• Published 8th Jun 2017
  • 457 Views, 7 Comments

Fallout: Equestria – Icarus - MuseoSansPony

During a thunderstorm, Cumulonimbus shares his tragic tale with a sympathetic bartender. A story that begins with him falling from the sky and ends with all his friends dying.

  • ...

Chapter 8: Rapture's Delight

“So did your friends forgive you?” The Bartender inquired, as he paused to take another pull from the wild pegasus bottle.

I swallowed and shuddered before answering, “It was conditional, but yes.”

“What do you mean?” he pressed.

“I’m getting to it.” I snapped, the outburst punctuated by another flash of lightning and clap of thunder, “Ficha, Wrexler, Grenty and I had just arrived back at Safe Harbor.”

*** *** ***

The first time I had been at Safe Harbor or The Salt Lick Airship Museum, I had been unconscious. On our way to the Eshmare Building we’d left through a side door. Entering through the front was a site to behold. The large ornate entrance had a white marble overhang, though it had succumbed to time by cracking and crumbling off. The marble that still clung to the facade was stained brown or grey with dust. There were seven columns holding the overhang, each still faintly holding the colors of the rainbow. A black sign attached the columns read ‘The Salt Lick Airship Museum’, and below that I noticed the symbol of the Ministry of Awesome. Before heading in, I squinted at the bright grey cloud cover and was able to barely make out the triangular shadow of the Rapture.

We entered the lobby and proceeded back into the market. I imagine it was a very interesting sight. Me with my battered armor, which at this point had reformed the tail and the beginnings of the wings, two zebras, both armed, and a zony.

Now I admit I had my misgivings about zebras. It isn’t an excuse but a lot of the wartime propaganda on their kind is still taught in the enclave. From my experiences this past week, I gleaned that the surface still mistrusts Zebras, but they are still seen every now and then. I could not recall seeing a single Zebra when I last was at Safe Harbor. So it was more likely it was them more than myself was dawing most of the eyes.

Looker was the first to notice us. “Cumulo! You’re alive!” She said, breaking from the crowd and hugging me tightly. I felt her tears on my neck, “I was so worried. Promise you’ll never do anything without telling us your decisions first.”

“I’m fine, I’m alive...and I’m sorry. Yeah I promise.” I replied, feeling my own tears begin to fall, “I was stupid. I shouldn’t have trusted the enclave. Can you forgive me?”

“I,” she began, but was interrupted by Cap Stash.

“You!” He shouted, pushing his way out of the crowd as well. At first I thought he was talking to me, but he pulled a 10mm pistol from a tattered holster on his leg and pointed it at Wrexler, “What are you doing here?” though through the mouth grip it sounded more like, “Whakff awr rooor dowang hair?”

In reaction Wrexler readied his enchanted minigun. Grenty cowered between Ficha and her brother, while Ficha stood on his hind legs, stringing a bolt into his crossbow as Safe Harbor emerged and surrounded the seven of us.

“Everypony, drop your weapons!” Action Shot asserted.

Cap muttered something under his breath as he returned his pistol to the leg holster. Wrexler didn’t move, but Grenty moved for him unhooking his battle saddle and it slumped to the ground. Ficha read the room and slung the crossbow over his shoulder.

“Welcome back from the dead Cumulo.” Action said, glaring daggers at me, “The Curator would like to speak with you.”

“Right…” I muttered, “This is about the pinkie pie balloon?”

“Indeed it is.” he spat, turning to head to her office.

With the show over, many of the shoppers returned to their business.

“Hold on a second, this zebra can’t be left alone.” Cap shouted, drawing the attention of one of the guards, “He’s a slaver.”

A guard stepped towards Ficha and I had to act quickly, “No, the one in the bandages.”

The guard shrugged and arrested the bandaged zebra and Ficha. Apparently used to it, Ficha gave in. Wrex was too injured to fight, but called angrily at the guard who snatched up his enchanted gun, “I’d better get that back!”

“Yeah, yeah,” the guard muttered.

Grenty had not been arrested, maybe since she was a Zony it made her more accepted, though she still followed the guards arresting the zebras. Perhaps she was going to see about getting them released? I began to head back up to The Curator's office with my friends. I didn’t even question that I thought of them that way. They were my friends. If only I knew what fate being my friend would lead them to.

“So you survived falling out of the sky twice.” Cap quipped as we walked away.

