided to make one more promise to the one who gave him the body.

"Don't worry, I keep my promises" - Thought Greed to Spike. - "We can talk about how long will you be out once we can rest from this travel, alright?"

For a few seconds, Greed heard nothing, but then Spike answered.

"Can I, at least, have enough time to read some comics?"

Greed reflected on that, wondering if there were any advantages on it, but deciding on thinking later on it, he just relaxed as he moved in front of the changelings and lead them towards their new home.


Author's Note:

Since this conversation wouldn't fit in any other part of the story, I decided to publish it now. Don't worry, since this is a bonus, I still have to write the chapter for December. Please, feel free to comment to know what do you think of this and where do you think this story is goin towards.

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