“Yeah…” I replied, rubbing the back of my helmet. “Not my best landing.” I sighed, “You were right.”

“About what?” he asked.

“About The Enclave, ok. They are a bunch of feather brains who are too focused on their paradise in the clouds to bother helping the ponies down here.” I said in a rush.

“Hm?” he replied, genuinely surprised, “What changed?”

“They shot us down unprovoked. we were cooperating.” I explained, “And Windsweep...killed my father.”

“Oh...I’m sorry to hear that.” he replied, his mood shifting, “I wanted to prove my point, but not at that cost.”

Looker simply hugged me tightly again, “At least you’re ok, now let's go face the music with The Curator.”

At that, we ascended the stairs to face the music with The Curator. I’d need to get Ficha free eventually or risk a very pissed Storm Rider.

*** *** ***

“YOU WHAT?!” The Curator shouted when I informed her of the state of The Sugar Sprinkle.

“I didn’t destroy it. It was mostly intact when it crashed after being shot and struck with lightning. The Enclave are the ones who set the explosive charges.” I tried to explain, “Even so, most might be salvageable. Wartime machines are very study structures.”

“And where will we find the maintenance dock? Or the mechanics? The Material?” The Curator asked incredulously.

“Uhhh…” I replied drawing a blank, out of the corner of my eye I saw BONK close a small door on my visor’s HUD.

“Well I can help you with at least one those things.” BONK’s voice said from a set of speakers I had not noticed. To be fair, the office was cluttered enough to block them from view.

“Whowaah?!” Everypony not familiar with the sentient Virtual Pony shouted in alarm.

“Oh right, only four ponies here know about me.” She beamed. The light in the room dimmed and a concealed projector in the roof of the room flickered to life. A moment later a projection of BONK appeared in the room like in the bridge of The Sugar Sprinkle. “Hi. I’m BONK. Balloon Operations and Navigation Komputer. ‘Your’ Balloon was my old home. Hold on.” BONK flickered a second, “Ok, well, Action Shot was already hired, but Bow Stern, Alias: The Curator, Dr. Healing Touch, Rent Sale, Graven, and Whosamwhatsit, welcome to the MoM. Congratulations to Graven the Griffon for being the first...uuuh...living impaired employee. Though Whosamwhatsit, we'll need to discuss your criminal past at another time. Now we can talk.”

“H-how did you know my name?” The Curator asked, wide eyed.

“And I’ve changed my ways, I’m second in command of the damn security here!” Whosamwhatsit interjected.

“You’d be surprised what kind of information is recorded by the MoM...even after all these years.” BONK responded ominously, “Pinkie Pie is watching FOREVER...even after her death. Confirmed, Manehatten Hub. Cause: tie between gunshot and imilation.”

“So how can you help us get our best attack deterrent, and if we are MoM now, effective offensive device back?” Bow asked, regaining her composure.

“Well, the tools and parts are all here.” BONK explained happily, “In the MoA Blacksite under the museum, Codenamed: Betrock Dock...wait; Bedrock...no, it is spelled Betrock. Funny how nopony caught the typo. I found it when I downloaded into the building’s mainframe.”

When she finished explaining the wall behind us opened up, knocking over a bookcase and a variety of trickiest and junk, to reveal an elevator.

“Hmm, that’s the 3rd Blacksite I’ve been to in as many days. I wonder walrus the other 3 are?” She asked no pony in particular once the dust had settled. “Dangit I thought I’d repaired that speech function!”

Everypony began to move towards the elevator when I finally remembered the most important thing about the past few days. Something I’d forgotten after I’d been interrupted following getting to the ship explosion part.

“Wait, there is actually something else I need to tell you.” I called out, halting the progression over the fallen bookshelves to the elevator, “The Enclave that attacked us, though dead now, were dispatched from a Raptor known as The Rapture. That ship was tracking a magical energy given off by something I had when I got here. It is currently parked above the clouds right over the museum.”

The Curator turned slowly to face me, the rage that was slightly diminished by BONK’s appearance returned. I hope her rage is not directed at me again. “Are we in danger?” She asked eerily calm.

“No, the Rapture’s main gun is offline, but the auxiliary turrets might be effective in making trade a hassle I doubt any fire could get through the walls of the museum or warehouse.” I said and she relaxed, “But a much bigger, more dangerous ship is inbound. The Cyclone. If it wanted to, it could level all of Salt Lick.” Her relaxed look turned to fear as I finished.

“Let’s go down to this Betrock Dock, there we can discuss options.” She said after a few moments, resuming her movements towards the elevator.

*** *** ***

When we reached the Betrock Dock, BONK greeted us with another projection. Why the heck are there so many projectors hidden in this place? I wondered as I entered, Though they are quite convenient.

The Betrock Dock was a very spacious room. Littered about the place where parts of anything from a Vertibuck to a Raptor, to what did they call BONK’s Blimp? A Bluemoon Class airship? I wonder if this was one of the secret places they built ships during the war. Off from the big room were doors that lead to other parts of the Blacksite. Since I hadn’t seen a Pinkie Space Talisman, I assumed we were in tangible space. Betrock probably spanned several city blocks, underground. But why have an underground airship construction dock, with no way to safely get out? Maybe there is a hanger door somewhere above us? No that’s the museum.

The nonsensicalness made me briefly wonder if Pinkie Pie had set this base up rather than Rainbow Dash. Though I did recall RD was an act first, think about it later kind of mare. For all I knew she thought an underground ship building base was an awesome idea with no heed to how to get the ships out.

“So, um, BONK...what do you know about Thunderhead Class cloudships?” Curator Bow Stern asked the second the doors opened.

“Hmm...its a very big ship.” she answered plainly, “Made late in the ministry era of the war. Capable of housing up connecting with up to four Raptors for fueling and reinforcements. Where Raptors were nicknamed Dragon Killers. A Thunderhead could wipe out a whole herd of dragons. The data I have on the faction known as the Enclave shows they have very few of them, and rarely use them. Why do you ask?”

“We might have one on our doorstep soon,” She said. “We do have a crippled Raptor to deal with right now.”

“Well, I am working on getting the security system online. It's a lot for a navigation virtual pony. If you had a security program it would help.” BONK replied.

“How long will it take to get the...Sugar Sprinkle fixed?” She asked and I wondered why she was being so candid to The Curator.

“Processing.” BONK answered, “Quest: A Real Fixer Upper is still incomplete. Best estimate it would take a few months to fix, if we had the correct ponies working on it.”

A Bluemoon Class Warballon was no match for a Vertibuck, there is no way it could stand up to a Raptor, let alone a Thunderhead. The Raptor on our doorstep was more or less my fault. Sure Updraft and Fiery Flight might have already planned on that type of fire power for whatever Cauterize was, but it targeting Safe Harbor was on me.

I let out an audible gasp as I thought of what we could do. A small team could possibly evade detection long enough to destroy the Raptor’s cloud generators. Without them, the ship can’t stay in the air!

“A Raptor, crippled as it may be, and a Thunderhead is a bigger threat then a Thunderhead alone,” I spoke up.

BONK finally regarded me since I’d entered the room, “I calculate a 90% chance of total loss of The Salt Lick City with both ships. It drops to 75% with just the Thunderhead.” BONK answered, for once not really showing emotion.

“That’s a 25% chance of success.” I stated, “I think I can take out the raptor. Give us a chance.”

“Hmm, Featherbrain has a point. I’d be more than happy to take down there blasted ships.” Graven finally spoke.

“I think I might have a plan.” I said, the support from the ghoul griffon making getting on the ship a bit easier.

BONK looked nervous. “Don’t hate me, Cumulo.” She began, “But I made Curator Bow an Admiral...I think that trumps captain.”

“Finally; a wise pony in charge.” Action huffed.

“I,” Admiral Curator Bow Stern hesitated, “condone any plan Cumulonimbus has in mind.”

“What?” Action Shot shouted in defiance.

“My word is final.” Bow stated, glaring at Action, “BONK, let's get the rest of the place online. I’ll see about getting programs to help.”

Cap, Looker, and I turned to leave and Graven, Whosamwhatsit, and Rent followed. Action instead followed Bow Stern.

Cap and Looker had not spoken since the meeting began, their own meeting having already occured before I arrived. I had filled in the details they couldn’t. As we waited for the elevator Cap finally spoke.

“What plan do you have in mind?” he asked.

“Well, I have the beginning of a plan.” I admitted.

“This will end well.” Looker said sardonically as the elevator arrived.

*** *** ***

“I don’t like this plan.” Cap said as we assembled one of the back alleys of the settlement.

A flimsy, poorly constructed vehicle barely capable of being called a wagon was being hitched up to the grumbling ghoul griffon. The wheels would barely travel the cracked streets for a meter. Good thing they weren’t going to use it to travel on the ground. They were using it to fly. It wouldn't last long in the air either, since it wasn’t built to fly, but it will get them to the Rapture….or at least I hoped it would.

“Wouldn’t there be a way detect ponies coming in from below?” Looker asked.

“Yes.” I said flatly, “But if we’re quick and come up under one of the cloud generators, we might blend in with other patrols.”

“If things get hairy, I’ll shoot anything with wings.” Graven rasped, checking his weapons before reupholstering them.

Whosamwhatsit finished strapping the harness, “All set.” They said.

The side door opened in and Ficha exited followed by the much more healed Wrexler. Grenty, as a condition for the two stallions release, had gone to Betrock to look over plans for a new Sugar Sprinkle.

“And I really hate the company.” Cap added.

“Likewise proditor.” Wrexler muttered, adjusting his battle saddle. I didn’t know what the strange word he used was; perhaps it was a zebra swear word.

At that we climbed in. With a flap of Graven took off into the air. Pieces of the wagon falling as they rose. After a few minutes we were bathed in the cold white fluffiness of the cloud cover. A moment later we were above the clouds. The intimidating form of the Rapture loomed above us.

The out of commission main gun showed no signs that it was not working. So it might be an internal issue, but I’m not a mechanic. Quickly we moved into the open hanger through the curtain of clouds that served as a door. We crashed in a heap soon after knocking over stack of crates.

“Ok featherbrain, where to?” Graven asked as he shook off the remains of the harness.

“Hold on a second.” I told him turning on my radio.

“-gress on finding the location of that traitor?” General Updraft’s bellowed in my ear, “I expected an update an hour ago. Every minute he is out there we get more and more behind schedule!”

There was a pause as whoever the general was talking to searched for and answer.

“Sorry, General, Sir.” and unfamiliar voice answered, “The Admiral is with Science Team Alpha. I’ll Patch you through.” There was a pause in the transmission, “Rapture to Science Team Alpha, come in Alpha. General Updraft needs to speak to The Admiral.”

“This is Admiral Fiery Flight. Commander Windy, put us on the high clearance channel.” Fiery Flight answered before the line cut out.


I switched over to a new signal I had in my listing labeled “Betrock Command”

“BONK?” I called over the radio, “Come in BONK.”

“Ahoy Captain! What can BONKy BONK do for you?” the enthusiastic Virtual pony answered over the radio.

“I was listening in to the signal you decrypted for me, but they moved to another signal. Can you get me that one?” I asked.

“Hmm….hold on. I need to be closer to the signal.” She replied solomley.

The door in the corner of my vision opened and BONK’s sprite appeared. “Okie dokie, I’m just a copy of BONK...BONK C1, but I should be able to do her job while I’m here.” the spite told me, her voice a bit pitched up from the BONK I knew. “Just don’t lose connection with Betrock or I’ll disconnect.” She paused and took a loading bar out from the other side of the door.

“What’s happening?” Cap asked, bringing me back to where we were, “We can’t just sit here while you chat with BONK.”

I mentally facehoofed, “Right, the mission.” I said, “The Admiral is currently out with a science team. That’s all I got so far. Let's get to the cloud generators while BONK helps me know more.”

“Lead the way,” Cap insisted.

I got up and picked a direction, the rest followed. Our hooves softly clicking on the metal floors.

*** *** ***

I’d been on a Raptor before...plenty of times. I’d studied their history and my armor was preloaded with a map of the interior. Every Raptor was the same. I should have been able to get us to the Cloud generators much faster. My working theory was due to the inactive main canon, The Rapture has been renovated for an ulterior purpose. That was what I kept telling myself when we reached the fifth dead end. It could also have been the fact I wanted to know what General Updraft and Admiral Fiery Flight were talking about.

“You sure you know the way?” Graven Gumbled behind me.

“Yes, I’m just a bit turned around.” I lied, pushing past my friends and the additional members of our group, “I’m positive it is this way.”

“It better be,” He spat. “That or we need to come across the featherfucks on this blasted ship so I have something other then you to shoot.”

That was another odd thing: it took a lot of ponies to fly a Raptor and typically several hundred more were aboard to scout, train, and fight. The Rapture was a virtual ghost town. Not to mention the ‘Science Team Alpha’ addition to the crew was also odd. Scientists were civilians. Why were civilians on a Raptor? They usually stay at Neighvaro or Thunderhead and never go on expeditions to the field. Based on the naming designation ‘Alpha’, I also wondered if there were other teams.

“Aaaaaand done!” C1 said in my ear, “Try it now.”

As we rounded the corner and saw a sign that finally denoted “Cloud Generator 1”, I switched to the new enclave frequency. Per usual I came in mid conversation. Cap and Looker went in to mess up the generator. Graven and I kept watch, more Graven than I. Ficha and Wrexler scouted ahead down the hallway to make sure we weren’t spotted.

“And you’ve installed them in all the towers?” General Updraft asked.

“Working on it.” The Admiral replied, “Alpha is just finishing up, Beta is almost done too. Gamma encountered some tribals, but had minimal casualties. Delta and Epsilon are inbound. We dropped Zeta and Eta off on our way to the museum, but they came back shortly after saying the towers were trashed and unusable from ground level.”

“Will this impede the plan?” Updraft asked, only a bit worried.

“No, five out of seven still ought to keep that tribal DJ off the air in the region.” Fiery replied.

I swallowed hard. They want to keep DJ Pon3 out of the region? Is that even possible?

I was about to share what I had just heard when suddenly... OOOOWEEP OOOOWEEP OOOOWEEP OOOOWEEP….an alarm began to sound and the whole ship tilted abruptly to the left.

“Shit! I forgot to disable that!” Cap shrieked and bolted out the door to the generator followed by Looker as fire suppression spoke filled the hall.

Somewhere down the hall I heard the sound of machine gun fire and the cries of agony from the unlucky few that were hit with enchanted bullets. In turn the sound of novasurge rifles were heard fireling back on our striped companions. From the other direction the sound of armored hooves approached.

“Finally!” Graven cheered, taking flight and unholstering his guns.

As much of a ghost town the ship had been since getting there they were calling in every available pegasi to Cloud Generator 1. It was then I remembered I had not put any new weapons on my battle saddle and Sacade’s Wrath was in my saddlebags since I couldn't wear it and my armor at the same time. Cap couldn’t effectively shoot without using his horn even with his luck. Looker was better at long range. Ficha and Wrexler reappeared giving ground to their pursuers. Ficha’s bolts were ineffective against their amor. Wrex was the only one of us who stood a chance, but his bullet hungry gun clicked on empty. We were doomed.

Taking a note from Storm I put my hooves up and said, “I surrender.”

“What?” Graven shouted in alarm.

Cap and Looker followed suite and together said, “We surrender.”

Ficha silently lowered his crossbow and Wrex cursed the stars as he too surrendered. Our mission was a failure.

To add insult to injury, Commander Windy came on the radio, “Sir, you might want to get back here. Cumulonimbus has been spotted on the Rapture. It's my understanding he surrendered.”

*** *** ***

“The Wingless Dashite, a hornless unicorn, an earth pony, two stripes, and a walking corpse walk into a raptor.” Fiery Flight recited boredly from above me, “Sounds like the beginning of a bad joke. Don’t you think, Daybreak?”

I was stripped of my armor, a fact I lamented as it had almost completely repaired. That and the C1 BONK might have been helpful in getting me out of here. I was strapped down to a table in the medbay. I knew what was going to happen. It was one of the things any pony who strayed from the path of the almighty Enclave. I was about to be branded a Dashite. Few Dashites escape the Enclave without the brand. Deep down I feared what was going to happen next, but I couldn’t show it.

I strained my neck to see who he was talking to and made eye contact Lieutenant Daybreak. When we did, she looked away.

Another purple pony with a blue mane I didn’t recognize moved to my flank, out of sight. I felt a liquid being poured on my backside. A moment later I felt a searing pain. I wanted to call out, but I wouldn’t give Fiery Flight the satisfaction. Instead I looked at Daybreak, who didn’t look back, but I was mentally willing her to do something. As quickly as it started, the pain ceased.

“Watch closely Daybreak.” Fiery Flight ordered, “This is what happens when you betray the Enclave.”

The pain of the first part of the Dashite branding was nothing compared to the first part. I couldn’t help but scream as the cutie mark once belonging to the mare of the Ministry of Awesome, Rainbow Dash, was branded into my flank. Where my namesake, a bank of cumulonimbus clouds, had once been would forever be a cloud and a lightning bolt. Not all that different, since cumulonimbus clouds often send out lightning, but ones cutie mark represents your special talent. What was I without my cutie mark?

“AAAAAAAAAAH!” I screamed, the pain almost as bad as when my wings had been ripped off by that dragon. Tears flowed freely from my eyes blurring my vision slightly.

Fiery Flight cackled until suddenly something very heavy was struck over his head. It dazed him, had he not been wearing his armor he’d be out cold. However it got him away from the table long enough from the same magic that had struck him, magic belonging to Lieutenant Daybreak, to free me from my bonds.

Once free I activated BAATS...er SATS. Or I would have were I wearing my armor. I’d forgotten that I’d been stripped of the helpful hunk of metal. I had to act fast. Luckily the other pony, likely a civilian scientist, had fled when combat began. Daybreak was beginning to come to grips with what she had done. She had made a step away from the Enclave and towards Dashiteness.

“Daybreak, door!” I yelled running out into the hallway.

“R-right!” she muttered following me, her horn carrying a broom which she used to bar the door.

“Where are my friends?” I asked as we made our way down the hall.

I didn’t have my map, so I had to rely on Daybreak’s navigation skills.

“Uh, um the b-brig.” She replied. “Though the a-abomination had his wings broken and g-given f-flying lessons.”

I mentally facehoofed at the thought, Graven already hated me. If he survived, and I had a feeling he did, I’d hear about his treatment later. Granted I got off the Rapture alive.

“You can fly a Vertibuck, right?” I continued asking, trying to form a plan now that Graven was out of the picture.

“Th-they only seat a m-max of four p-ponies.” She answered, biting her lower lip.

“Ok, we get my friends, then you fly us out of here. We can take two trips if needed. That or we all squeeze on in.” I informed her, “Lead the way.”

*** *** ***

Daybreak was very good at navigating the Rapture compared to myself. I did notice that there was much fewer Enclave troops than should be on a Raptor, so evading them was far easier than expected. However, Fiery Flight had the whole ship on high alert so we had to take a detour through some kind of lab space. It was a whole section in the center of the ship that used to be crew quarters. There was a bunch of odd equipment I vaguely recognized from my brief visit to TRS-1. As we passed through I saw a very familiar battle saddled weapon. Well two very familiar battle saddled weapons. Wrexler’s zebra minigun and Secada’s Wrath.

When I saw it, I stopped. I had a very bad idea that would make our formally failed plan to wreck the Rapture a success. I just needed time to enact it.

“Daybreak, you go on ahead.” I shouted to the shell shocked unicorn, “Save my friends, get them far away from the Rapture.”

“W-what?!” Daybreak barked back.

“I know you can handle it.” I told her, pointing to the minigun. “Give the grumpy zebra this minigun to prove you’re on our side.”

At that she rushed off, the minigun held aloft in her magic. I turned to the megaspell level disintegration pistol and knocked it abruptly to the ground. It hit with a loud thud, but stayed intact. Damn it's very sturdy. I focused on the stange gun and tried to imagine how BAATS would break it down. I needed a weak point to turn the gun unto a bomb.

“YOU SON OF A MULE!” a very irate Fiery Flight shouted from across the lab.

I was out of time, but I’d found the weak point. I bucked the barrel of the pistol. The small bit of non-reinforced metal bent under my hoof hits. I rolled out of the way as Fiery Flight tried to tackle me. Without my armor I was more nimble then the other pegasi. I swept up the firing bit of Secade’s Wrath and bit down.

Nothing happened.

Fiery Flight jumped into the air, ready to attack again. Before he landed, there was a loud boom as Secade’s Wrath exploded. The familiar pink and green energy spread out, engulfing Admiral Fiery Flight and myself. All my hair stood on end as my world faded to white.

I hope my friends made it out alive.

*** *** ***



Attempt recovery? Y/N

Author's Note:

:rainbowkiss: what will happen next?

Comments ( 1 )

Valid criticism. I'll work on it for the future chapters. In truth, this one and the last were a bit more difficult to write. I had writer's block getting to the part that I wanted to end it on. It was so bad, I actually began this fic's sequel just to focus on writing something else. Hopefully the rest is less difficult to get on paper with a lot more internal thoughts.

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